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Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data

Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430070, China
Key Laboratory of Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430079, China
Meteorological Research Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, ON M3H5T4, Canada
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(23), 4599;
Submission received: 1 November 2024 / Revised: 28 November 2024 / Accepted: 5 December 2024 / Published: 7 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Geodata Science and Spatial Analysis with Remote Sensing)


Arctic sea-ice surface temperature (IST) is an important environmental and climatic parameter. Currently, wide-swath sea-ice surface temperature products have a spatial resolution of approximately 1000 m. The Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI-I) offers a thermal infrared channel with a wide-swath width of 2900 km and a high spatial resolution of 250 m. In this study, we developed an applicable single-channel algorithm to retrieve ISTs from MERSI-I data. The algorithm accounts for the following challenges: (1) the wide range of incidence angle; (2) the unstable snow-covered ice surface; (3) the variation in atmospheric water vapor content; and (4) the unique spectral response function of MERSI-I. We reduced the impact of using a constant emissivity on the IST retrieval accuracy by simulating the directional emissivity. Different ice surface types were used in the simulation, and we recommend the sun crust type as the most suitable for IST retrieval. We estimated the real-time water vapor content using a band ratio method from the MERSI-I near-infrared data. The results show that the retrieved IST was lower than the buoy measurements, with a mean bias and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of −1.928 K and 2.616 K. The retrieved IST is higher than the IceBridge measurements, with a mean bias and RMSE of 1.056 K and 1.760 K. Compared with the original algorithm, the developed algorithm has higher accuracy and reliability. The sensitivity analysis shows that the atmospheric water vapor content with an error of 20% may lead to an IST retrieval error of less than 1.01 K.

1. Introduction

Snow cover over sea ice reflects most of the solar radiation, reducing the heat exchange between the underlying ocean and the overlying air and, thus, plays a significant role in the Arctic environment and climate [1,2]. The sea-ice surface temperature (IST) is a key parameter for the surface energy budget and ice mass balance, revealing and driving the melting and growth of sea ice [3,4]. Meanwhile, the decline of the sea ice extent also promotes the amplification of Arctic surface temperature [5,6]. Furthermore, IST is of interest for both short-term forecasts and long-term climate trend evaluation in climate models [7]. Therefore, generating high-quality IST data can facilitate and refine the study of sea-ice monitoring and Arctic IST variation.
Buoy and thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing data are two common tools used to monitor IST in the Arctic [8,9]. Buoy data have the advantages of high accuracy and continuous observations at short time intervals. However, the buoys are sparsely distributed in polar regions and their locations are discrete. On the other hand, TIR remote sensing technology can monitor the IST over a large area. TIR remote sensing is hardly influenced by surface penetration and has a spatial resolution of 30–1000 m and an accuracy of 1.2–3.7 K [9,10].
The frequently used TIR data include operational products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Landsat [9,11,12]. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) provides MOD/MYD29, an IST product derived from a split-window algorithm using MODIS data [13]. While this product offers high revisit frequency in polar regions due to its wide swath (over 2000 km), it has a spatial resolution of approximately 1000 m.
China has a long record of spaceborne TIR observation from the FengYun (FY) series of satellites since 2008 and the HaiYang series satellites since 2002 [14,15]. Although land and sea surface temperature retrieval algorithms have been proposed based on these data [16,17,18], there is a lack of reliable IST retrieval algorithms for the Arctic. The FY-3A satellite belongs to the FY-3 of series satellites (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, and 3G). Each satellite has a polar orbit with a revisit frequency of 5.5 days [19]. The FY-3A, FY-3B, and FY-3C satellites carried an identical Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI-I) instrument, which has a TIR band with a wide-swath width (about 2900 km) and a 0.25 km spatial resolution. MERSI-I recorded long-term observations of the Arctic surface from 2008 to 2020. MERSI-Ⅱ and MERSI-Ⅲ are the successors to MERSI-I onboard the FY-3D/3E and 3F satellites, respectively [20]. In this study, we developed an IST retrieval algorithm for the MERSI-I data from the FY-3A satellite.
MERSI-I has only one TIR band, a wide range of observation angle, and a unique spectral response function. Therefore, in this study, we developed a single-channel IST retrieval algorithm that accounts for the wide range of observation angle and the unique spectral response function. Algorithms that require only one TIR band to retrieve surface temperature include the following three main approaches: (1) radiative transfer equation-based algorithms; (2) mono-window algorithms; and (3) generalized single-channel algorithms [21,22,23]. Radiative transfer equation-based algorithms require atmospheric profile data as inputs, which are not easy to obtain. Li et al. [10] proposed an improved single-channel (ISC) algorithm for ice sheet surface temperature retrieval based on Landsat-8 TIR data. Compared with the mono-window and generalized single-channel algorithms, the ISC algorithm uses a group of atmospheric correction coefficients for the polar region and avoids the error from linear expansion of Planck’s equation. The ISC algorithm requires only surface emissivity and atmospheric water vapor content (AWVC) as inputs and has achieved a high accuracy of 1.2 K in the Greenland ice sheet. In the present study, we further developed this algorithm for IST retrieval based on MERSI-I data. Using the ISC algorithm to retrieve IST from MERSI-I data encounters the following four main difficulties: (1) the large observation angle (nearly 70 degrees) of MERSI-I across the swath; (2) the unstable snow-covered sea-ice surface due to snow metamorphism, both are manifested as variations in surface emissivity; (3) the variability of AWVC at a short temporal scale, which requires accurate real-time data; and (4) the unique spectral response function of MERSI-I, which requires a group of new atmospheric correction coefficients.
The accuracies of the input surface emissivity and the atmospheric correction are two major factors that impact the accuracy of IST retrieval using the ISC algorithm. Ice and snow emissivity is sensitive to ice and snow composition and emergence angle [24]. The latter is the same as the observation angle when the surface is leveled. This is the assumption for the sea-ice surface in this study. The emergence angle causes directional brightness temperature, while the ice and snow composition impact the brightness temperature range for each range of emergence angle. We define the emergence angle as the angle between the line of observation sight and the normal to the surface. The influence of the wavelength on ice and snow surface emissivity is ignored because the wavelength is nearly constant for the TIR band. When Landsat-8 data are used in ISC algorithms, the maximum observation angle is 7.5 degrees. The observation angle is defined as the angle at the sensor between the line of sight and the nadir. The emergence angle may not be equal to the observation angle for a surface at a slope. However, for sea-ice cover, we can assume that they are equal. Therefore, the emergence angle has a negligible influence on ice and snow surface emissivity, and the ISC algorithm can be used assuming a constant surface emissivity.
On the other hand, MERSI-I collects surface information with the emergence angle within 0–68 degrees. The influence of the emergence angle on ice and snow surface emissivity and IST retrieval accuracy is unclear. In addition, surface emissivity varies with the snow cover characteristics, such as moisture content, compactness, and snow grain size, when snow metamorphoses [24,25]. Compared with the ice sheet surface, the sea-ice surface is unstable due to the presence of leads, surface deformation, melt ponds, etc. Therefore, we consider the impact of sea-ice surface type on the surface emissivity. Hori et al. [26] proposed an ice and snow emissivity model which simulates the emissivity of ice and snow with different emergence angles and characteristics. In the present study, we simulated the ice and snow emissivity using the same ice and snow surface emissivity model and analyzed the IST error resulting from the emissivity error.
In addition to surface emissivity, the atmosphere has a complex influence on TIR radiation through emission, scattering, and absorption [10]. Although AWVC only accounts for a small portion of the atmosphere, it dominates the interaction between the atmosphere and TIR radiation. AWVC data can be obtained by radiosonde observations and remote sensing technology [27,28]. Although some AWVC products are access-free, such as MODIS and VIIRS [29,30], we retrieved the AWVC based on MERSI-I data. This should avoid any possible errors resulting from the spatio-temporal mismatch between AWVC data and TIR data. The band ratio method [31], which is a typical AWVC retrieval method based on the shortwave infrared bands, was adopted in this study. The AWVC is used as input for empirical regression equations to estimate atmospheric attenuation and emission, which vary with wavelength. Therefore, the unique spectral response function of MERSI-I requires new empirical regression equations. In this study, the MODTRAN model and atmospheric profile data were used to simulate atmospheric attenuation and emission. The empirical regression equations for the MERSI-I TIR band were then established.
To assess the accuracy and robustness of the developed algorithm, buoy measurements were used for validation. The MODIS IST product was also used for comparison. In addition, the algorithm’s sensitivity to input data was investigated. In this study, the retrieved AWVC from MERSI-I data is an important input of the developed algorithm. The AWVC from ground-based remote sensing observations was adopted to validate the retrieved AWVC.
The rest of this manuscript is organized as follows: The datasets are described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the theoretical foundation of the ISC algorithm and the developed algorithm. The results, accuracy validation, and a comparison with the ISC algorithm are given in Section 4. The sensitivity of the algorithm to the input parameters is given in Section 5. Our conclusions are drawn in Section 6.

2. Data

2.1. Thermal Infrared (TIR) Data

The MERSI-I instrument is a payload of the FY-3A satellite, which was launched by the Chinese National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) in 2008 [15]. MERSI-I observes the Earth’s surface with a swath width of 2900 km and a varying observation angle from 0 to nearly 70 degrees. In contrast, the maximum observation angles of the MODIS and Landsat-8 data are 55 and 7.5 degrees, respectively. The MERSI-I instrument has 20 bands, including one TIR band and 19 optical and near-infrared bands [32].
The ISC algorithm was proposed for Landsat-8 band 10 data. In this study, we further developed the ISC algorithm for MERSI-I data. In addition, the results are compared to the MODIS IST product in Section 4. Compared with the Landsat-8 and MODIS TIR bands, MERSI-I has a much wider TIR band and a clearly different spectral response. Therefore, we developed a group of new atmospheric correction coefficients for MERSI-I. The effective wavelength is calculated by convolution of the spectral response function and wavelength. The effective wavelength of the MERSI-I band 5 is 11.53 μm.
Table 1 presents the details of all bands from all sensors used in this study. The near-infrared bands (bands 16–19) were also used to estimate AWVC. MERSI-I band 5 has a spatial resolution of 250 m and bands 16–19 have a spatial resolution of 1000 m. Data from bands 16–19 were resampled to the same resolution as band 5. The MERSI-I data can be downloaded from the official website of the NSMC at (accessed on 6 December 2024). The NSMC provides only limited MERSI-I observation data over the Arctic after 2014 because the MERSI-I malfunctioned in 2014. Therefore, we used data from before 2014 to verify the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.

2.2. Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR) Data

The Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR) dataset, including some atmospheric profile descriptions, is typically used for atmospheric radiation simulation. The dataset consists of 2311 representative “atmospheric situations”, which are described by profiles of atmospheric temperature, AWVC, and ozone concentration, from the surface to the top of atmosphere, at 43 pressure levels [33]. Based on the virtual temperature profile, the atmospheric situations are categorized into the following five types of airmass: Tropical, Midlat1, Midlat2, Polar1, and Polar2. Polar1 and Polar2 represent the cold polar airmass in the Northern Hemisphere. Considering the research region of this study, both Polar1 and Polar2 were used for the atmospheric radiation simulation.

2.3. Ground-Based Atmospheric Water Vapor Content (AWVC) Data

NASA, in collaboration with national agencies, universities, and individual partners from all over the world, set up a project called the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) to establish ground-based remote sensing aerosol measurements [34]. AERONET focuses on the study of atmospheric aerosols and provides globally distributed observations of spectral aerosol products such as aerosol optical depth and AWVC. The AWVC uncertainty is approximately ±10% [35].
Most of the AERONET stations are located on land. Because of the lack of AWVC measurements for the Arctic sea-ice surface, we used automatic weather station measurements from near the coast to validate the accuracy of the retrieved AWVC. Seven coastal stations are marked by red stars in Figure 1. These stations were randomly chosen for the accuracy validation.

2.4. Buoy Data

The Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)-Dartmouth Mass Balance Buoy Program aims to study the mass balance of Arctic sea ice using buoy device observation. A buoy device collects a point measurement of the ice mass balance and the air and ice temperature profile data from the thermistor string. Most buoys are installed in October and retired in April the next year. The buoy data are recorded at varying time steps of 2 to 6 h [36]. Because of the ice motion, the positions of the buoys are also recorded every few hours. The deployment locations for the buoys are carefully selected to be representative of the region. As a result, the data can be used to validate the retrieved ISTs.
The thermistor string in the buoy measures the temperature at different heights/depths, so that it is necessary to identify the snow–air interface and determine the IST measured by the thermistor string. Figure 2 shows the temperatures of a thermistor string at different heights and times for 18 April 2010 and 3 June 2011. The remarkable change in the temperature profile at the 20 cm Figure 2a and 50 cm Figure 2b depth marks the snow–air interface. Liao et al. [37] indicated that there is a temperature discontinuity between the temperatures above and below the snow surface during the cold season. During the warm season, the daily snow temperature amplitude is less than the daily air temperature amplitude. It should be noted that the height step of thermistor on the thermistor chains is 10 cm. Thus, the extracted measurement may not the exact skin temperature, but rather the closest [12].

2.5. MODIS Ice Surface Temperature (IST) Product

Both the Terra and Aqua satellites carry MODIS instruments. Data from both satellites make it possible to provide global coverage every one to two days. MODIS collects data in 36 bands in the wavelength range of 0.4–14.4 μm. The NSIDC provides swath IST products (MYD29 and MOD29) with a 1 km resolution, which are generated using the split-window algorithm based on MODIS TIR bands 30 and 31 [11]. The accuracy of the MYD/MOD29 IST product is 1–3.7 K under clear sky conditions with a low amount of AWVC [9,38,39]. Figure 1 shows the three MYD/MOD29 IST frames used in this study. Only the overlapping areas between the MERSI-I and MYD/MOD29 IST data are displayed. Since TIR data are affected by clouds and aerosols, there are invalid pixel values. Most of the invalid pixels can be removed based on cloud detection. However, there are still some invalid pixels located on the edge of the missing data area. These pixels were removed using an image erosion algorithm.

2.6. IceBridge IST Measurement

The IceBridge project has surveyed the Arctic using aerial platforms and instruments for over a decade. An infrared radiation thermometer (KT19) is used for the IST measurements. The KT19 has a temperature resolution of 0.1K. The actual accuracy of the IST measurements may be affected by cloud cover beneath the aircraft and variations in ice emissivity [40]. The flight speed is 100−200 m/s, and the thermometer has a response time of 0.1 s. We used the moving average method for data preprocessing.

3. Methods

3.1. TIR Radiative Transfer Equation

The ISC algorithm is constructed based on the following TIR radiative transfer equation:
L λ s e n = τ λ [ ε λ B ( λ , T s ) + ( 1 ε λ ) L λ a t m ] + L λ a t m
where L λ s e n is the radiance measured by the TIR sensor, λ is the effective wavelength, ε λ is the ice and snow surface emissivity, τ λ is the transmissivity of the atmosphere, B ( λ , T s ) is the radiance emitted by a black body with temperature T s , L λ a t m is the atmospheric upwelling radiance, and L λ a t m is the atmospheric downwelling radiance. In this paper, τ λ , L λ a t m , and L λ a t m are called “atmospheric radiative parameters”. The surface temperature ( T s ) can be calculated through the following two steps:
B λ , T s = ( L λ s e n L λ a t m ) / τ λ / ε λ 1 ε λ L λ a t m / ε λ
T s = ( h c λ k ) / l n ( 2 h c 2 λ 5 B λ , T s + 1 )
where h is the Planck’s constant, c is the velocity of light, and k is the Boltzmann constant.

3.2. Developed ISC Algorithm for MERSI-I

The flowchart of the developed ISC algorithm is made up of two parts (Figure 3). The first part is the construction of the fitting equations for the atmospheric radiative parameters and the effective mean atmospheric temperature (Ta). The TIGR data and MODTRAN model are used to simulate the atmospheric radiative parameters under different atmospheric situations. The AWVC, IST, and Ta can be obtained from the TIGR data [10]. Two regression fitting equations are used for the fitting of the atmospheric radiative parameters and Ta. The Ta and AWVC (pink box) are used to fit the atmospheric radiative parameters (yellow box). The AWVC and IST (pink box) are used to fit Ta (yellow box). Details of the construction of the fitting equations are presented in Section 3.5.
The second part is IST retrieval. IST retrieval requires four inputs, namely, AWVC, brightness temperature, radiance, and ice and snow surface emissivity. The band ratio method and water vapor bands are used to estimate the AWVC, which is described in Section 3.4. The MERSI-I TIR band is used for the radiance calibration, and the brightness temperature is calculated based on Planck’s equation. The ice and snow surface emissivity is modeled based on the emergence angle, which is discussed in Section 3.3.
The algorithm is conducted iteratively since IST is an input and also the output of the algorithm. The AWVC and IST are used to estimate the Ta based on the fitting equations of Ta. The IST is replaced by the brightness temperature from the sensor on the first iteration. The AWVC and Ta are used to estimate the atmospheric radiative parameters using the fitting equations of the atmospheric radiative parameters. We input the atmospheric radiative parameters, radiance, and emissivity into the TIR radiative transfer equation and calculate the IST. If the difference in IST between two successive iterations is less than 0.01 K, the iteration is suspended.

3.3. Directional Emissivity of Ice and Snow

Ice and snow emissivity is sensitive to the ice and snow type and emergence angle. The MERSI-I instrument has an observation angle of near 70 degrees. In addition, the ice and snow type varies significantly with the month and season. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze and reduce the influences of the emergence angle and ice and snow type on the algorithm’s accuracy. We modeled the angular-dependent ice and snow emissivity following Hori et al. [24]. The modeled snow emissivity, ε s n o w λ , θ , can be calculated using the following formulas:
ε s n o w λ , θ = ε b b λ ( 1 f s p ) + ε s p _ a p p λ , θ f s p
ε s p _ a p p λ , θ = ε s p λ , 45 ο 1 f s p + ε s p λ , θ f s p
where θ is the emergence angle, ε b b is the emissivity of an isotropic blackbody ( ε b b = 1 ), ε s p _ a p p is the apparent emissivity of the specular surface, and ε s p λ , θ is the emissivity of ideal smooth ice. The Fresnel equation calculates the reflectivity ( ρ s p λ , θ ) for a smooth surface, from which the emissivity can be calculated based on Kirchhoff’s law ( ε s p λ , θ = 1 ρ s p λ , θ ) . The ice and snow type is parameterized using f s p , which is the weighting parameter, indicating the effective areal fraction of the specular surface within the bulk surface. According to Hori et al. [24], ice and snow are divided into the following five types: fine dendrite, medium granular, coarse grained, sun crust, and bare glaze ice. The corresponding f s p values are 0.22, 0.29, 0.41, 0.53, and 0.95, respectively. With the increase in f s p , the grain size of the snow type gradually becomes coarser. The sun crust represents an intermediate form between fresh snow and smooth ice, with a closer resemblance to smooth ice.
Figure 4a–e show the modeled emissivity values of different ice and snow types in the TIR wavelength range of 7–15 μm. The colored lines represent the different emergence angles. According to Figure 4, the ice and snow emissivity increased with wavelengths between 7 and 11 μm and peaks at 11 μm. In addition, the ice and snow emissivity decreased with the increase in the emergence angle. A comparison of the different subfigures shows that the emissivity decreased with the f s p , given the same wavelength and emergence angle.
The influence of the emergence angle on the ice and snow emissivity can be accounted for because the MERSI-I records the observation angle. However, the influence of the ice and snow type on the emissivity is hard to account for without specifying the ice and snow type and conditions. In this study, we analyzed the IST errors caused by different observation angles and ice and snow types. We took the first derivative of Equation (2) with respect to ε λ while using Equation (1), as follows:
d B ( λ , T s ) d ε λ = L λ a t m B ( λ , T s ) ε λ
The atmospheric downwelling radiance ( L λ a t m ) is lower than B λ , T s in polar regions [10]. Under this condition, the derivative in Equation (6) is negative. Therefore, the retrieved IST increases with the decrease in ε λ .
In addition to the above gross analysis based on the radiative transfer equation, it is necessary to quantitatively determine the effect of the variation in surface emissivity on IST retrieval. If we assume that the surface emissivity used during the retrieval process is ε λ 0 , and the retrieved IST is T s 0 , then, according to Equations (1) and (3), we obtain the following:
B ( λ , T s 0 ) = ( ε λ B ( λ , T s ) + ( ε λ 0 ε λ ) L λ a t m ) / ε λ 0
The term ( ( Ԑ λ 0 ε λ ) L λ a t m ) is related to the ice and snow surface emissivity. However, the ice and snow surface emissivity is very high (>0.95 in Figure 4) in the TIR band, and the emissivity variation ( ε λ 0 ε λ ) is very small (<0.05). In addition, the atmospheric downwelling radiance is much less than the surface emission. Most of the downwelling radiance values for the Arctic atmospheric situations were less than 1.0 W/m2/sr/μm (Figure 8), and the emission of a blackbody at 260 K was about 4.8 W/m2/sr/μm. Therefore, the error in the downwelling radiance term was ignored in this study. T s 0 can be calculated by Planck’s equation. The IST error caused by emissivity error is T S T s 0 .
Figure 5 shows the simulated surface emissivity variation with the emergence angle for sun crust type ( f s p = 0.53) and the IST error resulting from the emissivity variation. In addition to the emissivity, the IST error also varies with the IST because Planck’s equation is a non-linear equation. Therefore, we calculated the error caused by the emissivity at different temperatures (colored lines). According to Figure 5, the IST error increased with the increase in the emergence angle. The variation in IST error was negligible when the emergence angle was less than 40 degrees, the IST error then increased slowly from 40 to 70 degrees, which was followed by a sharp rate of increase from 70 to 90 degrees. Given the same emergence angle, a higher IST will lead to a higher IST error. The temperature error is 1–1.5 K at the emergence angle of 70 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the surface emissivity influence in order to achieve accurate results from the proposed algorithm.
In addition to the emergence angle, the influence of the snow type on the emissivity was also analyzed. Unlike the effect of the emergence angle, the emissivity error caused by the snow type cannot be accounted for because of the lack of ice and snow type data. Therefore, we focused on selecting the most representative ice and snow type for IST retrieval. We assumed that the five ice and snow types have an even distribution in the Arctic. Based on this assumption, we calculated the retrieved IST error caused by the emissivity error from unidentified ice and snow types. The main processes include the following: (1) choose the emissivity of one ice and snow type as the surface emissivity to retrieve the IST; (2) calculate the IST errors of all ice and snow types; (3) calculate the mean IST errors of the different ice and snow types (evenly distributed); and (4) choose another ice and snow type and repeat 1 to 3 until all ice and snow types are conducted. Finally, we can choose the ice and snow type with the least mean IST error as the most representative ice and snow type.
According to Figure 5, the error is very small when the emergence angle is smaller than 40 degrees. Therefore, emergence angles of 40, 50, 60, and 70 degrees were adopted. In addition, only the IST of 260 K was adopted because the IST has no influence on choosing the best surface type. In fact, when the IST error was calculated using IST values of 220 K, 240 K, 260 K, and 280 K, the smallest error using any IST value was associated with the sun crust type. Figure 6a–e show the IST error when the IST was retrieved using the emissivity of each of the following five types: fine dendrite, medium granular, coarse grained, sun crust, and bare glaze ice, respectively. The f s p values on the x-axis represent the different ice and snow types. The y-axis is the IST error. In Figure 6a, the error for the fine dendrite ( f s p = 0.22) was zero because we used the emissivity of the fine dendrite as the surface emissivity to retrieve the IST. According to Figure 6, the best accuracy was achieved with the sun crust type ( f s p = 0.53). The worst accuracy was achieved for the bare glaze ice type ( f s p = 0.95). Therefore, the sun crust type was adopted as the standard surface type for the IST retrieval.

3.4. Retrieval of AWVC

The AWVC, as a key parameter for IST retrieval, is used for atmospheric radiative parameter estimation. In this study, the AWVC was retrieved based on the MERSI-I data, to avoid the error resulting from spatio-temporal mismatching of multisource data. AWVC can be estimated based on the band ratio method [31,41]. For MERSI-I, bands 17, 18, and 19 are sensitive to the AWVC, and band 16 is the atmospheric window. The band ratio can be calculated using the following equation:
R i = L i / L 16
where R i is the band ratio of band i and band 16 ( i = 17, 18, and 19), and L i is the radiance of band i . AWVC can be fitted by the quadratic polynomial (11), as follows:
W i = a i R i 2 + b i R i + c i
where W i is the AWVC estimated by band ratio R i ( i = 17, 18, and 19), and a i , b i , and c i are the regression coefficients. The final AWVC ( W ) is estimated by weighting W i , as follows:
W = i = 1 n f i W i f i = η i η η i = Δ τ i Δ W
where Δ τ i is the difference between the maximum and minimum of the transmissivity, Δ W is the difference between the maximum and minimum of the AWVC, and f i is the normalized weight.
The MODTRAN and TIGR data were used to simulate the radiances of bands 16–19 under different atmospheric conditions. We then calculated the band ratios and fitted the regression equation between the band ratio and AWVC. Figure 7 shows the regression equation and fitting accuracy. The coefficient of determination (R2) values of the three scatter plots are all bigger than 0.99. However, the AWVC is extremely sensitive to R 19 (large absolute value of the slope), which means that calibration error of band 19 will lead to large AWVC uncertainty. Therefore, we adopted R 17 and R 18 to retrieve the AWVC.

3.5. Fitting Equations for the Atmospheric Radiative Parameters

Fitting equations for the atmospheric radiative parameters are necessary for atmospheric correction. The atmospheric radiative parameters were simulated using the MODTRAN4 model and TIGR data. For comparison, the linear, affine, and quadratic equations adopted for the regression fitting are presented in the following equations:
L a t m = a 1 w + a 2 T a + a 0 L a t m = a 1 w + a 2 T a + a 3 w T a + a 0 L a t m = a 1 w 2 + a 2 T a 2 + a 3 w T a + a 4 T a + a 5 w + a 0
where L a t m is the atmospheric radiative parameter, including atmospheric upwelling radiance, downwelling radiance, and transmissivity; a i ( i =0, 1, …, 5) is the regression coefficient; w is AWVC; and T a is the effective mean atmospheric temperature. w and T a can be calculated based on the atmospheric profile data [42]. Similarly, T a was fitted by the AWVC and IST also using linear, affine, and quadratic equations. IST can be replaced by the brightness temperature at the beginning of the iteration.
Figure 8 shows the scatter plots of the prediction and ground truth for the four parameters (atmospheric upwelling radiance, downwelling radiance, transmissivity, and T a ). The coefficient of determination (R2) and RMSE for each parameter are listed in Figure 8. The R2 is employed to assess the regression accuracy, as its variation is more significant than the RMSE. The R2 increases with the complexity of the fitting equation, and the quadratic polynomial regression (last line in Figure 8) achieves the best accuracy. In addition to the regression accuracy, it is necessary to avoid overfitting, which will impair the robustness of the model. For atmospheric transmissivity and T a , the accuracy of the affine transformation is higher than that of linear regression but is lower than that of the accuracy of the quadratic polynomial regression. Therefore, quadratic polynomial regression was adopted for estimating the transmissivity and T a . In contrast, the accuracy variations are opposite for upwelling and downwelling radiances. As expected, the accuracy of the affine transformation relative to linear regression increases, while the accuracy of the quadratic polynomial regression relative to affine transformation increases only slightly. Therefore, we used affine transformation to estimate the upwelling and downwelling radiance to avoid overfitting.

4. Results

We validated the accuracy of the retrieved ISTs using buoy and IceBridge measurements. Li et al. [10] suggested that the ISC algorithm has better accuracy than the general single-channel algorithm. Therefore, we compare the proposed algorithm with the ISC algorithm. The ISC algorithm regarded the surface emissivity as a constant. We calculated the ice and snow surface emissivity from three different samples using the ASTER spectral library. The convolution calculation with the spectral response of the MERSI-I thermal band shows that the emissivity values of the three samples were 0.992, 0.984, and 0.972. We used the mean value (0.983) of the three emissivity values as the surface emissivity for the ISC algorithm. The MODIS IST product was also used to compare with the retrieved IST.

4.1. Validation Using Buoy Measurements

The data used for the validation were mainly from the spring (March, April, and May) and autumn (September, October, and November) of 2009 and 2013. In summer, the ice may be melting, and there is a lack of buoy measurements. In addition, the uncertainty of cloud detection increases without the availability of optical band information during the winter. Therefore, the data from summer and winter were not used in the validation. The time gap between the buoy measurements and MERSI-I scanning was less than 30 min. The distance between the buoy and the MERSI-I pixel center was less than half of the MERSI-I spatial resolution. Under such conditions, we selected a total of 34 points to validate the accuracy of the proposed algorithm. In addition, we also matched the MODIS IST product from the 34 points under the same conditions. Only 18 points were selected to validate the accuracy of the MODIS IST product.
Figure 9 shows the accuracy of the proposed algorithm, the ISC algorithm and the MODIS IST product, all assessed against the buoy data (ground-truth data). The RMSEs of the proposed algorithm, ISC algorithm, and the MODIS IST products were 2.616 K, 2.430 K, and 3.184 K, respectively. A total of 34 coincident data points (having a less than 30 min time gap) between the MERSI-I and the buoys were found. This was reduced to 18 points in the case of MODIS. When we used the 18 points to validate the proposed algorithm’s accuracy, the RMSE was 2.689 K. The ISC algorithm achieved a lower RMSE than the proposed algorithm. We checked the MERSI-I images and found that most of the observation angles were less than 50 degrees. The modeled emissivity values for the proposed algorithm were from 0.989 to 0.992 when the observation angles were less than 50 (Figure 5). The proposed algorithm used a higher emissivity than the ISC algorithm, leading to a lower retrieved IST. In addition, the retrieved ISTs from satellite data were lower than the buoy measurements (the negative mean bias provided in Figure 9). This is why the ISC algorithm had a lower RMSE, but the Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the ISC algorithm had a negligible change compared with the proposed algorithm. We used 0.992 as the emissivity of ISC algorithm and found that the RMSE of the ISC algorithm was 2.660 K. This indicates that the results from the ISC algorithm with a randomly selected emissivity are not reliable. In addition, the buoy measurements may be higher than the true IST because the net thermal infrared flux at the sea-ice surface is typically positive during the warming period.

4.2. Validation Using IceBridge Measurements

To reveal the advantage of the proposed algorithm, we used four days of IceBridge measurements in 2013 to validate the proposed and ISC algorithms’ accuracies. Figure 10a presents the location of the selected IceBridge and MERSI-I data. The marked times in Figure 10a is the MERSI-I observation times. The time gap between IceBridge and MERSI-I data is less than 30 min. Cloud-free pixels were chosen. The observation angles of the corresponding MERSI-I data range from 0 to 65 degrees. Figure 10b and c present the results of the proposed and ISC algorithms, respectively. The proposed algorithm had a lower RMSE (1.760 K) than the ISC algorithm (1.913 K). More important, both algorithms had similar mean biases, but the Person’s correlation coefficient of the proposed algorithm (0.793) was higher than for the ISC algorithm (0.745). This indicates that the proposed algorithm has higher accuracy and reliability than the ISC algorithm and is suitable for the MERSI-I data.

4.3. Comparison with MODIS IST Maps

Three pairs of co-located and nearly coincident MODIS and MERSI-I scenes on different dates were selected for comparison. We resized the retrieved IST pixel size (250 m) to be the same as that of the MODIS IST product (1000 m) by calculating the mean in a 1000 m window. The MODIS and MERSI-I images only partially overlapped, so we used the overlapping part for the comparison. In addition, the scan time difference between MODIS and MERSI-I was less than 30 min. Figure 11 shows the IST maps from MODIS and MERSI-I on the three different dates. The stripes are clear in the MERSI-I maps. The stripes on the MERSI-I maps make the texture features less obvious, which makes it difficult to extract the sea surface type (e.g., leads). Because the detection components have different responses to various Earth surface types, it takes a lot of effort to eliminate the influence of stripes [43]. We marked the overheated pixels on the edges of the missing data areas using black rectangles on the MERSI-I IST map for 25 March 2009. The overheated pixels may have been caused by clouds. The MERSI-I IST map was masked based on the MODIS IST map for comparison. However, the scan time difference between the MODIS and MERSI-I data was 5 min on 25 March 2009. The location of the clouds may have shown a small variation during the 5 min, which results in the overheated pixels on the MERSI-I IST map. In addition, the errors of the image registration may also lead to this situation.
The scatter plots of the ISTs from MODIS and MERSI-I are also shown on the right side of the figure. According to Figure 11, the RMSEs were 2.857 K, 1.632 K, and 0.966 K for 25 March 2009, 25 April 2009, and 26 May 2009, respectively. The ISTs from MERSI-I were higher than the ISTs from MODIS on 25 March 2009 (mean bias = 2.579 K) and 25 April 2009 (mean bias = 1.457 K) but lower than the IST from MODIS on 26 May 2009 (mean bias = −0.455 K). Clearly, the mean bias decreased with the increase in the IST. In addition, the RMSE increases with the increase in the mean bias. This can be attributed to the difference in the surface emissivity used in the two retrieval algorithms. Neither algorithm adjusts the emissivity according to the ice and snow surface characteristics, although the surface characteristics and emissivity vary with the IST. According to Figure 5, a higher (lower) emissivity leads to a lower (higher) IST. Therefore, the mean bias varies with the IST. It should be noted that it is meaningless to compare the emissivity values used in the two algorithms because the spectral response functions of the TIR bands for the two sensors are different.

5. Sensitivity Analysis

The retrieved IST errors caused by the errors in the input parameters, namely, brightness temperature, surface emissivity, and AWVC, are considered within the retrieval algorithm presented in this paper. We previously discussed the algorithm’s sensitivity to surface emissivity in Section 3.3. The brightness temperature, as the initialization parameter, has no effect on the ISC algorithm [10]. Therefore, we focus here on the sensitivity of the proposed algorithm to the AWVC.
Equation (12) was adopted for the sensitivity analysis, as follows:
δ T s = | T s w + δ w T s ( w ) |
where w is AWVC, δ w is its error, and δ T s is the IST error caused by δ w . T s w is the retrieved IST without the AWVC error. T s w + δ w is the IST retrieved under the condition that the AWVC error is δ w .
The AWVC error was evaluated using AERONET data. Figure 12 shows the scatter plots of the retrieved AWVC and AERONET measurements. Most of AWVC values are lower than 1.5 g/cm2 in the Arctic. As mentioned in Section 3.4, R19 was not used because the AWVC is highly sensitive to this parameter. In this section, we compare the accuracy of the AWVC retrieved with and without the inclusion of R19 (Figure 12a and Figure 12b, respectively). The retrieved AWVC was lower than the AERONET measurements in both cases, with a mean bias of around −0.07 g/cm2. The RMSE in Figure 12b is 0.279 g/cm2, which is lower than the RMSE in Figure 12a (0.337 g/cm2). Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the influence of R19. Abbasi et al. [41] retrieved the AWVC from FY-3D data and achieved a similar RMSE of 0.26 g/cm2.
We randomly selected four atmospheric situations in the polar region from the TIGR data for the sensitivity analysis. These situations are numbered from 1 to 4 (Table 2). The ISTs for these four situations range from 243.45 to 264.15 K, and the AWVC ranges from 0.23 to 0.87 g cm−2. Firstly, we simulated the atmospheric radiative parameters using MODTRAN for the four situations. Secondly, we calculated the simulated radiance and brightness temperatures at the sensor. Thirdly, we retrieved the T s ( w ) and T s w + δ w using the developed algorithm. The maximum δ w was ±50%. We adopted the variation proportion instead of a constant because the AWVC varied among the different situations.
The right part in Table 2 presents the IST errors ( T s w + δ w T s ( w ) ) for different AWVCs. The IST error between the retrieved IST with 100% AWVC and the IST is the error caused by the developed algorithm rather than the input parameters. We call this “system error” in this paper. The system error is mainly caused by the fitting error of the atmospheric radiative parameters. For atmospheric situations 1–3, the system errors were positive and negligible under the conditions of low AWVC and IST. The maximum system error (−0.58 K) occurred in situation 4 with an AWVC of 0.87 g cm−2 and an IST of 264.15 K. We compared the simulated atmospheric radiative parameters by MODTRAN and the calculated atmospheric radiative parameters obtained by the fitting equations. The downwelling and upwelling radiances calculated by the fitting equations were larger than the MODTRAN simulation’s results, which leads to a negative IST error for situation 4.
Under the condition of a low AWVC (situations 1–3), the ±20% AWVC error causes an IST error of approximately 0.2 K, and the ±50% AWVC error causes an IST error of less than 0.6 K. Under the condition of a high AWVC (situation 4), the 150% AWVC error causes an IST error of 2.69 K. Although the proportion of the AWVC variation is the same for the four situations, the absolute value corresponding to the AWVC variation in situation 4 is the largest. In addition, the fitting equations for the atmospheric radiative parameters were established based on polar atmospheric situations with low AWVC. We infer that the 150% AWVC of situation 4 may exceed the applicable range of the fitting equations, which sets the calculated atmospheric radiative parameters using the fitting equations at a low accuracy (i.e., less realistic). Therefore, this algorithm is not suitable for low-latitude areas with a high AWVC.

6. Conclusions

In this study, we aimed to retrieve Arctic IST using MERSI-I TIR data from the Chinese FY-3A satellite. The sensor has a single TIR band, a wide range of observation angles, a relatively high spatial resolution, and a unique spectral response function. The proposed IST retrieval algorithm is a further improvement in a previous algorithm developed to retrieve the surface temperature of ice sheets using the single TIR channel from Landsat-8 [10]. The differences between the two algorithms are mainly in the settings of atmospheric water vapor content and emissivity. We simulated the directional emissivity of different ice and snow types to reduce the influences of the emergence angle and ice and snow types on the surface emissivity and retrieved IST. In addition, under the assumption of a uniform distribution of ice and snow types, we recommend the sun crust type as the most suitable for IST retrieval. The AWVC was estimated using the band ratio method from MERSI-I data. We simulated the atmospheric radiative parameters using the MODTRAN model and Arctic atmospheric profile data. By comparing the performance of different regression equations, we recommend that the affine equation is used for the regression of downwelling and upwelling radiances, and the quadratic equation is used for the regression of atmospheric transmissivity.
We used the Arctic buoy and IceBridge measurements to validate the accuracy of the developed algorithm. We selected 34 points from buoy measurements for comparison. The mean bias was −1.928 K (the retrieved IST was lower than the buoy measurements) and the RMSE was 2.616 K. We also validated the accuracy of the MODIS IST data using 18 points from buoy measurements. The mean bias and RMSE were −2.866 K and 3.184 K, respectively. The negative bias of the MODIS IST data led to a bigger RMSE than the developed algorithm. We used four days of IceBridge measurements from 2013 to validate the proposed and ISC algorithms’ accuracies. The proposed algorithm had a lower RMSE and higher Person’s correlation coefficient than the ISC algorithm. This indicates that the proposed algorithm has higher accuracy and reliability than the ISC algorithm and is suitable for the MERSI-I data.
We selected three MODIS and MERSI-I scenes with nearly the same acquisition times for 25 March 2009, 25 April 2009, and 26 May 2009. We then generated MODIS and MERSI-I IST maps within the overlapping areas between the two nearly coincident images. The MODIS IST map was clearer than the MERSI-I IST map because the MERSI-I IST map was impacted by the stripes in the TIR band. It will be necessary to eliminate the impact of these stripes in future studies. The mean biases were 2.579 K, 1.457 K, and −0.455 K and the RMSEs were 2.857 K, 1.457 K, and 0.966 K for the three abovementioned dates, respectively. The MERSI-I ISTs were higher than the MODIS IST products on 25 March 2009, and 25 April 2009, and lower than the MODIS IST product on 26 May 2009. We analyzed the sensitivity of the developed algorithm to the AWVC. Under high AWVC conditions, 120% AWVC can lead to an IST error of about 1 K. Therefore, the developed algorithm is not suitable for low-latitude areas with high AWVC.
In this paper, we suggested a suitable sea-ice surface type to be used in IST retrieval when the distribution of the sea-ice surface types is unknown. Providing spatio-temporal variation patterns of sea-ice surface could improve the accuracy of the retrieval. In addition, the stripe problem of the MERSI-I thermal band and the uncertainty in cloud detection have influences on the retrieval accuracy. These problems also warrant more research effort. Nevertheless, the results of this study will help toward more accurate mapping of ISTs from moderate-resolution single-channel TIR data.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.L., T.L. and Z.W.; methodology, Y.L.; software, Y.L.; validation, Y.L. and M.Y.; formal analysis, Y.L. and Q.Y.; investigation, Y.L. and T.L.; resources, Y.L. and T.L.; data curation, Y.L.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.L.; writing—review and editing, Y.L., T.L., M.S. and S.W.; visualization, Y.L., M.S. and S.W.; supervision, T.L. and Z.W.; project administration, T.L. and Z.W.; funding acquisition, T.L. and Z.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant number: 2021YFC2803303), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers: 41676179), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (grant number: 2042024kf0037 and 2042022dx0001), and the Natural Science Foundation of Wuhan (grant number: 2024040701010030).

Data Availability Statement

The data used in the study are presented in the article, and further inquiries can be directed toward the corresponding author.


The authors would like to thank the following for making their data available: The National Satellite Meteorological Centre and the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Correction Statement

This article has been republished with a minor correction to the Funding statement. This change does not affect the scientific content of the article.


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Figure 1. The locations of the AERONET stations (red stars), buoys (yellow stars), and MERSI-I/MODIS images (blue rectangles) in the Arctic. Because of the movement of the buoys, the yellow stars may represent the same buoy at different times. The MERSI-I/ MODIS images are not the complete scenes, and only the overlapping areas between the two sensors are presented.
Figure 1. The locations of the AERONET stations (red stars), buoys (yellow stars), and MERSI-I/MODIS images (blue rectangles) in the Arctic. Because of the movement of the buoys, the yellow stars may represent the same buoy at different times. The MERSI-I/ MODIS images are not the complete scenes, and only the overlapping areas between the two sensors are presented.
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Figure 2. Temperature profiles in the snow and sea ice measured by the thermistor string installed in a CRREL buoy device. The colored lines denote the observation times. The dotted line denotes the snow–air interface. The data are from (a) 18 April 2010, and (b) 3 June 2011.
Figure 2. Temperature profiles in the snow and sea ice measured by the thermistor string installed in a CRREL buoy device. The colored lines denote the observation times. The dotted line denotes the snow–air interface. The data are from (a) 18 April 2010, and (b) 3 June 2011.
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Figure 3. The flowchart of the developed algorithm for the MERSI-I TIR data.
Figure 3. The flowchart of the developed algorithm for the MERSI-I TIR data.
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Figure 4. Modeled directional emissivity of five ice and snow types at 0–75 emergence angles in the 7–15 μm range. The ice and snow type and corresponding f s p values are listed in the subfigures (ae).
Figure 4. Modeled directional emissivity of five ice and snow types at 0–75 emergence angles in the 7–15 μm range. The ice and snow type and corresponding f s p values are listed in the subfigures (ae).
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Figure 5. The ice and snow surface emissivity variation plot with the emergence angle and error in the IST caused by the ice and snow surface emissivity variation. The sea-ice surface type is sun crust ( f s p = 0.53).
Figure 5. The ice and snow surface emissivity variation plot with the emergence angle and error in the IST caused by the ice and snow surface emissivity variation. The sea-ice surface type is sun crust ( f s p = 0.53).
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Figure 6. The IST retrieval error from using the emissivity of different sea-ice surface types: (ae) IST retrieval errors caused by using the emissivity values for fine dendrite snow, medium granular snow, coarse grained snow, sun crust snow, and bare glaze ice, respectively.
Figure 6. The IST retrieval error from using the emissivity of different sea-ice surface types: (ae) IST retrieval errors caused by using the emissivity values for fine dendrite snow, medium granular snow, coarse grained snow, sun crust snow, and bare glaze ice, respectively.
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Figure 7. Scatter plots of the simulated AWVC and band ratios: (a)–(c) scatter plots of AWVC and band ratios R 17 , R 18 , and R 19 , respectively. R i is the band ratio of band i and band 16 (i = 17, 18, and 19).
Figure 7. Scatter plots of the simulated AWVC and band ratios: (a)–(c) scatter plots of AWVC and band ratios R 17 , R 18 , and R 19 , respectively. R i is the band ratio of band i and band 16 (i = 17, 18, and 19).
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Figure 8. Scatter plots of the predictions and ground truths for four parameters (transmissivity, T a , atmospheric upwelling radiance, and downwelling radiance) based on the different fitting equations (linear, affine, and quadratic). The coefficient of determination (R2) values of the different scatter plots are listed in the subfigures.
Figure 8. Scatter plots of the predictions and ground truths for four parameters (transmissivity, T a , atmospheric upwelling radiance, and downwelling radiance) based on the different fitting equations (linear, affine, and quadratic). The coefficient of determination (R2) values of the different scatter plots are listed in the subfigures.
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Figure 9. Scatter plots of the ISTs from buoy data against the retrieved ISTs: (a) proposed algorithm; (b) ISC algorithm; (c) MODIS IST product.
Figure 9. Scatter plots of the ISTs from buoy data against the retrieved ISTs: (a) proposed algorithm; (b) ISC algorithm; (c) MODIS IST product.
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Figure 10. Comparison with the IST from the IceBridge measurements; (a) locations of the comparison points; (b) comparison between the IST from the proposed algorithm and the IST from the IceBridge measurements; (c) comparison between the IST from the proposed ISC algorithm and the IST from the IceBridge measurements.
Figure 10. Comparison with the IST from the IceBridge measurements; (a) locations of the comparison points; (b) comparison between the IST from the proposed algorithm and the IST from the IceBridge measurements; (c) comparison between the IST from the proposed ISC algorithm and the IST from the IceBridge measurements.
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Figure 11. Comparison between the spatial maps of the IST from the MERSI-I ISC algorithm and the MODIS IST product over subsections of the Arctic. The two columns on the left are MERSI-I and MODIS IST. The right column presents the scatter plots of the ISTs from the two datasets. The dates of the images are shown in the spatial maps.
Figure 11. Comparison between the spatial maps of the IST from the MERSI-I ISC algorithm and the MODIS IST product over subsections of the Arctic. The two columns on the left are MERSI-I and MODIS IST. The right column presents the scatter plots of the ISTs from the two datasets. The dates of the images are shown in the spatial maps.
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Figure 12. Scatter plots of the retrieved AWVC from MERSI-I and AERONET: (a,b) accuracy verification with and without including R19, respectively.
Figure 12. Scatter plots of the retrieved AWVC from MERSI-I and AERONET: (a,b) accuracy verification with and without including R19, respectively.
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Table 1. The band information of MERSI-I, MODIS, and Landsat-8.
Table 1. The band information of MERSI-I, MODIS, and Landsat-8.
Spatial Resolution
MERSI-I band 511.252502.50
MERSI-I band 160.86510000.02
MERSI-I band 170.90510000.02
MERSI-I band 180.9410000.02
MERSI-I band 190.9810000.02
MODIS band 3111.0310000.50
MODIS band 3212.0210000.50
Landsat-8 band 1010.901000.60
Table 2. The Sensitivity of the developed IST algorithm to AWVC. We used four atmospheric situations and numbered them from 1 to 4. The left columns in the table list atmospheric situation information. The right columns list the retrieved IST errors using different AWVC values.
Table 2. The Sensitivity of the developed IST algorithm to AWVC. We used four atmospheric situations and numbered them from 1 to 4. The left columns in the table list atmospheric situation information. The right columns list the retrieved IST errors using different AWVC values.
No.IST(K)AWVC (g·cm−2)IST Errors (K) for Different AWVC Values
150%120% 100% 80%50%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, Y.; Liu, T.; Wang, Z.; Shokr, M.; Yuan, M.; Yuan, Q.; Wu, S. Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 4599.

AMA Style

Li Y, Liu T, Wang Z, Shokr M, Yuan M, Yuan Q, Wu S. Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(23):4599.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Yachao, Tingting Liu, Zemin Wang, Mohammed Shokr, Menglin Yuan, Qiangqiang Yuan, and Shiyu Wu. 2024. "Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data" Remote Sensing 16, no. 23: 4599.

APA Style

Li, Y., Liu, T., Wang, Z., Shokr, M., Yuan, M., Yuan, Q., & Wu, S. (2024). Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data. Remote Sensing, 16(23), 4599.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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