Higher Education in Mexico: The Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
:1. Introduction
1.1. Structure of the Mexican Educational System
1.2. Inequalities in Education in Mexico
1.2.1. Poverty
1.2.2. Gender Inequality
1.2.3. Indigeneity
1.2.4. Reduction of Educational Budgets
1.3. Distance Education and Internationalization
2. Methodology
3. Teaching and Learning Experiences in Mexico during the Pandemic
3.1. National and Local Government Policy Measures to Face COVID-19
3.2. Impacts and Implications on Higher Education
3.2.1. Connectivity and Digitalization
3.2.2. Effect on Emotional and Psychological Stability
3.2.3. Perception of Students
3.2.4. Perception of Teachers and Academic Staff
3.2.5. Adaptation to Change
3.3. Innovation in Teaching and Learning Experiences
3.3.1. Educational Platforms and Digital Learning Technologies
3.3.2. Didactic Strategies: Gamification and Flipped Classroom
3.3.3. Online Laboratories
- Remote interaction and contextual conditions affect both instructors and students;
- Innovative learning strategies are needed to provide engaging experiences;
- Internet-based activities should incorporate real-world situations to enhance the learning experience.
3.3.4. Simulations, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality
3.3.5. International Collaborative Learning
4. Lessons Learned and Future Implications
4.1. Deepening of the Digital Gap
4.2. Benefits of Technology in Education
4.3. Limitations of the Study
4.4. Future Implications and Recommendations
- To prevent high-risk students from dropping out, governments should assist them with scholarships, affordable loan options, remedial courses, academic and career counseling, and peer mentoring targeted toward those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Additionally, authorities should introduce new policies to support different learning formats (face-to-face, online, and hybrid) to enhance the inclusion of students, particularly those from marginalized groups, and encourage innovative educational practices.
- One way to enhance the comprehension of educational practices is to incorporate more digital resources aligned with pedagogical standards (see Section 3.3.1, Section 3.3.2, Section 3.3.3 and Section 3.3.4).
- It is crucial to provide adequate ICT infrastructure and ensure access to the Internet to promote digital skills in the community and enhance the quality of education. Additionally, it is necessary to expand access to ICT resources such as laptops, tablets, and the Internet and ensure that scholars have the required educational conditions at home, including appropriate devices and connectivity, to encourage greater engagement with students inside and outside the classroom (see Section 3.2.1).
- One approach to promote open access and increase the availability of educational resources is to adopt and sustain open-access publishing practices. Additionally, establishing policies that require all publicly funded teaching and learning resources to be openly licensed for educational purposes is recommended.
- To advance educational research and development, leveraging innovative approaches such as data science, artificial intelligence, and mobile networks to enhance online education applications, methodologies, and tools is essential (see Section 3.3.4). This exploration can contribute to promoting equitable remote learning opportunities that support teaching, learning, and ongoing research.
- One way to facilitate online and hybrid learning is to promote computational and intelligent thinking skills, which can help reduce the cognitive load on individuals. Teachers may better prepare students by fostering such skills to continue learning in these modalities.
- Providing comprehensive training and support to faculty and staff is critical to ensure the effective use of technology in education (see Section 3.2.1 and Section 3.2.4). This adjustment includes making significant investments in professional development for teachers, focusing on leveraging technology to enhance their work.
- It is essential to leverage technology, forging strategic partnerships with the private sector, other universities, and the international community, and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, to foster innovation and collaboration in higher education. By doing so, HEIs can better address emerging challenges and opportunities in today’s rapidly evolving world.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Chans, G.M.; Orona-Navar, A.; Orona-Navar, C.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, E.P. Higher Education in Mexico: The Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability 2023, 15, 9476. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129476
Chans GM, Orona-Navar A, Orona-Navar C, Sánchez-Rodríguez EP. Higher Education in Mexico: The Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability. 2023; 15(12):9476. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129476
Chicago/Turabian StyleChans, Guillermo M., Angelica Orona-Navar, Carolina Orona-Navar, and Elvia P. Sánchez-Rodríguez. 2023. "Higher Education in Mexico: The Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic" Sustainability 15, no. 12: 9476. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129476
APA StyleChans, G. M., Orona-Navar, A., Orona-Navar, C., & Sánchez-Rodríguez, E. P. (2023). Higher Education in Mexico: The Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 15(12), 9476. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129476