Developing a Sustainability Assessment Model: The Sustainable Infrastructure, Land-Use, Environment and Transport Model
:1. Introduction
2. Indicator-Based Comparative Urban Sustainability Assessment
3. The SILENT Model
3.1. Conceptual Base of the Model
3.2. Indicator Base of the Model
Indicator Categories | Indicator Sets | Individual Indicators |
Demography | Residential characteristics | Population density |
Labour force participation | ||
Car ownership | ||
Employment characteristics | Jobs to housing balance | |
Employment density | ||
Land Use and Urban Form | Housing compactness | Mix use ratio |
Dwelling density | ||
Single-family parcel size | ||
Single-family dwelling density | ||
Multifamily dwelling density | ||
Local amenities | Recreation facility supply | |
Socio-cultural facility supply | ||
Transport | Transit orientation | Transit adjacency to residents, services |
Transit patronage ratio | ||
Non-automobile travel pattern | Transit adjacency to employment | |
Transit proximity to employment | ||
Pedestrian network coverage | ||
Bicycle network coverage | ||
Automobile travel pattern | Home-based vehicle kilometres travelled | |
Non-home-based vehicle kilometres travelled | ||
Number of home-based vehicle trips | ||
Number of non-home-based vehicle trips | ||
Parking supply in employment centres | ||
Environment | Residential resource consumption | Wastewater generation |
Solid waste generation | ||
Energy use | ||
Residential water consumption | ||
Pollution generated from traffic | Greenhouse emissions generated | |
Stormwater runoff pollution generated | ||
Noise pollution generated |
3.3. Indexing Base of the Model
3.4. Policy Support Base of the Model
4. Conclusions
Appendix 1. Indicator System of the SILENT Model.
Indicator Categories | Indicator Sets | Individual Indicators | Indicator Descriptions | IndicatorParameters | Formulas Used for Assessment |
Demography | Residential characteristics | Population density | Total residents per study area division | Residents/gross m² | (Number of residents living in a Census Collection District (CCD))/(Area of the CCD) |
Labour force participation | Total number of employees in the study area division | Employees | (Number of full-time and part-time employees in a CCD) | ||
Car ownership | Per capita automobiles per gross study area division | Automobiles per capita | (Number of automobiles in a CCD)/(Number of people in the CCD) | ||
Employment characteristics | Job to housing balance | Total number of jobs per dwelling units | Jobs/dwelling unit or jobs/unit area | (Number of employees working at the designated CCD)/(Area of the CCD) | |
Employment density | Number of employees per hectare of land designated for employment use | Employees/unit of area | (Number of employees working at the employment centre)/(Area in hectare of the employment centre) | ||
Land-Use & Urban Form | Housing compactness | Mix use ratio | Proportion of mix or dissimilar developed land uses among a grid of cells of user-defined size (e.g., 100 × 100 m), expressed on a scale of 0 to 1, which includes vertical dissimilarity in mixed-use cells | Scale 0 to1 | : Uses at cell i : Uses at cell i dissimilar to another use at cell i (vertical mix) : Uses at adjacent cell a : Uses at cell a dissimilar to another use at cell i (horizontal mix) : Use mix at cell i. |
Dwelling density | Dwelling units per gross study area division | Dwelling unit /gross m² | (Number of dwellings in a residential block)/(Area of the block) | ||
Single-family parcel size | Average size of single-family residential parcel in m² | Average parcel size in square meters | (Total area of single-family residential parcels in a block)/(Total number of single-family residential parcels in the block) | ||
Single-family dwelling density | Single-family dwelling units per net hectare of land designated for single-family use | Dwelling unit /area | (Number of single family dwellings in a block × 10,000)/(Area of the block) | ||
Multifamily dwelling density | Multi-family dwelling units per net hectare of land designated for multifamily use | Dwelling unit /area | (Number of multi-family dwellings in a block × 10,000)/(Area of the block) | ||
Local amenities | Recreation facility supply | Area of recreational facilities (separately) per 1,000 residents | m²s/1,000 persons | (Area for recreational facilities × 1,000)/(number of residents in CCD) | |
Socio-cultural facility supply | Area of socio-cultural facilities (separately) per 1,000 residents | m²s/1,000 persons | (Area for socio-cultural facilities × 1,000)/(number of residents in CCD) | ||
Transport | Transit orientation | Transit adjacency to residents and services | Percentage of residents within the user-defined linear distance of designated amenities | % population w/i user buffer | (Number of residents w/i the buffer of walkable distance)/(Total number of residents) |
Transit patronage ratio | Percentage of residents and employees using public transport (PT) | % population | (Number of people using PT in a CCD)/(Total number of people in the CCD) | ||
Non-automobile travel pattern | Transit adjacency to employment | Percentage of employees within the user-defined linear distance of designated amenities | % employees w/i buffer | (Number of employees w/i the buffer of walkable distance)/(Total number of employees) | |
Transit proximity to employment | Average travel distance/time from all workplaces to closest designated amenities | Average walk dist/time to closest stop | : shortest network path travel time by walking in minutes from parcel p to a stop : number of employees w/i walking distance to the stop | ||
Pedestrian network coverage | Percentage of total street frontage with improved sidewalks on both sides | % of streets w/sidewalks | : percentage of sidewalk completeness for street segment s in a CCD : length in m of street segment s in the CCD | ||
Bicycle network coverage | Percentage of total street centerline distance with designated bike-route | % street centreline w/i bike route | (Length of bicycle route)/(length of streets) | ||
Automobile travel pattern | Home-based vehicle kilometres travelled | Average daily home-based vehicle kms traveled (VKT) per capita | km/day/capita | (Total daily home-based VKT in a CCD)/(Total number of people in the CCD) | |
Non-home-based vehicle kilometres travelled | Average daily non-home-based vehicle kms traveled per capita | km/day/capita | (Total daily non-home-based VKT in a CCD)/(Total number of people in the CCD) | ||
Number of home-based vehicle trips | Average daily home-based vehicle trips produced per capita | trips/day/capita | (Total daily home-based trips in a CCD)/(Total number of people in the CCD) | ||
Number of non-home-based vehicle trips | Average daily non-home-based vehicle trips produced per capita | trips/day/capita | (Total daily non-home-based trips in a CCD)/(Total number of people in the CCD) | ||
Parking supply in employment centres | Average number of parking lots per employee | parking space/employee | (Area of parking area in a employment centre)/(Number of employees in the CCD) | ||
Environment | Residential resource consumption | Wastewater generation | Total study area daily wastewater generation in litres | litres/day | (Daily wastewater production per household) |
Solid waste generation | Total study area daily solid waste generation in kg | kg/day | (Daily solid waste production per household) | ||
Energy use | Total study area annual energy use (non-renewable) in btu | MMBtu/yr/capita | (Annual energy consumption per household) | ||
Residential water consumption | Average daily residential water consumption in litres | litres/day/capita | (Daily water used for internal and landscaping uses)/(Number of people) | ||
Pollution generated from traffic | Greenhouse emissions generated | Average annual CO2 emissions coming from transport activities | kg/capita/yr | (Annual total VKT × CO2 emission per km)/(Total number of the people) | |
Stormwater runoff pollution generated | Average annual pollution coming from impervious surfaces (particularly roads) | kg/yr | (Annual total build-up of petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals and solids on the road surfaces) | ||
Noise pollution generated | Number of people exposed to traffic related noise | Residents | (Number of people living along the main arterials’ buffer of 55 dB) |
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Yigitcanlar, T.; Dur, F. Developing a Sustainability Assessment Model: The Sustainable Infrastructure, Land-Use, Environment and Transport Model. Sustainability 2010, 2, 321-340.
Yigitcanlar T, Dur F. Developing a Sustainability Assessment Model: The Sustainable Infrastructure, Land-Use, Environment and Transport Model. Sustainability. 2010; 2(1):321-340.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYigitcanlar, Tan, and Fatih Dur. 2010. "Developing a Sustainability Assessment Model: The Sustainable Infrastructure, Land-Use, Environment and Transport Model" Sustainability 2, no. 1: 321-340.
APA StyleYigitcanlar, T., & Dur, F. (2010). Developing a Sustainability Assessment Model: The Sustainable Infrastructure, Land-Use, Environment and Transport Model. Sustainability, 2(1), 321-340.