1.2. A Survey of the Related Literature
Due to the increased threat to human society and ecosystems caused by extreme weather events, there has been a growing interest in the joint modelling of high temperatures and low rainfall. Several approaches are used in modelling such events, but the copula modelling framework has gained much interest.
An overview of copula modelling is discussed in detail by [
3]. The authors investigated the dependence between two random variables using copulas. Although the paper emphasised inference and testing procedures, the authors also presented an application of the proposed methodology to modelling Harricana River data.
Bivariate extreme value-copula models are powerful in modelling the joint distribution of extreme compound events such as temperature and rainfall extremes [
4]. The bivariate extreme value-copula model has several advantages. It can capture the tail dependence between compound extreme events such as temperature and rainfall. In addition, it allows for a more flexible joint distribution modelling, including nonlinear relationships between extreme compound events [
4]. In support of bivariate extreme-value copulas, ref. [
5] argues that extreme-value copulas are among the most commonly used copula families since they can capture asymmetry well and are also known to be very flexible.
A recent study in modelling drought risk using bivariate spatial extreme is that of [
6]. The authors used temperature and rainfall data to model meteorological drought. Max-stable processes were used in the study to capture the spatio-temporal dependencies of temperature and rainfall data from the Limpopo Lowveld region of South Africa. Results from this study showed that the Schlather model with various covariance functions was a good fit for both data sets compared to the Smith model based on the Gaussian covariance function. However, in this study, the authors did not estimate concurrent probabilities.
In another study, ref. [
7], the author used the multivariate frequency analysis to quantify drought risk in the contiguous United States (CONUS). This was carried out by analysing the temperature and rainfall data of CONUS. Results from this study showed that the dependence between low rainfall and high temperature could be positive, negative, or insignificant and that there were no major changes in the last three years. Serinaldi [
7] argues that the probability of occurrence of the compound event depends largely on the variables selected and how they are combined.
Furthermore, ref. [
8] used Indian data to investigate the concurrence of meteorological droughts and heatwaves. Both variables’ extremes are modelled using the peaks over threshold method. Empirical results from this study suggest that there could be an increase in the frequency of concurrent meteorological droughts and heatwaves in India. Zscheischler and Seneviratne [
9] investigated how the dependence structure between meteorological variables affects the frequency of occurrence of multivariate extremes. They argue that to fully understand the changes in climate extremes, including their impacts and the designing of adaptation strategies, it is important to use the multivariate modelling framework.
A review of the different approaches used in the characterisation and modelling compound extremes in hydroclimatology is given by [
10]. The approaches discussed include the indicator approach, empirical approach, multivariate distribution, quantile regression, and Markov chain model. The authors highlight the limitations of the data available for modelling extremes and the challenges of modelling asymmetric tail dependencies of multiple events. In another study, ref. [
11] conducted a comparative analysis of traditional empirical methods and copula models to estimate the probability of compound climate extremes, i.e., hot, dry and windy events, using data from the central United States of America. In a separate study, ref. [
12] used copula models to establish the characteristics and the probability of the occurrence of different combinations of water discharge and several water quality indicators. Empirical results from this study showed that the Gaussian copula is the best function for describing the joint distribution of water discharge and water quality.
McKee et al. [
13] utilised the standardised rainfall index (SPI) to classify droughts into four primary categories. Specifically, they defined mild droughts when SPI falls within the range of 0 to −0.99, moderate droughts for SPI between −1 and −1.49, severe droughts for SPI in the range of −1.5 to −1.99, and extreme droughts for SPI less than or equal to −2. The authors argued that for SPI values of −2, −1, 0, 1, and 2, there are associated probabilities that the SPI will be less than or equal to the values above, namely, 0.02, 0.16, 0.5, 0.84, and 0.92, respectively.
Drought is recognised as a complex phenomenon. Esit and Yuce [
14] in their study argue that a comprehensive analysis of drought necessitates modelling it with multiple variables. The authors used the SPI to characterise drought and utilised various bivariate copula functions in their study, considering different elevation levels. Carrillo et al. [
15] support the modelling of drought considering different elevation levels and claim that considering different elevation levels is important. They argue that in regions characterised by complex topography, including elevation gradients can significantly contribute to an improved understanding of drought modelling.
Using the SPI values for two sub-seasons of the rain season, October to December and January to March, ref. [
16] assessed the impact of elevation on the severity of drought and frequency of occurrence using South African data from the Free State province over the period 1960–2013. Empirical results showed that highland areas had the highest frequency of droughts. However, the authors noted that extreme droughts occurred in the low-lying areas. It also stated that variations in altitude have notable impacts on the severity of drought at the onset of the summer compared to the late summer season. In a related study using two drought indices, ref. [
17] assessed meteorological drought and wet conditions using data from the KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. This study showed increased drought frequency and severity with the most extreme dry periods experienced between the 1992–1993 and 2015–2016 summer seasons.