A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo
:1. Introduction
- The multi-tenant buildings (MTB) are shopping complexes containing hundreds of shops, restaurants, offices, open spaces, and even sometimes a theater. These buildings with high population densities are the place of complex relationships between the owners, the tenants, and the management companies from which multiple problems can emerge. Let us mention, for instance, sustainable development problems such as energy consumption [4], and organizational problems such as regulating flows between different stakeholders. In this article, we focus precisely on the distribution flows of parcels to these buildings.
- The urban consolidation center (UCC) is a way to consolidate the flow of deliveries in the last mile [5]. UCCs are central elements in vertical collaboration that make it possible to group parcels that have been addressed for certain customers in a single flow. These centers facilitate last-mile delivery by providing equipment that allows large vehicles to enter these spaces and consolidating the flows that can be formatted to suit the delivery mode more adapted to the last mile.
- The carriers (CRRs) are independent companies that receive transport orders from the suppliers of the final customers located in the MTBs. They deliver parcels from their depot to a given final destination (i.e., MTB) and use intermediate logistics platforms such as UCC to optimize their own transport performance.
2. Literature Review
3. Materials and Methods
- First we set out the working hypotheses in order to define the studied problem (Section 3.1). In this section, two key definitions are introduced: one characterizes the degree of connectivity of a distribution network (labeled as “integration”); the second concerns the grouping level of the flow of transported parcels (labeled as “pooling”).
- Next, we propose a model of the distribution network in linear programming (Section 3.2).
- Last, we address the present the experimental framework in order to validate our solution approach based on an example case in Tokyo (Section 3.3).
3.1. Problem Definition and Hypothesis
- The first distribution network is made up of UCCs, which are owned by transportation companies. Each facility is used by a unique owner; the service and space are not shared with other companies. In this case, UCCs are operated independently of each other, without any integration between different transport partners. Each UCC is dedicated to the deliveries to one or more consumers’ locations in a specific multi-tenant building. In this configuration, only a single path exists from a carrier to an MTB with no alternative solution. Figure 1 represents a simplified case containing three MTBs, three UCCs, and three carriers with their own distribution chain. As there is no connectivity (integration) between UCCs, this network configuration is labeled as NI (i.e., No Integration).
- The second distribution network is with an open transport infrastructure, where various transport operators share space, handling resources and other operational services. In this configuration, the UCCs are interconnected; therefore, the carriers can choose among alternative solutions from their depot to an MTB in order to optimize their own performance. These alternative solutions generate multiple potential paths for the parcels. For instance, many UCCs can be used in a chain to deliver parcels to the final destination. In this network, the transport operations performed by the transport companies are considered as fully integrated. Hence, this network is labeled as FI (Full Integration). Figure 2 represents this distribution network with integration of the urban consolidation centers.
- In the first mode, labeled as NoPooling (NP), the carriers are independent and the parcels coming from different source nodes (i.e., carriers’ depot) cannot share the same truck.
- In the second mode, labeled as WithPooling (WP), parcels from different source nodes to the same destination can be pooled in the same truck. Notice that the pooling potentially applies to all the arcs of the network, but its impact on the parcels flows is different depending on the degree of connectivity of the network.
- We focused on an overall (i.e., macroscopic) evaluation of the flows. Consequently, we focused on a mid-term evaluation without considering the routes optimization of the individual trucks.
- We focused on a one-day period of operation for the performance evaluation. Therefore, we did not address the specific time aspects (such as arrival time of the parcel) related to the entities (UCCs, MTBs) and to the flows between them.
- We focused on the forward distribution flows from the carriers (i.e., sources) to the final destinations (i.e., MTB). The number of parcels returned from the MTB is usually very low; therefore, the return flows are not as critical as the forward flows. Consequently, no return flows from the MTBs back to the carrier are taken into account in this study.
- We assumed that the local administrative authorities can impose some limitations on the truck flows on certain arcs (i.e., maximum number of trucks). This limitation is in line with the aim of being able to reduce the negative impacts of freight transport in certain parts of the city. One example is the work of [35], which proposes an approach to reduce the environmental footprint of freight deliveries near sensitive urban facilities such as hospitals, schools, and retirement homes.
- Lastly, we assumed that the goal of UCCs located near the city center is to ban direct deliveries from a source to a final destination in order to reduce congestion or other environmental factors in densely populated areas. Therefore, in our model, the parcels flows have to cross UCCs in their journey from a carrier to an MTB, instead of being directly delivered to MTB.
3.2. Modeling of the Distribution Networks
- The flows between carriers and UCCs (i.e., lower level) make up the first level of the two-tiers distribution problem. This level, labeled as L1, characterizes the part of the transportation network used by larger vehicles, which use traffic lanes outside the city center.
- The flows between UCCs and MTBs (i.e., upper level), make up the second level of the two-tiers distribution problem. This level is labeled as L2. The flows (parcels) exchanged between two UCCs are also considered as a part of this level.
3.3. Experimental Setup
3.3.1. Distribution Context of Tokyo
- There are three main MTBs of Tokyo: Ginza six (G6) in the Chuo ward, Tokyo Sky Tree Town (TT) in the Sumida ward and Tokyo Midtown (MT) in the Minato ward as shown in Figure 3.
- Four UCCs are in charge to distribute the parcels to these MTBs. The UCCs of Midtown and Ginza six are located in the basement of the MTB itself and serve to perform consolidation of deliveries addressed to the different floors. The MTB “Tokyo Sky Tree Town” is supplied by two external UCCs (Ariake and Shinsuna) as shown in Figure 2. All of these UCCs are dedicated to a specific MTB and there is no integration between them.
- We have also considered many depots, owned by the carriers, mainly located in the area of the Tokyo bay where the goods are arriving by linehaul trucks. Each carrier can serve any of the MTBs.
3.3.2. Common Input Parameters
- The demands (, which are based on a combination of real and estimated delivery data. The real data comes from a major transportation company and logistics provider, operating the UCC at the Ginza six in Tokyo. The demands of the other MTBs are estimated using a proportional rule according to the surface area ratio of the considered MTB and Ginza six. Based on the real data, 18 carriers have been used in the distribution of parcels to the MTB terminals; one of these carriers has a dominant position and covers 43% of deliveries, whereas the top four carriers cover 88% of the demand.
- The cost ( is the distance from node i to node j. The distances are average of the three distances obtained from Google Maps at 07:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. in order to integrate the different traffic congestion situations. UCCs in Ginza six and Mid Town are located within these buildings; therefore, in these two cases, the distances ) between UCC and MTB equals to zero.
3.3.3. Tests Scenarios
- Two possible values (45 or 180 parcels) for the capacity of the trucks (TruckCapl) have been considered. The lower capacity (i.e., 45 parcels) corresponds to a scenario where small trucks are used in the last-mile delivery starting from the UCC. These could be Light Electric Freight Vehicles as they are quiet, agile, emission-free, and take less space than conventional trucks and vans. The higher capacity (i.e., 180 parcels) corresponds to the average number of parcels for a three-ton truck, which is commonly used by the carriers. Consequently, we created two sets of possible scenarios based on types of vehicle in the network: either a homogenous fleet (HM), in which all vehicles have the same capacity over the entire network (180-180), or a heterogeneous fleet (HT) (45-180), with lower-capacity vehicles in the upper level (i.e., for ) and larger vehicles in the lower level of the network (i.e., for ).
- The degree of integration between the UCCs, which includes two levels: NI (No Integration) or FI (Full Integration).
- Whether the pooling of parcels is allowed or not: WP (With Pooling) or NP (No Pooling).
- The arcs capacities of the network are unlimited (UL) or limited (LI). In the latter case, the values are assigned to the arcs in order to limit the emissions on a sub-area of the network.
3.3.4. Performance Indicators
- The cumulated total distance of the trucks TD (i.e., Equation (1)).
- The number of full trucks (NFT), the number of incomplete trucks (NIT), and the total number of trucks (NT) are calculated according to Equations (10)–(12) in the NoPooling formulation of the problem.
- The gas emissions (CO2, NOx) and the suspended particulate matter emissions (SPM) as defined in [36].
- In addition, we define the percent gap of a given indicator “X”, labeled as gapX (z1, z2). It is the relative variation of “X”, generated by switching the two-levels input factor z, and it is defined as: gapX (z1, z2) = (Xz1-Xz2)/Xz2, keeping all other input factors unchanged. For example, the percent gap in distance generated by the capacities of the network is reported as gapTD (LI, UL) = (TDLI- TDUL)/ TDUL.
4. Results
4.1. Total Cumulative Distance
4.2. Emissions
4.3. Number of Trucks
5. Conclusions
- The representation of the distribution problem in the form of a multi-commodity network flow which is, to our knowledge, a novelty in the field of urban logistics. The linear programming model makes it possible to optimize the total distance traveled and makes it possible to evaluate the impact in terms of emissions of the studied network. This model encompasses the UCCs, which are central elements in vertical collaboration; it also offers the possibility to limit the impact of the distribution flows in specific areas by using the arc capacities of the network.
- We reported several comparisons. Firstly, the comparison of two types of distribution networks with different degrees of connectivity (i.e., integrated (FI) vs. nonintegrated (NI) networks); these two types of networks correspond to the current state (NI) and a proposed future state of the distribution system (FI). Secondly, we reported the comparison of two types of organization regarding the parcel distribution (With Pooling (WP) or No Pooling (NP)).
- Lastly, this approach is generic and can be applied to optimize parcel distribution in city centers of large urban areas.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Scenario Abbreviation | Integration | Pooling | Arcs Capacities | Trucks Capacities in A1 and A2 |
1 | NP-NI-LI-HM | No | No | Limited | 180-180 |
2 | WP-NI-LI-HM | No | Yes | Limited | 180-180 |
3 | NP-FI-LI-HM | Yes | No | Limited | 180-180 |
4 | WP-FI-LI-HM | Yes | Yes | Limited | 180-180 |
5 | NP-NI-LI-HT | No | No | Limited | 45-180 |
6 | WP-NI-LI-HT | No | Yes | Limited | 45-180 |
7 | NP-FI-LI-HT | Yes | No | Limited | 45-180 |
8 | WP-FI-LI-HT | Yes | Yes | Limited | 45-180 |
9 | NP-NI-UL-HM | No | No | Unlimited | 180-180 |
10 | WP-NI-UL-HM | No | Yes | Unlimited | 180-180 |
11 | NP-FI-UL-HM | Yes | No | Unlimited | 180-180 |
12 | WP-FI-UL-HM | Yes | Yes | Unlimited | 180-180 |
13 | NP-NI-UL-HT | No | No | Unlimited | 45-180 |
14 | WP-NI-UL-HT | No | Yes | Unlimited | 45-180 |
15 | NP-FI-UL-HT | Yes | No | Unlimited | 45-180 |
16 | WP-FI-UL-HT | Yes | Yes | Unlimited | 45-180 |
Integration | Pooling | Demands | Nodes | Arcs | Constraints | Variables |
NI | NP | 72 | 25 | 76 | 32,124 | 24,193 |
NI | WP | 72 | 25 | 76 | 8268 | 6301 |
FI | NP | 72 | 25 | 96 | 36,456 | 27,649 |
FI | WP | 72 | 25 | 96 | 9192 | 7,201 |
(a) Impact of Integration | (b) Impact of Pooling | ||
Scenarios | gapTD (NI,FI) | Scenarios | gapTD (NP,WP) |
NP-xx-LI-HM | 11.7 | xx-NI-LI-HM | 18.4 |
WP-xx-LI-HM | 38.9 | xx-FI-LI-HM | 43.5 |
NP-xx-LI-HT | 9.9 | xx-NI-LI-HT | 11.9 |
WP-xx-LI-HT | 22.3 | xx-FI-LI-HT | 23.9 |
(a) Homogeneous Fleet | (b) Heterogeneous Fleet | ||
Scenarios | gapTD (LI,UL) | Scenarios | gapTD (LI,UL) |
NP-NII-xx-HM | 0 | NP-NI-xx-HT | 0 |
WP-NI-xx-HM | 0 | WP-NI-xx-HT | 0 |
NP-FI-xx-HM | 28.4 | NP-FI-xx-HT | 7.7 |
WP-FI-xx-HM | 4.6 | WP-FI-xx-HT | 15.6 |
Scenario | Total | Lower Level (L1) | Upper Level (L2) |
xx-NI-LI-HM | −18 (−18%) | 0 | −18 (−64%) |
xx-FI-LI-HM | −49 (−45%) | −29 (−40%) | −20 (−57%) |
xx-NI_LI-HT | −15 (−12%) | 0 | −15 (−29%) |
xx-FI-LI-HT | −37 (−28%) | −28 (−38%) | −9 (−16%) |
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Share and Cite
Dupas, R.; Taniguchi, E.; Deschamps, J.-C.; Qureshi, A.G. A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo. Sustainability 2020, 12, 2180. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062180
Dupas R, Taniguchi E, Deschamps J-C, Qureshi AG. A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo. Sustainability. 2020; 12(6):2180. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062180
Chicago/Turabian StyleDupas, Rémy, Eiichi Taniguchi, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, and Ali G. Qureshi. 2020. "A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo" Sustainability 12, no. 6: 2180. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062180
APA StyleDupas, R., Taniguchi, E., Deschamps, J. -C., & Qureshi, A. G. (2020). A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo. Sustainability, 12(6), 2180. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062180