Comparative Genomics of Eight Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Phyllostachys Species
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsThe manuscript described on the characterisation and genome comparison analysis of eight Phyllostachys species. My general comments are as follows:
1. genus names are not in italicised form
2. numerical values less than 10 should be spelled in words.
3. There should be a space between the value and SI unit.
4. abbreviations should be spelled out in full at their first occurrence. (e.g. L26, etc)
5. The first half of the first paragraph in the introduction is only supported by one citation. While the work emphasised more on the chloroplast genome of Bamboo species, the authors wrote three long paragraphs in the introduction on chloroplast genome, but did not describe anything about previous molecular efforts in Phyllostachys in the fourth paragraph.
6. In 2.1, there is no information on the total genome DNA step. Also, Why is RNA seq transcriptome library conducted here? including the TruSeq RNA sample prep kit and the cDNA synthesis kit used.
7. Softwares and programmes used for the analyses should be indicated for their versions.
8. Plenty of hanging sentences. (e.g. 154, 166, 176, etc)
9. authors should avoid including Discussion materials in the Result section. (e.g. L239, etc)
10. authors should avoid including Materials and Method materials in the Result section (e.g. 275, etc)
11. I suppose the authors did not format the references based on the requirement of the Journal
Comments on the Quality of English LanguagePlenty of grammar mistakes and misuse of symbols. This manuscript requires an English proofreading.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsThe manuscript by Li and colleagues reports on the sequencing, annotation and analysis of the chloroplast genomes of 8 strains of bamboo in the same genus. There are lots of useful and interesting information presented but a number of critical scientific points require addressing.
Specific scientific points
1. Title and throughout. Are these really 8 different species or 8 different isolates in a smaller number of species, as some appear different vars of the same species?
2. The authors use RNAseq to generate the genome sequence. It is unclear whether this approach results in completely closed genomes or not, as some regions are likely to be non transcribed.
3. The GenBank accessions are not given in the main manuscript.
4. In section 2.5, the authors indicate that they removed sequences of protein coding sequences that were less than 300 bp. Why was this done? Some of the ribosomal proteins are less than 100aa so their genes will be less than 300 bp.
5. There are many instances where the genus and species are not italicized.
6. Some of the Figure legends require expanding and some axis require labelling (Fig 4) or larger font to be able to read.
7. All factual statements should be clearly linked to a reference. L47 L51 L240 L297 L484
8. All software should be referenced L171 L180
9. Fig 3 has a label with contigs. Does this mean that the genomes are not fully assembled? If not complete, mapping to a reference will prevent the authors from knowing whether there have been rearrangements
10. What x coverage was obtained for each genome?
11. L299 Is this true? Please add a reference for transposons being the only dispersed repeat. The authors examples of dispersed repeats (L351) are too small (<100 bp) to be transposons
12. L453 Are there chromosome assemblies available for bamboo, that may show that petB is present within them?
13. L496 Two of the listed genes are not protein encoding, but encode a tRNA and a rRNA. Appropriate spacing around the commas used in the list, is required.
Minor comments—there are many language revisions required. Provided below are a few examples
14. Title, L8, 12 and throughout. Please use italics for genus and species names
15. L14 There are several instances of absent periods. L44 L47 L144 L157
16. L18 conserved (also L547)
17. L22 SSR should be defined on first use rather than later in sentence
18. L23 mono
19. L25 the codons preferentially end with
20. L26 and L27 These two sentences are unclear in meaning; please rephrase
21. L33 The chloroplast
22. L34 the main site for
23. L39 which is the place
24. L43 The chloroplast is an organelle
25. L48 than the nuclear
26. L54 in the chloroplast
27. L56 Please avoid starting sentences with “and” or “but”
28. L57 the chloroplast
29. L58 sequences
30. L58 the chloroplast (also L60, L69, L71, L79
31. L78 chloroplasts show unique codon
32. L98 of the forest
33. L98 Bamboo is the general
34. L103 countries with wide
35. L103 habitats, encompassing about 40
36. L105 why is less investment an advantage?
37. L114 punctata and
38. L115 in the early stage, by our research group, found
39. L124 species is available [20-26], but this genome
40. L125 in the bamboo genome have not been studied
41. L129 chloroplast genomes, identified the nucleotide
42. L127 please rephrase “chloroplast gene Is not involved in leaves”
43. L131 provided a molecular foundation for phenotypic
44. L135 Some sections of the methods switch to reading in a different person ands are provided as a set of instructions. L166 L176 L189
45. L141 The specific steps were
46. L141 vs L151 RNA seq or RNA-seq
47. L142 kit instructions from Illumina (San Diego, CA, USA)
48. L143 In short (?)
49. L143 sorted by a polyA
50. L144 fragmented in fragmentation
51. L146 Please add city
52. L150 location of NEB
53. L150 what is the TBS380?
54. L150 After quantification
55. L151 location of Illumina is already given
56. L155 all low quality reads resulting I high
57. L156 de novo?
58. L159 vs 169 Use the in full and italics version on first use. L169 P. (italics)
59. L163 This sentence has no verb
60. L176 The first sentence can be deleted as it is repeated -please add [39} after v4.09
61. L152 vs L181 different styles of spacing between numbers and units are used
62. L200 GenBank numbers should be provided; also L573
63. L218 what is the smallest protein coding sequence (since those <300 bp have been removed)?
64. L229 italics for gene names
65. L233 Please add a space after genome.
66. L243 Have JLB, JSA, JLA and JSB been defined?
67. L245 gene. The boundary
68. L256 “of eight bamboo species in the Phyllostachys” can be deleted.
69. L263 Please avoid using “etc” as the reader will not know what the authors had in their minds
70. L270, L273 Please add spaces after periods
71. L277 MAFFT? To match style used in methods
72. L294 Please add what A and B refer to in an expanded legend
73. L299 elements. Misa online analysis software was used to statistically
74. L185 vs L300 MISA or Misa
75. L302 Among the eight chloroplast genomes, the maximum number
76. L310 in the eight
77. L313, L314, L315, L321 Please use lower case after the semi-colons
78. L321 italics for taxa, also L339, L342-344, L492
79. L365 at the three
80. L445 (two instances) b/f or b6/f?
81. L449 habitat. Meanwhile
82. L495 [61]. Nine
83. L498-L499 and L510-511 This is repeated information
84. L520 and L521 (and elsewhere) Please use one style of capitalization for amino acids
85. L546 should this be 76 based on the information in Table 1
86. Various different styles are used in the references. For example, Ref 1 and ref 25, Ref 7 and Ref 21. Some are capitalized (e.g. 9 and 10, plus others)
Comments on the Quality of English Language
Please see main file for examples
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf