Harnessing Offshore Wind Energy along the Mexican Coastline in the Gulf of Mexico—An Exploratory Study including Sustainability Criteria
:1. Introduction
Contribution and Structure of the Paper
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Determination of Wind Exclusion Areas
- Areas of exclusive use by the hydrocarbon industry. The information available in the Map of the Hydrocarbon Industry of the National Center of the Hydrocarbon Industry [39] was used. Shape files with extension *shp were exported with geo-referenced information of all the layers that were of interest to the study, those corresponding to areas where there are hydrocarbon exploitation infrastructures (fields, wells, pipelines), as well as those that have already been assigned for future exploration and exploitation activities. The guidelines established in the Official Journal of the Federation (OJF) were then used to determine the wind exclusion areas around the hydrocarbon infrastructures already referenced. The guidelines used are those that establish the safety zones for navigation and overflight in the vicinity of oil facilities and the integral and sustainable use of fishery and aquaculture resources in Mexican marine areas [2,40].
- According to these guidelines, the wells, platforms, and other facilities for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons will have an individual safety zone of 2500 m around them. Therefore, wind exclusion zones were established as those within a radius of 2500 m around the infrastructure, as well as the polygons that enclose the fields with reserves, areas with resources, assigned areas, and those corresponding to the five-year plan 2020–2024.
- Water depth. The study prioritized areas with water depths less than 50 m since deeper water depths require more expensive technologies, such as floating platforms. The shp files with bathymetric information were obtained from the Hydrocarbon Industry Map [43].
- Distance to the coast. The distance of offshore wind farms from the coast is a factor that influences their social impact. Although there is no consensus regarding the minimum recommended distance, some authors such as Betakova et al. [44] and Sullivan et al. [45], cited by Virtanen et al. [46], suggested distances of 10 km and 16 km, respectively, to decrease negative social impacts; meanwhile, Tavares et al. [32] considered a minimum distance of 18 km for offshore wind farms in Brazil. However, the distance to the coast also affects the installation, operation, and maintenance costs of wind farms and therefore their economic viability. Most of the wind farms operating in the world are within 20 km of the coast, with a global average of 18.8 km [47]. In our case, we took the value of 20 km as a reference; that is, areas within 20 km from the coast were considered wind exclusion areas. This distance also considered that, in the study region, several coastal communities are engaged in fishing, using some means that allow them to penetrate several kilometers offshore.
2.3. Wind Resource Assessment and Modeling of Offshore Wind Farms
- Analysis of raw wind data. In this block, the analysis of any time series of wind speed measurements is performed. As a result, an observed wind climate (OWC) is obtained, which is dependent on the specific site.
- Generation of wind atlas data. At this stage, the wind data are “cleaned” to site-specific conditions (orography, roughness), resulting in a generalized wind climate (GWC), independent of the site.
- Wind climate estimation. From the generalized wind climate, the program predicts the wind climate (PWC) at any specific point and height, for example, at the location of a wind turbine. For this purpose, it introduces the terrain characteristics around the point and performs the inverse procedure of the second block; therefore, it is said that WAsP performs a double vertical extrapolation.
- Estimation of wind power potential. The energy content of the wind and the energy production of a given wind turbine is calculated from its power curve.
- Calculation of wind farm production. In this block, the power and thrust curves of the wind turbines, as well as the layout of the wind farm, are used to calculate the wake losses of each turbine. These losses are deducted from the total energy production of the wind farm to obtain its net production.
- The average power density determined using the Weibull probability density function should be equal to that obtained from the measured data.
- The proportion of the data above the mean velocity (vav), determined using the Weibull distribution function, is the same as that obtained from the distribution of the measured data.
3. Results
3.1. Wind Power Exclusion Zones and Installable Capacity
3.2. Characteristics of the Available Wind Resource
3.3. Modeling of Wind Farms
3.4. Preliminary Economic Feasibility Analysis
- The differences between LCOE and LMPAvg in Campeche could be between 11% and 25% for m = 0.25 and m = 0.35, respectively, while in Yucatán, it could be as low as 5.3% for m = 0.25 and 19.6% for m = 0.35. In practice, this difference could change substantially, not only due to the deviations that could exist between the values of the energy delivered by the wind farms, estimated in this study, and the actual production but also due to the volatility of conventional fuel prices, which dominate the Mexican electricity matrix and which could narrow the margin between the cost of electricity from offshore wind farms (LCOE) and that of the national electricity grid LMPAvg. Additionally, it is interesting to note that the range of variation of the LMP at nodes 08 CMO and 08PPO is quite large, with a range of 0.492 USD/kWh and maximum values of 0.51 USD/kWh at each of them (Figure 12).
- If we consider the hourly behavior of the LMP in the three interconnection nodes (Figure 13), we can see that there is a wide session of the day during which the hourly averages are higher than the LMPAvg. For example, in the nodes corresponding to the interconnection of the Campeche (08CMO) and Yucatán (08PPO) wind farms, the hourly average LMP is higher than the LMPAvg during 15 h of the day, from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm.
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- Narrow the talent gap in the renewable energy sector, through the development of sustainable energy education programs, both formal and non-formal, as well as through the training and formation of high-level human resources.
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- Promote the development of sustainable cities, establishing regulations that allow for adequate planning with a focus on eco-design, sustainable waste management, and efficient energy use.
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- Increase investments in energy efficiency and distributed power generation projects, as well as in adequate transmission and distribution networks.
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- Advance toward the development of smart grids and new energy soul-feeding systems that allow a greater participation of renewable energies in the national energy matrix.
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- Facilitate access to renewable and energy-efficient technologies by providing financing through low-interest loans.
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- Increased use of renewable energies but with minimal negative social and environmental impacts.
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- Develop a favorable legal and regulatory framework that encourages the participation of the national private sector in the development of efficient energy infrastructure, as well as foreign investment with a focus on technology transfer.
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- Create funds to finance research and technological development activities in renewable energies and energy efficiency. In particular, allocate human, material, and financial resources to carry out a better evaluation of the potential available in offshore energy resources, such as oceanic, offshore wind, and solar resources for floating photovoltaic systems.
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- Develop information systems that facilitate sustainable energy planning, including the country’s marine space. Here, it is important to emphasize that energy information systems are needed with a much broader scope than those that currently exist in the country. To this end, it is necessary to include not only national statistical information but also georeferenced information on the potential of renewable energy resources and available energy infrastructure, integrating the use of geographic information systems and multi-criteria analysis tools to better support decision making.
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- Formulate and implement strategies and programs to advance the development of the national renewable energy industry, particularly the wind energy industry, seeking to guarantee energy security and sovereignty, accessibility, and affordability of sustainable energy services and environmental protection.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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AMB to Which the Study Site Belongs | Coordinates and Distances to the GWC Point | ||
GWC Point | Nearest MERRA-2 Point | Nearest ERA-5 Point | |
Tabasco | 18.98, −93.89 | 18.5, −93.75 17.25 km | 18.5, −94.0 14.63 km |
Campeche | 19.61, −91 | 19.5, −91.25 28.94 km | 19.5, −91 12.24 km |
Yucatán | 21.64, −89.42 | 21.5, −89.37 16.42 km | 21.75, −89.5 14.74 km |
Parameter | Value |
Power rating | 15 MW |
Turbine class | IEC Class 1B |
Specific rating | 331.57 W/m2 |
Cut-in wind speed | 3 m/s |
Rated wind speed | 10.88 m/s |
Cut-out wind speed | 25 m/s |
Rotor diameter | 240 m |
Hub height | 150 m |
Wind Farms | Wind Turbine Model | Selected Area (km2) | Wind Turbines | Total Power Output (GW) |
AMB Tabasco | IEA 15 MW | 272 | 94 | 1.41 |
AMB Campeche | 442 | 170 | 2.55 | |
AMB Yucatán | 451 | 170 | 2.55 | |
Total | 434 | 6.51 |
Sites | GWC | ERA-5 | MERRA-2 | ||
Pd (W/m2) | Pd (W/m2) | Er (%) | Pd (W/m2) | Er (%) | |
Tabasco | 350 | 273 | −22.00 | 355 | 1.43 |
Campeche | 380 | 329 | −13.42 | 304 | −20.00 |
Yucatán | 490 | 490 | 0.00 | 254 | −48.16 |
Sites | Power Output (GW) | GWC | ERA-5 | MERRA-2 | ||
Tabasco | 1.41 | 4000.90 | 3052.00 | −23.72 | 4330.00 | 8.23 |
Campeche | 2.55 | 8381.50 | 7639.00 | −8.86 | 7025.00 | −16.18 |
Yucatán | 2.55 | 10,438.50 | 10,498.00 | 0.57 | 6232.00 | −40.30 |
Wind Farms | Capacity Factor (%) | Percentage Concerning 2019 Annual Consumption (%) | Annual Emissions Saved (MtCO2eq/y) | |
Peninsular Region | Southeastern Mexico | |||
Tabasco | 32 | 37 | 28 | 1976.4 |
Campeche | 37 | 78 | 59 | 4140.5 |
Yucatán | 46 | 97 | 74 | 5156.6 |
Total | 40 | 212 | 161 | 11,273.5 |
Wind Farms | Capacity (GW) | ||
WF100% | WF50% | WF30% | |
Tabasco | 1.41 | 0.71 | 0.42 |
Campeche | 2.55 | 1.28 | 0.77 |
Yucatán | 2.55 | 1.28 | 0.77 |
Parameters | Tabasco Wind Farm | Campeche Wind Farm | Yucatán Wind Farm |
Average water depth, d (m) | 62 | 15 | 25 |
Length of the offshore power grid, Loffsh (km) | 23 | 24 | 22 |
Length of the onshore power grid, Lonsh (km) | 41 | 2 | 19 |
Distance to the nearest port, Lp (km) | 61 | 20 | 23 |
Economic Indicators | m | ||||
0.25 | 0.35 | 0.45 | 0.55 | ||
CapEx (USD/kW) | Tabasco WF | 4154 | 4909 | 6000 | 7714 |
OpEx (USD/kWh) a | 0.034 | ||||
LCOE (USD/kWh) a | 0.187 | 0.221 | 0.270 | 0.347 | |
LMPAvg (USD/kWh) b | 0.078 | ||||
LMPAvg-LPT (USD/kWh) c | 0.085 | ||||
CapEx (USD/kW) | Campeche WF | 2431 | 2873 | 3511 | 4515 |
OpEx (USD/kWh) a | 0.030 | ||||
LCOE (USD/kWh) a | 0.099 | 0.117 | 0.143 | 0.183 | |
LMPAvg (USD/kWh) b | 0.088 | ||||
LMPAvg-LPT (USD/kWh) c | 0.097 | ||||
CapEx (USD/kW) | Yucatán WF | 2918 | 3448 | 4215 | 5419 |
OpEx (USD/kWh) a | 0.031 | ||||
LCOE (USD/kWh) a | 0.095 | 0.112 | 0.137 | 0.177 | |
LMPAvg (USD/kWh) b | 0.090 | ||||
LMPAvg-LPT (USD/kWh) c | 0.100 |
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Hernández Galvez, G.; Chuck Liévano, D.; Sarracino Martínez, O.; Lastres Danguillecourt, O.; Dorrego Portela, J.R.; Narcía, A.T.; Saldaña Flores, R.; Pampillón González, L.; Perea-Moreno, A.-J.; Hernandez-Escobedo, Q. Harnessing Offshore Wind Energy along the Mexican Coastline in the Gulf of Mexico—An Exploratory Study including Sustainability Criteria. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105877
Hernández Galvez G, Chuck Liévano D, Sarracino Martínez O, Lastres Danguillecourt O, Dorrego Portela JR, Narcía AT, Saldaña Flores R, Pampillón González L, Perea-Moreno A-J, Hernandez-Escobedo Q. Harnessing Offshore Wind Energy along the Mexican Coastline in the Gulf of Mexico—An Exploratory Study including Sustainability Criteria. Sustainability. 2022; 14(10):5877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105877
Chicago/Turabian StyleHernández Galvez, Geovanni, Daniel Chuck Liévano, Omar Sarracino Martínez, Orlando Lastres Danguillecourt, José Rafael Dorrego Portela, Antonio Trujillo Narcía, Ricardo Saldaña Flores, Liliana Pampillón González, Alberto-Jesus Perea-Moreno, and Quetzalcoatl Hernandez-Escobedo. 2022. "Harnessing Offshore Wind Energy along the Mexican Coastline in the Gulf of Mexico—An Exploratory Study including Sustainability Criteria" Sustainability 14, no. 10: 5877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105877
APA StyleHernández Galvez, G., Chuck Liévano, D., Sarracino Martínez, O., Lastres Danguillecourt, O., Dorrego Portela, J. R., Narcía, A. T., Saldaña Flores, R., Pampillón González, L., Perea-Moreno, A.-J., & Hernandez-Escobedo, Q. (2022). Harnessing Offshore Wind Energy along the Mexican Coastline in the Gulf of Mexico—An Exploratory Study including Sustainability Criteria. Sustainability, 14(10), 5877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105877