1. Introduction
Bread wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) is an important grain in Spain, representing 3% of the total of European production [
1]. The majority of wheat production is located in central and southern Spain, which corresponds to the Castille and Andalusia regions. Navarre’s wheat croplands in northern Spain, where this paper focuses, also have significant production. Furthermore, Navarre hosts several Spanish agroclimates and a wide range of water regimes in a relatively compact spatial area due to its topographical heterogeneity, which can serve as a good proxy for helping to understand wheat performance across all Spanish agrosystems. Estimating wheat grain yield, mapping wheat crop lands, and studying spatial interactions that affect grain yields can be of great help for farmers and agricultural institutions. This is especially relevant in the European Union, as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies requirements are linked to cropland uses and member states have to verify the declared field area, the sowed crop type and harvest [
Regarding wheat grain yield, there are two main ways to estimate it that take advantage of remote sensing data; on the one hand empirical models based on actual field data and spectral-based vegetation indices, which have been successfully used with Sentinel-2 data and wheat grain yield estimation [
4], and on the other hand growth models [
5] involving physiological parameter estimations based on, for instance, radiative transfer models. The availability of data [
6] and computer processing requirements needed for crop growth modelling make empirical models more versatile to use in practice for limited datasets, which is the case of this study. Furthermore, in order to scale field-level grain yield predictions regionally, crop type mapping is essential as it can target the fields on which to apply the grain yield prediction models. Both field-level classifications and total wheat cropland area estimations are of great interest for improving agricultural management.
Wheat grain yield estimation at the field level before harvest plays an important role in easing farmers’ management challenges and livelihoods. Studying field grain yield at the regional scale also allows for analysis of the most suitable sites for wheat cropland growth by exploring which spatial factors affect crop performance. Moreover, it can potentially be useful to estimate local and regional taxes and subsidies on agricultural production. More often than not, estimating grain yield at field level has been laborious and complex, also regarding the available remote sensing technologies in temporal frequency and spatial and spectral resolution. One challenging factor is the availability of the information regarding field-level agricultural yields, which may be considered sensitive information and hard to obtain due to market interests and other socioeconomic factors, as well as due to the limited ground measures capacity of researchers. This can jeopardize the training and validation dataset availability for crop yield models at a field level in actual agricultural contexts.
Moreover, besides crop growing conditions, such models depend on the local geomorphological contexts (i.e., topographic features) [
7]. Defourny et al. [
8] also stated that a significant agro-climatic gradient spanning over a large territory gradually shifts the cropping calendar of most crops, as well as the crop type distribution, and accordingly affects crop performances. Thus, regional specific approaches need to be considered when analyzing field-level performances, such as in the study here presented, where phenology is matched by combining different satellite dates for each separate ecozone in a geographically diverse region that may otherwise be captured by a single satellite scene. Several global and country/region-level initiatives assessing crop yields have been developed [
15]. However, there is a reduced number of studies working with accurate field-level crop yield estimates [
16] due to the difficult accessibility of actual crop yield data and its uncommon combination with field-level crop type classifications, both of which are very dependent on ground validation measurements.
Regarding the available remote sensing technologies for estimating grain yield, the launches of Sentinel-2 a and b satellites brought significant improvements towards functional wheat grain yield estimation, thanks to its improved temporal, spectral, and spatial resolution and open accessibility. Several studies showed Sentinel-2 data capacity for building crop yield models in wheat [
19], as well as crop yields prediction in other crops such as corn [
21] or sorghum [
22]. Nonetheless, despite the promising results, such models have been trained and validated based on one single or, at most, a dozen fields in one or two-season periods [
21], with clearly constrained data availability and limited regional representativeness or adaptation to geographic variability. It is also common that governments only make crop yields at the regional or district level publicly available [
19], resulting in limitations for training field-level grain yield estimation models. Various models have been trained and validated with partial in-field grain yield measurements (i.e., partial field crop cuts) [
22], which are limited regarding pixel errors (reduced harvested area vs. satellite spatial resolution). Added limitations in relation to the lack of representativeness of the crop cut in comparison to the whole field-level grain yield are expected in addition to difficulties when applying such models at a broader, namely regional scale. If such models aim to be applied to actual crop fields, addressing field-level yields, capturing field level variability, and obtaining such accurate data in coordination with farmers while stressing the mutual benefits of such an approach is pivotal.
Regarding cropland and crop type classification, Sentinel-2 imagery has also been used to successfully classify and map agricultural sites [
27]. Moreover, the Sentinel-2 improved multispectral and temporal frequency can champion grain yield estimation [
28] and crop type classification in comparison with other openly accessible satellites [
29]. Thus, the use of Sentinel-2 imagery and field-level wheat grain yield data in coordination with the local farmers brings a novel approach for estimating wheat performance and allows for exploring the context effects (i.e., topographic features and rainfall) on wheat grain yield at the field-level.
Mapping wheat grain yield regionally can also contribute to furthering our understanding of spatial factors that impact crop performance. In agriculture, a relatively important limiting factor is topography, as many topographically influenced landscape attributes affect grain yield [
30]. Examples of topographical features that are likely to affect yields are slope [
31], altitude and aspect [
32]. Besides topography, water is often the main limiting factor in agricultural performance impeding optimal yields. Therefore, understanding the spatial dynamics of rainfall can help in understanding grain yield gaps, especially in rain-fed wheat agrosystems like those prevailing in Navarre that also represent the great majority of wheat cultivation environments in Spain [
Field-level yield data for training and validation is difficult to obtain as it is often collected in sample plots (crop cuts) or obtained from governmental regional/district level datasets. The objective of this study was to use actual field-level grain yield data in coordination with the local farmers in order to develop empirical models for predicting bread wheat grain yield at the field-level using European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 imagery in Navarre (Northern Spain). We also aimed to explore different spatial factors influencing wheat grain yield regionally. In order to achieve these objectives, we developed a combination of techniques to take maximal advantage of the still novel aspects of the recent full operationality of Sentinel-2 a + b constellation in terms of its temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution. We aimed to maximize the benefits of improved Sentinel-2 temporal resolution by matching satellite data with phenology over a diverse geographical region. Increased spatial resolution improvements were used for an adequate accuracy of areal crop estimates, and also used for improving empirical models with zonal statistical summaries (maximum, minimum, mean, and median) that take advantage of the increased number of total pixels per field in small- and medium-scale agricultural parcels. We also took advantage of the improved spectral characteristics, which are pivotal for a refined crop monitoring, with stepwise multilinear equations to explore zonal statistic combinations of ten different vegetation indices calculated per field. Furthermore, wheat-growing parcels in the region were mapped using the random forest classification algorithm and the most suitable Sentinel-2 spectral reflectance bands. Finally, the model developed for estimating grain yield was applied to each of the classified wheat parcels, and then spatial topographic factors (aspect, altitude, and slope) and rainfall effects on grain yield were investigated for their correlations with grain yield across all bread wheat fields for the entire Navarre region of Spain.
4. Discussion
Testing the applicability of empirical vegetation index models in different years of data allows for evaluating the reliability and reproducibility of that model through time. In this case the stepwise multilinear model split between the training dataset, season 2018, and validation dataset, season 2019, revealed the efficiency of this approach for at least a two-year period in Navarre. This is uncommon, as generally such empirical models are developed and validated with same-year data [
21], something that likely happens due to the difficulty to obtain data from various growing seasons, and thus gives robustness to the techniques and analyses that we have presented here.
The full operationality of Sentinel-2 constellation reached in 2018 allowed focusing on phenological stages thanks to its improved frequency, as the results presented here show. Until this recent date, phenology-based grain yield prediction was unlikely to be assessed with alike satellites (i.e., Landsat 8). Our results suggest that heading is the most suitable phenological stage in order to study empirical relations of vegetation indices with grain yield for rain-fed wheat in Navarre. This is consistent with other ground spectral measurements for estimating wheat grain yield under rain-fed conditions as reported by Fernández-Gallego et al. [
56]. Moreover, this stage was also found optimal for grain yield prediction with proximal remote sensing (i.e., UAV) and equivalent growing conditions [
57]. We argue that the results here obtained showed that focusing on phenology for grain yield estimation is now possible using Sentinel-2 imagery and not only applicable with ground and proximal sensing. Furthermore, the combination of climatic (i.e., temperature, growing degree days) and satellite data has resulted in an adequate approach for estimating phenology, as previous studies have suggested [
59], and wheat grain yield.
The minimum average of pixel values at heading stage of MSAVI and the maximum of RDVI provided the most optimal combination of vegetation indices in the stepwise multilinear regression produced in this study. The improved features of Sentinel-2 regarding spectral and spatial resolution have allowed increasing the VIs able to be calculated and the most optimal statistic summary, which with coarser spectral and spatial resolutions would be very limited. The improved capacities of these indices could be explained due to the reduced soil background influences, regarding MSAVI, and, as detailed by Rougean and Breon [
42], the capacity to minimize background reflectance effects of RDVI. In this case, MSAVI together with RDVI show the ability to maintain sensitivity to total vegetation biomass for fully developed canopies corresponding to heading, while other vegetation indices might be saturated at this phenological stage. These vegetation indices have already been successfully correlated with wheat performance using remote sensing data. In the scientific literature, we find examples of RDVI, which is used for green biomass estimation as it is sensitive to vegetation coverage [
60] and has also been successfully used in empirical models estimating wheat yields [
61]. Around the phenological stage of heading, Bao et al. [
62] reported a correlation of 0.79 (R
2) between RDVI and wheat yield, while Zhao et al. [
63] found a correlation of 0.76 (R
2), which show the relative high correlation ability of RDVI with wheat yield. Examples are also available for MSAVI, which has shown relative high correlation with wheat yields [
65]. Regarding the goodness of the model, the selected vegetation indices showed absence of collinearity, as a VIF of 2.16, obtained for both cases, was lower than the collinearity threshold value of 10 [
66]. Moreover, the normality of the residuals was assumed, as the Shapiro-Wilk test p value was over 0.05 (0.297) and the null hypotheses, which assumes that the data is normal, was accepted. The plot of residuals also suggested it as shown in
Figure A1 of
Appendix A.
The fact that maximum and minimum pixel value averages were the most suitable statistical summary combination shows that, for studying grain yield, exploring crop canopy evolution through time may provide an improved output in comparison with single date image data. However, it shows that focusing on the phenological period of heading can provide relatively higher correlations with grain yield, explaining 83% of variability in this case. Namely, segregating phenological periods is a a useful approach in order to calculate empirical grain yield estimations in contrast with following whole season pixel values without explicitly considering phenological periods itself. Estimating the phenological stage with the GDD and focusing on the specific period, heading in this case, eases processing demands and yields accurate results, while clearly diminishing costs. Sentinel-2 spatial resolution allows for the fine evaluation of the statistical summaries and consequently more precise estimations.
Using late-season imagery in order to take advantage of barley’s earlier senescence proved to be efficient for wheat crop land classification, again, taking maximal advantage of the S2 return interval temporal frequency to identify the optimal date for the separation of like cereal crops. Our results are congruent with the Navarre regional government’s official statistics, as
Table 9 demonstrates. The average grain yield obtained after applying the grain yield stepwise equation from
Table 7, for all of the classified wheat fields, showed similar results with official (i.e., after harvest) grain yield averages. Sentinel-2 spatial resolution allowed accurate mapping and estimation of grain yield, while other satellites would not have yielded such precise results regarding field delimitations, for instance. The grain yield estimation model was applied to the wheat classified parcels without considering genotypic differences within the region (both concerning classification and grain yield modelling issues) due to the fact that for the 2017–2018 season 80% of the fields across the whole of Navarre used either Camargo or Marcopolo [
67]. Therefore, a general wheat genotypic homogeneity was supposed in the whole region.
In order to be able to use the yield estimation based on spectral data from Sentinel-2 to estimate the yield across the entire study area, it is necessary to also develop a pixel or better field-level image classification. The slightly lower Fscore of wheat classification accuracy in the Ribera Alta southern sub-region might be due to the limited surface area devoted to this crop type in comparison with the other two sites—a higher difficulty in accurately classifying wheat fields was observed with 13 misclassifications with a proportionally smaller number of ground data points for wheat at this site (
Table 8). Moreover, it could be a consequence of the smaller size of the fields in this southern zone. Bare soil did present substantial misclassification with “other crops” in this southern zone; this likely occurred due to the major presence of barley in zone VI and the earlier senescence it features, especially considering that this zone is substantially drier. Relevant misclassifications happened with wheat and bare soil in all of the three zones. Unfortunately, ground reference points in which the cultivar was specified were only obtained for wheat, the other available ground points could not be specified among the other cultivated crops, namely barley and other minor crops such as oats were not well differentiated. Despite targeting wheat crop lands, specifically classifying each of the various crop types in the region could have improved the classification results overall. Nonetheless, the lack of this exact information did not jeopardize the classification of only the wheat crop lands too much, which showed relatively high Fscores for all of the zones and was the central aim of this study.
Topographic features and rainfall together accounted for an average of 11% to 20% of the observed spatial variation in grain yield in Navarre; this percentage range is consistent with other studies dealing with these factors. Regarding topography effects on wheat at the field level in central Europe, slope and altitude have been estimated to account for an average of 5% to 42.5% variation in grain yield [
68], meanwhile in North America those same topographic attributes were estimated to account for an average of 39% to 65% of the variation in grain yield [
69]. Moreover, Basso et al. showed that in the Mediterranean context aspect, altitude, and slope are directly linked with wheat grain yield [
70] and that rainfall distribution is a major limiting factor for wheat yields [
71]. It has been observed that topographic features affect grain yield more dramatically in dry years or in areas with naturally irregular rainfalls (i.e., Mediterranean rain-fed wheat croplands) [
72], which explains the relatively wide range of variability of the rainfall and topographic effects on grain yield in this study as well as in the scientific literature. Thus, an increased effect of topographic features might be expected in Spanish wheat agrosystems in a climate change scenario, and these features consequently deserve attention. In this sense, the results of this study demonstrate novelty as the relations between topography and grain yield found in the scientific literature have been, on the one hand, studied in few or single fields [
73], presumably due to the difficulty in obtaining precise grain yield predictions for multiple fields from both traditional methods (i.e., time consuming field-work) and from remote sensing techniques (i.e., access restrictions or coarser resolutions to correlate with grain yields and delineate fields). On the other hand, when focusing on regional-scale topographic and climatic data, previous studies have defined suitability zones solely within the agroecological landscape [
76]; none have completed an estimation of the effects of those factors directly on grain yield. We here took advantage of both topographic and climatic data of Navarre, Spain to explore the potential effects on grain yield in various regions, while estimating precisely the grain yield per field at a regional level using to the best of our advantage all of the Sentinel-2 improved characteristics. We believe that studying climatic and topographic impacts on grain yield at a larger scale can provide new insights that in turn will be of interest for managing croplands systemically while advancing towards improved agroecological landscape assessments.
Regarding the previously-mentioned GWR results, approximately 80%, 89%, and 80% of grain yield variability are yet to be explained in each region respectively, as the tested variables cannot explain the whole of the variability. Factors such as soil type, evapotranspiration, radiation, and fertilization or farming practices, among others, could not be evaluated with the remote sensing techniques employed in this study, and might help to explain the remaining variability. Be that as it may, the mean coefficient of regression is positive for rainfall at all three zones. This suggests a relatively strong effect of the rainfall gradient distribution on wheat grain yield in the northern zone. This might be explained with the varying precipitation patterns of the area due to the rugged topography and the numerous valleys that the area includes and that may consequently affect wheat grain yield. Regarding zone VI, the result links the drier features of the southern climate and its positive strong dependence on rainfall.
In zone II, the slope showed a negative coefficient or inverse relationship (the steeper the terrain the lower the GY), while altitude and aspect were positive, hence suggesting that southern-oriented fields at higher altitudes experienced improved performance for that season. Regarding the middle zone, the regression coefficient for the slope was also negative, while the altitude coefficient was positive. In zone VI, the slope and altitude regression coefficients were negative, while aspect was positive. This suggest that at this site that grain yield decreases the higher and steeper the parcel is; while orientation, towards the South in this case, affects grain yield positively. The lower adjusted average of R2 results in zone V suggest only a moderate influence of the tested factors in comparison with the northern zone II and southern zone VI, agricultural areas. This might be due to the milder weather with sufficient rainfall, in comparison with the southern zone, and the fairly flatter ground in comparison with the rugged northern zone.
5. Conclusions
We believe that Sentinel-2′s improved temporal frequency benefitted the grain yield prediction models by adapting to phenology across ecozones in the geographically diverse region of Navarre and improved the spectral separation of bread wheat from other crop types by using precisely timed images at a moment of phenological differences. The improved Sentinel-2 spatial detail was also optimally harnessed by capturing field level variability with the use of zonal statistics as model input parameters, and contributed to improving total estimates related to both yield and crop types. Furthermore, the use of field-level grain yield data for both training and validation of the wheat grain yield estimation model proved to be an efficient approach. The matching of crop type classification and field-level grain yield estimation models are scarce in the scientific literature, as often studies either focus on classification [
26] or grain yield estimation [
22] alone. Notwithstanding, the combination of both as presented in this study provided improved data for a more robust model (i.e., comparison to official cropland area and regional yield statistics) and for testing its applicability in actual agricultural contexts. Moreover, another novel aspect that this research addresses is the study of large-scale field-level topographic effects on grain yield, which has not been studied extensively, as single fields or reduced-scale approaches are used in the majority of studies on this topic [
In addition, we have applied here various techniques to take maximal advantage of several different types of openly accessible data sources for the Navarre region in northern Spain, where no such study had been previously reported. It is especially relevant, as in 2020 the CAP in the European Union will be reformulated aiming to optimize resources and advance towards an integrated regional management. The CAP accounts for around 30% of the total European budget [
77], and member states are responsible of supervising the declared croplands and harvests. The results obtained and the methodology here developed can be easily used and reproduced for both Navarre’s regional government and other European regions with equivalent data availability and frameworks, easing their expensive field works. We here used polygon databases from agricultural fields declared in the CAP subvention system, public topographic and environmental data, as well as European Union and European Space Agency-launched Sentinel-2 openly accessible imagery. Furthermore, we believe that in order to obtain field-level crop yields in actual agricultural contexts, coordination with local farmers is central to this endeavor.
In summary, this research successfully showed the ability of our relatively straightforward and potentially operational method for estimating wheat grain yield at field-level before harvest and determining the spatial factors that influence grain yield. Concerning grain yield estimation, two observations were deemed most pertinent: on the one hand this approach allows grain yield at approximately two months before harvesting (at the phenological stage of heading) to be estimated correctly, and on the other hand, it is applicable across at least a two-season period. The combination of our grain yield estimation model and crop type mapping also achieved accurate results with regards to official statistics. The techniques and models presented can be said to have successfully mapped wheat croplands and calculated regional grain yields. Furthermore, the observed spatial variation caused by topographic features (slope, aspect, and altitude) and rainfall could be attributed to explain on average 11% to 20% of spatial grain yield variation. Additional work is warranted in relation to the other genotype/varietal, environmental, or management (GxExM) factors that may account for regional grain yield variability across local to regional scales, such as those presented here for Navarre, Spain.