Network Intrusion Detection Based on an Efficient Neural Architecture Search
:1. Introduction
- In the network intrusion detection task, NAS is introduced to search for more effective architectures. The classification model is better than the manually designed network traffic classification model. At the same time, in the architecture search task, the online surrogate model is used to optimize the architecture search efficiency, which results in a significant improvement in search efficiency, compared with the general NAS model.
- On the basis of previous studies, by filtering suitable operation blocks and introducing new operation blocks to adapt to the network traffic dataset, the performance of the search model is improved, so as to improve the search space of the network architecture.
- The network architecture search model is evaluated in different network traffic datasets and compared with the manually designed network traffic classification models, including CIC-DoS2017, ISCXIDS2012 and CIC-DDoS2019. Experiments show that our model offers strong scalability and effectiveness.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Classification Method for Malicious Network Traffic
2.2. Neural Architecture Search
2.3. Search Space
2.4. Search Strategy
2.4.1. NSGA-II
Algorithm 1 General framework of NSGA-II |
2.4.2. MOEA/D
2.4.3. MOPSO
2.5. Surrogate Model
2.6. Lightweight Model
2.7. Proposed Approach
Algorithm 2 General framework of Efficient-NAS |
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Data Description
3.2. Data Processing
3.3. Implementation Details
3.3.1. NAS Parameter Setting
3.3.2. Model Training Parameter Setting
3.4. Experimental Results and Analysis
3.4.1. The Evaluation Index
3.4.2. Classification Effect of NAS-Net
3.4.3. Search Efficiency
3.4.4. Representation of Surrogate Model
3.4.5. Comparison of Different Operations
3.4.6. Comparison of Different Search Strategies
3.4.7. Experimental Results on Multiple Datasets
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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skip connect | 3 × 3 dilated convolution |
3 × 3 max pooling | 5 × 5 dilated convolution |
3 × 3 avg pooling | 1 × 7 then 7 × 1 convolution |
3 × 3 depthwise separable convolution | Inception A |
5 × 5 depthwise separable convolution | Inception B |
7 × 7 depthwise separable convolution | Inception C |
Flow Types | Number | Percentage (%) |
Ddossim | 8480 | 2.79 |
Goldeneye | 89,814 | 29.51 |
Hulk | 60,601 | 19.91 |
Slowbody (rudy) | 21,261 | 6.99 |
Slowbody (Slowhttptest) | 36,762 | 12.08 |
Slowheaders (Slowhttptest) | 45,848 | 15.07 |
Slowheaders (Slowloris) | 21,099 | 6.93 |
Slowread | 20,452 | 6.72 |
Flow Types | Number | Percentage (%) |
Benign | 1,433,293 | 94.4165 |
Brute Force SSH | 14,056 | 0.9259 |
DDoS | 45,016 | 2.9654 |
HttpDoS | 6533 | 0.4304 |
Infiltrating Transfer | 19,156 | 1.2619 |
Flow Types | Number | Percentage (%) |
PortMap | 2311 | 0.9345 |
NetBIOS | 60,000 | 24.2622 |
LDAP | 60,000 | 24.2622 |
MSSQL | 2268 | 0.9171 |
UDP | 60,000 | 24.2622 |
UDP-Lag | 60,000 | 24.2622 |
SYN | 2719 | 1.0995 |
Parameter Types | Parameter Names | Instructions | Values |
Model structure | n_cells | Number of cells to search | 1 |
n_blocks | Number of blocks in a cell | 5 | |
n_nodes | Number of nodes per phases | 4 | |
Outer layer search strategy | n_iterations | Number of iterations to run search | 30 |
n_doe | Number of architectures to train before fitting the surrogate model | 100 | |
n_iter | Number of architectures to train in each iteration | 8 | |
Inner layer search strategy (NSGA-II) | pop_size | Population size of networks | 40 |
n_gens | Number of population iterations | 30 | |
n_offspring | Number of offspring created per generation | 40 | |
Inner layer search strategy (MOEA/D) | n_partitions | Number of weights (equal to number of population) | 100 |
n_gens | Number of population iterations | 30 | |
n_neighbors | Number of neighboring reference lines to be used for selection | 20 | |
prob_neighbor _mating | Probability of selecting the parents in the neighborhood | 0.7 | |
Inner layer search strategy (MOPSO) | particles | Number of particles | 30 |
cycle_ | Number of iterations | 30 | |
w | Inertial factor | 1 | |
c1 | Local velocity factor | 2 | |
c2 | Global velocity factor | 2 | |
mesh_div | The number of equal meshes | 10 |
Parameter Names | Values |
learning_rate | 0.025 |
momentum | 0.9 |
batch_size | 128 |
epochs | 15 |
Model | F1 Score | Parms (MB) | Flops (MB) |
LeNet | 0.889749 | 0.044256 | 0.2860 |
CNN | 0.952205 | 0.117672 | 0.0968 |
ResNet | 0.981752 | 11.171784 | 456.76 |
VGG | 0.978461 | 20.038344 | 398.29 |
NAS-Net | 0.995681 | 0.054048 | 14.9763 |
Model | F1 Score | N_arch | Avg | Speedup |
Original-NAS | 0.9583 | 601 | 403 | 1.722× |
0.9576 | 246 | |||
0.9609 | 362 | |||
Efficient-NAS | 0.9641 | 299 | 234 | 1× |
0.9660 | 158 | |||
0.9632 | 246 |
Surrogate Model | Tau |
GP | 0.4735 |
CART | 0.7449 |
MLP | 0.6737 |
AS | 0.7454 |
Model | CIC-DoS2017 | ISCXIDS2012 | CIC-DDoS2019 |
LeNet | 0.889749 | 0.984727 | 0.945900 |
CNN | 0.952205 | 0.989345 | 0.993975 |
ResNet | 0.981752 | 0.989775 | 0.995437 |
VGG | 0.978461 | 0.989779 | 0.995762 |
NAS-Net | 0.995681 | 0.989781 | 0.995766 |
Datasets | Methods | Prec | Recall | Acc | F1-Score |
CIC-DoS2017 | Varghese and Muniyal [47] | - | - | 0.8833 | - |
Proposed work | 0.9942 | 0.9944 | 0.9957 | 0.9957 | |
ISCXIDS2012 | Le et al. [48] | 0.9475 | 0.975 | - | 0.9708 |
Siddiqi and Pak [49] | 0.9286 | 0.9351 | 0.9520 | 0.9317 | |
Proposed work | 0.9891 | 0.9899 | 0.9898 | 0.9898 | |
CIC-DDoS2019 | Scaranti et al. [50] | 0.8903 | - | 0.8865 | - |
Shurman et al. [51] | - | - | 0.9919 | - | |
Babić et al. [52] | 0.9780 | 0.8436 | 0.9036 | 0.9059 | |
Proposed work | 0.9964 | 0.9919 | 0.9958 | 0.9957 |
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Lyu, R.; He, M.; Zhang, Y.; Jin, L.; Wang, X. Network Intrusion Detection Based on an Efficient Neural Architecture Search. Symmetry 2021, 13, 1453.
Lyu R, He M, Zhang Y, Jin L, Wang X. Network Intrusion Detection Based on an Efficient Neural Architecture Search. Symmetry. 2021; 13(8):1453.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLyu, Renjian, Mingshu He, Yu Zhang, Lei Jin, and Xinlei Wang. 2021. "Network Intrusion Detection Based on an Efficient Neural Architecture Search" Symmetry 13, no. 8: 1453.
APA StyleLyu, R., He, M., Zhang, Y., Jin, L., & Wang, X. (2021). Network Intrusion Detection Based on an Efficient Neural Architecture Search. Symmetry, 13(8), 1453.