Risk Profile Indicators and Spanish Banks’ Probability of Default from a Regulatory Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Related Literature
3. Data and Methodological Aspects
3.1. Sample
3.2. Dependent Variable: Probability of Default (PD)
3.2.1. Estimation of the Implied Obligor Probability of Default of the Portfolio of Each Individual Bank
3.2.2. Simulation of Correlated Losses for the Banks in the System
3.2.3. Determination of the Failure Event and Estimation of PD Bank
3.3. Independent Variables: Risk Profile Indicators
3.4. Methodology
4. Results
4.1. Relationship between EBA Bank Risk Indicators and PD
4.2. Differences between Commercial Banks and Credit Cooperatives
4.3. Differences between Crisis and Post-Crisis Periods
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Number of commercial Banks | 43 | 46 | 30 | 30 | 18 | 20 | 19 | 20 | 20 |
Number of cooperative credit unions | 11 | 12 | 12 | 14 | 13 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
Total credit institutions | 54 | 58 | 42 | 44 | 31 | 33 | 30 | 34 | 33 |
Total assets in commercial banks (billions of euros) | |||||||||
Population | 3537.0 | 3637.6 | 3691.9 | 3793.9 | 3754.2 | 3358.6 | 3476.0 | 3555.5 | 3492.3 |
Sample | 2848.8 | 3002.1 | 3304.5 | 3406.6 | 2850.9 | 3028.9 | 3174.8 | 3347.0 | 3305.1 |
Representativeness of the sample (%) | 80.5 | 82.5 | 89.5 | 89.8 | 75.9 | 90.2 | 91.3 | 94.1 | 94.6 |
Total assets in cooperative credit unions (billions of euros) | |||||||||
Population | 71.4 | 77.5 | 91.5 | 107.0 | 113.1 | 114.3 | 103.1 | 110.4 | 110.5 |
Sample | 69.3 | 75.8 | 86.9 | 100.9 | 106.7 | 108.5 | 99.3 | 110.4 | 108.5 |
Representativeness of the sample (%) | 97.1 | 97.9 | 95.0 | 94.3 | 94.4 | 94.9 | 96.4 | 100.0 | 98.2 |
Total assets in credit institutions (billions of euros) | |||||||||
Population | 3608.4 | 3715.1 | 3783.5 | 3901.0 | 3867.3 | 3472.9 | 3579.0 | 3665.9 | 3602.8 |
Sample | 2918.1 | 3078.0 | 3391.5 | 3507.5 | 2957.7 | 3137.4 | 3274.1 | 3457.4 | 3413.6 |
Representativeness of the sample (%) | 80.9 | 82.9 | 89.6 | 89.9 | 76.5 | 90.3 | 91.5 | 94.3 | 94.8 |
Category | Indicator | Description | Notation | Expected Sign on Bank Risk |
Capital | Leverage ratio | Tier 1 capital/Total assets | C1 | Negative |
Capital coverage ratio | Actual common equity Tier 1 ratio/Required common equity Tier 1 ratio or actual own funds/Required own fund | C2/C3 | Negative | |
Common equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio | Common equity Tier 1 capital/Risk-weighted assets | C4 | Negative | |
Liquidity and Funding | Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) | LCR ratio as defined in Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 once it becomes fully operational | L1 | Negative |
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) | NSFR ratio as defined in Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 once it becomes fully operational | L2 | Negative | |
Liquidity ratio | Liquid assets/Total assets | L3 | Negative | |
Asset Quality | Non-performing loans (NPL) ratio | Non-performing loans/Total loans and debt instruments | AQ1 | Positive |
Business model and management | Risk-weighted assets to total assets ratio (RWA/TA) | Risk-weighted assets/Total assets | G1 | Positive |
Return on assets (ROA) | Net income/Total assets | G2 | Positive/Negative |
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
C1 | −0.01920 *** | −0.01834 *** | −0.01904 *** |
(0.00315) | (0.00332) | (0.00329) | |
C3 | −0.00049 *** | −0.00050 *** | −0.00044 *** |
(0.00006) | (0.00006) | (0.00006) | |
L1 | −0.00026 * | −0.00024 * | −0.00021 |
(0.00013) | (0.00013) | (0.00014) | |
L2 | −0.00029 | −0.00030 | −0.00017 |
(0.00020) | (0.00020) | (0.00021) | |
L3 | −0.00081 ** | −0.00080 ** | −0.00086 ** |
(0.00038) | (0.00038) | (0.00038) | |
AQ1 | −0.00713*** | −0.00732 *** | −0.00419 *** |
(0.00113) | (0.00116) | (0.00149) | |
G2 | 0.00423 | 0.00456 | 0.00196 |
(0.00460) | (0.00462) | (0.00513) | |
Constant | 0.52557 *** | 0.40203 *** | 0.48428 *** |
(0.02951) | (0.15251) | (0.03537) | |
Size | - | 0.00737 | - |
(0.00892) | |||
Year dummies | - | - | Yes |
GDP | - | - | −0.00300 * |
(0.00175) | |||
Inflation | - | - | 0.00916 *** |
(0.00259) | |||
Risk Premium | - | - | −0.00009 ** |
(0.00004) | |||
Number of obs. | 359 | 359 | 359 |
F(df) | 45.50 (7, 282) | 39.85 (8, 281) | 23.00 (15, 274) |
Prob > F | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
R2 (within) | 0.5304 | 0.5315 | 0.5573 |
Hausman | 27.01 (7) | 29.16 (8) | 29.42 (12) |
Commercial Banks | Cooperative Credit Unions | Total | Welch’s Test | |
PD | 0.211 | 0.177 | 0.201 | 12.805 *** |
(0.083) | (0.083) | (0.085) | ||
C1 | 5.984 | 6.828 | 6.250 | 27.698 *** |
(1.363) | (1.432) | (1.438) | ||
C3 | 173.561 | 214.895 | 186.571 | 44.094 *** |
(61.765) | (51.245) | (61.659) | ||
L1 | 84.659 | 91.563 | 86.832 | 7.983 *** |
(26.227) | (18.943) | (24.358) | ||
L2 | 109.424 | 128.120 | 115.309 | 26.620 *** |
(26.350) | (34.130) | (30.252) | ||
L3 | 20.061 | 26.908 | 22.216 | 22.010 *** |
(12.187) | (13.134) | (12.875) | ||
AQ1 | 5.790 | 5.784 | 5.788 | 0.002 |
(3.423) | (3.854) | (3.559) | ||
G2 | 0.277 | 0.341 | 0.297 | 0.963 |
(0.662) | (0.530) | (0.623) |
(1) Interaction Dummies | (2) Commercial Banks | (3) Credit Cooperatives | |
C1 | −0.00567 | −0.02849 *** | −0.00567 |
(0.00528) | (0.00400) | (0.00528) | |
C3 | −0.00088 *** | −0.00033 *** | −0.00088 *** |
(0.00014) | (0.00007) | (0.00014) | |
L1 | −0.00042 | −0.00026 * | −0.00042 |
(0.00027) | (0.00015) | (0.00027) | |
L2 | 0.00034 | −0.00004 | 0.00034 |
(0.00033) | (0.00029) | (0.00033) | |
L3 | −0.00214 ** | −0.00060 | −0.00214 ** |
(0.00086) | (0.00044) | (0.00086) | |
AQ1 | −0.00299 | −0.00959 *** | −0.00299 |
(0.00193) | (0.00139) | (0.00193) | |
G2 | −0.00417 | 0.00475 | −0.00417 |
(0.00908) | (0.00524) | (0.00908) | |
Constant | 0.51424 *** | 0.51424 *** | 0.51424 *** |
(0.03094) | (0.03094) | (0.03094) | |
Number of obs. | 359 | 246 | 113 |
C1 x dummy type | −0.02282 *** | ||
(0.00662) | |||
C3 x dummy type | 0.00055 *** | ||
(0.00016) | |||
L1 x dummy type | 0.00016 | ||
(0.00031) | |||
L2 x dummy type | −0.00038 | ||
(0.00044) | |||
L3 x dummy type | 0.00153 | ||
(0.00096) | |||
AQ1 x dummy type | −0.00660 *** | ||
(0.00238) | |||
G2 x dummy type | 0.00892 | ||
(0.01049) | |||
F(df) | 26.56 (14, 275) | ||
Prob > F | 0.0000 | ||
R2 (within) | 0.5748 | ||
Hausman | 26.28 (14) |
2008–2012 | 2013–2016 | Total | Welch’s Test | |
PD | 0.226 | 0.156 | 0.201 | 77.129 *** |
(0.084) | (0.065) | (0.085) | ||
C1 | 6.320 | 6.127 | 6.250 | 1.499 |
(1.436) | (1.437) | (1.438) | ||
C3 | 169.311 | 216.976 | 186.571 | 39.810 *** |
(37.324) | (81.414) | (61.659) | ||
L1 | 84.732 | 90.532 | 86.832 | 4.246 ** |
(22.267) | (27.359) | (24.358) | ||
L2 | 108.732 | 126.893 | 115.309 | 23.282 *** |
(20.131) | (40.144) | (30.252) | ||
L3 | 18.848 | 28.150 | 22.216 | 36.839 *** |
(9.085) | (16.078) | (12.875) | ||
AQ1 | 4.368 | 8.289 | 5.788 | 104.145 *** |
(2.249) | (4.040) | (3.559) | ||
G2 | 0.269 | 0.346 | 0.297 | 1.483 |
(0.681) | (0.505) | (0.623) |
Interaction Dummies | (1) Crisis Period | (2) Post-Crisis Period | |
C1 | −0.01251 *** | 0.01267 ** | −0.01251 *** |
(0.00366) | (0.00504) | (0.00366) | |
C3 | −0.00032 *** | −0.00211 *** | −0.00032 *** |
(0.00006) | (0.00021) | (0.00006) | |
L1 | 0.00003 | −0.00065 * | 0.00003 |
(0.00014) | (0.00036) | (0.00014) | |
L2 | −0.00035 * | 0.00034 | −0.00035* |
(0.00020) | (0.00042) | (0.00020) | |
L3 | −0.00076 ** | 0.00004 | −0.00076 ** |
(0.00038) | (0.00055) | (0.00038) | |
AQ1 | −0.00129 | −0.00037 | −0.00129 |
(0.00149) | (0.00197) | (0.00149) | |
G2 | 0.01204 | −0.00217 | 0.01204 |
(0.00864) | (0.00534) | (0.00864) | |
Constant | 0.36656 *** | 0.52600 *** | 0.36656 *** |
(0.03891) | (0.03601) | (0.03891) | |
Dummy crisis | 0.15944 *** | ||
(0.04199) | |||
Number of obs. | 359 | 229 | 130 |
C1 x dummy crisis | 0.02518 *** | ||
(0.00514) | |||
C3 x dummy crisis | −0.00179 *** | ||
(0.00022) | |||
L1 x dummy crisis | −0.00068 * | ||
(0.00037) | |||
L2 x dummy crisis | 0.00069 | ||
(0.00042) | |||
L3 x dummy crisis | 0.00081 | ||
(0.00059) | |||
AQ1 x dummy crisis | 0.00092 | ||
(0.00193) | |||
G2 x dummy crisis | −0.01422 | ||
(0.01018) | |||
F(df) | 32.94 (15, 274) | ||
Prob > F | 0.0000 | ||
R2 (within) | 0.6433 | ||
Hausman | 76.08 (15) |
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Gómez-Fernández-Aguado, P.; Parrado-Martínez, P.; Partal-Ureña, A. Risk Profile Indicators and Spanish Banks’ Probability of Default from a Regulatory Approach. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1259. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041259
Gómez-Fernández-Aguado P, Parrado-Martínez P, Partal-Ureña A. Risk Profile Indicators and Spanish Banks’ Probability of Default from a Regulatory Approach. Sustainability. 2018; 10(4):1259. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041259
Chicago/Turabian StyleGómez-Fernández-Aguado, Pilar, Purificación Parrado-Martínez, and Antonio Partal-Ureña. 2018. "Risk Profile Indicators and Spanish Banks’ Probability of Default from a Regulatory Approach" Sustainability 10, no. 4: 1259. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041259
APA StyleGómez-Fernández-Aguado, P., Parrado-Martínez, P., & Partal-Ureña, A. (2018). Risk Profile Indicators and Spanish Banks’ Probability of Default from a Regulatory Approach. Sustainability, 10(4), 1259. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041259