1. Introduction
Miombo woodland (MW) occupies an area of about 2.7 million km
2 of central and Southern Africa. MW is characterized by the dominance of trees in the genera
Julbernardia and
Isoberlinia [
1]. The vegetation is dominated by drought-deciduous woody plants (canopy: 10% of the ground surface), which experience a dry season of three months or more [
2]. This woodland is spread across Angola, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania [
2]. The MW is degraded mainly by slash-and-burn agriculture and by demands for charcoal and fuel wood [
3]. In the Lubumbashi region (southeast DRC), forest cover has been lost at an estimated rate of 89 km
2/year between 2001 to 2011 [
MW has strong resilience, based on natural regeneration through resprouting [
6]. Yet, it may take more than 20 years for resprouted vegetation to attain exploitable status [
7]. As a result, reforestation programs use fast-growing exotic species, such as Australian acacias [
10] and eucalyptus [
11]. These species, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on soil microbial communities and the regeneration of native species [
12], and cause imbalance in ecosystem form and function [
In addition, for stumped agricultural fallows, natural regeneration does not completely restore Miombo species [
7]. To ensure sustainable use and sustainable management of the MW resources, local species must be integrated into the reforestation program. These species offer timber and non-timber forest products [
15], which cannot be substituted by exotic species. For example,
Pterocarpus tinctorius Welw. (African padouk or barwood, English; mkula, Nyanja; mukula, Bemba, Lunda) is used for fuel wood, timber, construction material and herbal medicine, especially to treat lung congestion in children [
18]. The multiple uses for the species used in this study are listed in
Section 2.2. Overall, there are few studies on the growth and productivity in plantations, for a large number of MW and other woodland species (ES: early successional; LS: late-successional) over a long period of monitoring.
Numerous studies have documented a high degree of variability in seed germination, ranging between 17% and 100%, for some MW and woodland species [
25]. In studying the ecology of seedlings for over two years, Chidumayo [
19] did not observe any differences between
Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. (zebrawood, English; msasa, Swahili) and
Julbernardia paniculata (Benth.) Troupin (mutondo, Bemba, Lenje, Nyanja; mwanda, Lunda) in terms of stem height and biomass. In contrast, interspecific variation in standing biomass in mature or degraded woodland is linked to variability in tree diameter and height [
27], differences between sites [
28], and land use [
29]. The previous studies do not address successional status (ES, LS) and growth strategies as determinants of species growth, because tree seedlings slowly growth from seed for typical Miombo species (LS) [
30]. At the seedling phase, the biomass allocation in root growth is a main drive of the slow shoot growth, as observed in
B. spiciformis and
J. paniculata seedlings [
19]. In tropical habitats, such as cleared and abandoned Miombo woodland, the secondary succession is made by early successional fast growing species (e.g.,
Combretum and
Pterocarpus species), but the later successional species (e.g.,
Brachystegia and
Julbernardia species in Miombo woodland) are sparse [
7] and grow slowly as documented by Chidumayo [
28]. This study assesses the growth of woodland species and selects the best species, based on productivity, in relation to the successional status (early and late species).
Our core research question is whether seedlings of pioneer species (Chipya group
sensu Lawton [
31]), such as
P. tinctorius and
C. collinum Fresen. (weeping bushwillow, English; vaiërende boswilg, Afrikaans), exhibit better development compared to late species (Miombo group). To answer this question, we evaluated the germination, survival, growth and productivity of seedlings, in a plantation from December 2010 to April 2014, in relation to the successional status (early and late successional species).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site
This study was carried out in Mikembo (35 km NE of Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga Province) in the Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (11°28′5.22″ S, 27°39′35.7″ E; average elevation, 1192 m). It has a Cwa climate according to the Köppen classification. The Cwa climate is characterized by a dry winter and a hot summer [
32], with a uni-modal rainfall pattern consisting of a rainy season (November to March) and a dry season (May to September). October and April are considered as transitional months. Annual precipitation is 1200 mm, while annual average temperature ranges from 17 to 26 °C [
The study area is dominated by Ferralsols (FAO; Oxisols, USDA 7th Approx.), particularly haplic ferralsols [
33]. On the study site, we identified a clayey ferralsol with acidic pH, low nutrient content and high Al and Fe concentrations (
Table 1). The experimental site was covered with Miombo woodland, which was currently degraded and consisted of a dense herbaceous cover and sparse trees.
Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf (thatching grass) was the most abundant grass species (more or less 90%). We identified other herbaceous species in isolated tufts, including:
Affromum sanguineum (K. Schum.) K. Schum,
Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv.,
Smilax anceps Willd. and
Panicum maximum Jacq. The tree layer was composed of
Albizia adiantifolia (Schumach.) W. Wight,
Annona senegalensis Pers,
C. collinum,
Pericospsis angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen,
Strychnos spinosa Lam.,
Syzygium guineense Wall. and
Terminalia sp.
2.2. Species Selection and Seed Collection
Species were selected based on the concept of ecological groups in the dynamics of natural regeneration of degraded woodland [
31]. Lawton [
31] classified the species into four ecological groups according to their successional status: Chipya, Uapaca spp., Miombo and Mateshi. In this study, we used only early and late successional species—which were respectively Chipya (ES) and Miombo (LS)—based on functional traits and seed availability. According to Lawton [
31], the Chipya group is composed of pioneer species that are heliophilic, resistant to fire and grass competition. This is the case of species in the genus
Combretum (Combretaceae) and the genus
Pterocarpus (Fabaceae, Papilionoïdeae). In contrast, species in the Miombo group (
Brachystegia and
Julbernardia) belong to the family Fabaceae (often legumes without nodules), subfamily Caesalpinïoideae. They are shade-tolerant and require protection against fire and competition from grasses to progress from the sapling stage to the canopy (
Table 2).
Seeds were collected from eight woody species (
Table 2), from June to September 2010, in the Mikembo Floral-Faunal Reserve (Lubumbashi, DR Congo). Seed collection was carried out on 10 trees, selected for their desirable characteristics (e.g., healthy tree, straight stem, availability and viability of seeds), in three areas each of 4 to 10 ha. For species of
Brachystegia and
Julbernardia, seeds were collected under the canopy of the seed trees, disseminated by autochory (dehiscence of the pods). For
C. collinum and
P. tinctorius, seeds were extracted from the dried fruits and non-dehiscent pods, respectively. The seeds were sorted and mixed to form a composite sample of 1500 viable seeds per species, stored in polyethylene bags at 22 to 25 °C. A preliminary germination test was conducted at the Seed Conservation Laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Lubumbashi, DR Congo. The test determined that soaking seeds in lukewarm tap water for 24 h was the best seed pre-treatment for all species.
2.3. Installation and Assessment of Seedling Development
The development of the seedlings was evaluated on a cohort of seeds that were sown in a nursery from December 2010 to March 2014. In November 2010, a plot (15 × 15 m) was established by felling shrubs and mowing the grass cover, followed by plowing to 25 cm depth. The plot was divided into subplots of 1 m
2, aligned in six linear blocks of eight subplots (
Figure A1A). Within a given block and between blocks, the distance separating subplots was 30 cm. Seeds were planted on 10 December 2010 (100 seeds/plot) equidistant within subplots (10 × 10 cm) for all species listed in
Table 2. Each species randomly occupied a subplot of 1 m
2, in a linear block of eight subplots, which corresponded to a randomized complete block design (
Figure A1A,B). In order to obtain a good survival rate and growth, seedlings were manually watered during the dry season (May to October) and the four years of plantation, on three alternating days per week, with 10 L of well water per plot for all species.
Seedling emergence was estimated during the rainy season from the number of seedlings per 100 seeds planted. The number of seedlings was counted at 15 day intervals from 10 December 2010 to 29 March 2011. Subsequent survival of seedlings was assessed in March, June and September 2011 (dry season), by counting the number of live seedlings present on the plot. In September 2011, thinning was conducted to leave three seedlings per plot for all species and selected according to their diameter and height, which were 30 cm apart and circumscribed by a triangle. Regrowth on thinned seedlings and competing vegetation were cut monthly (September to April: rainy season) and at two months (May to August: dry season) to eliminate competition with seedlings. In March 2012, stem traits (height and diameter) and root traits (diameter and length) were measured for all seedlings (1 and 2 years old). For root traits measurements, destructive method was used by excavating the seedlings from the soil. Indeed, stem diameter and root diameter are diameters measured at root collar level (1 and 2 years; or RCD) and at 15 cm from collar level for root diameter (RD), respectively. In March 2014, only height and stem diameter at 10 cm from the ground surface were measured for the 4-year-old saplings. All allometric measurements were made on three seedlings per subplot (3 blocks) for each of eight species with a caliper for diameter and a ruler for height.
From the primary data, we determined the stem height/root length ratio (SH/RL ratio), the stem height/stem diameter ratio (SH/SD ratio) and the seedlings volume index (SVI). The SH/RL ratio was calculated by dividing the stem height on root length (adapted from [
34]). The SH/SD ratio was estimated by dividing the stem height by stem diameter. Finally, the volume index of the seedlings was calculated using the following formula: SVI = (D
2 * H)/100, where D is stem diameter (cm) and H is stem height (cm) [
2.4. Data Analysis
Data that were collected in our study were submitted to repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA, such as split-plot) using the MIXED procedure of SAS (version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). In order to test the differences between variables, the species (8 levels) and block were used as the principal factor and subject, respectively; while age was considered as the subplot (within-subject, 2, 3 and 5 levels for growth traits, survival and germination, respectively). We used 3 and 6 block levels for growth traits and seedling emergence, respectively. Compound symmetry (cs) was used as the covariance structure. To validate the statistical model in our data (ANOVA assumptions), data were log10-transformed for seedling emergence (germination and survival), stem height and root length. Log10(x + 1) transformation was applied to data for stem diameter, root traits (root collar diameter and root diameter), SH/SD ratio, SH/RL ratio and volume index of seedlings. Means were compared through Tukey HSD tests (p < 0.05), including for interaction (species and age). Simple comparisons (1 degree-of-freedom contrasts) were used to examine the differences between and within groups of differing successional status (ecological groups) 4 years after planting.
To test the degree of correlation between variables, Pearson product-moment correlation (r) analysis was performed using the
rcorr function from the
Hmisc library [
36] in the R statistical environment (R Core Team, 2019). To explain seedling mortality, we measured the correlation between seedling survival and growth variables (stem and root diameter, stem height and root length), 9 months after planting. The shoot growth strategy of the species was identified, two years after planting, based on Pearson correlations between heights, root length and stem and root diameter. For this last correlation, analysis was performed by pooling all species data for the Chipya (ES) group and, again, for the Miombo group (LS).
5. Conclusions
ES species (C. collinum and P. tinctorius) have early growth (height, RCD, SD, RD and volume index of seedlings) compared to LS species (B. boehmii, B. longifolia, B. spiciformis, B. wangermeeana, J. globiflora and J. paniculata). Based on seedling productivity (volume index), B. spiciformis, C. collinum and P. tinctorius are more productive and potential candidates for reforestation of degraded woodland. Variations in growth are due to the allocation of biomass in the diameter and length of the root, from the first phase of seedling development of ES and LS, respectively. A substantial change in seedling productivity was observed for all species between 0–2 and 2–4 years, indicating two distinct phases of seedling development. Yet, growth differences between LS species (Miombo group) were observed 4 years after planting. The transferability of these results to reforestation programs, is very limited, because of site variability (different responses of tree species to rainfall and physicochemical soil properties) and multiple uses of the forest.