To assess environmental impacts, researchers use different LCA methods. Different methods assess different types of midpoint impacts such as carbon emissions, water footprint, abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidation, ecotoxicity, human toxicity, fresh water ecotoxicity, marine ecotoxicity, and terrestrial ecotoxicity. Although all researchers assess carbon emission, few researchers have discussed abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation and energy use based on similar units. The detailed descriptions are explained in the following section.
3.2.1. Effect of Different Materials of a Timber Frame Wall on Global Warming Potential
Greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. There are 207 greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbon, and others), as mentioned in the ReCiPe LCA manual [
55]. For global warming impact analysis, the effect of all GHGs is referred to as CO
2 equivalent. GHGs lead to an increase in the global mean temperature. These increased temperatures cause damage to health, terrestrial ecosystems, and freshwater ecosystems [
33]. Timber wall production, construction, use, and end of life greatly impact global warming [
56]. For timber wall production, timber is collected from the forest; then, it needs to be transported to the sawmill. For construction and use of timber wall, it requires electricity and fuel. GHGs are released into the environment at the end of life due to decomposition and incineration that causes global warming [
Although the authors primarily focused on wooden walls, the environmental impact varied due to various LCA methods and system boundaries. Researchers used different LCA methods such as TRACI, Impact 2002+ and Eco-indicator 99, and selected various goals and work scopes in these peer-reviewed publications. Different goals and scopes of work will have a major impact on carbon emissions. From
Figure 4 and
Figure 5, the authors conclude that the carbon emission was significantly high (159.1–702 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) in some research articles [
54]. Malaysian researchers investigated the usage of hardwood for timber frames [
32]. Carbon emission generated from these timber frame structures was in the range of 95.65–702 kg CO
2 eq./m
2. During a previous study, the researchers gathered inventory data from books, journal articles, and manufacturers [
5]. Recently, Malaysian academics have begun collecting data from the Malaysia lifecycle inventory database. After utilizing the new database, the carbon emission computation has been revised, yielding a reduced carbon emission result. The authors recognize that there are two factors responsible for high carbon emissions. For example, hardwood requires much energy to prepare, contributing to the environmental burden. Secondly, since Malaysia is a hot and humid nation, no insulation or heat-transfer material is employed contributing to GHG reduction. Suppose the wall frame does not include insulation, air and vapor barrier, exterior cladding, and interior board. In that case, it requires a significant amount of energy, which results in substantial carbon emissions during the usage phase. Another study found that wooden wall design employed wood with plasterboard [
10]. Due to fewer parts used in the wooden wall design, it had limited control over air and heat flow, resulting in more energy throughout the usage stage of the building’s life cycle. That carbon footprint (~363 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) was comparable to Malaysian house emissions.
A timber element with 2 × 4 untreated wood studs (conventional timber dimension in the US corresponding to a section of 38 mm by 89 mm) was utilized in another study [
9]. This focused on a particular dwelling type known as a tiny house, ranging from 9 to 37 m
2 in size. This house received attention because of its lack of regulation, although its lifespan was shorter (30 years) than typical dwellings. The primary source of increased carbon emissions in this house was frequent disassembly. According to
Figure 5, houses with fewer components release more carbon. As fewer elements were employed in this tiny home, it represents one of the core reasons for increased emission.
A peer-reviewed article studied two high-rise residential buildings (nine stories) [
7]. Both structures were built of wood and concrete (hybrid construction). These two structures utilized additional materials, such as exterior timber cladding, wooden frames, glass wool insulation, and gypsum board. Both towers were made of a large quantity of concrete in construction structures (base, floor, and staircase), contributing to carbon emissions in the environment (227.3 kg CO
2 eq./m
2 for Tower A and 114.3 kg CO
2 eq./m
2 for Tower B). Cement is a major component of concrete manufacturing that directly and indirectly emits greenhouse gases. Calcium carbonate is the main ingredient of cement. During cement production, calcium carbonate becomes thermally decomposed, producing life and carbon dioxide. Coal-based fossil fuels also generate carbon during energy production [
59]. Another research study concluded that one ton of cement is responsible for 900 kg of carbon emission into the environment [
Another study used a wood frame and cladding with 5-cm extruded polystyrene for the timber frame [
3]. The carbon footprint of this house was 159.1 kg CO
2 eq./m
2. Similar carbon emission (112.49 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) was calculated for a CLT-based timber wall (with rock wool and silicate plaster) [
61]. Insulation helps to limit heat and cold transmission, which may minimize energy usage during the operating stage, but it may also contribute to carbon emissions during the manufacturing stage. According to this study, extruded polystyrene emits more carbon than other types of insulation. Some researchers compared the carbon emission effect of different thermal mass walls from lightweight timber to concrete walls for 100 years (2000–2100). The results indicated that carbon emission percentage was lower during the early stage of the twenty-first century for heavier thermal mass than timber-frame walls. However, the difference will decrease during the later part of the century due to warmer climate conditions [
62]. Although the combination of thermal mass and insulation can reduce heat transfer, leading to energy saving and lower GHG emission, additional insulation cannot save cooling energy but rather increases the cooling load. Another research study revealed that wall insulation was less effective in hot regions than cold regions [
3]. Another study employed a wood frame with polyisocyanurate, which released significant CO
2 (277 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) due to the greater amount of energy required in the usage stage [
The same LCA technique is used with various wood products in Germany, Norway, France, and Sweden [
38]. Although carbon emissions in Norway, France, and Sweden are almost identical (18 kg CO
2 eq./m
2, 20 kg CO
2 eq./m
2, and 23 kg CO
2 eq./m
2, respectively), Germany has a higher carbon emission (38 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) owing to the use of medium-density fiberboard. Similar carbon emission (43.5 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) for ventilated timber wall has been assessed by some researchers [
13]. In this research, MDF was used as a timber wall element. Research has demonstrated that one constituent may boost carbon emissions by 10%. Research has also highlighted the significance of employing sustainable materials in the construction industry. The criteria for a wooden wall differ for exterior and interior walls. Some researchers concentrated on the inside wall, which does not control air or heat, but just regulates the movement of the sound [
10]. As a result, this form of the interior wall requires fewer components in building construction, resulting in lower carbon emissions (11 kg CO
2 eq./m
Some researchers further studied composite walls such as the concrete glulam framed panel (CGFP). They analyzed and calculated the greenhouse gas emissions and embodied energy of that composite wall and concluded that the panel had more negligible environmental impacts (60.63 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) than a similar study (363 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) [
63]. The functional unit plays a significant role in the life cycle assessment study. The carbon emission (60.63 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) of that study was related to a 1 m
2 wall, whereas, in the supporting study, carbon emission (363 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) was related to 1 m
2 of floor [
Some researchers studied CLT building and compared them with masonry and reinforced concrete buildings. They concluded that CLT-based timber walls have less carbon impact (112.49 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) compared to M (152.17 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) and RC (121.21 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) buildings [
61]. Researchers have also proven that using CLT building can reduce 9.22% (5.92 GtCO
2 eq.) of carbon emissions by 2060 [
64]. Some researchers studied glulam and CLT panel application in 18-story buildings. The results indicated significantly less construction time (only ten weeks). The building mass was also 7648 tons lighter than the concrete building, suitable for the seismic zone. All these activities can reduce environmental impacts [
31]. In another case study, glulam was used for column and beam, and a CLT panel with reinforced concrete was used in the slab area. Sixty per cent of the exterior wall was made of the glass curtain wall. Researchers applied two alternative designs for fire protection: the first one was “fireproofing design”, where gypsum wallboard was used in the wall element; and the second one was “charring design”, where an additional two layers of CLT were used in the floor panel. The results indicated that “charring design” was a better solution (328 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) compared to the “fireproofing design” (334 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) in respect to carbon emission [
65]. A gypsum board was used in the “fireproofing design”, and therefore it was responsible for significant carbon emissions because of a higher energy use. Higher energy use is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable and non-renewable energy use are not directly proportional to greenhouse gas emissions. During manufacture, gypsum boards use ten times more energy than masonry (2167 MJ vs. 263 MJ), and release three times carbon compared to masonry [
65]. The adhesive is another ingredient in gypsum board that significantly impacts the environment. In that study, the resin applied in the CLT panel construction had a lower impact on public health because it replaced formaldehyde with polyurethane and melamine. Formaldehyde has a carcinogen impact on human health, and formaldehyde-based resin requires a higher amount of energy than polyurethane [
65]. In addition to gypsum board, oriented strand board and medium-density fiberboard are also responsible for global warming due to fossil fuel use for electricity production [
13]. Researchers found that wood species used during the manufacture of CLT panels play an essential role in the impact assessment. Product weight is a factor in transportation. High-density wood is heavier than low-density wood, so a vehicle can carry less high-density wood than low-density wood. Although high-density species, such as Douglas-far, impact transportation, they can store more carbon per unit volume [
As adhesive has a negative impact on the environment, a new timber material wall named Massiv–Holz–Mauer (MHM) has been introduced made of fiberboard and aluminum nail. During these two elements, nitrous oxide and sulfur hexafluoride gas produced and contributed to global warming. Methane gas is also formed during electricity production from non-renewable sources [
In this review paper, the authors studied exterior timber walls. However, commercial buildings often use glass curtain walls (CW) as exterior walls. Glass curtain walls can maximize natural lighting, reducing energy use. They can also maximize solar heat gain during the winter season. Glass curtain wall consist of load-bearing mullions, along with glass. In an interesting research study, three mullion materials named aluminum, carbon steel and glulam timber were analyzed. This research indicated that despite the higher mass (9%) of glulam mullions compared to steel, glulam-integrated curtain wall was less responsible for carbon emission (92 kgCO
2 eq./m
2) than steel. The glulam has a lower contribution than aluminum and steel in acidification, eutrophication, and human toxicity [
11]. Additional façade can increase the aesthetic design of the existing house and reduce heat transfer. Some researchers have named these instances as double skin façade [
52]. By taking a cradle-to-gate system boundary, carbon emission for these timber walls is 127 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 [
52]. Some researchers have compared timber–glass composite profiles (L shape vs. I shape) [
56]. The L shape profile needs more material named as the compression-edge bond. The results indicated that L shape composite profile façade wall emitted 6.76 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 compared to the I shape composite façade wall 2.6 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 [
56]. Although several researchers have studied timber–glass façade walls, carbon emission quantity has been found to be significantly different due to different system boundaries. Some researchers used cradle-to-grave, and others used cradle-to-gate system boundaries [
56]. Another study also compared wood-based CW with aluminum-based CW and concluded that all environmental impacts such as GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP and PE are lower for wood-based curtain walls than aluminum-based curtain walls [
24]. Some researchers used thermal efficient insulated glazing instead of normal glazing for transparent wall systems. They also used photovoltaic systems to generate electricity. This new panelized system is referred to as a residential glazed wall panel system. This panelized system requires an intense manufacturing process and the glass needs frequent cleaning and maintenance. The service life of frame coating is only 8 years. During the maintenance phase, this chemical treatment may have a strong influence on the environment. All these activities have an impact on the environment and are responsible for higher carbon emission (90,000 kg CO
2 eq.). The project life of this system is not mentioned clearly. By assuming a 50-year project life, this system is responsible for 625 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 carbon emission, whereas wood-frame walls and wood-frame walls with windows are responsible for 62.5 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 and 312.5 kgCO
2 eq./m
2, respectively [
64]. This study gave us a clear idea about the impact of timber walls, timber walls with windows, and photovoltaic system-based insulated glass panels. Although research has shown that timber is less responsible for global warming, timber mullions are suitable for low-rise buildings, and steel is preferred for high-rise buildings [
Some researchers studied fast-growing bio-based materials such as straw or hemp for building construction. Although timber also uptakes carbon, it needs 40 years to mature, whereas straw or hemp require only one year to harvest. These materials can be used as thick insulation for exterior walls. In that study, the researcher used lime as a binding material to construct a hemp block responsible for significant carbon emissions. However, these materials require further research on large-scale use [
67]. If building wall construction is 100% bio-based, it is assumed reduce 2% of global French radiative forcing [
43]. Another case study also showed a similar result [
58]. Researchers used wheat straw as insulation for a prefabricated timber-based element system [
60]. Wheat straw needs one year to grow. This wall system can store 114.9 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 and it is responsible for 97.3 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 carbon emission during refurbishment of the system [
58]. Other researchers compared timber walls with insulation such as wood fiberboards, loose fill, and hemp fiber with lime [
68]. Timber walls with wood fiber board and loose fiberfill can store 20 kgCO
2 eq./m
2, whereas timber walls with hemp fiber can store 46 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 [
68]. During the manufacturing of these timber walls, wood fiber board-based timber walls release 48 kgCO
2 eq./m
2, but hemp fiber lime-based timber walls release 117 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 [
Carbon emission for this timber wall was 35.23 kg CO
2 eq./m
2. The GWP would be zero if the electricity was generated from a hydropower source [
51]. Carbon emission can be significantly lowered (2.52–4.4 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) by considering the energy source from hydropower or a renewable energy source [
51]. By considering carbon storage, carbon emission for timber-based walls can be negative (−53.74 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) [
18]. In that research, the cradle-to-gate system boundary was used. Inventory system and project life are important factor for the carbon emission calculation of timber wall. Some researchers compared the carbon impact of timber walls on different project years (50–300 years). Researchers proved that by extending building project life from 50 years to 100 years, carbon emission would reduce 50%, whereas this emission would be reduced to 83% if the project life extend to 300 years [
40]. Researchers also compared carbon emission of wood by using the INIES database and Ecoinvent-KBOB database. The INIES database provides negative carbon emission for wood as it counts carbon storage in wood, but other databases provide positive carbon emission for wood. Here, researchers concluded that carbon emission for timber wall is only 3 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 using the INIES database, whereas carbon emission is 115 kgCO
2 eq./m
2 using the Ecoinvent-KBOB database [
40]. The researchers also concluded that insulation has great thermal resistance. However, insulation and coating are responsible for 50% of the carbon emission of timber walls as they have short life spans: 50 years for insulation (glass wool) and 30 years for coating [
40]. Some researchers assessed the influence of insulation on environmental impact, and the results indicated that cork insulation had a smaller negative impact than XPS, EPS, PUR, and rock wools [
Figure 4 depicts carbon emissions from three distinct perspectives: individualistic, hierarchical, and egalitarian. The individualistic perspective is founded on short-term impact, where impact types are indisputable. The view of hierarchies is based on the scientific consensus model in terms of the temporal frame. As is common in scientific models, this is often the default model. Baseline technology is employed in this view. Egalitarian thought is long-term and based on the precautionary principle. This perspective is for the most prolonged period, and all effect pathways for which impact data are available are utilized here. Although the time frames for these three viewpoints are vastly different, the amount of carbon emitted is in about the same range.
Figure 5 describes the relation between timber element design and carbon emission. In hot-region areas, timber wall is constructed of less material because heating and cooling is not as essential as in cold-region areas. So, in the construction stage, carbon emission is less, but during the building operation stage it needs more energy. Carbon emission is highest (702 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) when only one element (hardwood) is used to construct timber wall [
5]. In cold-region areas, more insulation and other elements are used to manage heat transfer.
Figure 5 indicates that where nine different elements are used to construct a timber wall, it can control heat transfer and requires less operational energy. As a result, operational carbon emission is also less (less than 50 kg CO
2 eq./m
2) [
The primary vertical axis represents the number of research articles. The primary horizontal axis represents the global warming potential reported in these articles, and the secondary horizontal axis represents the number of layers of timber frame materials.
3.2.2. Effect of Different Materials of a Timber Frame Wall on Photochemical Oxidation
Photochemical oxidation represents secondary air pollution, also known as summer smog. It is formed in the troposphere caused mainly by the reaction of sunlight to emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, petrol, or gasoline), creating other chemicals (e.g., ozone) [
6]. Ozone is formed because of photochemical reactions of NOx and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). Ozone can be inhaled by the human population and taken up by the plant. Ozone inhalation can inflame the airways and the damage lungs, which causes respiratory distress in humans, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases [
55]. Additionally, ozone negatively impacts plants and vegetation, including reducing growth, seed production, ability to withstand stressors, and the acceleration of leaf senescence [
55]. Human uptake of ozone increases mortality rate, whereas plant uptake of ozone leads to the disappearance of plant species. Fossil fuels are widely used in building construction, such as raw material extraction, production, building construction, use, and end of life.
Figure 6, the first five timber walls (P1–P5) are made of maritime pine [
13]. There are three main ingredients of those timber walls: timber, adhesive, and insulation. Timber manufacturing requires logging, reforesting, debarking, sawing, and transportation. All these activities require energy that comes from fossil fuels. There is no information available regarding the manufacturing process in the first sample (wood frame with extruded polystyrene), such as adhesive. In contrast, other timber frames used a two-component polyurethane adhesive with a spread rate of 140 g/m
2 per glue line [
3]. The application, press and curing processes of adhesive require a significant amount of energy, which has an adverse impact on photochemical oxidation. Different insulations have been used, such as polyurethane (PUR), insulated corkboard (ICB), rock wool (RW), and extruded polystyrene [
40]. The reaction between isocyanates and polyols produces polyurethane (PUR). Different elements such as expansion gases, HFC, CO
2, or C
12 are used to fill the closed pores during the expansion process [
33]. Cork thermal insulation is made of cork oak, and it can be produced as a filler material or board. Rock wool is produced from melting stone (diabase, dolerite) at a temperature around 1400 °C. Abatement oil and phenolic resin are also added to produce rock wool to bind the fibers together and improve the product properties. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is produced from melted polystyrene (from crude oil). Different gases, e.g., HFC, CO
2, or C
12 are used to fill the closed pores during the expansion process. This information concludes that timber wall manufacture significantly impacts photochemical oxidation. Extruded polystyrene has the highest impact on photochemical oxidation, followed by ICB [
Although a service life of 50 years has been assumed for all timber walls, no refurbishment was considered for cross-insulated timber (CIT) and cross-laminated timber (CLT) walls. The last sample, P9, (wood frame with extruded polystyrene) included maintenance activities such as painting the interior and exterior walls, varnishing a wood surface, glazing a window, and fixing the bitumen layer. This maintenance phase adds an extra environmental burden. Researchers did not consider the construction process, use stage and deconstruction process for CIT and CLT walls. On the contrary, researchers included the heating and cooling system in the first sample (wood frame with extruded polystyrene). The building use phase is considerably longer than any other phase, and it requires much energy for heating and cooling systems. This energy comes from fossil fuels, having an impact on photochemical oxidation.
Only manufacturing and end-of-life phases are considered during the environmental impact calculation of cross-insulated timber and cross-laminated timber, whereas full life cycle assessment (material production, transportation, maintenance, heating, and cooling process) except for end-of-life has been completed for wood frames with extruded polystyrene (
Table 6). End of life was not considered in that study because this phase comprises less than 3.2% of the environmental impacts of south European dwellings [
3]. Among all building phases, only the end-of-life phase can positively impact the environment, as proven in the research [
3]. All CIT and CLT walls were sent for either incineration or landfill with an energy recovery model in that research. The researchers concluded that electricity would be produced from both processes, positively impacting the environment. A substantial part of the gases can contribute to global warming at the end-of-life stage in parallel to energy recovery. In addition to all building phases, transportation is the integrated part of all building construction activities. Transportation requires a significant amount of fossil fuel which negatively impacts photochemical oxidation.
Some researchers assessed timber walls (P6, P7) with cradle-to-gate system boundaries [
59]. The results indicated that P6 timber wall was less (0.009 kg C
4 eq./m
2) responsible for photochemical oxidation formation than P7 (0.032 kg C
4 eq./m
2). P8 timber wall was also responsible for high emission (0.018 kg C
4 eq./m
2) because of additional timber elements such as OSB, MDF and others [
40]. Photochemical oxidation impact was considerably high for the P9 timber wall (wood frames with extruded polystyrene) compared to the other timber walls. Researchers considered every phase, such as construction (material production and transportation) and use phase (maintenance, heating, and cooling processes) for the environmental impact assessment. All these activities impact the environment, and the environmental impact of other timber walls could be high if the researchers considered the construction and use phases.
3.2.7. Effect of Different Materials of a Timber Frame Wall on Embodied Energy
Embodied energy is the summation of all energy required for raw material extraction, manufacture, construction, repair and maintenance, and end-of-life [
54]. Primary energy is specially used in the building use phase for heating and cooling. All these energy activities impact GHG emission [
43]. In
Table 10, EE1–EE5 are external walls of a two-storied residential house in a cold-region area [
44]. Researchers compared the embodied energy consumption of these walls. Energy consumption varied between 780 and 1138.5 MJ/m
2 [
44]. EE6–EE11 timber walls were external walls only, and EE12 was an internal wall only [
53]. The external wall was made of timber member with plaster, wood member, insulation for heat protection, and others. In contrast, the internal wall (EE12) was made of wood and plasterboard only, and the internal wall was not constructed from heat protection. So generally, no insulation was required for the internal walls.
Figure 11 illustrates that the embodied energy requirements were significantly higher (346.476–932.107 MJ/m
2) for the exterior wall compared to the interior wall (119 MJ/m
2) due to the additional wall elements.
Author compared several midpoint impacts and energy use for timber wall construction in this section. More reliable and uniform results can be achieved by standard material manufacture, construction methods, suitable timber elements and other element (insulation) selection, standard deconstruction, recycled and reused methods, efficient energy sources, and transportation modes.
In building construction, different timber and timber-based materials are used for structural and non-structural reasons. Sustainable adhesive insulation use can reduce the impact significantly. Standard timber material manufacturing processes need to be formalized to help decide suitable material selection. The circular economy concept is integrated with LCA assessment and the cradle-to-cradle method. Standard deconstruction methods, timber recycling and reuse can contribute to a circular economy. Timber deconstruction is possible through proper documentation of the material and the process for deconstruction, the design of accessible connections to ease dismantling, the separation of non-recycle, non-reusable, and non-disposal components, the standardization of components and dimensions, and design that reflects labor practices, productivity, and safety. A new technique is required for the disassembly of building elements. Timber can be recycled easily, but paint, adhesive, and other chemical use can hinder the recycling process. Structural timber elements can be reused depending on their integrity. Different wood-based materials such as particleboard, wood fiber, and wood-laminating board can be manufactured by recycling wood waste. The incineration of wood is the last step of energy recovery from wood. As wood can store carbon, using wood as fuel will release that carbon. So, no added impact will be considered for this action. All these recycling and reuse activity processes can reduce environmental impact and contribute to a circular economy. Material transport depends on geographic location and mode of transportation. In addition to these initiatives, transportation modes and energy sources can reduce environmental impacts. There are three different modes of material delivery: road, train, and shipping. Shipping transportation requires lower embodied energy and carbon emission. Renewable energy sources such as hydraulic power generation have the most negligible impact on the environment compared to other energy sources. All the above information can be used as guidelines for the future LCA practitioner.