Is the World Becoming a Better or a Worse Place? A Data-Driven Analysis
:1. Introduction
1.1. Methodology and Approach
1.2. Structure of the Paper
2. Related Work
2.1. Statistical Data And Indicators
2.2. How to Measure World Performance?
2.3. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (Mcda)
A Comparative Study
- Big Data. Looking holistically at the research question and at the current technological trends, the availability of large amounts of heterogeneous data and of significant computation capabilities intuitively points to techniques based on Big Data analytics [20]. Such an approach is already in use for scientific applications [21]. While the direct adoption of Big Data analytics can probably result complex and expensive to answer the research question object of the paper, it’s combination with MCDA [22] provides an interesting approach to prioritise association rules and identified patterns. The proposed method is based on a number of simplifications as it considers the selected criteria (indicators) independently without considering possible dependencies or other relationships among them.
- Fuzzy decision making. “It consists in making decisions under complex and uncertain environments where the information can be assessed with fuzzy sets and systems” [23]. As extensively discussed in [23], solutions based on fuzzy logic are extremely valuable. However, by definition, they are very effective in presence of uncertainty. The decision to adopt indicators within our method, which are in most cases global indicators, leads to the adoption of criteria that are formally specified and measured reducing consistently possible uncertainty associated. In such a context, the problem is more related to the criteria selection and the importance associated with them. We believe MCDA may be a relatively unbiased model and may support better the model of the target problem.
- Naturalistic decision making. This exciting approach relies on the capability to understand how people make decisions in real-world settings [24]. Despite the unquestionable advances of artificial intelligence techniques and automatic reasoning, it’s currently not easy to develop a systematic and completely generic method based on the naturalistic approach. Genericness is indeed absolutely guaranteed by MCDA.
- Semantic decision making. Increasing the representation capabilities by adopting formal semantics (i.e., ontologies) can significantly empower the decision making process trhough authomatic resoning by inference [25]. However, ontology development is a critical tasks that requires specific skills. In this specific case, the ontology-based approach could result less effective than MCDA in terms of usability in practice. Adopting knowledge-graph (e.g., [26]) presents the clear advantage to introduce visualizations. However, the interpretation of such networks may be very subjective even if supported by network analysis techniques.
- Realistic/Data availability. This is an estimation of how realistic is the adoption of a technique to address the target problem with a focus also on data availability.
- Easy to apply/use. This second selection criterion is related to the usability from a final user perspective.
- Unbiased. It refers to the biases that the method may potentially introduce along the decision making process.
- Low cost. Cost and/or complexity.
3. The Method In Concept
3.1. Key Features
- Uniform representation of data preserving original numerical ranges. Considering a given time range, we represent indicators uniformly as a percentage of variation with respect to the initial state (Section 4, Equation (2)). It allows an explicit representation of tendencies and trends in the target time-range and preserve the original numerical differences existing among indicators.
- Explicit specification of semantics. Exactly as weights, the semantics associated with indicators are an input for the method. At the moment, the semantics are limited to the specification of the expected trend for a given indicator.
- Tuning. The method is based on parameter tuning. Such a mechanism is represented in Figure 1. The non-tuned environment assumes the evaluation metric , resulting in the linear combination of the considered indicators, able to assume positive or negative values. Such values are associated with positive and negative performance respectively. Figure 1 graphically represents two possible cases, including for each case neutral computations and extreme values. The neutral computation assumes the same weights for all indicators. Moreover, the value of such weights is the numerical average on the considered range. For instance, assuming a range 0–10, the neutral computation considers all weights equal to 5. The extreme values define lower and upper cases, meaning all computations obtained by adopting the different combination of weights are included in such ranges. The tuning operation identifies the closest existing computation to the x-axis. As showed in the graphical representation, it is equivalent to move the neutral computation as close as possible to the origin. Such a transformation assures that the method effectively and fairly considers the selection of the indicators and the associated weights in the analysis decision process. Indeed, a positively (Figure 1, up on the right) or negatively (Figure 1, up on the left) biased set of indicators strongly affects the whole analysis. The tuning mitigates such a bias. Details about tuning and the notation adopted in the figure are provided later on in the paper.
- Contextual interpretation of results. As extensively discussed in the final part of the paper (Section 6), answering the question object of this paper requires the contextual interpretation of results. The method provides an environment for analysis that relies on the numerical evaluation of performance, as well as on the estimation of the optimism/pessimism associated with a given set of weights.
3.2. Using Tuning vs. Not Using Tuning
3.2.1. Not Using Tuning
3.2.2. Using Tuning
3.3. Input/Output
- Indicators. They are the criteria taken into account. For the examples provided in the paper we have adopted the indicators reported in Table 2 and discussed in Section 5. Overall, we have taken into account of 17 different indicators from multiple categories measured yearly in the time range 2000–2015. We have not considered more recent years because data is not available.
- Expected trends. An expected trend is associated with each indicator. Expected trends associated with the indicators considered in the paper are reported in Table 2.
- Weights. A weight is associated with each indicator. It represents the importance or relevance of a given indicator in the considered context according to the user.
- Metric to assess performance. The method adopts an unique metric for performance evaluation as a result of a combination of the different criteria which are not visible at an output level. Such a metric is explained in Section 4.
4. Computational Method
4.1. Indicator Space
4.2. Tuning
4.3. Space Spectrum and Ideal Computations
4.4. Examples of Tuning
4.5. Complexity and Cost
5. Indicator Framework
5.1. Selection Criteria
- Indicator freely available online.
- Reputable data sources. The indicator framework is built from indicators with a clear semantic and whose provenance is available. More concretely, we have selected indicators from Our World in Data (Our World in Data— Accessed: 20 March 2019.), which is quite often cited and reported by relevant mass media.
- Dataset distribution available as a global indicator by year in a recent time range, i.e., [2000–2015].
- The semantics of the target indicator in terms of performance can be defined according to the model described in Table 4.
- Priority to well-known indicators that are expected to be, in the limit of the possible, easy to understand for the most. In other words, we try to avoid indicators that are suitable only to experts in a given domain or that require some context to be properly understood.
5.2. Categories and Data Sets
5.3. Visualizing the Framework: Parallel Coordinates
6. How Is the World Performing?
6.1. Some Random Experiments
6.2. Computation and Interpretations
6.3. Computing Real Opinions
7. Current Limitations
- The method does not consider relatedness and redundancy among variables. As discussed in several contributions, e.g., in [62], dependencies and other relationships among variables may play a significant role in terms of correctness and accuracy. In this specific context that assumes global indicators, we believe that the impact of such a limitation is very limited, probably null in most cases.
- Limited semantics. As previously discussed, the semantics associated with the different indicators are very limited and uniquely consist of a wished behaviour. That is a functional requirement rather than a proper semantic. As a consequence, the method is purely numeric and doesn’t allow semantic analysis.
- The method does not deal with uncertainty. The kind of analysis performed is likely to face some uncertainty, such as lack of data and non-numerical indicators. The current development is explicitly oriented to optimize the trade-off between analysis effectiveness and usability.
- Tool implementation. Simplicity is considered the key factor to make the method usable in practice. This philosophy is reflected in the implementation of the tool, whose interface is designed to be suitable to any user. As a consequence, certain kind of analysis technically supported (e.g., multi-dimensional) cannot be performed automatically but needs the manual selection of the input and the generation of the output associated.
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Conflicts of Interest
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Technique/Method | Realistic/Data Availability | Easy to Apply/Use | Unbiased | Low Cost |
Big Data | ** | * | *** | * |
Fuzzy decision making | *** | * | ** | *** |
Naturalistic decision making | ** | *** | * | * |
Semantic decision making | ** | *** | ** | * |
MCDA | *** | *** | ** | *** |
Indicator | Description | Expected Trend () | Reference/Data Source |
Environment | |||
Temperature Anomaly | Global average land-sea temperature anomaly. | DECREASING | [27,28] |
Consumption of ozone-depleting substances | Global consumption of ozone-depleting substances. | DECREASING | [29,30] |
Plastics Production | Annual plastics production. | DECREASING | [31,32] |
Natural Disasters ine Access to improved drinking water | Number of natural disaster events. Share of the population with access to improved drinking water. | DECREASING INCREASING | [33,34] [35,36] |
Population | |||
Life Expectancy | Life expectancy at birth. | INCREASING | [37,38,39] |
Child Mortality | Share dying in first 5 years (%). | DECREASING | [40,41,42] |
Total Population | Total Population. | DECREASING | [43,44] |
Health | |||
Suicide rate | Suicides per 100,000 people. | DECREASING | [45,46] |
Alcohol or drug use disorder | Population with alcohol or drug use disorders. Tobacco is not included. | DECREASING | [46,47] |
Growth & Inequality | |||
GDP per capita | Real GDP per capita with inflation adjusted at 2011. | INCREASING | [48,49,50] |
Energy | |||
Fossil Fuels Consumption | Fossil fuel consumption. | DECREASING | [51,52,53] |
Renewable Energy Consumption | Renewable Energy consumption. | INCREASING | [52,53,54] |
War and Peace | |||
Military Expendure | Military Expendure as a share of GDP. | DECREASING | [55,56] |
Terroristic Attacks | Number of terroristic attacks. | DECREASING | [57,58] |
Violence and Rights | |||
Homicide rate | Number of homicide deaths per 100,000 people. | DECREASING | [46,59] |
Politics | |||
Population in Democracy | Population living in democracy. | INCREASING | [60] |
Symbol | Definition |
A | Indicators matrix. |
Value of the indicator m at the time n. | |
Indicators matrix whose values are expressed as a percentage of variation with respect to the initial state. | |
Value of the indicator m at the time n expressed as a percentage of variation with respect to the initial state. | |
W | Weights vector. |
Weight associated with the indicator m. | |
Preferred behaviour associated with the indicator m. See Table 4 | |
Evaluation metric resulting by the linear combination of the indicators. | |
computed assuming | |
Average of all possible weight values. | |
Tuning vector. | |
Value of the tuning vector associated with the indicator i. | |
that adopts the tuning vector | |
Weight associated with the the indicator i after tuning. | |
Extreme computations (superior limit). | |
Extreme computations (inferior limit). | |
Extreme computations after tuning. |
Value | |
Increasing | +1 |
Decreasing | −1 |
ine Stable | +1 if |
−1 otherwise | |
ine Stable-increasing | +1 if |
−1 otherwise | |
ine Stable-decreasing | +1 if |
−1 otherwise |
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Share and Cite
Pileggi, S.F. Is the World Becoming a Better or a Worse Place? A Data-Driven Analysis. Sustainability 2020, 12, 88.
Pileggi SF. Is the World Becoming a Better or a Worse Place? A Data-Driven Analysis. Sustainability. 2020; 12(1):88.
Chicago/Turabian StylePileggi, Salvatore F. 2020. "Is the World Becoming a Better or a Worse Place? A Data-Driven Analysis" Sustainability 12, no. 1: 88.
APA StylePileggi, S. F. (2020). Is the World Becoming a Better or a Worse Place? A Data-Driven Analysis. Sustainability, 12(1), 88.