The present study reports the efficiency of N utilisation along with the physical and economic performance of two systems operating with differing milking frequencies and levels of intensity. While the herd composition was different between herds in terms of breed composition, the similar BW between cows in each herd makes them comparable in terms of genetic merit. The contiguous location of these two research farms confirms that cows and paddocks on both farms were exposed to the same climatic and environmental conditions throughout the production season. However, the management of the farms were different. The OAD-LI farm was based on pasture grazed directly with low levels of supplementation in combination with lower SR and cows milked OAD. In comparison, the TAD-HI system had a 25% higher SR with cows milked TAD along with higher supplementation and lower reliance on pasture. Consequently, this dataset offered a unique opportunity to investigate different aspects of both biological and economic performance along with NUE and N losses of different intensification levels of pasture-based production systems on a farm system scale. Caution is required when interpreting these modelled N efficiencies and losses results, given that no validation was undertaken. It should also be noted that the results combine the effect of system intensity and milking frequency and therefore the individual effects of either cannot be determined. Lastly, results presented are at the dairy farm gate, and if a full system boundary analysis was completed, different conclusions might be arrived at.
4.1. Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilisation at the Cow Level
In OAD-LI, NUE at a cow level was lower than in TAD-HI and this was caused by less N captured in milk as a consequence of lower milk yield with a correspondent reduction in protein yield. Considering that both herds are of comparable and high genetic merit, the reduction in milk yield was due to the reduced milking frequency in OAD-LI. By reducing the milking frequency from TAD to OAD, Delamaire and Guinard–Flament [
24] reported a drop of nutrient uptake in the mammary gland which negatively affected the milk production of cows in peak lactation. Other studies have reported varied NUE at a cow level in New Zealand under grazing conditions with different levels of concentrate inclusion. For example, Totty et al. [
25] observed NUE at a cow level of 17, 16, and 19% in mid-lactation cows grazing solely ryegrass/white clover pasture, high-sugar ryegrass/white clover pasture and high-sugar ryegrass/white clover pasture with chicory and plantain, respectively. In addition, Al–Marashdeh et al. [
26] observed NUE of 20 and 23% in late-lactation cows fed ryegrass/white clover pasture and ryegrass/white clover pasture with 3 kg DM per cow of maize silage supplementation, respectively. The NUE reported in the present study was higher than the NUE figures reported by Totty et al. [
25] and by Al–Marashdeh et al. [
26], because cows of TAD-HI were fed lower protein supplements. Additionally, our measurements of NUE were calculated including total N in milk and other outputs such as LW change, calf N output, and cull cow N output (
Table 6). In turn, the differences estimated in NUE among OAD-LI and TAD-HI in the present study, were comparable to the differences in NUE of New Zealand cows fed higher proportions of concentrate relative to grass-based diets in the study reported by Ryan et al. [
Lower dietary CP content and higher intake of the TAD-HI compared to the OAD-LI system (
Table 1 and
Table 2), resulted in 3% higher N intake in TAD-HI (124 kg N intake/cow) compared to OAD-LI (120 kg N intake/cow). Bargo et al. [
27] reported a similar outcome on cows grazing pastures at different allowance levels with and without concentrate supplementation, and showed that the supplemented cows with concentrate (of lower CP) increased their DMI and substituted a portion of offered pasture, and this resulted in similar CP intake levels among treatments. In the present study, the closeness in N intake between production systems was explained by the higher intake of a diet lower in CP in TAD-HI when compared to OAD-LI.
Diluting the often high N contained in directly grazed pastures with low-N energy-enriched supplement is described as a strategy to provide more energy for microbes to increase microbial protein synthesis [
28]. Reed et al. [
29] reported that there is an extra energetic cost spent in eliminating the excess N from cows fed with diets exceeding the CP requirements for milk production. In the case of OAD-LI, milk production was suppressed and diet was higher in CP throughout the season. Consequently, the higher NUE observed in TAD-HI cows in the present study was explained by the increased milk yield due to the higher milking frequency and by feeding a more balanced ration in terms of the energy:protein ratio (
Table 2) [
4.2. Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilisation at the Whole-Farm Level
Utilising the same models of farm efficiency and N balance, an Irish study of pastured TAD cows comparing performance of high producing, high durability and New Zealand strains with diverse levels of supplementation and SR by Ryan et al. [
20] reported a mean NUE of 31%. A farmlet study by Roche et al. [
30] in New Zealand, measured a mean NUE of 35% on TAD cows with SR ranging from 2.2 to 4.3 cows per ha. Allowing the comparison of these two research approaches (modelling vs. farmlet studies), the efficiencies observed by Roche et al. [
30], along with those observed by Ryan et al. [
20] were lower compared to the NUE modelling predictions from the present study, because of the lower N fertiliser employed in TAD-HI in comparison with these other studies. Rates of N fertiliser applied annually were 200 kg per ha [
30] and 275 kg per ha [
20], compared with 87 kg per ha in the present study. In the same manner, by applying an additional 35% of N fertiliser in OAD-LI, which was the principal N input in this system, the N surplus was increased by 24 kg N per ha and the NUE was reduced by 31% (
Table 7). Based on the low pasture utilisation from the present study, it could be strongly argued that the pasture (and N) was surplus to requirements and that there is significant potential to increase the NUE within each system with higher utilisation of the pasture grown (
Table 4) and this is particularly the case on OAD-LI. A recent farmlet study by Clark et al. [
31] reported that increasing pasture utilisation efficiency from 78% to 87% resulted in a 43% reduction of N losses through better NUE. The improvement in pasture utilisation efficiency was achieved by adjusting N fertiliser (75 kg N fertiliser less per ha) to target feed grown according to the feed demand of the two systems compared in their study. One must be cognisant that there will be N losses associated with production of the extra feed and that the total N losses would be higher if the system boundary was expanded to the inclusion of the crop growth. It is also worth noting that the present study was not designed as a control/treatment type study and therefore the overall conclusions from the production data need to be interpreted within that context.
4.3. Nitrogen Losses from the Production Systems
On a whole-farm level, N surplus indicates potential losses of N to the environment, but the internal flows including N captured in pasture production, pasture harvested by cows and N disappearing from herbage to litter are not taken into account in the calculation of the N surplus at the paddock level [
6]. The N surplus (i.e., total inputs minus total outputs) is a key indicator that can be directly linked to N losses from the system, but caution must be taken when comparing between production systems with different characteristics, considering that the relationship between N surplus and N leaching can change for different scenarios [
Whereas Ryan et al. [
20] observed an average relationship of 66% of N available for leaching from total N surplus, this relationship in the present study was 81% and 70% for OAD-LI and TAD-HI, respectively. Consequently, it is not easy to compare the N surplus from one study to another [
32]. Agreement is required on which items should be included in the input and output terms and a number of site-specific factors (e.g., soil, climate) will also affect the N cycle and the N captures and losses from the system [
The main losses of N from a dairy grazing system occur through denitrification, volatilisation and leaching [
33]. Ammonia volatilisation losses originate from excreta (mainly urine) and from N fertilisation [
5]. Contrary to the positive relation of volatilisation and N fertiliser applications observed by Ledgard et al. [
5], the same relationship was not observed in the present study, with similar losses of ammonia across both production systems. The positive relationship between volatilisation and fertilisation reported by Ledgard et al. [
5] may have been due to the contrasting rates of N fertilisers of their study. While Ledgard et al. [
5] utilised from nil to 225, 360 and 430 kg N per ha per annum, in the present study the fertiliser rates ranged from 87 in TAD-HI to 135 kg N per ha in OAD-LI. Both production systems scenarios applied less than 150 kg N per ha per year, the level at which the balance between food production and environmental outcomes appears to be optimised [
The increase in imported bought-in feeds and N fertiliser usage are usually associated with increased SR to improve productivity, but are likely to increase N available for losses to the environment [
7]. Nitrogen fertilisation has a large impact on N losses from both the animal and the farm as it is involved in many processes within the N cycle [
6]. Despite the positive effect of its use on pasture production, the efficiency with which it is used is variable [
33] and, similar to feed supplementation, depends on the response of the extra milk produced in relation to the extra kg pasture grown. A study conducted by Shepherd et al. [
34] found that a 20% reduction in SR along with less N fertiliser applied resulted in 14% less urinary N excreted per ha per day, due to a decrease in N consumed per ha. In contrast, on a whole-farm level study in Ireland undertaken by McCarthy et al. [
35], there was an increase in measured N losses (including nitrites, nitrates and ammonia) from free-draining soils where lower SR resulted in less utilisation of grazed pasture. The increase in N fertiliser applied in OAD-LI was associated with 1260 kg DM per ha of additional pasture production, but because there were less cows available to utilise this extra feed grown, this resulted in a lower response in milk per kg of N applied and an additional 27.3 kg N per ha available for leaching in. In reality, this system should have been run with a lower fertiliser N level, as the extra pasture growth was not utilised.
4.4. Physical and Economic Performance
Despite the relatively low operating cost of running temperate grass-based dairy systems, the land is the main capital component and is becoming a limiting resource for the dairy farming sector [
36]. The optimum production system is that which returns the maximum income per unit of limiting resource. Consequently, a prudent strategy would be to dilute the cost of the land by increasing milk production per area [
36] which has occurred in New Zealand through intensifying the dairy systems since the 1990’s [
37]. On the other hand, it is still debated which grade of inclusion of inputs (fertilisers, bought-in feeds) should be included as these would have a great impact on farming costs [
36]. Research from Ireland [
38] has shown that for each additional 10% increase in bought-in feed, there was a reduction in operating profit per hectare by €97.
The study conducted by Edwards [
8] to explore profitability of milking herds milked OAD vs TAD within New Zealand, reported an additional 25% in total farming costs per ha from stabilised herds milked TAD. In the present study, the gap between OAD-LI and TAD-HI was 39% in total costs per ha. The total costs per kg milksolids for OAD-LI were 8% lower than for TAD-HI (NZ
$4.41 and NZ
$4.79, respectively). The costs per kg of milksolids for OAD-LI were similar to the data reported by Edwards [
8]. Feed costs per ha of TAD-HI were 44% higher (extra NZ
$766 per ha) than feed costs from farms representing a typical system in the Waikato basin (‘current’) from 2000 to 2010 [
31]. It must be considered that procedures in which costs are calculated (or estimated) are not always consistent and this might lead to biased comparisons [
With an additional 5% kg MS per ha from OAD-LI compared to the stabilised full season OAD milking herd reported by Edwards [
8], operating (net) profit was 19% greater in OAD-LI compared to Edwards [
8]. The operating profit from TAD-HI was 15% higher than the profit from ‘current’ farms reported by Clark et al. [
31]. Higher input systems can provide more consistent milk yield but they are more complex to manage, and risk may be higher if variability in feed and milk prices is not controlled [
37]. Interestingly, the operating profit from the ‘current’ farms of the Waikato region reported by Clark et al. [
31] was similar to the OAD-LI farm. This might be relevant for farmers who are considering adopting full season OAD milking. In agreement with Edwards [
8], profitability can be achieved by adopting full season OAD milking, but in order to improve the operating profit of the business, the farm operation must be restructured to reduce costs.
Reducing the milking frequency in OAD-LI resulted in a drop in milk yield and DMI per cow and per ha [
9]. The reduced SR of the OAD-LI farm resulted in a lower feed demand per ha [
35], and an increase in N fertiliser usage increased pasture production [
33] and this led to a decline in pasture utilised. In reality it is clear that without environmental restrictions, many OAD systems would operate at a higher stocking rate to increase feed demand and therefore pasture utilisation. In the present study, the decline in pasture utilised per hectare with a low SR and/or increased use of purchased supplements was responsible for the low input response (fertilisers, supplements, irrigation) along with an increase in associated costs of growing unutilised pasture in conjunction with increased fixed costs. These settings were associated with reductions of the operating profitability of pasture-based dairy systems [
39]. On a large dataset from the Irish National Farm Survey including a selection of 257 dairy farms of contrasting productive scenarios over a period of 8 consecutive years, Hanrahan et al. [
38] demonstrated that pasture utilisation per ha is a crucial measurement of farm efficiency. This last study cited recognised that by determining appropriate SR, grazing seasonal length and proportion of purchased feeds among other factors, the overall farm performance would be maximised. Chapman et al. [
40] observed that by reducing inputs of N fertiliser and supplementation, there is margin to maximise profitability and reduce the environmental footprint on systems, but it must be ensured that SR is aligned with the feed demand and feed offered on farms.