1. Introduction
Brown macroalgae (kelp) dominate temperate marine shallow-water ecosystems worldwide [
5]. Kelp plays a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of dynamic marine ecosystems by providing essential habitat, breeding grounds, and refuge for a wide range of marine species [
3]. These underwater habitats also contribute to the overall stability and resilience of the ecosystem by enhancing nutrient cycling, fostering species interactions, and offering protection from environmental stressors such as ocean currents and wave action [
7]. As a result, the presence of kelp is crucial for sustaining coastal waters’ productivity and ecological integrity [
3] and holds considerable cultural and economic value [
Ecklonia radiata is the dominant canopy-forming kelp species in southeastern Australia, including Tasmania [
Ecklonia ecosystems are vulnerable to a range of climate and anthropogenic threats [
12]. In particular, warming water temperatures are contributing to the habitat expansion of species that can destructively graze on kelp, such as the long-spined sea urchin
Centrostephanus rodgersii, which is currently expanding its range into southern Tasmania [
16]. This grazing can be so extensive that large areas of bare reef are created, commonly referred to as “urchin barrens” [
16]. Urchin barrens have been documented to cause significant ecosystem shifts across the world [
3], leading to cascading effects on reef productivity and habitat, disrupting the kelp ecosystems, and impacting the structure of their associated communities [
4] and commercial fisheries [
Effective management of these sensitive marine environments relies on understanding how these stressors affect kelp forests over time. However, monitoring shallow water habitats across broad spatial scales presents significant challenges, including the difficulty of accessing remote sites and mapping extensive areas in high resolution using traditional survey methods. Historically, most survey techniques rely on SCUBA divers [
17], who can cover limited areas and depth ranges. Innovative remote sensing approaches using seafloor mapping tools such as multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are necessary to overcome these challenges and generate larger-scale benthic habitat maps that can inform long-term management strategies [
19]. MBESs have become a common tool for shallow water habitat mapping, as these systems can measure high-resolution bathymetry and seafloor backscatter values, which can be used for benthic habitat modelling and assessment [
25]. A large range of techniques have been devised to obtain classified benthic habitat maps from these MBES data, which may be grouped in a variety of ways such as supervised vs. unsupervised, rule-based vs. machine learning, or image-based vs. signal-based [
Modern MBESs can additionally record backscatter data from the water column, capturing the entire acoustic signal along each beam, allowing the detection and imaging of features or objects within the water column. These MBES Water Column Data (WCD) allow for a comprehensive 3D view of the marine environment between the ship and the seafloor, providing the potential to characterise features above or extending from the seafloor. While WCD have been used extensively for some applications such as the detection of fish schools [
34] and gas seeps [
46], they also have the potential to be used for the detection of marine vegetation [
54], and may provide additional insights into benthic habitat maps [
Several previous studies have successfully used WCD for detecting marine vegetation [
54], but with various limitations. Arctic shallow-water kelp species such as
Laminaria sp.,
Alaria sp., and
Saccharina sp. were detected using the WCD of a 260 kHz MBES system [
53]. McGonigle et al. [
50] used the WCD of a 400 kHz MBES system to estimate the presence and volume of several species of macrophytes. Their results showed successful detection of
Laminaria sp. canopy in depths up to 30 m, though the method’s efficiency decreased with increasing depth and variation in species type. In all of this previous work, a significant challenge is the strong receiver array “sidelobe artefact” inherent to MBES WCD, which affects all data beyond the range of the first bottom echo, often termed the Minimum Slant Range (MSR) [
55]. This artefact is the result of strong reflections, primarily the seafloor echoes, being registered by the receiver array sidelobes. These reverberations are recorded within the water column record in the across-track direction for all data beyond the MSR, which can mask the signal from true scattering features, such as fish, gas seeps, or marine vegetation. As a result, most vegetation studies so far have used methods that are limited to data from beams close to nadir (e.g., beam angles within 16.5° of nadir [
48], or the inner beams [
51]). Such approaches severely restrict the usefulness of WCD for kelp monitoring, because kelp is located close to the seafloor and thus primarily lies beyond the MSR.
To tackle this issue, filtering methods have been recently introduced to minimise the effect of sidelobe artefacts and extend the utility of WCD beyond the MSR [
54]. A few habitat mapping studies have used such methods to generate layers expressing the acoustic energy immediately above the seafloor across the whole MBES swath, leading to improved habitat mapping results [
52]. Porskamp et al. [
52] applied the WCD filtering method from Schimel et al. [
54] to generate a water column mosaic layer of the average acoustic energy between 0 and 1 m above the seafloor. Using this mosaic as an input variable for a Random Forest model, they found that including the WCD mosaic improved the accuracy of benthic habitat classification by 1–3 percent points, depending on habitat type. Lucieer et al. [
51] used a variation of the processing method proposed by Nau et al. [
36] to extract water column targets within 1 m of the seafloor, and generated a layer of the average acoustic signal within 50 cm grid cells with the aim of correlating the acoustic energy with kelp densities. However, this study ended up limiting the data to the inner beams, preventing analysis across the full extent of the multibeam swath. Although both of these studies found encouraging results for using the WCD for benthic habitat analysis, particularly for habitats containing macroalgae, they both focused on a single metric extracted from the WCD (average acoustic signal within 1 m of the seafloor), and did not provide direct correlations of the water column layer with the ground truth data. While average acoustic energy is an intuitive metric for transforming the 3D WCD into a 2D analysis layer, we propose that additional metrics can be extracted from the WCD, which may further increase the accuracy of certain habitat models or be used to compare directly with features within the water column to improve the use of this dataset for the classification of kelp.
In this study, we propose a method for filtering the WCD to extract point clouds of targets within 2 m of the seafloor. These point clouds are then used to generate numerous WCD variables in addition to average acoustic energy, such as point density, volume, mean and maximum target heights, and sum of acoustic energy. We then use a subset of these variables at several horizontal resolutions as input to a machine learning model with the aim of classifying three kelp densities, verified by towed video data. In addition, we explore the relationship of these WCD variables with kelp density to demonstrate their potential use for improved detection and classification of marine vegetation, which has not been reported in previous studies [
52]. We discuss their correlations and the impact of data resolution for guidance on using WCD in the future for habitat monitoring. Furthermore, we assess the performance of the models and the variable correlations for WCD located specifically beyond the MSR, providing a novel confirmation of the successful detection of benthic water column targets across the full extent of the WCD. These advancements in the use of MBES WCD may provide a solution for establishing large-scale and cost-effective kelp monitoring programs, such as tracking the progression and extent of urchin barrens or climate-related ecosystem shifts.
4. Discussion
The results demonstrate that varying densities of kelp can be detected using MBES WCD, even across the entire swath width, given that appropriate data processing is applied. The Random Forest model performed well using predictive features at 5 m resolution (
Table 3), with water column variables contributing significantly to this performance (
Figure 6). Additionally, the predictions of this model on data beyond the MSR were similarly good, with a decrease in accuracy of only 1 percentage point compared to data from within the MSR.
The mean values of the three WC variables retained in our modelling (in their 5 m resolution version) were overall well differentiated by class (
Figure 7 and
Figure 8,
Table 5). However, these values also had large standard deviations. This variability may be originating from residual noise within the WCD that was not filtered during the point cloud extraction. WCD are affected by many sources of noise. The primary sidelobe artefacts targeted by this processing method are the across-track (receiver array) sidelobes, but additional significant sources are the along-track (transmitter array) sidelobe artefacts, which appear as pronounced along-track hyperbolic arcs in the pings preceding and following strong acoustic targets [
55]. In a rocky reef environment like our study site, large and prominent seafloor features such as rocks and boulders often cause along-track sidelobe artefacts [
83]. Such artefacts could be mistakenly included as point cloud targets, leading to misclassification. Additionally, kelp environments are known to be highly productive ecosystems [
12], increasing the likelihood of fish or other organisms being present over the reef, producing echoes that are often difficult to distinguish acoustically from kelp echoes [
84]. The processing steps implemented to extract WCD point cloud targets were not designed to account for along-track sidelobe artefacts, nor differentiate between signals from kelp and fish schools near the seafloor. This limitation could also contribute to the observation of high counts of WCD point cloud targets over the bare patches of reef. Additional visual analysis of the point clouds or applying a target-specific clustering algorithm may help further differentiate the kelp signal from the echoes of other biological organisms in the water column.
The negative correlation of WC Mean amplitude with kelp density (
Figure 6,
Table 5) was an unexpected result of this study, but we propose an explanation. Kelp in our study site has a lower backscatter strength compared to other common water column targets, such as gas bubbles or fish.
Ecklonia lacks the gas-filled floats (pneumatocysts) that are characteristic of some other species of kelp (e.g.,
Nereocystis). While the density of tissue of
Ecklonia differs from that of seawater [
85], its backscatter strength would be lower than many other acoustic targets in the vicinity such as rocky seafloor or fishes with gas bladders. In dense kelp patches, a large number of low-amplitude kelp targets would contribute to a lower average amplitude, despite occasional high-amplitude targets from artefacts, fish, or seafloor echoes. In contrast, areas with low kelp density would have fewer low-amplitude kelp targets, allowing high-amplitude signals from other sources to dominate the average amplitude. Over bare reef patches, nearly all point cloud targets would correspond to high-amplitude signals from residual seafloor echoes, along-track sidelobe artefacts, or fish, leading to a higher average WC amplitude. Given that amplitude levels are recorded in decibels, larger values reflect an exponential increase in acoustic energy. The consistently lower average amplitude observed in dense kelp areas suggests that enough low-amplitude kelp targets may be present to offset any high-amplitude signals from noise or other sources. Patches of sand did not follow the trend of higher average amplitude with reduced kelp density, likely due to the flat featureless terrain, which would cause fewer along-track sidelobe artefacts, and lower risk of mistakenly including seafloor echoes within the point cloud. Additionally, fish are less commonly abundant in bare sandy habitat compared to complex reef habitat [
86]. It is not known whether this correlation would also be present using methods such as that of Porskamp et al. [
52], where all WCD samples are used for the mean amplitude calculation rather than a subset of targets within a point cloud. Whether this explanation is correct or not, our observation that average WC mean amplitude decreases with kelp density remains, and may have an important impact for future studies that, following Porskamp et al. [
52] or Lucieer et al. [
51], may focus exclusively on average WC energy above the seafloor as an indicator of kelp presence or density.
Analysis of the 5 m resolution model’s ROC curves (
Figure 5) indicated that the model was more effective at distinguishing the dense kelp class compared to other classes. Similarly, the distribution of WC variables by class (
Figure 7,
Table 5) clearly distinguished the dense kelp class, while differentiation between the sparse kelp and bare rock classes was less pronounced. The confusion matrix (
Table 4) also showed the largest number of misclassifications between the sparse kelp and bare rock classes. This may indicate a limitation in using MBES WCD to resolve sparse kelp patches, possibly because the canopy cover is not dense enough to provide sufficient acoustic contrast. Nevertheless, the ability to reliably differentiate between high-density (>60% cover) and low-density (<60% cover) kelp already offers valuable insights into reef ecosystem health. For example, Flukes et al. [
87] demonstrated that a 66% reduction in
Ecklonia canopy cover led to shifts in understory assemblages. Incipient barrens can signal the onset of widespread barrens, potentially prompting management actions in commercial fisheries [
14]. Therefore, the ability to detect the initial changes in kelp density will be crucial for implementing timely management strategies.
A limitation of our study was that some classes were rare at some survey sites (
Table 2), which necessitated pooling the ground-truth samples from all sites to train the models. Survey time constraints prevented covering larger areas to increase the number of instances per class, in particular the sand class. This also restricted the ability to use one site as an independent test for the models, resulting in the need for a cross-validation method for model accuracy assessment. Additional data at these sites may have allowed us to define a broader range of densities in
Ecklonia-only and mixed kelp assemblages. Future studies could benefit from surveying larger contiguous areas with known variations in kelp density to acquire more data per class and achieve a more balanced class distribution, which would enable further inferences on the acoustic response as a function of kelp density, species differentiation, and abundance estimation.
One aim of this study was to identify the optimal data resolution for kelp assessment. Our results showed that among the three resolutions tested, the coarsest resolution (5 m) achieved the highest accuracy, while the finest resolution (1 m) had the lowest accuracy. At finer resolutions, water column variables were ranked as less important than bathymetric variables, likely due to the limited precision of the ground truth method. Although a USBL positioning system was used, the positional error of towed video systems must be considered [
88] and may lead to misalignment between video and acoustic data. This error could propagate through the analysis, resulting in decreased accuracy for finer-resolution assessments. Therefore, without a high level of confidence in the error budget of the ground truth data, it may be unrealistic to evaluate data at resolutions below 5 m. Additionally, Lucieer et al. [
51] highlighted that the minimum patch size for urchin barren areas is 5.7 m, suggesting that a 5 m resolution is suitable for detecting the early stages of barren formation.
For the Random Forest models, highly-correlated variables were removed to ensure model stability [
89]. This feature-selection process decreased the number of potential WC variables from eight to three. Each variable used for analysis showed interesting correlation with kelp density, and captured several key characteristics available from the point cloud data: WC Mean amplitude provided a comparison to the metric used by other water column studies [
52], while WC Volume captured a combination of the horizontal and vertical extent of features, which may be useful in the future for biomass estimations. However, some of the remaining WC variables not used in the models may also provide further insights and may be independently useful for future studies. For example, WC Percent cover also had positive correlations with kelp density and may be a useful variable for studies looking for a direct measurement of the horizontal coverage of WC features. The WC variables that were generated from the point cloud data also represent a subset of possible metrics that may be generated. The point cloud format allows flexibility in feature engineering so that other features may be created that may be valuable to the detection of other natural targets of interest, such as gas seeps or fish schools. For example, detection of gas seeps may benefit from the WC Maximum height variable, or additional variables not presented here.
The proposed WCD processing method has some limitations and opportunities for improvement. For example, the bottom detection masking equation used (see details in Nau et al. [
36]) tends to overestimate the spread of the seafloor echo, potentially leading to the removal of echoes from water column targets near the seafloor, such as kelp. This overestimation was implemented in the present study to reduce data skewing caused by residual seafloor echoes in the point cloud. Future enhancements to the seafloor masking algorithm could improve the accuracy of extracting targets close to the seafloor.
Despite these limitations, the WCD processing method presented here offers several key advantages. The first advantage is a fully automated process for cleaning water column data, which includes removing artefacts caused by receiver array sidelobes and allows the exploitation of data beyond the MSR. Another notable advantage is that the conversion of raw WCD data from their native 3D tensor format to a point cloud of relevant targets achieves a very large reduction in file size (~85%), facilitating further analysis in geographic information system (GIS) software, such as the creation of the various WC derivatives explored in this study. Whilst several recent studies have opted to convert raw WCD data into a 2D “echo-integration” layer displaying average WC amplitude [
52], our point cloud extraction method enables the inclusion of 3D elements, like the horizontal and vertical extent of features, for improved analysis. This additional information enhances our ability to accurately differentiate kelp densities, beyond relying solely on average WC amplitude.
5. Conclusions
This study highlights the transformative potential of utilising point clouds derived from MBES water column data (WCD) to classify kelp density on shallow temperate reef systems, advancing hydroacoustic methods for marine habitat monitoring. By demonstrating that the full MBES swath, including sidelobe-affected regions beyond the MSR, can be effectively utilised without compromising accuracy, this research provides a robust framework for optimising data acquisition and analysis. A key innovation of our approach lies in leveraging the 3D nature of point clouds, which allows for the extraction of multidimensional variables, such as the quantity, density, and horizontal and vertical extent of water column features. These metrics augment the capabilities of traditional 2D echo-integration methods by offering richer datasets for model training and habitat classification.
The demonstrated correlations between the WC variables and kelp density not only validate their applicability, but also open new avenues for standalone estimations of kelp coverage and density. This methodological advancement has profound implications for ecological monitoring, particularly in assessing dynamic changes in kelp ecosystems, such as transitions to urchin barrens. By enabling enhanced precision and the extraction of detailed metrics, this approach provides a valuable tool for tracking ecological shifts and informing conservation strategies.
Furthermore, the flexibility of the point cloud format to integrate diverse metrics from WCD offers significant potential for future research. This includes its application in benthic habitat models, as well as in studies focusing on specific features of interest within the marine environment. As the demand for high-resolution, adaptable monitoring tools grows, the methods outlined in this study position MBES WCD as a cornerstone technology for addressing critical ecological challenges in marine ecosystems.