Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming
:1. Introduction—Synergistic Effects between Long–Slow Global Stressors and Short–Rapid Local Stressors
2. An Example from Kelp Forests
3. Discussion—Acting on Rapidly Changing Local Stressors to Reduce the Effect of Global Stressors
Conflicts of Interest
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Ghedini, G.; Russell, B.D.; Connell, S.D. Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. Water 2013, 5, 1653-1661.
Ghedini G, Russell BD, Connell SD. Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. Water. 2013; 5(4):1653-1661.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGhedini, Giulia, Bayden D. Russell, and Sean D. Connell. 2013. "Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming" Water 5, no. 4: 1653-1661.
APA StyleGhedini, G., Russell, B. D., & Connell, S. D. (2013). Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. Water, 5(4), 1653-1661.