1. Introduction
Alfalfa (
Medicago sativa L.) is the most important perennial legume forage worldwide due to its high nutritional quality, high biomass production, and capacity to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions [
1]. It is a deep-rooted herbaceous perennial, capable of surviving extreme cold and drought, and can continue to produce for several years without needing to be replanted [
2]. It can conserve soil and water and prevent soil erosion, improve soil fertility in forage–livestock systems through biological nitrogen fixation, boost the productivity of crop rotation as a whole, and reduce the need for chemical inputs [
3]. Alfalfa stands at 3 to 5 years of age can provide sufficient N (from 130 to 200 kg N ha
−1) for 1 or 2 years of subsequent corn production, with significant energy savings and greenhouse gas reduction compared to N fertilizer production and use [
4]. In the second year after establishment, alfalfa soil coverage can reach 95%, with soil surface runoff and erosion decreased by 37% and 67%, respectively, compared to annual crops [
5]. Moreover, a 3-year-old alfalfa field had a 3.06% higher soil moisture content and 2.42 times higher water infiltration rate than an open field [
5]. Soil erosion decreased by 6210 t ha
−1, and the wind speed decreased by 2.4 m s
−1 at 10 cm above the surface [
6], and the stubble cover can prevent sandy soil from wind erosion in winter [
The growth and development of alfalfa in the establishment year is very important for winter survival and yield potential, especially root development. The root system is important for absorbing and transporting nutrients and water, and well-developed root systems are closely related to the yield and persistence of alfalfa [
8]. The alfalfa crown, a transitional morphological structure located between the shoots and roots [
10], is very important for the development of new stems after each harvest and spring regrowth after winter dormancy [
9]. Taproot development is strongly associated with seedling year total herbage yield [
11]. The lateral roots are important for meeting the requirements of plants for nutrients and water during growth [
12]. Root growth is influenced by the soil, climate, cultural treatments, and injury from insects and pathogens [
13]. Root traits most influenced by the environment are the percentage of plants with determinate tap roots, taproot diameter, and the size of lateral roots. Traits least influenced by the environment are the position of determinate roots, number of lateral roots, position of lateral roots, and number of fibrous roots [
11]. A developed root system is very important to the high yield and persistence of alfalfa [
11]. Thus, agronomic practices are needed to improve alfalfa growth and development, and especially root growth and development.
To develop sustainable agricultural systems, China launched a series of programs to adjust planting management and animal husbandry with a rapid expansion of alfalfa acreage [
14]. A program of “returning farmland to grassland” has been implemented in the vast agro-pastoral ecotone of China, including Inner Mongolia [
15]. Because of the environmental features of Inner Mongolia, infertile soils, erosion, and long cold winters, sustainable agricultural systems are needed that are environmentally friendly and provide high economic efficiency [
16]. Alfalfa has become the first choice for planting in this area because long-term planting of alfalfa not only improves the utilization of land and grassland, but also improves soil fertility, and protects the soil surface from the impact of rain and the scouring of wind [
17]. Alfalfa is often planted in late spring or early summer in Inner Mongolia. The spring is characterized by low rainfall and wide fluctuations in air temperature. In summer, there are frequent precipitation, high temperatures, and fierce competition between alfalfa and weeds. Planting alfalfa during these periods is difficult, with high costs for plant management and maintenance. In late summer and early autumn, the temperature conditions are milder and precipitation is conducive to alfalfa germination and seedling growth [
18] with reduced weed pressure. In addition, alfalfa can be planted after the harvest of early crops, which can increase economic benefits [
19]. However, alfalfa sown in this period has a short growth period before the long and cold winter, which can impact overwintering and production. Fertilization is an important strategy to promote alfalfa growth. The soil nutrition of Inner Mongolia is characterized by insufficient phosphorus, moderate nitrogen, and excess potassium. Alfalfa has the capacity for symbiotic nitrogen fixation, with extra nitrogen supply shown to have little effect on alfalfa growth [
20]. Soil-applied P fertilizer can increase the yield of alfalfa, and one large single P application lasted for at least five years [
21]. A proper P application rate is essential for alfalfa plant survival and maximum stand development, productivity, and persistence [
22], and will benefit the farmer economically by reducing fertilizer costs.
The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine if P fertilization would improve the establishment and first-year yield of late-summer seeded alfalfa cultivars with different fall dormancy; and (ii) evaluate the relationships between winter survival, yields, and P application rate in a semi-arid continental climate zone of China.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site
The experiment was carried out at the Agro-pastoral Experiment Station (40°34′ N; 111°45′ E; 1050 masl) at Shaerqin town, Tumote Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. The site has a semi-arid continental climate. Drought, cold, and wind-blown sand characterize the local environment. The mean annual air temperature is 5.6 °C, and the annual precipitation is about 400 mm, primarily concentrated in June, July, and August. Soil samples taken to a 30 cm depth before planting were analyzed by a soil nutrient analyzer (Shandong Yuntang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Weifang, China). The content of soil organic matter, total and available nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), and available potassium (K) content were quantified via oxidization with dichromate in the presence of sulfuric acid, and using the Kjeldahl method and alkaline hydrolysis diffusion, chlorostannous-reduced molybdophosphoric blue, and a flame photometer by modifying the method of Griffiths [
23]. The soil is a gray-cinnamon soil with 40.58% sand, 52.22% silt, 7.2% clay, 6% organic matter, total nitrogen of 1.09 g kg
−1, available nitrogen of 69.45 mg kg
−1, available phosphorus of 20.5 mg kg
−1, available potassium of 93 mg kg
−1, and pH = 8.5. The high pH is due to the quaternary fluvial alluvial lacustrine sediments of the parent material composed of gravel and various sandy materials, in addition to high levels of carbonates, which are brought to the surface by the evaporation of ground water. The precipitation and air temperature during the experiment are shown in
Figure 1.
2.2. Plant Materials
The cultivars used in this study were Zhongcao NO. 3 (ZC NO. 3) and Knight T, selected based on fall dormancy. The cultivar ZC NO. 3 is a fall dormant alfalfa, bred by Linqing Yu of the Grassland Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huhhot, China, and registered in 2009, with drought and cold resistance, good persistence, and suitability for cultivation in arid and cold areas. Knight T is a semi-dormant alfalfa, bought from Beijing Green Animal Husbandry Technology Development Co., Ltd., who imported it from Dairyland seed company, California, USA, and registered in China in 2012. It has high yield and cold tolerance, and is suited for planting in high-yielding irrigated areas. The germination rate of the two cultivars was more than 90%.
2.3. Field Design
The experiment cultivars were planted on 9 August 2019, with a sowing rate of 15 kg ha−1, row spacing of 30 cm, seeds planting depth of 1–2 cm, and plot sizes of 3 m × 5 m. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement with three replications. The whole treatment was P fertilization, the subplot treatments were cultivars. Whole treatments were surrounded by a 1 m wide strip of unfertilized ZC NO. 3 alfalfa to prevent border effects. The fertilization treatment was carried out on 10 September 2019 with (NH4)2HPO4 (P content was 23.14%) produced by Henan Jixin Chemical products Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou, China. The P fertilization rates were 0, 22, 44, and 66 kg P ha−1, incorporated at a depth of 5–8 cm between rows within plots and then irrigated. There were no harvests in the establishment year. Plants were kept well-watered with supplementary sprinkler irrigation every 2 weeks for 6 h, and weeds were removed by hand weeding on 25 August and 15 September. No diseases or pests were observed during the experimental period.
2.4. Sampling and Plant Measurements
In 2020, three cuts were performed (26 June, 19 August, and 26 September) with plants in each plot cut approximately 5 cm above the ground. After harvest, all border areas around plots were removed. The first cut was in the full bloom stage due to harvest delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; the second cut was at the early flowering stage; and the last cut was at 25 days before the first frost. Fresh weight was determined by weighing herbage from a 0.3 m
2 section from the center of each plot. The samples were then dried at 65 °C for 48 h, re-weighed, and the dry matter yield per hectare was calculated. Measurements of yield components were: plant density at the first cut (number of plants within the 0.3 m
2 section for the fresh weight sampling), and shoot mass (the average mass of 10 shoots from each plot), plant height, and the number of shoots per plant (the average of three plants from each plot) at each harvest [
24]. Root phenotypes were assessed after the final cut by averaging three plants from each plot. Roots were excavated to a depth of 30 cm and then washed before being measured. Crown morphological characteristics measured were bud number, crown diameter, and crown depth, which was measured from the soil surface to the upper end of the crown. Root morphological characteristics measured were: taproot diameter at 1 cm below the crown, the number of lateral roots developing from the taproot, diameter of the first lateral root, and depth of the first lateral root from the crown. Winter survival was determined by counting the number of plants within 0.3 m
2 in each plot on 5 October 2019, and then counting the number of live plants within the same area on 20 April 2020. The calculation of percent winter survival was:
2.5. Statistical Analyses
All within-plot data were averaged for statistical analyses. These data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS software 9.4) and R studio (Version 1.3). Fall dormancy and P treatment and their interactions were considered fixed effects and replication as random effects. The pairwise mean differences were compared by the least significant difference (LSD) with mean differences significant at
p ≤ 0.05. A generalized linear mixed model (GLM) was used for treatment comparisons, where treatment included the four P treatments. A three-way repeated measures ANOVA was carried out using the functions of “anova_test()” and “get_anova_table()” from the R package rstatix [