Smart Sustainable Cities—Case Study Südwestfalen Germany
:1. Introduction
2. Case Study: The Inter-Municipal Project “Smart Cities—5 für Südwestfalen”
3. Method and Theoretical Background
Application of the Method in the Inter-Municipal Consortium in Südwestfalen
4. Results
4.1. Smart Sustainable Cities in Südwestfalen—Five Individual Paths, One Framework
4.2. Development of a Common Framework Strategy
4.3. Visions and Narratives
4.4. The Process Design—Similarities and Differences
4.5. Cooperation Structures within the Consortium
4.6. Regional Diffusion
5. Discussion
5.1. Narratives/Vision
5.2. Process Design
5.3. Cooperation/Collaboration and Participation
5.4. Diffusion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Document analysis of freely accessible internet sources (existing council resolutions, Smart City strategies, and websites of the cities and the consortium as well as the Südwestfalen Agentur) and selection of a key person in the process |
2 | Agreement and conduction of a first narrative interview with the identified key person |
3 | Creation of an ego-centered network, where the ego in this case is the project “5 für Südwestfalen” |
4 | On the basis of the ego-centred network, selection of further interview partners and creation of initial biographies of the whole “5 für Südwestfalen” process and expansion of the ego-centered network |
5 | Conducting further narrative interviews in the 5 original cities and accompanying document analysis to validate the interviews (Smart City strategies, council resolutions, websites) |
6 | Development of the five city-specific biographies and comparative analysis with regard to organizational structures, participation formats, and actor links within the cities |
7 | Interview with another key person from the Südwestfalen Agentur to validate the results obtained so far with regard to overarching networking activities in the region of Südwestfalen and further interviews with follower cities in the region |
8 | Qualitative content analysis of the transcribed interviews, the freely accessible documents according to Mayring, and the reconstruction of the biographies according to Rosendahl [30,32,33] |
Funding structures and the acquisition capabilities of the municipalities |
Cooperation in the strategy phase to activate the citizenry and the administration |
Communication of the strategy and its benefits to increase the level of information of the citizenry and the administration. This creates trust [56] (p. 76) |
Policy coherence in order to avoid discrepancies in existing strategies and to create responsibilities |
Providing a framework to manage Smart City projects and the diffusion of Smart Cities |
Initiation of inter-communal learning processes and communication for the diffusion of what has been learned |
Regular exchange within and between cities to avoid duplication, learn from each other, and benefit from economies of scale in joint projects |
Recognizing the value of knowledge and sharing it so that diffusion succeeds |
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Treude, M.; Schüle, R.; Haake, H. Smart Sustainable Cities—Case Study Südwestfalen Germany. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5957.
Treude M, Schüle R, Haake H. Smart Sustainable Cities—Case Study Südwestfalen Germany. Sustainability. 2022; 14(10):5957.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTreude, Mona, Ralf Schüle, and Hans Haake. 2022. "Smart Sustainable Cities—Case Study Südwestfalen Germany" Sustainability 14, no. 10: 5957.
APA StyleTreude, M., Schüle, R., & Haake, H. (2022). Smart Sustainable Cities—Case Study Südwestfalen Germany. Sustainability, 14(10), 5957.