Building University-Industry Co-Innovation Networks in Transnational Innovation Ecosystems: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach of Integrating Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence
:1. Introduction
- Why should TIC and TUC be looked at as synergetic entities?
- How can the synergy building be theoretically elucidated?
- How can the synergy building be methodologically realized?
2. Why Should TIC and TUC Be Looked at as Synergetic Entities?
2.1. Transnational Innovation Ecosystems
2.2. Universities’ Third Mission
2.3. EU–China Transnational STI Cooperation
2.4. Limitations of Existing Literature
3. How Can the TIC and TUC Synergy Building Be Theoretically Elucidated?
3.1. Helix Models of Innovation
3.2. Institutional Theory
3.3. Social Network Theory
Opinion and behavior are more homogeneous within than between groups, so people connected across groups are more familiar with alternative ways of thinking and behaving. Brokerage across the structural holes between groups provides a vision of options otherwise unseen, which is the mechanism by which brokerage becomes social capital.[100] (p. 349)
3.4. Limitations of Existing Literature
4. How Can the TIC and TUC Synergy Building Be Methodologically Realized?
4.1. Social Network Analysis
4.2. Professional Social Matching
- Identifying optimal combinations of human characteristics and professional aims in certain professional activities (i.e., matching qualities and goals).
- Recommending partners for co-creative purposes, such as for business partnerships or mentoring relationships (i.e., matching individuals).
- Optimizing team formations for a project (i.e., matching multiple actors).
- Identifying suitably complementary actors for networked value creation (i.e., matching at ecosystem level).
- Balancing the supply and demand in the job market by suggesting dedicated trainings or new job openings (i.e., matching on societal level).
4.3. Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR and R)
4.4. Limitations of Existing Approaches
5. Our Proposed Future Solution
5.1. A Transdisciplinary Approach
5.2. Potential to Answer the Research Questions Using the Transdisciplinary Approach
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Research Questions | Limitations of Existing Literature | Potential Contributions Offered by Our Proposed Approach |
Why should TIC and TUC be looked at as synergetic entities? | The synergies between TIC and TUC are hypothetical. Scarce data are available for empirical exploration. | A large scale of transnational U–I co-innovation networks will be detected and developed. This will enable deep empirical investigations and even big data analyses. |
How can the synergy building be theoretically elucidated? | The theories, to varying extents, elucidate the mechanisms underlying the synergy building between obvious actors crossing sectors/communities, but mainly in a domestic context. The relations between the actors are one to one (or one to more). | The AI algorithms will be based on integrating several social science theories, which provide theoretical foundations concerning developing collaborative relations (networks) between unobvious (cross-sectoral) actors in a transnational context. Our frameworks address the relations between different pairs of collaborators. |
How can the synergy building be methodologically realized? | SNA: lacks efficiency in exploring hidden/missing links. Professional social matching (PSM): not for matching in a cross-sectoral and transnational context. AI technologies: no suitable algorithms and training data ready to use. | A comprehensive method will be developed by integrating social science studies and AI in the context of transnational innovation ecosystems. It is not only for detecting potential collaborators and links between them, but also for building the networks. |
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Cai, Y.; Ramis Ferrer, B.; Luis Martinez Lastra, J. Building University-Industry Co-Innovation Networks in Transnational Innovation Ecosystems: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach of Integrating Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability 2019, 11, 4633.
Cai Y, Ramis Ferrer B, Luis Martinez Lastra J. Building University-Industry Co-Innovation Networks in Transnational Innovation Ecosystems: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach of Integrating Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability. 2019; 11(17):4633.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCai, Yuzhuo, Borja Ramis Ferrer, and Jose Luis Martinez Lastra. 2019. "Building University-Industry Co-Innovation Networks in Transnational Innovation Ecosystems: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach of Integrating Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence" Sustainability 11, no. 17: 4633.
APA StyleCai, Y., Ramis Ferrer, B., & Luis Martinez Lastra, J. (2019). Building University-Industry Co-Innovation Networks in Transnational Innovation Ecosystems: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach of Integrating Social Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability, 11(17), 4633.