2.1. Experimental Site
The study area was located at Ras-El-Ain (latitude 36°50’ N, longitude 40°4’ E) in the Al-Khabour basin, Al-Hassakeh region, northeast Syria. The area has a semi-arid climate, as shown in
Figure 1, with low rainfall. Reference evapotranspiration (ET
o), computed for a 10-year period (1993–2002) with the FAO-Penman Monteith method [
39], exceeds precipitation for most of the months. The topography is slightly undulated with land elevations ranging from 165 to 325 m.
Soils are predominantly clay loams, with an average textural composition of 30% sand, 31% silt and 39% clay. Soil water content at 30 kPa (field capacity) is 0.37 cm
−3 and at 1550 kPa (permanent wilting point) is 0.23 cm
−3, resulting in a total available water of 140 mm. The soil infiltration characteristics were analyzed in a previous study [
23], and the resulting Kostiakov infiltration curve is:
where Z is the cumulative infiltration per unit width of the borders (m
−1) and τ is the infiltration opportunity time (min). The observed soil basic infiltration rate is 4.1 mm·h
−1 [
The wheat crop is commonly sown by December or early January and is harvested by mid-June. Supplemental irrigation is often applied, generally using traditional graded borders. The actual surface irrigation performances and respective potential improvements have been recently analyzed [
23]. For the present study, a wheat season of 165 days was considered, the sowing date being 1 January. The average observed yield varied from 5000 to 5250 kg·ha
The field experiments were performed in a sprinkling field and in borders of 50, 100 and 200 m in length, a longitudinal slope of 0.8% and a null cross slope, which were divided into various widths depending on the available flow rate. Two independent wells with a discharge of 30 and 40 L·s−1 provided water for the supplemental irrigation. A topographic survey and a land smoothing operation were performed to provide for a uniform slope.
2.2. Modelling
Various sets of alternatives for both border and set sprinkler systems were developed using respectively the models SADREG [
40] and PROASPER [
41]. Each alternative was then characterized by appropriate performance indicators relative to water saving and economic results.
SADREG is a farm surface irrigation design model whose hydraulic simulations are performed interacting with the simulation model SIRMOD [
42]. The procedure for creating the required design alternatives follow various steps, as depicted in
Figure 2. The workspace deals with main field characteristics, including topography, and is common to all alternatives. The “project” groups all items required to design the alternatives, e.g., land levelling. The next level consists of grouping the alternatives in terms of water distribution to the borders and tail water management. Finally, the alternatives are designed, taking into consideration the inflow rates and related border width.
Considering results previously obtained [
23], this application focused on graded border irrigation with and without precision land levelling, respectively GB
PL and GB
NPL. Contrary to GB
NPL has reduced investment, but does not allow achieving high distribution uniformity and good irrigation performances. Design options included flat soil surface, lay-flat gated tubing for in-field water distribution and open-tail end with reuse in lower downstream fields. The alternatives resulted from the combination of different field lengths (50 m, 100 m and 200 m) with various inflow rates per unit width (0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.8 and 3.6 L·s
−1). Hydraulic computations were performed using a Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.16 s·m
−1/3 as described by Darouich et al. [
PROASPER is a design model for set sprinkler systems as represented in the flowchart of
Figure 3. In the present work, solid set (SS) and semi-permanent gridded pipe systems (SPS) were considered. The design is performed through an iterative procedure, with automatic search in the database of the pipes and sprinklers whose characteristics meet the user’s choices in terms of pipe length, sprinkler spacing, application rates and hydraulic performance. The methodology for pipe sizing follows that proposed by Keller and Bliesner [
43]. The pressure head variation among sprinklers operating simultaneously can be decided by the user, but should not exceed 20% of the design pressure, thus resulting in a sprinkler discharge variation smaller than 10%. The flow velocity in pipes was limited to 1.5 m·s
−1. The application rate was limited to the soil infiltration rate (4.1 mm·h
The design application efficiency E
pa (%) referring to a selected percentage (pa) of the area adequately irrigated, herein considered pa = 75%, was computed as proposed by Keller and Bliesner [
where DE
pa is the distribution efficiency for pa (%), R
e is the effective portion of applied water (decimal) and O
e is the ratio of water effectively discharged through sprinkler nozzles to total system discharge (decimal), which was assumed equal to 0.99 for a new and well-maintained system. Results of the simulation were compared with field evaluation results.
Sprinkler system alternatives were obtained by combining two pipe layouts (
Figure 4), four types of sprinklers and five different spacings. The two layouts used, L1 and L2 (
Figure 4), consisted of different positions of the laterals in relation to the manifolds, in both cases, dividing the field into two sectors. The sprinkler types (sp1, ..., sp4) and their characteristics, as well as the spacing tested (G1, …, G5) are reported in
Table 1. The pipes adopted for the laterals and manifolds were of high-density polyethylene and for the main lines were PVC pipes. Pipe sizes were computed by the model when a target CU of 80% was given as the input. Model results include the mainline, submain, manifold and lateral pipe sizes, the pressure head and discharge of each sprinkler and their variation across the system.
The wheat irrigation schedules used as inputs in SADREG and PROASPER were obtained with the ISAREG model [
45] previously validated for the region [
13]. Two irrigation strategies were considered: (1) mild-deficit supplemental irrigation (MD), aiming at fulfilling the crop water requirements and ceasing irrigation 30 days before harvesting; and (2) moderate-deficit irrigation (MoD) assuming a management allowed depletion (MAD) larger than the depletion fraction for no stress (p), i.e., MAD = 1.30 p and ceasing irrigation 30 days before harvesting.
Table 2 shows the results for both strategies and irrigation methods computed for the average year precipitation of 290 mm during the wheat crop season. A leaching fraction of 6% to prevent salt accumulation in the soil profile was considered when calculating the gross irrigation.
To estimate the yield impacts of the various irrigation alternatives, the yield response curve proposed by Solomon [
46] was adopted: Y
max = f(W
max), where Y
a and Y
max are the actual and the maximum yield (kg·ha
−1), W
a is the actual water applied (mm) and W
max is the water required to achieve Y
max. Related parameters for wheat based on regional data are presented in
Table 3 following Kanshaw et al. [
Economic input data relative to surface and sprinkler irrigation systems are presented in
Table 4. Information about water, labor and yield costs, were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reforms [
Information regarding land levelling was provided by the local farmers. The cost for the irrigation equipment, namely the sprinklers and the pipes, were obtained from Senninger® (Claremont, FL, USA) and Maïs Irrigation Co. (Amman, Jordan). The operation and maintenance costs relative to energy, labor and water were updated considering a 4% rate during a 10-year period.
2.3. Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Selection of Alternative Designs
The criteria adopted for ranking alternatives with MCA refer to the attributes presented in
Table 5 that follow those previously used by Darouich et al. [
24]. The indicators used to define the criteria referring to water saving [
46] include total irrigation water use (IWU, mm), beneficial water use fraction (BWUF, non-dimensional), non-beneficial water use (NBWU, mm) and water productivity (WP, kg·m
−3). IWU corresponds to the season gross irrigation depth (GID). BWUF corresponds to the application efficiency in the SIRMOD model [
40] and to E
pa (Equation (2)) in sprinkler irrigation. NBWU includes percolation through the bottom of the root zone, runoff and losses by evaporation and wind drift in sprinkling. WP was computed as the ratio between actual yield and total water use (TWU), where TWU is the sum of the infiltrated rainfall, the gross irrigation, thus including the leaching fraction and the seasonal variation of the soil water storage. In agreement with previous studies [
49], WP is analyzed together with other performance indicators. Indicators relative to the economic criteria [
49] consist of economic land productivity (ELP, €·ha
−1), economic water productivity (EWP, €·m
−3), irrigation investment costs per unit of land (IIC, €·ha
−1), operation and maintenance costs per unit of land (OMC, €·ha
−1) and economic water productivity ratio (EWPR, non-dimensional). ELP is the monetary yield value obtained per unit of land, and EWP is the monetary yield value per unit of water used. EWPR is the ratio of total yield value to the total irrigation cost [
49]. As for previous studies (e.g., [
33]), the overlapping or redundancy of criteria was checked and definitely avoided.
The utility functions that enable comparing attributes that have different units are also listed in
Table 5. The utilities U
j relative to any criterion j were normalized into the [0–1] interval, with zero for the more adverse and 1 for the most advantageous result. Following previous studies [
40] where composite programming and ELECTRE II (Elimination Et Choice Translating Reality) were used, considering the required easiness of discussing the results with the irrigation stakeholders, linear utility functions were adopted [
where x
j is the attribute value relative to criterion j, α is the slope, negative for costs and positive for benefits, and β is the utility value for a null value of the attribute.
The linear weighted sum method [
50] was adopted to rank the various alternatives because it has been successful used in previous applications [
24]. It is an aggregative and full compensatory method that leads to a unique global criterion. The high simplicity of this method is a major advantage. For each alternative, the method computes a global utility that represents its integrative score performance:
where U is the global utility; N
c is the number of criteria; λ
j is the weight assigned to the criterion j. λ
j represents the relative importance of a given criterion from the perspective of the decision maker. Criterion weights depend on several factors, including socio-cultural values and economic and/or environmental perspectives.
Table 5 presents the weights assigned to attributes for water saving and economic result priorities used to later compare global utilities and building the prioritization scenarios Sc1–Sc5. Several combinations of weights were then used to build those scenarios, starting when 90% of weights were assigned to farm economic results and 10% to water saving (Sc1) and ending with a scenario where 90% of weights were assigned to water saving and 10% to economic results (Sc5). The weights used for the criteria attributes when building the scenarios were proportional to those presented in
Table 5. MCA was applied in two steps: first, surface and sprinkler irrigation alternatives were ranked independently; then, they were compared and ranked jointly. Rankings were analyzed for mild and moderate-deficit irrigation.