Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
- Protected Landscape Area of the Pasłęka Valley;
- Protected Landscape Area of the Middle Łyna Valley;
- Protected Landscape Area of the Napiwodzko-Ramucka Primeval Forest [45];
- Special Bird Protection Area of the Napiwodzko-Ramucka Primeval Forest, which is part of the Natura 2000 network.
2.2. Method of Analysis
2.3. Input Data
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The correlations between changes in plot area and the location of the Olsztyn bypass; and
- Plot shape characteristics of the analyzed area.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Municipality | Total Area (km2) | Population (Persons) | Number of Plots | Average Plot Area (m2) | Average Plot Perimeter (m) |
Stawiguda | 222.9 | 8449 | 10,886 | 20,454 | 447 |
Barczewo | 319.85 | 17,662 | 19,446 | 16,442 | 463 |
Purda | 318.1 | 8612 | 12,544 | 25,326 | 557 |
Gietrzwałd | 172.3 | 6536 | 9565 | 17,993 | 470 |
Line | Orientation | Number | Shape Factor | ||||
Average | Median | Minimum | Maximum | SD | |||
a1 | N | 86 | 208.55 | 30.29 | 3.92 | 1217.72 | 305.06 |
S | 96 | 175.28 | 40.6 | 3.92 | 1217.72 | 274.25 | |
a2 | N | 307 | 78.73 | 78.73 | 2.66 | 2438.34 | 212.99 |
S | 209 | 86.3 | 12.1 | 2.99 | 1276.95 | 191.48 | |
a3 | N | 238 | 63.92 | 9.59 | 2.47 | 954.97 | 148.99 |
S | 294 | 92.53 | 10.79 | 2.55 | 4121.37 | 292.97 |
Line | Orientation | Number of Plots | Plot Area (m2) | ||||
Average | Median | Minimum | Maximum | SD | |||
a1 | N | 86 | 125,867.48 | 46,986.62 | 353.84 | 1,763,222.20 | 263,624.61 |
S | 96 | 144,172.84 | 66,361.43 | 324.00 | 1,763,222.20 | 255,480.65 | |
a2 | N | 307 | 38,422.92 | 4090.36 | 153.16 | 963,945.02 | 105,522.81 |
S | 209 | 61,858.48 | 8263.47 | 202.21 | 1,095,084.56 | 144,933.35 | |
a3 | N | 238 | 29,130.72 | 3197.07 | 105.3 | 405,716.90 | 68,058.58 |
S | 294 | 32,706.19 | 4773.69 | 145.94 | 426,111.94 | 73,217.24 |
Change between Lines | Orientation | Change in Shape γ |
a3–a1 | N | −226% |
S | −89% | |
a2–a1 | N | −23% |
S | 7% | |
a3–a2 | N | −165% |
S | −103% |
Change between Lines | Orientation | Change in Plot Area δ |
a3–a1 | N | −332% |
S | −341% | |
a2–a1 | N | −32% |
S | −89% | |
a3–a2 | N | −228% |
S | −133% |
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Kowalczyk, C.; Kil, J.; Kurowska, K. Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City. Sustainability 2019, 11, 2987.
Kowalczyk C, Kil J, Kurowska K. Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City. Sustainability. 2019; 11(10):2987.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKowalczyk, Cezary, Jacek Kil, and Krystyna Kurowska. 2019. "Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City" Sustainability 11, no. 10: 2987.
APA StyleKowalczyk, C., Kil, J., & Kurowska, K. (2019). Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City. Sustainability, 11(10), 2987.