Hierarchical Modeling of Solar System Planets with Isca
:1. Introduction
- There are so many planets that constructing a comprehensive model for each is simply infeasible.
- The observational data available for solar system planets are orders of magnitude less than that for Earth in terms of spatial and temporal coverage, even with modern missions to other planets such as the Venus Express or Juno. The data available for exoplanets are orders of magnitude less still. Thus, were we to choose to use a highly complex model to model a given planet, we would be in danger of having to make too many choices about important parameters and processes that are, at the very least, under-constrained by the observations. We would therefore run the risk of over-interpreting matches between model output and observations when the solutions could be highly non-unique, thus running the risk of “over-fitting” the data to the model.
- Although there is a diversity of planetary atmospheres, they obey the same physical laws. This, and the desire to understand as well as simulate (a desire that also holds for Earth) suggests that we should use models that take advantage of that commonality and build from there, with appropriate complexity for the problem at hand.
2. Isca, the Modeling Framework
- A spectral, primitive equation dynamical core in spherical co-ordinates.
- The shallow water equations on the sphere.
- The barotropic vorticity equation on the sphere [13].
- Optional inclusion of moisture and other tracers.
- A thermal relaxation scheme, in particular the Held–Suarez scheme and variants about it [14].
- A thermal relaxation scheme based on an analytic radiative-convective equilibrium state, with variable tropopause height depending on optical depth and other parameters, and a seasonal cycle.
- A thermal relaxation scheme based on an analytic radiative equilibrium state.
- A radiation scheme with two bands in the infra-red [17].
- The multi-band, comprehensive RRTM (Rapid Radiative Transfer Model) scheme [18].
- The multi-band, comprehensive SOCRATES scheme [19].
- A slab mixed-layer ocean, with or without Q-fluxes (that is, specified horizontal heat fluxes) to mimic heat transport (see e.g., [26]).
- Evaporative resistance over land, or a simple bucket model with evaporation dependent on how full the bucket is.
- Configurable land outlines, or land outline taken from a dataset (e.g., ERA-interim reanalysis for Earth [27]).
- Configurable topography, or topography taken from a dataset (for Earth or Mars).
3. Earth
3.1. A Simple Thermal-Relaxation Model
3.2. An Intermediate Complexity Model
3.3. A More Comprehensive Model
4. Mars
4.1. A Simple Model
4.2. An Intermediate Complexity Model
4.3. A More Comprehensive Model
4.4. Comparison of Models and Observations
5. Jupiter
5.1. A Simple Model
5.2. An Intermediate Complexity Model
5.3. Toward a More Comprehensive Model
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Planet | E-S | E-I | E-C | M-S | M-I | M-C | J-S | J-I |
Dynamics | Prim. | Prim. | Prim. | Prim. | Prim. | Prim. | SW | Prim. |
Rad. Scheme | Newt. Relax | Grey | Socrates | Newt. Relax | Grey | Socrates | N/A | Grey |
Seasons | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
Number of levels | 30 | 25 | 40 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 1.5 | 60 |
Horiz. resolution | T42 | T42 | T42 | T42 | T42 | T42 | T341 | T213 |
Surf. Pressure (hPa) | 1013.25 | 1013.25 | 1013.25 | 6.1 | 6.1 | 6.1 | N/A | 15,000 |
Rot. Rate () | 7.29 | 7.29 | 7.29 | 7.12 | 7.12 | 7.12 | 17.6 | 17.6 |
Radius (km) | 6376 | 6376 | 6376 | 3396 | 3396 | 3396 | 69,911 | 69,911 |
Ocean depth | 20 m | 20 m | 20 m | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Land depth | N/A | N/A | 2 m | 2 m | 2 m | 2 m | N/A | N/A |
Fixed SSTs | N | N | Y | N | N | N | N | N |
Topography | N | N | Y | N | N | Y | N/A | N |
Conv Scheme | None | SBM | SBM | None | None | None | N/A | Dry |
(s) | N/A | 7200 | 7200 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 21,600 |
, | 2.4, 16 | 1.2, 16 | 6.3, 16 | 14.5, 16 | 8, 16 | 16.4, 32 | 7, 32 | 124, 64 |
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Thomson, S.I.; Vallis, G.K. Hierarchical Modeling of Solar System Planets with Isca. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 803. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10120803
Thomson SI, Vallis GK. Hierarchical Modeling of Solar System Planets with Isca. Atmosphere. 2019; 10(12):803. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10120803
Chicago/Turabian StyleThomson, Stephen I., and Geoffrey K. Vallis. 2019. "Hierarchical Modeling of Solar System Planets with Isca" Atmosphere 10, no. 12: 803. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10120803
APA StyleThomson, S. I., & Vallis, G. K. (2019). Hierarchical Modeling of Solar System Planets with Isca. Atmosphere, 10(12), 803. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10120803