Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and Parameterization †
:1. Introduction
Problem name: Unique Response Roman Domination (URRD) Given: A graph and Question: Is there a unique response Roman dominating function f on G with ? |
Problem name: Perfect Roman Domination (PRD) Given: A graph and Question: Is there a perfect Roman dominating function f on G with ? |
2. Enumerating Minimal Perfect Roman Domination
- 1.
- .
- 2.
- .
- 3.
- .
Problem name: Extension Perfect Roman Domination (Ext PRD) Given: A graph and . Question: Is there a minimal perfect Roman dominating function g on G with ? |
- 1.
- .
- 2.
- .
- 3.
- is a minimal dominating set on .
3. Complexity and Enumeration in Special Graph Classes
3.1. Interval Graphs
- is connected to the function by setting and .
- , where is the auxiliary perfect Roman dominating function which we will construct from in the induction step.
- If , then is a perfect Roman dominating function on G. If f is a minimum, then is a minimum perfect Roman dominating function on G.
3.2. Split Graphs
- 1.
- and ;
- 2.
- .
Problem name: Perfect Code (PC for short) Given: A graph and Question: Is there a perfect code D on G with ? |
3.3. Cobipartite Graphs
3.4. Remarks on Enumeration of Unique Response Roman Dominating Functions in Split Graphs
- ;
- and ;
- and .
3.5. Chordal Bipartite Graphs
Problem name: One-in-Three 3SAT Given: Set X of variables, set C of clauses over X with at most three literals. Question: Is there a truth assignment such that each clause in C has exactly one true literal? |
- ;
- ;
- for .
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- .
- ;
- .
4. Parameterized Complexity
4.1. Clique Width and Treewidth
- Create a graph of one isolate vertex.
- Build the disjoint union of two labeled graphs.
- Connect each vertex with label i with each vertex of label j by an edge.
- Relabel vertices with label i to j.
4.2. Solution Size
- Guess the vertices in and then and write them (as symbols) on the tape. We separate the vertices via the symbol . This takes steps.
- Also, in time , M can check if twice the number of -symbols (left of the separator ) plus the number of -symbols (right to ) is at most k. If not, M stops in a non-final state.
- Check if we enumerated any vertex in twice (in steps). If this is the case, then the machine stops in a non-final state.Otherwise, we know now that the -symbols together with the -symbols that we guess do define a function f of weight .
- Check for each pair of vertices () if . This condition is clearly necessary if f should be a perfect Roman dominating function. For this check, we need table T. If , is impossible and we can stop in a non-final state. Otherwise, M checks element by element of if it is in . Altogether, this needs at most many steps.
- For each , M computes (at most steps). Use these numbers to compute (with basic arithmetics)
- Guess the vertices in and then . We split the vertices via a special symbol (this takes at most steps).
- Check if vertices in have distance 2 to the vertices in and distance 3 to the vertices in (in at most steps). If this is the case, then the machine stops in a non-final state.
- Check if we enumerated vertices in twice (in at most steps). If this is the case, then the machine stops in a non-final state.
- If , then f is a minimal unique response Roman dominating function (as each vertex is only dominated once). This can be computed in k steps.
4.3. Dual Parameterization
5. Final Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Graph Class | PRD | URRD |
chordal | NP-complete [20] | NP-complete [19] |
interval | P Theorem 6 | P [19] |
split | NP-complete Theorem 8 | P Theorem 7 |
cobipartite | P Theorem 10 | P Lemma 2 |
bipartite | NP-complete [20] | NP-complete [18] |
chordal bipartite | NP-complete Theorem 13 | NP-complete Theorem 13 |
distance-hereditary | P Theorem 14 | P [19] |
cographs | P [20] | P [19] |
bounded treewidth | P Theorem 15 | P Theorem 17 |
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Mann, K.; Fernau, H. Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and Parameterization. Algorithms 2024, 17, 576.
Mann K, Fernau H. Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and Parameterization. Algorithms. 2024; 17(12):576.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMann, Kevin, and Henning Fernau. 2024. "Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and Parameterization" Algorithms 17, no. 12: 576.
APA StyleMann, K., & Fernau, H. (2024). Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and Parameterization. Algorithms, 17(12), 576.