Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Method
- −
- Protocol 1: Utilization AND water AND (pluvial OR rain);
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- Protocol 2: Utilization AND water AND (pluvial OR rain) AND (domest * OR residenc * OR edifica *); and
- −
- Protocol 3: Utilization AND water AND (pluvial OR rain) AND (domest * OR residenc * OR edifica *) AND drinkable.
3. Results
3.1. Brazilian Production
3.2. Potential for Potable Water Savings
3.3. Rainwater Quality
3.4. Economic Feasibility and Other Benefits
3.5. Pulic Policies
3.5.1. Brazilian Scenario
3.5.2. International Scenario
4. Conclusions
- Regarding the scientific production, it can be concluded that it follows the international pace. In both spheres, national and international, there was an expressive increasing on the number of studies on rainwater in the past five years.
- Most national searches on rainwater harvesting were developed based on the benefits of the system (potential for potable water savings, flood minimisation), social acceptability, economic viability, environmental impacts, and system design. No search on the use of future rainfall data has been addressed.
- The studies that focused on potable water savings show that the potential for potable water savings is related to the type and use of the building, varying for each case. On a global view, the results of the reviewed works showed an average potential for potable water savings equal to 53% of the total water demand.
- Rainwater harvesting systems for non-potable purposes result in high potential for potable water savings. However, they will perform better when taking into account the control of leakages and losses caused by carelessness or poor maintenance in buildings (mainly institutional buildings).
- Researches on water quality have shown that rainwater presents good quality for non-potable uses. For drinking purposes, disinfection is recommended. Nevertheless, in the semi-arid region rainwater is used for potable purposes considering only first flush equal to 1.0 mm. In addition, despite the national “One Land Two Waters” programme, the incorrect use of the systems still causes water degradation. In this sense, there is a lack of research on system maintenance and performance.
- The studies that focused on economic feasibility analysed the payback and showed that it varies according to the type/use of the building, if compared to other variables. The major investment occurs in the installation phase, and the tank represents the major cost. In general, the payback was more attractive for commercial buildings if compared with residential buildings. Of course, other parameters also influence the system feasibility, as climate variability and human interaction.
- The public policies about rainwater focused on the rainwater harvesting to provide water supply for the semi-arid region. On the other hand, there are laws turning rainwater harvesting mandatory in some cities and other laws that promote the practice, and both types show an environmental concern by the municipal administrations. Despite the existence of legislation about rational water use in some cities, it is not present in great part of the country.
- The effort to take rainwater harvesting systems into account by institutions and the general public is valid when considering the overall benefits they can provide. However, it is not a suitable solution for all types of buildings and all locations. Thus, instead of a mandatory use of rainwater harvesting (through laws), the environmental impacts of large-scale deployment should be evaluated and compared with centralised supply systems and other types of decentralised systems.
- As a general conclusion it is noted that both the potential for potable water savings and the economic feasibility were greater in offices and public buildings in Brazil, but, there is no legislation about rainwater use in these buildings. Thus, public policies should improve and intensify the rainwater harvesting in such buildings. Despite the economic benefits for public administration, rainwater harvesting in public buildings will serve as an example for society, educating people and acting in the social dimension of sustainability. However, a detailed analysis is always recommended in order to produce a good reliability system and assure the economic and environmental feasibility.
- It was observed that there are few studies that used the experimental process and/or innovative approach related to rainwater harvesting practice. This is probably due to the lack of investments for research.
- Climate change is an important issue and very impacting on rainwater harvesting, but studies on how this impacts rainwater harvesting in Brazil were not found. Therefore, it is recommended that studies on the influence of the climate change on rainwater practices in Brazil be carried out. The IPCC weather scenarios could be used for this purpose.
- Studies about technologies and practices to improve rainwater harvesting are also encouraged. It is also recommended that actual rainwater systems be analysed in order to improve and update regulations and laws.
Conflicts of Interest
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Subject | References |
Water quality and health risks | [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37] |
Social acceptance | [38] |
System measurements and its variables | [25,26,30,35,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47] |
Potential for saving potable water | [31,33,45,48,49,50,51] |
Economic viability | [38,48,52,53,54,55,56,57] |
Environmental impact | [56,58] |
Impact on drainage | [41,59,60] |
Different typologies of surface runoff harvesting (quality and quantity of water collected) | [61,62,63] |
Literature review | [64,65,66] |
Reference | Feature | Payback (Years) | Economic Feasibility |
[74] | Multi-family building block A | 2.4 | Feasible system |
Multi-family building block B | 5 | ||
Multi-family building block C | - | There is no saving | |
[105] | Residence A with three inhabitants | 21.4 | Infeasible system |
Residence A with three inhabitants and 1% yearly rate | 25 | ||
Residence A with three inhabitants and 5% and 10% yearly rates | >250 | ||
Residence B with two inhabitants | 67.3 | ||
Residence B with two inhabitants and 1% yearly rate | 116 | ||
Residence B with two inhabitants and 5% and 10% yearly rates | >250 | ||
[106] | Popular residence with water tariff of R$ 1.99 | >20 | Infeasible system |
Medium standard residence with water tariff of R$ 2.62 | >20 | ||
High standard residence with water tariff of R$ 3.53 | 8.2–10.2 | Feasible system | |
[107] | Residence of 200 m2 with four inhabitants | 5.3 | Feasible system |
[108] | Minimum payback period | 1.5 | Feasible system in most cases |
Maximum payback period | 30 | ||
[110] | Single-family residence with eight inhabitants (Rio Branco, Acre) | 24 | Infeasible system |
Single-family residence with five inhabitants (Rio Branco, Acre) | 27.1 | ||
Single-family residence with eight inhabitants (Belém, Pará) | 17.9 | ||
Single-family residence with five inhabitants (Belém, Pará) | 20.1 |
Reference | Feature | Payback (Years) | Economic Feasibility |
[82] | Educational institution | 4.8 | Feasible system |
[99] | Carbel Car Dealership | 6.3 | Feasible system |
Garra Car Dealership | 7.7 | ||
Catalão Car Dealership | 11.1 | ||
Misaki Car Dealership | 9.3 | ||
Valence Car Dealership | 6.8 | ||
Reauto Car Dealership | 11.9 | ||
[112] | Educational institution, alternative 1, unfunded cash flow and simple payback | 9.9 | Feasible system |
Educational institution, alternative 1, unfunded cash flow and discounted payback | 17.7 | Feasible system | |
Institution of education, alternative 1, cash flow with financing and simple payback | 16.3 | Infeasible system | |
Educational institution, alternative 1, cash flow with financing and discounted payback | 21 | Infeasible system | |
Educational institution, alternative 2 and simple payback | >25 | Infeasible system | |
Educational institution, alternative 2 and discounted payback | >25 | Infeasible system | |
[113] | Educational institution with replacement of 60% of the water demand for rainwater | 1.2 | Feasible system |
Educational institution with 100% substitution of water demand for rainwater | 0.5 | ||
[114] | System with reservoir of 71 m3 and percentage of use of 10% | 7.8 | Feasible system |
System with reservoir of 142 m3 and percentage of use of 20% | 5.3 | ||
System with reservoir of 215 m3 and percentage of use of 30% | 4.5 | ||
System with reservoir of 285 m3 and percentage of use of 40% | 4 | ||
System with reservoir of 355 m3 and percentage of use of 50% | 3.8 |
City | State | Type of Legislation | Law Number | Year |
Paraíba | PB | State law | N° 9130 | 2010 |
Campinas | SP | Municipal law | N° 12,474 | 2006 |
São Paulo | SP | Municipal law | N° 14,018 | 2005 |
Curitiba | PR | Municipal law | N° 10,785 | 2003 |
Florianópolis | SC | Municipal law | N° 482 | 2014 |
Camboriú | SC | Municipal law | N° 2544 | 2013 |
Salvador | BA | Municipal law | N° 8474 | 2013 |
Florianópolis | SC | Municipal Decree | N° 12,608 | 2014 |
Distrito Federal | DF | Municipal law | N° 3677 | 2005 |
Goiânia | GO | Municipal law | N° 17,128 | 2010 |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Municipal law | N° 3899 | 2005 |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Municipal Decree | N° 23,940 | 2004 |
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Municipal law | N° 5279 | 2011 |
Porto Alegre | RS | Municipal Decree | N° 16,305 | 2009 |
Manaus | AM | Municipal law | N° 1192 | 2007 |
João Pessoa | PB | Municipal law | N° 12,515 | 2013 |
Londrina | PR | Municipal law | N° 11,381 | 2011 |
Maringá | PR | Municipal law | N° 910 | 2008 |
Vitória | ES | Municipal law | N° 7073 | 2007 |
Joinville | SC | Municipal law | N° 220 | 2006 |
Blumenau | SC | Municipal law | N° 691 | 2008 |
Chapecó | SC | Municipal law | N° 324 | 2008 |
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Share and Cite
Teston, A.; Geraldi, M.S.; Colasio, B.M.; Ghisi, E. Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review. Water 2018, 10, 471. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10040471
Teston A, Geraldi MS, Colasio BM, Ghisi E. Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review. Water. 2018; 10(4):471. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10040471
Chicago/Turabian StyleTeston, Andrea, Matheus Soares Geraldi, Barbara Müller Colasio, and Enedir Ghisi. 2018. "Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review" Water 10, no. 4: 471. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10040471
APA StyleTeston, A., Geraldi, M. S., Colasio, B. M., & Ghisi, E. (2018). Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review. Water, 10(4), 471. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10040471