The Effect of Age on the Evolution of the Stem Profile and Heartwood Proportion of Teak Clonal Trees in the Brazilian Amazon
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Silvicultural Practices
2.2. Stem Assessment
2.3. Modeling and Selection of Tapering Models
2.4. Volume Estimation and Increase
3. Results
3.1. Tapering of the Stem-Forming Structures
3.2. Diameter Estimation and Volume from Stem-Forming Structures
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | Min. | Max. | Mean | σ |
t | 4 | 12 | 6.8 | 2.32 |
dbhwb | 9.65 | 38.95 | 24.36 | 5.88 |
dbhwob | 7.75 | 35.00 | 21.43 | 5.26 |
dbhh | 2.50 | 25.70 | 13.52 | 4.76 |
th | 8.70 | 20.05 | 16.51 | 2.05 |
Model No. | Model | Author |
1 | Schöepfer (1966) | |
2 | Kozak (2004) | |
3 | Demaerschalk (1973) |
Model No. | Model | Parameters | Standard Error of the Parameters | RMSE (cm) | RMSPE (%) | AIC | |
M1 | Schöepfer (1966) | b0 = 1.33336 ** | 0.00562 | 0.975 | 1.680 | 9.466 | 7015.47 |
b1 = −7.03844 ** | 0.153444 | ||||||
b2 = 42.12448 ** | 1.678178 | ||||||
b3 = −131.16996 ** | 7.104489 | ||||||
b4 = 189.42682 ** | 12.618292 | ||||||
b5 = −102.60384 ** | 7.912444 | ||||||
b6 = 3.44771 ** | 0.124378 | ||||||
b7 = 10.68827 ** | 0.181427 | ||||||
M2 | Kozak (2004) | α0 = 0.91005 ** | 0.05794 | 0.977 | 1.558 | 8.783 | 7036.914 |
α1 = 0.93388 ** | 0.01907 | ||||||
α2 = 0.11368 ** | 0.03731 | ||||||
b1 = 46.68804 ** | 2.1297 | ||||||
b2 = −11.19448 ** | 3.89455 | ||||||
b3 = 98.48906 ** | 4.26556 | ||||||
b4 = 40.37705 ** | 32.4903 | ||||||
b5 = 0.40839 ** | 0.11383 | ||||||
b6 = −142.92871 ** | 6.23398 | ||||||
b7 = 3.26184 ** | 0.11161 | ||||||
b8 = 10.91128 ** | 0.16274 | ||||||
M3 | Demaerschalk (1973) | b0 = 12.687462 ** | 0.5258129 | 0.978 | 1.532 | 8.634 | 6872.109 |
b1 = 1.193167 ** | 0.0496739 | ||||||
b2 = 0.753512 ** | 0.0351115 | ||||||
b3 = 28.045142 ** | 2.0379679 | ||||||
b4 = 0.017068 ** | 0.0023329 | ||||||
b5 = 3.822944 ** | 0.6839145 | ||||||
b6 = 3.331303 ** | 0.1112617 | ||||||
b7 = 10.744412 ** | 0.162351 | ||||||
M4 | Demaerschalk (1973) Mixed-age model | b0 = 12.397079 ** | 0.5906596 | 0.981 | 1.429 | 8.055 | 7381.798 |
b1 = 1.146381 ** | 0.0468075 | ||||||
b2 = 0.72975 ** | 0.0554166 | ||||||
b3 = 30.008968 ** | 1.8642629 | ||||||
b4 = 0.019715 ** | 0.0021929 | ||||||
b5 = 3.905267 ** | 0.5021687 | ||||||
b6 = 3.343096 ** | 0.1038175 | ||||||
b7 = 10.693234 ** | 0.4430965 |
Age (Years) | b0 | b2 | b4 | b7 |
4 | −0.4100792 | −0.005000337 | 0.00145214 | −2.02136461 |
5 | −0.5018386 | 0.041447436 | 0.001243149 | −0.96724703 |
6 | 0.0723395 | −0.009890323 | −0.000132658 | 0.01149478 |
7 | 0.6856371 | −0.111748992 | −0.00107921 | −0.43425561 |
8 | 0.1880284 | −0.014002156 | −0.00048262 | 0.41547726 |
9 | 1.1536578 | −0.119782213 | −0.002578956 | 1.45521864 |
10 | 0.3420175 | −0.036537151 | −0.000753212 | 0.3976666 |
11 | 0.2428273 | −0.026157271 | −0.00053234 | 0.27544133 |
12 | −1.7725899 | 0.281671007 | 0.002863706 | 0.86756865 |
Age (Years) | With Bark | Heartwood | |||||||
th | dbh | Vwb | CAI Vwb | MAI Vwb | hh | Vh | CAI Vh | MAI Vh | |
4 | 11.84 | 14.31 | 0.1099 | - | 0.0275 | 6.51 | 0.0150 | - | 0.0037 |
5 | 14.43 | 17.78 | 0.1813 | 0.0714 | 0.0363 | 12.27 | 0.0351 | 0.0201 | 0.0070 |
6 | 15.94 | 21.46 | 0.2740 | 0.0927 | 0.0457 | 13.55 | 0.0607 | 0.0257 | 0.0101 |
7 | 17.00 | 22.51 | 0.3776 | 0.1036 | 0.0539 | 14.45 | 0.0910 | 0.0303 | 0.0130 |
8 | 17.74 | 27.22 | 0.4814 | 0.1038 | 0.0602 | 15.08 | 0.1282 | 0.0372 | 0.0160 |
9 | 18.74 | 29.61 | 0.5561 | 0.0747 | 0.0618 | 15.93 | 0.1597 | 0.0315 | 0.0177 |
10 | 19.10 | 30.48 | 0.6023 | 0.0462 | 0.0602 | 16.24 | 0.1843 | 0.0246 | 0.0184 |
11 | 19.50 | 31.36 | 0.6364 | 0.0341 | 0.0579 | 16.58 | 0.2066 | 0.0223 | 0.0188 |
12 | 19.85 | 32.23 | 0.6637 | 0.0273 | 0.0553 | 16.87 | 0.2277 | 0.0211 | 0.0190 |
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Share and Cite
Santos, M.L.d.; Miguel, E.P.; Biali, L.J.; Souza, H.J.d.; Santos, C.R.C.d.; Matricardi, E.A.T. The Effect of Age on the Evolution of the Stem Profile and Heartwood Proportion of Teak Clonal Trees in the Brazilian Amazon. Forests 2023, 14, 1962.
Santos MLd, Miguel EP, Biali LJ, Souza HJd, Santos CRCd, Matricardi EAT. The Effect of Age on the Evolution of the Stem Profile and Heartwood Proportion of Teak Clonal Trees in the Brazilian Amazon. Forests. 2023; 14(10):1962.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSantos, Mario Lima dos, Eder Pereira Miguel, Leonardo Job Biali, Hallefy Junio de Souza, Cassio Rafael Costa dos Santos, and Eraldo Aparecido Trondoli Matricardi. 2023. "The Effect of Age on the Evolution of the Stem Profile and Heartwood Proportion of Teak Clonal Trees in the Brazilian Amazon" Forests 14, no. 10: 1962.
APA StyleSantos, M. L. d., Miguel, E. P., Biali, L. J., Souza, H. J. d., Santos, C. R. C. d., & Matricardi, E. A. T. (2023). The Effect of Age on the Evolution of the Stem Profile and Heartwood Proportion of Teak Clonal Trees in the Brazilian Amazon. Forests, 14(10), 1962.