VIKOR Technique: A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Chronology of VIKOR Technique
3. Research Methodology
4. Results
4.1. Classifications and Observations
Application Fields | Number of Paper | Percentage (%) |
Manufacturing fields | 18 | 10.23% |
Material selection | 17 | 9.66% |
Marketing | 15 | 8.52% |
Construction management | 14 | 7.95% |
Performance evaluation | 14 | 7.95% |
Risk and Financial management | 14 | 7.95% |
Sustainability and renewable energy fields | 13 | 7.39% |
Supply chain | 12 | 6.82% |
Human resource management | 11 | 6.25% |
Operation management | 10 | 5.68% |
Service quality | 5 | 2.84% |
Health-care Fields | 5 | 2.84% |
Tourism management | 4 | 2.27% |
Water resources planning | 3 | 1.70% |
Other application areas | 21 | 11.93% |
Total | 176 | 100.00% |
4.2. Field of Category
4.2.1. Manufacturing Fields
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Vinodh et al. [106] | VIKOR | Utilized | Manufacturing environment | Selection of fit concept in the modern manufacturing environment. |
Chatterjee et al. [107] | VIKOR and ELECTRE | Integrated | Robot selection | Integrated VIKOR and ELECTRE for selection of industrial robots. |
Keshavarz Ghorabaee [95] | VIKOR and Interval type-2 fuzzy sets | Extended | Robot selection | Extended VIKOR for selection of robots. |
Devi [71] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Extended | Robot selection | Extended VIKOR for robot selection in intuitionistic fuzzy environment. |
Zhu, Hu, Qi, Gu and Peng [94] | VIKOR and AHP | Integrated | Product design | Evaluation of design concept for combine VIKOR and AHP. |
Parameshwaran et al. [108] | Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy AHP and fuzzy Delphi | Integrated | Robot selection | Combined Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy AHP and fuzzy Delphi for selection of robot. |
Liu, You, You and Shan [101] | Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP and entropy | Integrated | FMEA | Presented a new method for FMEA by apply fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP and entropy. |
Peng, Yeh, Lai and Hsu [102] | VIKOR and IFSs | Integrated | Taguchi | Mixed VIKOR and Taguchi for optimization of multi-response problems in IF environments. |
Bairagi et al. [109] | Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy TOPSIS and COPRAS-G | Integrated | Robot selection | Applied Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy TOPSIS and COPRAS-G for selection of robot. |
Wang and Wu [110] | VIKOR | Utilized | Product varieties | Utilized VIKOR and KANO model for combine customer preferences and perceptions. |
Feng et al. [111] | VIKOR and PROMETHEE II | Proposed | Equilibrium design | Proposed model based on VIKOR and PROMETHEE II for equilibrium design. |
Anvari, Zulkifli and Arghish [97] | VIKOR | Modified | Lean tool | Modified VIKOR for selection of lean tool. |
Tzeng and Huang [103] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Global manufacturing strategy | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for selection of the best global manufacturing strategy selection. |
Mousavi, Torabi and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam [104] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Proposed | Product Selection | Proposed a novel fuzzy VIKOR for selection of new products. |
Büyüközkan and Görener [105] | VIKOR and AHP | Utilized | Product development | Evaluated of product development by applied VIKOR and AHP. |
Zhang and Xu [112] | VIKOR | Utilized | Machine tools | Employed VIKOR for transmission system accuracy best allocation for multi-axis machine tools. |
Chaturvedi and Singh [113] | VIKOR | Utilized | Manufacturing Systems | Applied VIKOR for analysis of control parameters in abrasive water jet machining. |
Vinodh et al. [114] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Rapid prototyping technology | Used fuzzy VIKOR for selection of the best rapid prototyping technologies in agile environment. |
4.2.2. Construction Management
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Ginevičius, Podvezko and Raslanas [117] | VIKOR and TOPSIS | Integrated | Wall insulation | Combined VIKOR and TOPSIS for assessment of alternatives of wall insulation; |
Abbasianjahromi et al. [122] | VIKOR | Utilized | Subcontractor selection | Used VIKOR for selection of subcontractor. |
Mohammadi, et al. [123] | VIKOR and ANP | Integrated | Project manager selection | Integrated VIKOR CANP for selection of project manager. |
Lanjewar et al. [124] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and AHP | Integrated | Fuels transportation | Employed for evaluation of fuels for transportation. |
Peng [115] | VIKOR, TOPSIS, ELECTRE III, GRA, PROMETHEE II, and WSM | Utilized | Earthquake vulnerability | Combined VIKOR, TOPSIS, ELECTRE III, GRA, PROMETHEE II, and WSM for assessment of earthquake vulnerability. |
Zolfani, Esfahani, Bitarafan, Zavadskas and Arefi [116] | VIKOR and SWARA | Integrated | Tunneling | Combined VIKOR and SWARA for selection of mechanical longitudinal ventilation of tunnel pollutants. |
Zavadskas and Antuchevičiene [118] | VIKOR and TOPSIS | Integrated | Buildings’ redevelopment | Integrated VIKOR and TOPSIS for ranking of building redevelopment. |
Vučijak, et al. [125] | VIKOR, PVIKOR and PROMETHEE | Integrated | Highway Tunnel Doors | Mixed VIKOR, PVIKOR and PROMETHEE for selection optimal choice of highway tunnel doors. |
Mela, Tiainen and Heinisuo [119] | VIKOR, weighted product method, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE II, weighted sum method | Integrated | Building design | Integrated of VIKOR, weighted product method, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE II, weighted sum method for evaluation of building design. |
Tošić, et al. [126] | VIKOR | Utilized | Concrete production | Applied VIKOR for selecting the transport scenario and aggregate type in concrete production. |
Pamučar and Ćirović [120] | VIKOR, DEMATEL MABAC, SAW, MOORA COPRAS and TOPSIS | Proposed | Manipulative transport | Presented new model based on DEMATEL–MABAC for decision assessment on the acquisition of manipulative transport. |
Vahdani, et al. [127] | VIKOR | Proposed | Contractor selection | Proposed new model based on VIKOR method for contractor selection. |
Ebrahimnejad, Mousavi, Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Hashemi and Vahdani [121] | fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy ANP | Integrated | Construction project selection | Integrated a modified ANP with VIKOR for selection construction project. |
Bashiri, et al. [128] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Transportation systems | Applied fuzzy VIKOR for solve of hub location problem. |
4.2.3. Material Selection
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Liu, Mao, Zhang and Li [78] | IOWA-VIKOR | Integration | Material selection | Integrated and proposed the induced aggregation operators into VIKOR for tackling multicriteria problems. |
Hsu, Wang and Tzeng [129] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integrated | Recycled material | Integrated VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP for vendor selection based on recycled materials. |
Chatterjee, Athawale and Chakraborty [130] | VIKOR and ELECTRE | Integration | Material selection | Used VIKOR and ELECTRE for material selection. |
Jahan et al. [136] | VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Applied VIKOR for material selection. |
Bahraminasab and Jahan [137] | VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Employed VIKOR for material selection. |
Chauhan and Vaish [131] | VIKOR and TOPSIS | Integration | Material selection | Magnetic material selection by used VIKOR and TOPSIS. |
Girubha and Vinodh [138] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Utilized fuzzy VIKOR for material selection. |
Çalışkan, Kurşuncu, Kurbanoğlu and Güven [132] | VIKOR, PROMETHEE II, AHP, Entropy and TOPSIS | Integration | Material selection | Applied VIKOR, PROMETHEE II, AHP, Entropy and TOPSIS for material selection. |
Cavallini et al. [139] | VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Applied VIKOR for material selection. |
Jahan and Edwards [140] | VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Employed VIKOR for material selection. |
Çalışkan [133] | VIKOR, PROMETHEE II and TOPSIS | Integration | Material selection | Applied VIKOR, PROMETHEE II and TOPSIS for material selection. |
Liu et al. [141] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Material selection | Material selection by integrated of VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP. |
Yazdani and Payam [134] | VIKOR and TOPSIS | Integration | Material selection | Applied VIKOR and TOPSIS for develop of MEMS technology |
Ray [142] | VIKOR and AHP | Integrated | Material selection | Integrated VIKOR and AHP for selection cutting fluid. |
Chauhan et al. [143] | VIKOR | Utilized | Material selection | Used VIKOR for selection of Piezoelectric material. |
Anojkumar, Ilangkumaran and Sasirekha [135] | VIKOR, Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS, ELECTRE and PROMETHEE | Integrated | Pipe material selection | Combined VIKOR, Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS, ELECTRE and PROMETHEE for selection of pipe material. |
Vats and Vaish [144] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Piezoelectric material selection | Used fuzzy VIKOR for selection of piezoelectric material in transducer application. |
4.2.4. Performance Evaluation
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Rezaie, Ramiyani, Nazari-Shirkouhi and Badizadeh [145] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integration | Performance evaluation | Integrated fuzzy AHP and VIKOR for evaluation of performance in cement firms. |
Wu, Lin and Chang [146] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Education centers in universities | Evaluated performance based on BSC and applied VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP. |
Wu, et al. [153] | VIKOR and AHP | Integration | Performance evaluation | Evaluated of performance based on VIKOR and AHP for ranking universities. |
Wu, Tzeng and Chen [147] | VIKOR, FAHP and TOPSIS | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Used VIKOR, FAHP and TOPSIS to evaluating banking performance based on BSC. |
Chen and Chen [148] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integrated | Airline operation performance | Integrated VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for innovation operations in airlines industry based on AIS. |
Kuo and Liang [154] | VIKOR and interval-valued fuzzy sets | Proposed | Performance evaluation | Proposed new method for performance evaluation. |
Zolfani and Ghadikolaei [149] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Mixed VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP for evaluation of universities performance. |
Hsu [150] | VIKOR, GRA and entropy | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Applied VIKOR, GRA and entropy for evaluation of business performance. |
Hsu [151] | VIKOR, IGRA and entropy | Integrated | Evaluate efficiency and operating performance | Applied VIKOR, IGRA and entropy for evaluate efficiency and operating performance. |
Chou et al. [155] | VIKOR and entropy | Utilized | Women performance in science and technology | Employed VIKOR and entropy to evaluating of women in science and technology. |
Ranjan et al. [156] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and Entropy | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Used VIKOR, DEMATEL and Entropy for evaluation of performance in engineering departments. |
Dincer and Hacioglu [157] | Fuzzy VIKOR and AHP | Utilized | Performance evaluation | Used fuzzy VIKOR and AHP for evaluation of performance based on customer satisfaction. |
Lee and Pai [158] | VIKOR and DEA | Utilized | Operation Performance | Improve DEA and VIKOR for evaluation of dynamic operation performances. |
Tsai and Chang [152] | VIKOR, GRA, TOPSIS and AHP | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Integrated VIKOR, GRA, TOPSIS and AHP for evaluation of performance of Tablet PCs. |
4.2.5. Health-Care Fields
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Liu, Wu and Li [159] | Fuzzy VIKOR and OWA | Integration | Health-care | Evaluation of health-care waste disposal based on Fuzzy VIKOR and OWA. |
Chang [160] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Hospital service | Evaluated of hospital service by employ fuzzy VIKOR. |
Lu, Lin and Tzeng [161] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Healthcare | Improved and assessed of RFID adoption based on VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP. |
Liu, You, Lu and Chen [162] | Fuzzy VIKOR, Fuzzy TOPSIS, 2-tuple DEMATEL and MULTIMOORA | Integrated | Health-care waste | Combined fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy TOPSIS, 2-tuple DEMATEL and MULTIMOORA for evaluation of health-care waste. |
Zeng et al. [163] | VIKOR | Modified | Healthcare management | Improved VIKOR for enhance accuracy in healthcare management. |
4.2.6. Supply Chain
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Rostamzadeh, Govindan, Esmaeili and Sabaghi [164] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Green supply chain | Evaluated green supply chain by applied fuzzy VIKOR. |
Akman [165] | VIKOR and fuzzy c-means | Utilized | Supply chain | Applied VIKOR and fuzzy c-means for evaluation of green supplier development. |
Chen and Wang [61] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | IS/IT outsourcing | Employed fuzzy VIKOR for assessing and evaluating of suppliers/vendors. |
Chithambaranathan, Subramanian, Gunasekaran and Palaniappan [166] | VIKOR and ELECTRE | Integrated | Supply chain | Evaluated performance of service supply chain by used VIKOR and ELECTRE. |
Sanayei, Mousavi and Yazdankhah [69] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Supplier selection | Employed fuzzy VIKOR for selection of supplier. |
Shemshadi, Shirazi, Toreihi and Tarokh [167] | VIKOR and entropy | Extended | Supplier selection | Extended VIKOR for selection of supplier based on entropy measure. |
You, You, Liu and Zhen [91] | VIKOR and interval 2-tuple linguistic | Extended | Supplier selection | Extended VIKOR for supplier selection based on interval 2-tuple linguistic. |
Aghdaie et al. [169] | VIKOR and SWARA | Integrated | Supply chain | Combined VIKOR and SWARA for clustering and ranking of supplier. |
Geng and Liu [170] | VIKOR | Utilized | Service supplier selection | Utilized VIKOR for selection of service supplier. |
Wu and Liu [171] | VIKOR, entropy and fuzzy TOPSIS | Integrated | Supplier selection | Integrated VIKOR, entropy and fuzzy TOPSIS for supplier selection. |
Alimardani, Hashemkhani Zolfani, Aghdaie and Tamošaitienė [168] | VIKOR and SWARA | Integrated | Supplier selection | Combined VIKOR and SWARA for selection of supplier in agile environment. |
Sarrafha et al. [172] | VIKOR | Utilized | Supply chain networks | Used VIKOR to evaluate of supply chain networks. |
4.2.7. Tourism Management
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Liu, Tzeng and Lee [174] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Tourism policy | Integrated VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP for implementation of tourism policy. |
Tsai, Chou and Lai [175] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Tourism management | Presented the effective model to evaluating of national park websites. |
Liu, Tzeng, Lee and Lee [176] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Tourism development | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for Improvement of metro–airport connection service. |
Hsieh, Wang, Huang and Chen [177] | VIKOR and DEA | Integrated | Tourist | Presented a model for efficiency and effectiveness of tourist hotel by apply VIKOR and DEA. |
4.2.8. Service Quality
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Wu, Shen and Chang [178] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integration | Electronic service quality | Measured and evaluated of electronic service quality in social media by used VIKOR and fuzzy AHP. |
Kuo and Liang [72] | Fuzzy VIKOR and GRA | Integrated | Service quality | Combined fuzzy VIKOR and GRA for evaluation of service quality. |
Liou, Tsai, Lin and Tzeng [179] | VIKOR | Modified | Service quality | Modified VIKOR for improvement of domestic airline service quality. |
Kuo [180] | VIKOR, IVFS and GRA | Proposed | Service quality | Proposed a new method for service quality improvement by combining of VIKOR, IVFS and GRA. |
Wang and Pang [181] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Online service quality | Evaluation the service quality of online auction by applied fuzzy VIKOR. |
4.2.9. Sustainability and Renewable Energy Fields
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Vučijak, Kupusović, Midžić-Kurtagić and Ćerić [3] | VIKOR | Utilized | Energy | Evaluated of sustainable hydropower by applied VIKOR. |
Quijano H, Botero B and Domínguez B [4] | VIKOR | Utilized | Renewable sustainable energy | Used VIKOR for development of renewable sustainable energy plans. |
Martin-Utrillas, Juan-Garcia, Canto-Perello and Curiel-Esparza [6] | VIKOR, fuzzy Delphi and AHP | Integrated | Sustainable economy | Integrated VIKOR, fuzzy Delphi and AHP for selection of best infrastructure related to sustainable economy. |
Vinodh et al. [182] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Life cycle assessment | Applied VIKOR for assessment of life cycle and selection of sustainable concept. |
Ren, Manzardo, Mazzi, Zuliani and Scipioni [8] | VIKOR and AHP | Integrated | Life cycle sustainability assessment | Combined VIKOR and AHP for assessment of life cycle sustainability. |
Kaya and Kahraman [183] | VIKOR and AHP | Integration | Renewable energy | Integrated VIKOR and AHP for determine the optimal renewable energy alternatives. |
Yazdani-Chamzini, Fouladgar, Zavadskas and Moini [7] | VIKOR, SAW, ARAS, TOPSIS and MOORA | Integrated | Renewable energy | Used VIKOR, SAW, ARAS, TOPSIS and MOORA for selection of the best renewable energy sources. |
San Cristóbal [184] | VIKOR | Utilized | Renewable energy | Used VIKOR for selection of renewable energy project. |
Civic and Vucijak [9] | VIKOR | Utilized | Energy | Utilized VIKOR for insulation options for warmth of buildings to increase energy efficiency. |
Sharma et al. [185] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and entropy | Integrated | Energy resources | Used VIKOR, TOPSIS and entropy for selection the optimal energy resources. |
Kim and Chung [10] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Climate change and variability | Evaluated the vulnerability of the water supply to variability and climate change. |
Chang and Hsu [186] | VIKOR | Utilized | Environmental Management | Applied VIKOR for ranking of land-use restraint strategies. |
Venkata Rao [187] | VIKOR | Utilized | Environmentally evaluation | Applied VIKOR for evaluation of environmentally in manufacturing programs. |
4.2.10. Water Resources Planning
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and scope | Study Purpose |
Opricovic [66] | VIKOR | Utilized | Water resources planning | Applied VIKOR for evaluation of water resources planning. |
Opricovic [188] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Proposed | Water resources planning | Proposed fuzzy VIKOR for evaluation of water resources planning. |
Chang and Hsu [189] | VIKOR | Modified | Watershed vulnerability | Modified VIKOR for classification of land subdivisions based on watershed vulnerability. |
4.2.11. Marketing
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Tsai et al. [190] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Web-based marketing | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for evaluation of effectiveness in web-based marketing. |
Wang and Tzeng [191] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Brand marketing | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for assess of interrelated relationships of brand marketing. |
Ginevičius, Bruzgė and Podvezko [192] | VIKOR, SAW and TOPSIS | Integrated | Market development | Used VIKOR, SAW and TOPSIS for comparison the help to several businesses and to identify its influence on their development objectively. |
Chiu, Tzeng and Li [193] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integrated | e-store business | Improved e-store business by combined VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP. |
Chang, Tsai and Chang [194] | VIKOR, FAHP, GRA and TOPSIS | Integrated | E-book business | Integrated VIKOR, FAHP, GRA and TOPSIS for building the business model. |
Azimi, Yazdani-Chamzini, Fooladgar and Basiri [195] | VIKOR and ANP | Integrated | Strategy evaluation | Used VIKOR and ANP for assessment of strategies of mining sectors. |
Chen and Chen [196] | VIKOR | Utilized | Creativity strategy selection | Applied VIKOR for selection of creativity strategy in higher education. |
Liou and Chuang [197] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Outsourcing providers | Integrated VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for selection of outsourcing providers. |
Ho et al. [198] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Portfolio selection | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for selection of portfolio. |
Sachdeva et al. [199] | VIKOR | Utilized | Logistic outsourcing | Used VIKOR for analysis of logistic outsourcing problem |
Vahdani, Hadipour, Sadaghiani and Amiri [70] | VIKOR | Extended | Maintenance strategy selection | Extended of VIKOR for selection of maintenance strategy. |
Chen and Chen [200] | VIKOR | Utilized | Innovative development | Employed VIKOR for develop of innovative based on intellectual capital. |
Lu et al. [201] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | User behavior intention | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for examine user behavior intention. |
Ahmadi et al. [202] | VIKOR, AHP and TOPSIS | Integrated | Maintenance strategy | Combined VIKOR, AHP and TOPSIS for selection of maintenance strategy. |
Rostamzadeh et al. [203] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Assisting business angels | Employed fuzzy VIKOR for evaluation of business angels. |
4.2.12. Risk and Financial Management
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Liu, Chen, You and Li [204] | Fuzzy VIKOR and TOPSIS | Utilized | Risks evaluation | Used fuzzy VIKOR and TOPSIS for evaluation of risks based on FMEA. |
Shen and Tzeng [205] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Financial performance improvement | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for improve of financial performance. |
Lee and Yang [206] | VIKOR and ANP | Integrated | Convertible bonds | Combined VIKOR and ANP for selection of convertible bonds. |
Peng, Wang, Kou and Shi [207] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE | Integrated | Financial risk evaluation | Combined VIKOR, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE for evaluating of financial risk prediction. |
Liu et al. [211] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Risk evaluation | Applied fuzzy VIKOR for assessment of risk. |
Kou, Peng and Wang [208] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and DEA | Integration | Financial risk | Ranked and selected of popular clustering algorithms in analysis of financial risk. |
Safari et al. [212] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Enterprise architecture risks | Applied fuzzy VIKOR for evaluation of enterprise architecture risks based on FMEA. |
Ou Yang et al. [213] | VIKOR | Proposed | Information security risk | Modified VIKOR for improve information security risk. |
Mandal, Singh, Behera, Sahu, Raj and Maiti [209] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Utilized | Human error identification and risk prioritization in overhead crane operations | Utilized fuzzy VIKOR for identify and ranking of human error and risk in overhead crane operations. |
Ginevičius and Podvezko [210] | VIKOR | Utilized | Financial assessment | Applied VIKOR for assessment of financial in construction enterprises. |
Emovon et al. [214] | VIKOR and entropy | Integrated | Marine machinery systems risk | Integrated for ranking of risk in marine machinery systems. |
Yang et al. [215] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Utilized | Information security management risk | Evaluated information security risk control by used VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP. |
Yalcin et al. [216] | VIKOR, fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS | Integrated | Performance evaluation | Evaluated financial performance by combined VIKOR, fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS. |
Safaei Ghadikolaei et al. [217] | Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP, ARAS-F, fuzzy COPRAS | Integrated | Financial performance evaluation | Combined Fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy AHP, ARAS-F, fuzzy COPRAS for evaluation of financial performance. |
4.2.13. Operation Management
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Chu, Shyu, Tzeng and Khosla [218] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and SAW | Integrated | Knowledge management | Evaluated of knowledge communities by integrated of VIKOR, TOPSIS and SAW. |
Bazzazi, Osanloo and Karimi [219] | VIKOR, AHP and entropy | Integrated | Equipment selection | Mixed VIKOR, AHP and entropy for selection of surface mine equipment. |
Tadić, Zečević and Krstić [220] | fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy ANP | Integrated | City logistics concept selection | Combined fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy ANP for selection of city logistics. |
Leng, Jiang and Ding [221] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Proposed | Parts machining outsourcing | Proposed a combined decision support method for PMO using fuzzy VIKOR. |
Fallahpour and Moghassem [224] | VIKOR | Utilized | Spinning preparation parameters selection | Employed VIKOR for selection of spinning preparation parameters. |
Hadi-Vencheh and Mohamadghasemi [225] | Fuzzy VIKOR, FWA and fuzzy TOPSIS | Integrated | Material handling equipment selection | Combined Fuzzy VIKOR, FWA and fuzzy TOPSIS for selection of material handling equipment. |
Fu et al. [222] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integrated | Benchmarking | Combined VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for analysis of benchmarking in hotel industry. |
Büyüközkan et al. [226] | Fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy Delphi | Utilized | Knowledge management | Employed fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy Delphi method for evaluation of KM tools. |
Büyüközkan and Ruan [223] | Fuzzy VIKOR and Fuzzy Delphi | Extended | ERP | Extended Fuzzy VIKOR for measurement of ERP software performance. |
Gauri and Pal [227] | VIKOR and GRA | Utilized | Process performance | Used VIKOR and GRA to optimize of process performance. |
4.2.14. Human Resource Management (HRM)
Author (s) and year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Chen, Tzeng and Chang [228] | VIKOR, ANP, and DEMATEL | Integrated | Corporate social responsibility | Combined VIKOR, ANP, and DEMATEL to evaluate companies’ web site by considering of corporate social responsibility. |
Tsai, Lee, Shen and Hwang [229] | VIKOR and ANP | Integrated | Entrepreneurship policies evaluation | Mixed VIKOR and ANP for evaluation of entrepreneurship policies. |
Mazdeh, Razavi, Hesamamiri, Zahedi and Elahi [230] | VIKOR and ANP | Integrated | Entrepreneurship intensity | Applied VIKOR and ANP for evaluation of the entrepreneurship intensity. |
Peng and Tzeng [231] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integrated | Economics and business improvement | Combined VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP for improve problem in economics and business. |
Baležentis et al. [234] | VIKOR, TOPSIS and ARAS | Integrated | Economic assessment | Integrated VIKOR, TOPSIS and ARAS for evaluation of economic sector of Lithuania. |
Liu and Wu [77] | VIKOR and entropy | Utilized | HRM evaluation | Applied VIKOR and entropy for evaluation of human resources managers’ competency. |
Chen and Tzeng [235] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Teaching materials evaluation | Combined VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for evaluation of aspired intelligent for teaching materials. |
Wu, Chen and Chen [232] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integrated | Intellectual capital | Integrated VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for evaluation of Innovation capital in universities. |
Mohanty and Mahapatra [236] | VIKOR | Utilized | Customer satisfaction | Applied VIKOR for selection of ergonomically designed office chair. |
Celik, Aydin and Gumus [233] | VIKOR and interval type-2 fuzzy sets | Integration | Customer satisfaction | Evaluated customer satisfaction based on SERVQUAL by used VIKOR and interval type-2 fuzzy sets. |
Ashtiani and Azgomi [237] | Fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integrated | Trust modelling | Integrated fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for modelling of trust. |
4.2.15. Other Application Areas
Author (s) and Year | Technique and Approach | Type of Study | Application Area and Scope | Study Purpose |
Mehbodniya, Kaleem, Yen and Adachi [238] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Extended | Network selection | Extended fuzzy VIKOR for selection of network. |
Lee [239] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integrated | Merger and acquisition | Combined VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP for evaluation of merger and acquisition. |
Tong et al. [248] | VIKOR | Utilized | Multi-response process | Applied VIKOR for optimization of multi-response process. |
Arunachalam, Idapalapati and Subbiah [240] | Fuzzy VIKOR an AHP | Utilized | Compliant polishing tool | Used fuzzy VIKOR and AHP for selection of compliant polishing tool. |
Martin-Utrillas, Reyes-Medina, Curiel-Esparza and Canto-Perello [241] | VIKOR and Delphi method | Utilized | Process of leachate treatment | Applied VIKOR and Delphi for process of leachate treatment selection. |
Mousavi, Jolai and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam [242] | VIKOR | Proposed | Selection problems | Extended VIKOR for improve the selection problems. |
Hsu and Pai [249] | VIKOR | Utilized | Feature selection mechanism | Used VIKOR for selection of feature in data mining. |
Chitsaz and Banihabib [243] | VIKOR, SAW, TOPSIS M-TOPSIS, AHP, ELECTRE I and ELECTRE III | Utilized | Flood Management | Used VIKOR, SAW, TOPSIS M-TOPSIS, AHP, ELECTRE I and ELECTRE III for ranking of flood management. |
Fallahpour and Moghassem [250] | VIKOR | Utilized | Rotor Spinning | Employed VIKOR for improve and selection of spinning machine parameters. |
BONDOR et al. [251] | VIKOR | Utilized | Diabetic Nephropathy Risk | Applied VIKOR for analysis of risk in diabetic nephropathy. |
Lee [252] | VIKOR, ANP, and DEMATEL | Integrated | Location selection | Integrated VIKOR, ANP, and DEMATEL for location selection. |
Milosevic and Naunovic [244] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Utilized | Landfill facility selection | Applied VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for selection of sanitary landfill facility location. |
Kosareva and Krylovas [253] | VIKOR, COPRAS and TOPSIS | Integrated | Accuracy | Utilized VIKOR, COPRAS and TOPSIS for compare of accuracy in ranking alternatives. |
Pourebrahim, Hadipour, Mokhtar and Taghavi [245] | VIKOR and fuzzy AHP | Integrated | Coastal assessment | Combined VIKOR and fuzzy AHP for conservation development in a coastal area. |
Sun et al. [254] | VIKOR | Extended | Power system restoration | Extended VIKOR to presenting of compromise solutions considering hybrid attributes. |
Hu et al. [255] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Smart phone improvements | Improves smart phone for combine VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL |
Yücenur and Demirel [256] | Fuzzy VIKOR | Integrated | Insurance company selection | Extended fuzzy VIKOR for selection of insurance company. |
[257] | VIKOR and AHP | Integrated | Forestation areas selection | Combined VIKOR and AHP for selection of forestation areas. |
Lee and Tu [246] | VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL | Integrated | Company value | Applied VIKOR, ANP and DEMATEL for evaluation of company value. |
Peng et al. [258] | VIKOR, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE and WSM | Integration | Multiclass classification | Used VIKOR, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE and WSM for ranking of multiclass classification. |
Lin [247] | VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP | Integration | Information and communications technology | Integrated for VIKOR, DEMATEL and ANP determining product position. |
4.3. Distribution Paper Based on VIKOR and Combined with Other Techniques
Techniques Integrated or Compared | N | % | Techniques Integrated or Compared | N | % |
TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS | 38 | 17.67% | SAW | 5 | 2.33% |
ANP and fuzzy ANP | 33 | 15.35% | Delphi and fuzzy Delphi | 5 | 2.33% |
AHP and fuzzy AHP | 32 | 14.88% | COPRAS | 4 | 1.86% |
DEMATEL and fuzzy DEMATEL | 27 | 12.56% | weighted sum method (WSM) | 4 | 1.86% |
Aggregation operators | 15 | 6.98% | SWARA | 3 | 1.40% |
Entropy | 12 | 5.58% | ARAS | 3 | 1.40% |
PROMETHEE | 10 | 4.65% | MULTIMOORA and MOORA | 3 | 1.40% |
GRA | 10 | 4.65% | DEA | 3 | 1.40% |
ELECTRE | 8 | 3.72% | Individual VIKOR and fuzzy VIKOR | 67 | 33.88% |
4.4. Distribution Paper Based on Journals Name
Name of Journal | N | % |
Expert Systems with Applications | 27 | 15.34% |
Materials and Design | 12 | 6.82% |
Technological and Economic Development of Economy | 10 | 5.68% |
Applied Mathematical Modelling | 7 | 3.98% |
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | 6 | 3.41% |
Applied Soft Computing | 5 | 2.84% |
Quality and Quantity | 4 | 2.27% |
Journal of Business Economics and Management | 4 | 2.27% |
Journal of civil engineering and management | 3 | 1.70% |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management | 3 | 1.70% |
Water resources management | 3 | 1.70% |
Information sciences | 3 | 1.70% |
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making | 3 | 1.70% |
The Service Industries Journal | 3 | 1.70% |
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | 3 | 1.70% |
Soft Computing | 2 | 1.14% |
Kybernetes | 2 | 1.14% |
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | 2 | 1.14% |
International Journal of Production Economics | 2 | 1.14% |
Procedia Engineering | 2 | 1.14% |
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 2 | 1.14% |
International Journal of Production Research | 2 | 1.14% |
Tourism Management | 2 | 1.14% |
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | 2 | 1.14% |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | 2 | 1.14% |
Physical Communication | 2 | 1.14% |
Waste Management and Research | 2 | 1.14% |
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 1 | 0.57% |
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Computers and Industrial Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Applied Medical Informatics | 1 | 0.57% |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 1 | 0.57% |
Transport Policy | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Environmental Management | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications | 1 | 0.57% |
Knowledge-Based Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Ocean Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Fibers and Polymers | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of the Textile Institute | 1 | 0.57% |
Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 1 | 0.57% |
Energy | 1 | 0.57% |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | 1 | 0.57% |
Applied Financial Economics | 1 | 0.57% |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research | 1 | 0.57% |
Energy Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Air Transport Management | 1 | 0.57% |
Waste Management | 1 | 0.57% |
Decision Support Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Service business | 1 | 0.57% |
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology | 1 | 0.57% |
Tourism Management Perspectives | 1 | 0.57% |
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | 1 | 0.57% |
Higher education | 1 | 0.57% |
Advanced Engineering Informatics | 1 | 0.57% |
Procedia Materials Science | 1 | 0.57% |
Group Decision and Negotiation | 1 | 0.57% |
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Annals of Operations Research | 1 | 0.57% |
Omega | 1 | 0.57% |
Ocean and Coastal Management | 1 | 0.57% |
OPSEARCH | 1 | 0.57% |
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment | 1 | 0.57% |
Ecological Indicators | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1 | 0.57% |
Renewable Energy | 1 | 0.57% |
Computers and Operations Research | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Cleaner Production | 1 | 0.57% |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Advanced Ceramics | 1 | 0.57% |
Rapid Prototyping Journal | 1 | 0.57% |
Applied Energy | 1 | 0.57% |
IJCSET | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering | 1 | 0.57% |
Measurement | 1 | 0.57% |
Evaluation and Program Planning | 1 | 0.57% |
Computers in Human Behavior | 1 | 0.57% |
International Journal of Strategic Property Management | 1 | 0.57% |
Journal of Medical Systems | 1 | 0.57% |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science | 1 | 0.57% |
Transport | 1 | 0.57% |
Total | 176 | 100.00% |
4.5. Distribution Paper Based on Publication Year
4.6. Distribution of Papers Based on Nationality of Authors
Name of Country | Number | Percentage (%) | Name of Country | Number | Percentage (%) |
Taiwan | 48 | 27.27% | Serbia | 2 | 1.14% |
Iran | 30 | 17.05% | Italy | 2 | 1.14% |
China | 26 | 14.77% | Yugoslavia | 1 | 0.57% |
India | 21 | 11.93% | Serbia and Montenegro | 1 | 0.57% |
Turkey | 12 | 6.82% | USA | 1 | 0.57% |
Lithuania | 7 | 3.98% | Colombia | 1 | 0.57% |
Japan | 4 | 2.27% | Finland | 1 | 0.57% |
South Korea | 4 | 2.27% | Singapore | 1 | 0.57% |
Malaysia | 4 | 2.27% | Ireland | 1 | 0.57% |
Spain | 4 | 2.27% | Romania | 1 | 0.57% |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 3 | 1.70% | UK | 1 | 0.57% |
5. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Mardani, A.; Zavadskas, E.K.; Govindan, K.; Amat Senin, A.; Jusoh, A. VIKOR Technique: A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications. Sustainability 2016, 8, 37.
Mardani A, Zavadskas EK, Govindan K, Amat Senin A, Jusoh A. VIKOR Technique: A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications. Sustainability. 2016; 8(1):37.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMardani, Abbas, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Kannan Govindan, Aslan Amat Senin, and Ahmad Jusoh. 2016. "VIKOR Technique: A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications" Sustainability 8, no. 1: 37.
APA StyleMardani, A., Zavadskas, E. K., Govindan, K., Amat Senin, A., & Jusoh, A. (2016). VIKOR Technique: A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications. Sustainability, 8(1), 37.