1. Introduction
Multiple studies have examined how three-dimensional data from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) might benefit forestry [
1]. ALS has been used to produce nationwide estimations of forest variables, such as height, volume, stem diameter and basal area, with high accuracy [
2]. Estimations are usually made by using regression analysis of height distribution and density features of the ALS-derived point cloud. An efficient, automated and objective forest inventory of large areas can be performed with a relatively small set of field sample plots and remote sensing data, as an alternative to the common subjective, manual inventory used when making forest management plans.
However, the height distribution of the ALS data has not shown great potential for tree species classification at stand level. Several tree species have crowns with similar height distributions and cannot be separated based on the height distribution features from ALS data. Additionally, multi-layered forest stands have smaller trees below the top-most canopy layer, which makes it difficult to differentiate trees with tall crowns from those with short crowns and an understory beneath.
If ALS data with high return density are available, individual tree crowns can be delineated. The shape and proportions of tree crowns differ somewhat between species and have been used for tree species classification [
7]. Additionally, tree crowns can be separated from small trees below the top-most canopy to achieve better defined derived features [
The features used for tree species classification can be divided into geometric, radiometric and waveform features [
10]. Geometric features describe the geometry or shape of the object while radiometric features describe characteristics like the backscatter cross-section. Some laser scanner systems record the whole returned waveform, which makes it possible to extract echoes after data collection and use them for tree species classification [
12]. Following Koenig and Höfle [
10], waveform features describe characteristics such as the distance between two waveform echoes and the skewness of the waveform peaks.
Many ALS systems lack consistent radiometric information, which has been addressed in some studies [
13]. Despite that, radiometric information has been used for tree species classification [
15]. To include spectral information, the geometric information derived from the laser point cloud has been combined with optical images for tree species classification [
Another method to obtain detailed 3D data is derivation of photogrammetric point clouds. Digital cameras and computer vision algorithms make it possible to automatically produce large-scale 3D models using matching of overlapping aerial images. The point clouds provide information about the height of the vegetation although the photogrammetric point clouds provide less information about the structure than ALS data [
21]. On the other hand, the point clouds contain spectral information from the optical bands of the images. From interpretation of aerial images, it is well known that different tree species have somewhat different reflectance spectra [
23]. This can be used to predict tree species proportions and classify dominant species [
24]. Photogrammetric point clouds produced from images collected with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) [
25] and even space-borne very high resolution stereo-imagery (VHRSI) [
26] have also been used for this purpose. To make use of the differences in phenology between different tree species, time series of satellite images are being studied [
Multispectral data have previously only been available from passive optical sensors, such as cameras and electro-optical scanners, where an average brightness within each pixel is recorded [
23]. Automated methods for tree species classification using aerial photography have been developed [
28], but these deal with data from the surface of the canopy, which is visible from the camera position. Reflectance data from passive optical sensors have several drawbacks. Surfaces that are shadowed do not contribute as much to a pixel value as those in direct sunlight. At the same time, light reflected from the ground contributes to the pixel value. Lighting, shadows and view angle may also affect parts of the image differently. The top layer is the one reflecting most of the sunlight, and a measurement using passive sensors provides more information about the surface than spectral characteristics further down in the canopy.
ALS, on the other hand, is an active sensor where the signal originates from a well-defined position, without any interfering intensities from the ground or solar angles, with a well-defined wavelength and outgoing intensity. Most laser scanner systems for topographic mapping use only one wavelength, usually near-infrared or shortwave infrared. A new multispectral laser scanner system with three different wavelengths has been used since 2015 [
29]: Optech Titan X (Teledyne Optech, Vaughan, ON, Canada). When using such a laser scanner, colors further down in the canopy are revealed [
30], and this information might be very well suited for tree species estimations [
31]. Data from multispectral ALS have already been shown to provide a good basis for tree species classification [
34]. Sensors providing an inherent combination of structure and reflectance may be the future for remote sensing in forestry.
The most common species groups used when classifying tree species in Sweden are
Picea abies,
Pinus sylvestris, and other, where all deciduous species fall in the other-class [
28]. In general, deciduous species will reflect more light in the near infrared spectrum than coniferous, and spruce have different crown structure than pine [
35]. Some have tried to classify different deciduous species using ALS data, but with moderate success [
36]. In Sweden, half of the close to 2300 forest-dwelling and red-listed species are dependent on deciduous tree species and many of these rely on a deciduous tree habitat for survival [
37]. By using information on tree species composition and distribution in the landscape, it is possible to make predictions on where certain threatened species might occur. If species of trees in a stand can be classified, the possible habitats in that area may also be evaluated [
Goal and Objectives
The goal of this study was to investigate what type of features from multispectral ALS data that are best suited for tree species classification. Since the technology is so new, no consensus on how to use these data exists yet and an exploration of data will be needed to know how this technology could be used in the future. The conventional way of estimating forest variables from ALS data is by using features of the height distribution [
1]. This method uses information in one dimension only and does not utilize the three- dimensional nature of ALS-data. Using distributions may not necessarily be the best method when working with multispectral data. To achieve the goal, a number of questions were to be answered:
What features are the most effective for tree species classification and what are their commonalities?
How do spectral and structural features contribute to tree species classification accuracy?
What are the differences in classification accuracy between the best feature combination, the best combination of only spectral features and the best combination of only structural features?
4. Discussion
Tree species classification using both structure and intensity features from multispectral ALS data resulted in the highest accuracy. Spruce, pine and deciduous classes were well discriminated from each other, as shown in the confusion matrix of
Table 6. The species that were confused with each other were mainly deciduous. Alder and cherry trees were relatively few in this sample, seven and five respectively, which made errors in those classes more difficult to interpret. Linden, with 23 individual trees, seemed to be easily confused with all other deciduous species except cherry.
The best model had a cross-validated accuracy of 76.5%. When this accuracy is compared to that only monospectral (at best 67.6%) or structural data (at best 43.0%), the results suggest that a model built on multispectral features might be useful for both nature inventory and forestry planning.
The ellipsoid and horizontal layer features were constructed to find combinations of spectral and structural features within an ellipsoid or horizontal layer that could be used for tree species identification; intensity features were related to structural features by deriving them from the same ellipsoid or horizontal layer. Distribution features, on the other hand, did not relate height and intensity distribution to each other in such a way.
Ellipsoid features that were highly ranked or selected were mainly from the outer parts of the crown and highly ranked or selected horizontal features were from the upper part of the crown. Together, these results suggest that the upper and outer part of the tree crown is the most interesting part for species classification.
The best model used only one structural feature and seven intensity features. When features were ranked by their F-ratio (
Table 3), the best were intensity features. This indicates that spectral data is highly relevant for tree species identification, which is known to be the case when using infrared aerial photography [
35]. In
Table 8, pine seems to be the only species that can be easily identified using structural features only, but it can also be very well classified using intensity metrics only (
Table 7). Even when using only the 1064 nm channel, the intensity features gave a higher accuracy than the structural features (
Table 5).
Of all the features in
Table 3, only two of 24 came from the 532 nm data (C3). When features were selected by stepwise feature selection, it resulted in eight of 24 features from the 532 nm data. This indicates that, while 532 nm data might not be useful as a single source of information, it is more useful when combined with other channels as it provides different information. The exact cause of the relatively poor performance of 532 nm data by itself can not be identified without further studies.
There are nonetheless some ways in which channel 3 differs from the other two channels. Due to eye safety regulations, the divergence has to be greater for visible light than for near infrared and short-wave infrared channels. As a result, the footprint of the green channel is larger and has less power per area.
Many ALS systems have an adaptive output effect, meaning that if there is a drop in return intensity, the output effect will increase. The value of the output intensity is not always recorded and this limits intensity-based classification to data from those ALS-systems that have either constant output effect or record the output effect. In the Optech Titan X system, the output effect is held constant, allowing return intensity variations to become apparent. ALS-data were gathered from a fairly low flying altitude of 400 m. This is not practical as each swath will only cover a small area. As a comparison, the New National Height model of Sweden was created using data gathered from an altitude of 1700 to 2300 m [
Some features may be more difficult than others to construct in a closed-canopy stand, without information about the live crown height. Ellipsoid features might have to be adapted for a real-world usage. One way to adapt them could be by using a segmentation algorithm and fit half an ellipsoid over the automatically segmented crown.
Both the field and ALS data were collected for very specific purposes. Due to the large number of classes, some classes contained very few trees (e.g., cherry, with only five trees). The data was also collected from a small geographic area that may have resulted in a higher accuracy than if a separate validation data set from a larger area would have been used. The classification accuracies presented should be taken as a measurement of the usefulness of the features and feature sets, rather than as related to the accuracy of the model. Only solitary trees with clearly distinguishable crowns were used, to make exploration of data easier. Solitary spruce trees were scarce and therefore individuals from a closed-canopy stand were used. Spruce crowns may have grown into each other and become difficult to separate, meaning that structural features no longer describe an individual tree, but rather a mixture of neighboring trees.
When choosing and calculating candidate features, a number of subjective choices were made. The ellipsoid and horizontal layer thicknesses were both set to 0.5 m. Distribution features were also chosen subjectively. A cutoff was made at two meters from the ground to generate the percentiles. There were more high percentiles than low because it was presumed that a high value might be more interesting than a lower ones. This assumption seems to be true, as none of the lower percentiles were included in
Table 3 or
Table 4. The feature sets used have been treated as separate; there is, however, no restriction for combining different feature sets. Technically, there is an endless amount of different theoretical features that could be extracted from a point cloud, forcing a choice to be made. Objective alternatives to manual feature design are machine learning algorithms that creates features. The drawback with such methods would be that features could become very synthetic and hard to interpret.
Only first returns were used, discarding information in subsequent returns. Proportions of first and last returns have been used as a basis for tree species classification, with a high accuracy for classifying pine and spruce [
4]. No similar combination of intensities in different channels, such as an analogue to normalized difference vegetation index [
23], was used as a feature.
Two previous studies have used the Optech Titan X scanner for tree species classification. Budei et al. [
33] classified the species and tree genera of individual trees from multispectral ALS data. The error was 3–5% for classification of broadleaf and coniferous trees, 13% for four genera, 20% for seven genera and 24% for ten different species. Yu et al. [
34] classified the species of individual trees of three different species (i.e., pine, spruce and birch) from multispectral ALS data. The overall accuracy was 90.5% for isolated and dominant trees but lower for groups of trees and trees close to or below larger trees. The classification accuracy is difficult to compare between different studies and data, especially if the studies are done in different forest types. This study has used a material that was collected with the purpose to explore remote sensing data, as opposed to creating an optimal model for classification, which makes it even harder to compare the results to other studies. In general, classification of species has lower accuracy than classification of groups or genera.
Tree species classification from ALS data often includes features describing the shape and proportions of the tree crowns such as the ratio of crown length and tree height, the ratio of crown width and crown length, and the crown volume [
10]. Other commonly used features are related to the number of returns per emitted pulse and radiometric information such as the amplitude, echo width and backscatter cross-section or product of echo amplitude and width for waveform ALS data [
10]. In this study, the shape and proportions of the tree crowns were included by using percentiles of the vertical distribution of laser returns. According to Koenig and Höfle [
10], features related to the signal strength at the upper crown parts and the vertical distribution of scatterers and their backscatter characteristics are the most important. This is consistent with the findings in this study that most of the information about tree species is found in the top layer of the canopy.