From Place-Branding to Community-Branding: A Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Cultural Heritage Enhancement
:1. Introduction
- Which cultural values come into play and how can these be “extracted” from the territory?
- Who are the relevant actors and what role do they play in this process?
- What are the appropriate assessment, monitoring and action tools?
- Formulate project goals (vision, mission, objectives);
- Analyze current place brand (perceived identity and image, and projected image);
- Design place brand essence;
- Implement new place brand;
- Monitor the place brand.
2. Community Branding Approach: Materials and Methods
2.1. Step 1 Formulate Project Goals
- Vision: “Networked Pisticci” a network of heritage and resources between tradition and innovation;
- Mission: Enhancing the territorial specificities and the local community;
- Goals:
- (a)
- Favor the efficient management of human and territorial resources;
- (b)
- Identify protective measures of the cultural heritage;
- (c)
- Develop community actions for an identity-oriented development of the historic center;
- (d)
- Plan meetings for international exchange on the potential and challenges of the territory.
2.2. Step 2 Analyze Current Place Brand
- Understand the perceived identity;
- Identify the perceived image;
- Clarify the projected image.
2.3. Step 3: Co-Design and Co-Evaluate
- Brand identity;
- Interaction among values;
- Territorial experiences.
- Regeneration of the material and immaterial heritage;
- Digital platform;
- Services for citizens and temporary residents;
- “Urban contract”.
2.4. Step 4 Implement New Place Brand
- Construct shared territorial landmarks (construction);
- Activate “PLUS community” processes (cooperation);
- Communicate the PLUS brand (communication).
2.5. Step 5 Monitor the Place Brand
- Evaluate and monitor the level of awareness of the PLUS brand by the actors to whom it is addressed and by the partner subjects, using specific evaluation methods and techniques;
- Evaluate and monitor the change induced by the perceived identity/image and the level of loyalty, using evaluation methods and techniques with particular reference to potential users such as tourists, investors, traders and citizens;
- Evaluate and monitor the impacts of the designed image, carrying out an assessment linked to data relating in particular to: media coverage, online communities, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, virtual communities and online virtual worlds, etc.
3. PLUS Hub Case Study Results
- V 1: the sacred and the profane
- V 2: agricultural tradition
- V 3: landscape and biodiversity
- V 4: hotel industry and resilient community
- V 5: artisan and creative density
- Brand identity: “Pisticci Urban Sustainable Laboratory” (PLUS);
- Interaction among values: Pisticci as a network of urban sustainable organizations;
- Territorial experiences: Pisticci as the place for urban sustainable laboratories rooted into local traditions and landscape. This is summarized in a needs/project actions matrix for the PLUS hub, divided by governance mode, cultural activities, and economic sustainability;
- elaboration of matrices of economic, social and cultural impacts on community sectors for the enhancement of heritage and urban regeneration;
- co-evaluation of alternative vocations through the multi-criteria PROMETHEE method.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
- Which cultural values come into play and how can these be “extracted” from the territory?
- Who are the relevant actors and what role do they play in this process?
- What are the appropriate assessment, monitoring and action tools?
Conflicts of Interest
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Experiential Variables | Alternative Territorial Vocations | ||||
V1: hospitality and resilient community | V2: the sacred and the profane | V3: agricultural tradition | V4: artisan and creative density | V5: landscape and biodiversity | |
Regeneration of the material and immaterial heritage | Regeneration of the 6 public lammie (urban center) | Regeneration of ancient churches and buildings | Regeneration of the 6 public lammie for agricultural usage | Regeneration of the 6 public lammie for artisan and artistic activities | Creation of an environmental education center (CEA) |
Increase of commercial structures for tourist hospitality | Increase of commercial structures | Increase of commercial structures for local economy | Regeneration of 5 private lammie for hospitality purposes | Increase of commercial structures in symbolic landscapes | |
Realization of hospitality exchange services (couch surfing) for the private lammie | Creation of a crowdfunding platform for the recovery of lammie | Regeneration of public spaces with events at different times of the year | Creation of a collaborative crowdfunding platform for recovery and temporary rent of the lammie | Coordinated planning of workshops and researches for the discovery and recovery of the tangible and intangible landscape | |
Coordinated program of the Pisticci tourist office | Promotion of Pacchiana stories, banditry, short stories about San Rocco and others | Construction of a communication strategy | Construction of the archaeo-museum school “The Painter from Pisticci” | Digital archive processing of natural and architectural heritage | |
Calendar for seasonal thematic walk-about (P-stories) | Calendar for thematic seasonal walkabout calendar | Creation of multimedia peasant historical archive | Creation of multimedia historical archives (Lucania Film Festival) | Promotion of symbolic online actions to communicate the variety of landscapes | |
Digital platform | Creation of a community tourism platform | Digitization of hidden cults and traditions | Digitization of the texts of peasant history | Collaborative platform for temporary rent of the lammie | Collaborative platform for knowledge exchange |
Services for citizens and temporary residents | Increase of road transport lines for tourists | Increase of road transport lines for events and exhibitions | Increase of means of freight transport for the network | Implementation of theatrical experiments (Teatro dei Calanchi) | Increase of rail transport lines based on the planning |
Creation of car sharing provider for Pisticci | Construction of thematic maps for accessibility to historical/religious buildings | Construction of thematic maps for agricultural products | Increase of road transport lines for events | Creation of car-sharing provider for visitors of Pisticci | |
Urban contract | Construction of Pisticci Sustainable Urban Lab (PLUS) network between community groups, the Municipality and the “Local development agency” (APT) | Strengthening of the production cooperative network, associations (e.g., ass. Feste San Rocco), Ministero Beni Culturali and Pisticci Municipality for heritage revitalization | Creation of a collaborative platform between “Local action group” (GAL Basilicata), APT, local tourist office, local dealers and producers for temporary estate rent | Establishment of partnership “Municipality and Foundation Matera 2019” (social contract) —GAL COSVEL and enterprises, associations and creatives |
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Daldanise, G. From Place-Branding to Community-Branding: A Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Cultural Heritage Enhancement. Sustainability 2020, 12, 10399.
Daldanise G. From Place-Branding to Community-Branding: A Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Cultural Heritage Enhancement. Sustainability. 2020; 12(24):10399.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDaldanise, Gaia. 2020. "From Place-Branding to Community-Branding: A Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Cultural Heritage Enhancement" Sustainability 12, no. 24: 10399.
APA StyleDaldanise, G. (2020). From Place-Branding to Community-Branding: A Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Cultural Heritage Enhancement. Sustainability, 12(24), 10399.