Social Innovation in Rural Areas? The Case of Andalusian Olive Oil Co-Operatives
:1. Introduction
1.1. Social Innovation in Rural Areas
1.2. The Territorial Context
1.3. The Objective of the Work
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. General Context
3.2. Pervasive Problems
- “I don’t see a governing board in the future. There are no young people who might be interested in taking over.”
3.3. Innovations
- “Think about it, why all the farmers must earn the same money if some of them bring the olives plenty of mud and others bring the fruit completely clean?”
- “The differences in price between the worst and the best olives can range, depend on the season, from 20 to 80 cents per kilo.”
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Provinces | 1960 | 1986 | 1999 | 2018 | Δ% 1960– 1986 | Δ% 1986– 1999 | Δ% 1999– 2018 | Δ% 1960– 2018 |
Almeria | 8245 | 9858 | 15,500 | 36,398 | 19.6 | 57.2 | 134.8 | 341.5 |
Cadiz | 32,470 | 19,450 | 20,061 | 28,703 | −40.1 | 3.1 | 43.1 | −11.6 |
Cordoba | 270,560 | 294,594 | 344,874 | 369,447 | 8.9 | 17.1 | 7.1 | 36.6 |
Granada | 78,020 | 114,800 | 172,233 | 206,176 | 47.1 | 50.0 | 19.7 | 164.3 |
Huelva | 31,140 | 31,442 | 30,266 | 27,374 | 1.0 | −3.7 | −9.6 | −12.1 |
Jaen | 378,130 | 474,175 | 562,761 | 592,866 | 25.4 | 18.7 | 5.3 | 56.8 |
Malaga | 112,620 | 107,699 | 120,782 | 143,809 | −4.4 | 12.2 | 19.1 | 27.7 |
Seville | 300,800 | 180,000 | 188,176 | 233,853 | −40.2 | 4.5 | 24.3 | −22.3 |
Andalusia | 1,211,985 | 1,232,018 | 1,454,590 | 1,638,626 | 1.7 | 18.1 | 12.7 | 35.2 |
Some Specialised Regions | High-Density Orchards | Countries | Traditional Orchards |
Alentejo | 1.68 | Portugal | 2.34 |
Andalucía | 1.76 | Spain | 2.75 |
Provence | 2.10 | France | 11.00 |
Puglia | 1.90 | Italy | 3.95 |
Provinces | <100 Traditional | 100–200 Traditional | 200–1000 Intensive | >1000 Super Intensive | Unspecified | Total |
Almeria | 1040 | 11,292 | 20,755 | 2573 | 738 | 36,398 |
Cadiz | 2393 | 14,167 | 5831 | 5463 | 849 | 28,703 |
Cordoba | 48,766 | 183,433 | 120,709 | 16,009 | 530 | 369,447 |
Granada | 24,137 | 131,557 | 47,485 | 1917 | 1080 | 206,176 |
Huelva | 2139 | 7,259 | 16,278 | 655 | 1043 | 27,374 |
Jaen | 106,810 | 401,972 | 79,345 | 3509 | 1230 | 592,866 |
Malaga | 16,562 | 54,889 | 69,247 | 413 | 2698 | 143,809 |
Seville | 19,952 | 79,419 | 103,515 | 26,966 | 4001 | 233,853 |
Andalusia | 221,799 | 883,988 | 463,165 | 57,505 | 12,169 | 1,638,626 |
Comparative Data | Total | Olive Oil | Percentage |
Co-operatives | 582 | 499 | 85.73% |
Workers | 19,759 | n.d. | n.d. |
Turnover (2018) (million €) | 9438 | 3907 | 41.4% |
Province | Co-Operatives | Other Business Models | Total | ||
Tonnes | % | Tonnes | % | Tonnes | |
Almeria | 1548.4 | 13 | 10,187.1 | 87 | 11,735.5 |
Cadiz | 9835.1 | 79 | 2611.0 | 21 | 12,446.1 |
Cordoba | 213,694.2 | 59 | 151,176.5 | 41 | 364,870.7 |
Granada | 105,128.4 | 66 | 54,483.5 | 34 | 159,611.9 |
Huelva | 6707.8 | 72 | 2657.3 | 28 | 9365.1 |
Jaen | 502,225.8 | 76 | 162,649.6 | 24 | 664,875.4 |
Malaga | 77,214.4 | 89 | 9333.8 | 11 | 86,548.2 |
Seville | 99,354.1 | 67 | 50,059.2 | 34 | 149,413.2 |
Total | 1,015,708.1 | 70 | 443,157.9 | 30 | 1,458,866 |
Co-Operatives Data | Selected Cases | Total |
Number of members (average) | 891 | 459 |
Total surface (ha) | 15.200 | n.d. |
Surface by farmer (ha) * | 4.24 | 9.67 |
Farmer’s average age * | 54 | 57 |
Farmers being more than 65 years old | 40% | 40% |
Farmers being less than 40 years old | 23% | 8.81% |
Women members | 43% | 32% |
Main activity for members * | 23% | 36% |
Employees * | 15 | 82 |
Average production (Tn) 2019 | 3125 | 2222 |
Average turnover (million €) (last five years) | 9 | 8.5 |
Innovations and Consequences | Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 4 |
Management | Integrated production |
Technical | Composting | Organic farming | New equipment and premises | - |
Market | - | - |
| - |
Impact on farming | Moderate | Important | Low | Important |
Resistance to change | Low | High | Low | High |
Effects on rural society | Medium | Upper | Medium | Upper |
Capacity to trigger Social Innovation | Low | High | Low | High |
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Share and Cite
Sánchez-Martínez, J.D.; Rodríguez-Cohard, J.C.; Garrido-Almonacid, A.; Gallego-Simón, V.J. Social Innovation in Rural Areas? The Case of Andalusian Olive Oil Co-Operatives. Sustainability 2020, 12, 10019.
Sánchez-Martínez JD, Rodríguez-Cohard JC, Garrido-Almonacid A, Gallego-Simón VJ. Social Innovation in Rural Areas? The Case of Andalusian Olive Oil Co-Operatives. Sustainability. 2020; 12(23):10019.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSánchez-Martínez, José Domingo, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Cohard, Antonio Garrido-Almonacid, and Vicente José Gallego-Simón. 2020. "Social Innovation in Rural Areas? The Case of Andalusian Olive Oil Co-Operatives" Sustainability 12, no. 23: 10019.
APA StyleSánchez-Martínez, J. D., Rodríguez-Cohard, J. C., Garrido-Almonacid, A., & Gallego-Simón, V. J. (2020). Social Innovation in Rural Areas? The Case of Andalusian Olive Oil Co-Operatives. Sustainability, 12(23), 10019.