1. Introduction
In this paper a new paradigm for the so-called Sigma Identification Protocol (SIP) based on the authors’ earlier proposed new candidate for one-way function (OWF) is presented. In general, Sigma protocols are three-round protocols similar to the well-known Schnorr identification protocol. They are typically used as sub-protocols in more complicated settings and for more advanced use. For example, Sigma protocols can easily be transformed into corresponding identification and signature schemes. Another application is to design protocols that allow one party to prove to another that certain facts are true (without revealing private information). For example, to prove that encrypted value V lies in a certain range without revealing any other information about V. Sigma protocols can be combined to make new Sigma protocols. For example, in the AND-proof construction, a Prover can convince a Verifier that he knows witnesses for a pair of statements. In the OR-proof construction, a Prover can convince a Verifier that he knows witnesses for one of two statements. These examples convince us that the development of Sigma protocols based on new paradigms is promising.
The construction of cryptographic primitives based on matrix power function (MPF) belongs to the field of so called non-commuting cryptography [
1], [
2]. The development of non-commuting cryptography is important due to the need to replace traditional cryptographic methods vulnerable to quantum cryptanalysis. Peter W. Shor has proposed the polynomial-time quantum cryptanalysis [
3] for the traditional cryptographic primitives such as Diffie—Hellman key exchange protocol, RSA and ElGamal cryptosystems, Digital signature algorithm (DSA) and Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA).
One of the promising trends is the creation of OWFs, the security of which relies on the NP-hard problems [
4]. Thus far, there are no known effective quantum cryptanalytic algorithms solving NP-hard problems; therefore, this cryptographic trend is a significant part of the so-called post-quantum cryptography [
5]. One of the trends to create cryptographic primitives that can resist quantum cryptanalysis attacks is lattice-based cryptography [
6] and hidden field equations (HFE) based cryptosystems [
10]. Despite some cryptanalytic attacks on the HFE cryptosystem [
9], this trend is viewed as promising [
MPF is somewhat related to the multivariate polynomials used in HFE cryptosystems since the complexity of so called MPF problem and the NP-completeness of this problem is proved using polynomial-time reduction of multivariate quadratic (MQ) problem [
7]. Referencing [
11] it is proved that certain kinds of MPF problems are NP-complete as well [
In this paper the novel MPF based sigma identification protocol (SIP) is presented using several specifically selected algebraic structures introduced in [
14]. The concept of abstract MPF as well as main definitions for the construction of SIP are given in
Section 2. The algebraic structures for the construction of MPF are defined in
Section 3. MPF SIP is presented in
Section 4. The security of MPF SIP against eavesdropping attacks is proven in
Section 5. In
Section 6, the selection of security parameters as well as the efficiency analysis are presented. The discussions and conclusions are presented in
Section 7. The table of notations used in this paper as well as the numerical example are displayed in the Abbreviations and
Appendix A, respectively.
2. The Construction of the Abstract Matrix Power Function
In this section, the matrix power function (MPF) is constructed in an abstract form without specifying exact algebraic structures that will be introduced in subsequent sections. Let
X = {
W = {
wlj} and
Y = {
yjk} be
m ×
m matrices over some semiring, and indices
i, j, k,
l ∈
Im = {1, 2, …,
m}. Multiplying matrix
W by matrix
X from the left and by matrix
Y from the right yields a new matrix
Q = {
Let S be some multiplicative semigroup and R some numerical semiring. In the case that MPF S is named a platform semigroup and R an exponent semiring. The exponent semiring of natural numbers with zero is denoted by N0 = {0, 1, 2, …}. The corresponding semigroup of matrices defined over S is denoted by MS and the semiring of power matrices defined over R is denoted by MR. Then, using an analogy with the matrix multiplication defined in (1), the left MPF, the right MPF and the left-right or simply MPF are introduced for X, Y ∈ MR, xil, yjk ∈ R and for W ∈ MS, wlj ∈ S as follows.
Definition 1. The left MPF corresponding to the matrix W powered by matrix X from the left with the MPF value equal to the matrix C = {cij} has the following form: Definition 2. The right MPF corresponding to the matrix W powered by matrix Y from the right with the MPF value equal to the matrix D = {dlk} has the following form: Definition 3. The left-right, or simply MPF corresponds to the matrix W powered by matrix X from the left and by matrix Y from the right with the MPF value equal to the matrix Q = {qik} and is expressed in the following way: The MPF definition is related to the following associativity identities.
Definition 4. MPF is one-side, (left-side or right-side) associative and two-side associative if the following respective identities hold: In general, MPF is a function
MR ×
MS ×
MR →
MS. To be concise, we will use the notation
for the definition of MPF with base matrix defined over the platform semigroup
S in
MS and with power matrices defined over the exponent semiring
R in
MR. The categorical interpretation of MPF is presented in [
15], in the context of the construction of several key agreement protocols. We slightly reformulate the notions used in the authors’ interpretation by the following proposition, which is more appropriate for our study.
Proposition 1. If MPF is associative, then MS is a multiplicative MR-semibimodule.
This means that there exist bilinear (left and right) actions of the matrix semiring
MR on the matrix semigroup
MS. According to the definition of action, it must satisfy the associative law corresponding to Definition 4. Since matrix semigroup
MS is multiplicative, then
MS is multiplicative in our case. The following lemma is presented without proof. The proof can be found in [
Lemma 1. If R is a commutative numerical semiring (e.g., N0 = {0, 1, 2, …}) and S is a commutative semigroup, then MPF is two-side associative.
The direct MPF value computation requires finding matrix A in (4), when matrices X, Y and W are given. The inverse MPF value computation requires finding matrices X and Y in (4), when matrices W and A are given. The MPF problem is the computation of the inverse MPF value.
Definition 5. A function F: Dom → Ran with finite sets of domain (Dom) and range (Ran) is a candidate for one-way function (OWF) if for all d ∈ Dom the F(d) can be computed by a polynomial time algorithm, but any polynomial time randomized algorithm that attempts to compute an inverse value F−1(r) = d for F, where r ∈ Ran is given, succeeds with negligible probability. That is, for all randomized algorithms, all positive integers c and all sufficiently large n = length(d), the probability to compute an inverse value r for F is at most n−c. The probability is taken over the choice of r from the discrete uniform distribution in Ran.
Paraphrasing this definition in a non-formal way, MPF is candidate for OWF if: (1) the MPF direct value computation is easy, and (2) the MPF problem is hard.
The computation of the direct MPF value is effective and can be done by powering elements of the platform semigroup S by elements of the exponent semiring R with relatively small values (e.g., up to 5 used in this study). It is related to the matrix multiplication by the two matrices from the left and right. In this paper we present some evidence that the solution of the MPF problem is hard.
Proposition 2. The necessary requirements for MPF for the proposed SIP are the following: (1) it is a candidate for OWF, (2) it is associative, and (3) the following distributive identity holds:where * is a Hadamard product of matrices [16]. 3. The Definition of Algebraic Structures
In order to construct a platform semigroup for MPF, the class of modified multiplicative medial semigroups [
17] is used. A medial semigroup
SM has the presentation consisting of two generators
b and relation
RM is defined in the following way:
w1 and
w2 are arbitrary non-empty words in
SM, written in terms of generators
a and
b. The reason for the introduction of the medial semigroup is the existence of the following identity, based on the relation
RM, valid for all words
w2 ∈
SM and any exponent
e ∈
N0, where
N0 = {0, 1, 2, …} is the semiring of natural numbers with zero:
In order to construct a platform semigroup
S for MPF in (4), two extra relations
R1 and
R2 are added to
These relations can be generalized for arbitrary finite exponents instead of 5, however, only relations (11) are considered in this paper for simplicity. Thus, modified medial semigroup
S has the following presentation:
Note that we define S as a multiplicative, non-commuting and cancellative semigroup.
Proposition 3. Semigroups SM and S are transformed into monoids by introducing an empty word as a multiplicatively neutral element, denoted by 1. Then, conveniently, the following identities hold for all w in SM and S: Using relation
RM in (9) any word in
SM can be transformed to the form
w =
bsatbuav moving generators
b left and right, where
v ∈
N0. Let
w =
bsatbuav be such word in
SM. Reformulating the Theorem 12 in [
14], the normal form
wnf of word
w in the semigroup
SM is defined by the following function
SM → SM,nf and is expressed by the relation:
The normal form in the modified medial semigroup S is defined by the following theorem.
Theorem 1. The normal form wη of the word wnf in the normal form of SM, is represented by the function η: SM → S and obtained by applying the minimization procedure of exponents ia, ib in (14) using the relations R1, R2: Since
S is a multiplicative semiring, the following exponent identities hold for any generator
g ∈ {
Addition and multiplication tables for exponents
j are presented in
Table 1 and
Table 2 below.
Referencing relations R1, R2 the semiring N0 can be replaced by the finite semiring N4 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. This semiring has an additive semigroup with index 1 and period 4. The exponent functions defined on S are determined by non-negative exponents in semiring N4.
We generalize these functions by introducing the “imaginary” unit ι which has some weak analogy with complex numbers in classical numerical algebra based on the imaginary unit
i (
i2 = −1). According to this “analogy” the set of complex exponents can be introduced and denoted by ι∙
N4, where “∙“ denotes a formal multiplication of ι by any number in
N4. According to our assumption and using the relation
RM in (9), the following properties of exponent ι are defined:
u ∈
N4. This means that elements
t + ι∙
u and ι∙
u +
t do not commute.
The algebraic structure termed a near-semiring [
18] was introduced for the construction of MPF in [
14]. In general, it can be defined in the following way.
Definition 6. A near-semiring (NSR) is a nonempty set with two binary operations “+” and “·”, such that <NSR; +; 0> is an additive monoid with neutral element 0, and <NSR; ·; 1> is a multiplicative monoid with neutral element 1, satisfying the following (two-sided) axioms for all x, y, z in NSR: Referencing to this definition the special type NSR required for MPF SIP construction is defined in the following way.
Definition 7. The exponent near-semiring NSR consist of non-commuting additive monoid <NSR; +; 0> and commuting multiplicative monoid <NSR; ·; 1> satisfying Definition 6 and is a union of the following setswhere the set N4 + ι∙N4 + N4 defines the class of elements {t + ι∙u + v} and the set ι∙N4 + N4 + ι∙N4—the class {t∙ι + u + v∙ι}, where t, u, v ∈ N4. The presentation of the semigroup S by relations RM, R1, R2 in (9) and (11) induces certain properties and relations in NSR that can be directly verified and are presented below without the proof.
Proposition 4. For any x, y ∈ NSR, where x = t + ι∙u + v and y = ι∙t + u + ι·v and t, u, v ∈ N4, the following identities hold for the exponents of generators a and b in S: Identity to (21) can be extended for any word
w ∈
where the word
is obtained from
w by renaming the generator
a to
b and
b to
a respectively. It is easily verified that the exponent function in
S satisfies the following more general identities for any
w2 ∈
S and any
x, y ∈
The partial case of (23) are the following identities: ax ay = ax+y, (ax)y = a(x∙y) = ax∙y and (a1a2)x = (a1)x(a2)x for any a, a1, a2 ∈ S and x, y ∈ NSR. The same is valid for the generator b. The illustration of the computation of exponents in S is presented in Example 1 below.
The set of matrices defined over the NSR is denoted by MNSR.
Referencing to the Proposition 1, we present the following easily verifiable theorem without a proof.
Theorem 2. MSis a multiplicative MNSR-semibimodule.
Since NSR is acting on the semigroup S as an exponent function, then MNSR is acting on MS as MPF. According to Definition 7 and semigroup S presentation in (12) the following proposition can be formulated.
Proposition 5. NSRintroduced in the Definitions 6 and 7 has non-commuting additive monoid <NSR; +; 0> and commuting multiplicative monoid <NSR; ·; 1>, i.e., for all x, y, z1, z2 ∈ NSR the following identities hold: Relation (25) implies the following identity:
Example 1. The computation of wx. Let w = b3aba2 and x = 2 + ι∙3 + 4, then the 1-st step of the computation is performed in the following way. At the second step transformation to the normal form (15), every word in parentheses is performed. The final word is found using R1 and R2 as well, where b8 = b4, a9 = a.
The gray part of
Table 1 represents the additive subgroup
N4+ = {1, 2, 3, 4} with neutral element equal to 4. Subgroup
N4+ has the subset of two generators
Γ = {1, 3}. The subgroup
N4+ and generators
Γ will play an important role in proving the uniform distribution of conversations and the security against eavesdropping attack of MPF SIP in
Section 5. Moreover, relations
R2 in (11) define the smallest exponent
e = 5 where subgroup
N4+ has at least two generators. It is important to have a random choice in the set having at least two generators and will be used in our construction as well. The gray part of
Table 2 represents the multiplicative semigroup
N4+ in
N4. It is easily verified that
N4+ is a sub- semiring of
N4. Replacing
N4 by
N4+ in Definition 7, we obtain a new near-semiring as a sub-semiring of
NSR which is denoted by
sNSR. The matrix set over the
sNSR is denoted by
MaNSR and matrix set with entries in
Γ = {1, 3} is denoted by
MΓ. MPFs defined by the multiplicative
MS and by the multiplicative
MS are denoted by
Together with the introduced here near-semirings the introduction of anti-
NSR, denoted by
aNSR, to the original
NSR is necessary. According to (20),
aNSR is defined by:
where for any element
x in
NSR there exists a unique element
x′ in
aNSR obtained by switching the sign of
x from positive to negative, i.e.,
x′ = −
x. The matrix set over the
aNSR is denoted by
MaNSR. For any matrix
H in
MNSR there exists a unique matrix −
H in
MaNSR with negative entries. Then, formally, we assume that
O is the zero matrix, i.e., matrix with all entries equal to zero.
This construction will be used in the security proofs for the so-called simulator Sim computations. Several additional properties of
are presented below without the proof. Let
O be a zero matrix in
MNSR and
E is a unity matrix in
MS consisting of all entries equal to 1 in
S. Then according to (7), (27) and (28), for any
A ∈
MS and
H ∈
MNSR the following identities hold:
The last identity remains valid if the presented actions are reversed from the left to the right.
4. MPF Sigma Identification Protocol (SIP)
In general, sigma identification protocols (SIP) are realized using the conversation between the Prover and the Verifier when the Prover proves to the Verifier the knowledge of the secret (e.g., his private key—witness) without revealing knowledge about this secret [
19]. In this case it is said that SIP has the Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) property [
19]. Prover is using his private, public key pair we denote by PrK, PuK named as a witness-statement pair.
We denote any matrix Q that is generated uniformly at random from the matrix set M by Q ← rand(M).
We use matrix sets
MsNSR and
MΓ introduced in
Section 3 instead of the matrix set
MNSR to provide a random uniform distribution of data generated in MPF SIP.
Parties share the same public parameter represented by matrix
W in
MS generated at random
W ← rand(
MS). The prover runs the following key pair generation algorithm. For the private key PrK-witness generation two secret matrices
Y in
MΓ = {1, 3} are chosen at random:
Then PrK = (X, Y)∈MΓ × MΓ.
The public key PuK-statement is computed using
defined above:
Prover distributes his PuK = A ∈ MS to all users including Verifier. According to the 3-rd condition in the Proposition 2 represented by the distributive identity (7), we formulate the following easily verified theorem without proof.
Theorem 3. satisfies the distributive identity (7).
Definition 8. Equation (32) defines a set of relations Rel between the set of witnesses (PrK) and statements (PuK) which is a subset of the following direct product of sets:Rel ⊆ (MΓ ×MΓ) × MS.
Since relations R1, R2 in (11) define a finite semiring S, they induce the finiteness of sNSR. Then, sets MsNSR and MS are finite as well.
Definition 9. Let matrix A = {aij} be of finite order and assume that all entries qij can be effectively encoded by the finite string of bits not exceeding polynomial length. Then, matrix A is effectively recognizable in MS if all its entries can be effectively decoded and effectively transformed to the normal form (15).
Proposition 6. Any finite length word w in S can be transformed to the normal form (15) using the linear number of operations with respect to the length of w.
Definition 10. RelationRelis efficiently recognizable if every matrix A’ = {aij’}, where aij’are finite strings of generators a, b in MS, can be effectively transformed into the matrix A inMSwith all entries expressed in the normal form (15).
Definition 11. Relation is an effective relation if it is efficiently recognizable.
Proposition 7. Relation Rel is effective.
Referencing to the general definition of Sigma protocol in [
19], the corresponding definition can be formulated for MPF SIP.
Definition 12. LetRel ⊆ (MΓ ×MΓ) × MS be an effective relation. An MPF SIP for Rel is a pair (P, V) of interactive protocols executed by the Prover and the Verifier. Protocol P is taking a witness-statement pair (PrK, PuK) ∈ Rel as an input. Protocol V is taking as an input statement PuK ∈ MS. Then after the conversation V outputs accept or reject.
MPF SIP is performed during three pass communications named as a conversation between the Prover and the Verifier.
Prover generates two matrices
V ← rand(
MΓ) at random and using his witness-PrK computes the
commitment C = (
C2) consisting of three matrices
C2 in
Prover sends
C to the Verifier.
After receiving C, Verifier generates two matrices H′, H″ ← rand(MsNSR) at random and independently, forms challenge H = (H′, H″) and sends H to the Prover.
Upon receiving
H, Prover computes the
response R = (
T) consisting of two matrices
T in
and sends
R = (
T) to the Verifier.
At this stage Prover and Verifier complete the conversation. After receiving
R = (
T), Verifier checks if
and if it is the case outputs
The distinct feature of the proposed protocol (against, e.g., Schnorr or Okamoto protocols, [
19]) is that the Prover generates a commitment at the first step of the protocol using components
Y of the witness-PrK = (
Completeness. On the common statement input PuK =
A, the honest Prover knows witness-PrK = (
Y) for PuK and succeeds in convincing the Verifier of his knowledge with probability 1. It follows from the validity of associativity identity (6) and distribution identity (7):
Verifier uses the conversation (C, H, R) together with the Prover’s statement PuK = A for the verification and yields accept if (35) holds.
The test example of this protocol is presented in
Appendix A.
5. Security Analysis
We consider the main three main kind of attacks for SIP presented in [
19] ordered by their power, i.e., direct attack, eavesdropping attack and active attack. The weakest attack of the three is a direct attack and it is applied mainly for password protected systems which can also be realized using symmetric cryptography. The outcome of these attacks is either adversary impersonation of legal Prover or even compromisation of legal prover’s secret, namely his password or private key PrK-witnwss. The detailed description of the attack game and the theorem formulating security against this attack is presented in ([
19], Section 18.3). Since this attack is not of direct interest for our research, we only use the security formulation for this attack in our construction in Theorem 4 below as an intermediate result to consider the more powerful eavesdropping attack. In this section we prove the conditions under which the proposed MPF SIP is resistant against eavesdropping attack finalizing it in Theorems 5 and 6. Unfortunately, we were not able to prove the resistance against most powerful active attack for the reasons presented below.
Assumption 1. is a candidate for one-way function (OWF).
This assumption can be supported by our previous results presented in [
14]. The MPF is constructed using similar algebraic structures as in [
14]. In [
13] the NP-completeness of the similar MPF problem is proven. MPF function introduced there is defined in finite modified medial platform semigroup and finite power near-semiring. Despite the lack of proof of the NP-completeness of the MPF problem defined here, we can present some links of this MPF with the well-known multivariate quadratic (MQ) problem which is proved to be NP-complete over any field [
7]. Let φ:
S →
Sa is the homomorphism of the semigroup
S to the semigroup
Sa defined by the introduced new relation
b = 1. Then
Sa =
a4} is a cyclic monoid with index 1 and period 4 [
20]. The corresponding public matrix denoted by
W’. Then the entries of this public matrix
W’ consist of elements
ai, where
I ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} due to relation
R1. Analogously, the
NSR can be homomorphically transformed to the set of integers
Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} by introducing the relation ι = 0. Then the matrices
Y’ ← rand(
Z5) are generated.
Sa is a cyclic semigroup then the discrete logarithm operation dlog
a with the base
a can be applied elementwise to the MPF relation
Y′ =
A′. In this case we obtain MQ problem but defined not over the field
F5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} (where operations are defined mod 5) since according to relation
R1 in (11) the exponents of generator
a cannot be reduced mod 5. It seems that the obtained MQ problem represented by matrix equation
is at least no less complex than the “standard” MQ problem. Then, we can make an assumption that MPF introduced in (4), (32), where unknown monomials are in exponents is a candidate for one-way function (OWF).
This assumption is required to prove that the proposed MPF SIP is secure against the eavesdropping attack and to select the values of the security parameters.
Referencing to Assumption 1 and [
19], we can formulate the following theorem.
Theorem 4. If is a candidate for OWF and the challenge space is super-poly, then MPF SIP identification protocol is secure against the direct attack.
Proof. According to the Assumption 1, is a candidate for OWF.
Referencing to the relations R1, R2 in (11), the challenge space is exponential with respect to the order m of matrices in MNSR. The cardinality of MNSR is no less than 52mm, thus, it is super poly as well. □
It is easily verified that Assumption 1 and Theorem 4 can be applied to .
In order to formulate the security against the eavesdropping attack, we need the definition and the proof of the Honest Verifier Zero Knowledge (HVZK) property [
19] for MPF SIP. We realized that instead of HVZK of MPF SIP we can prove a rather stronger result denoted as a special HVZK.
Definition 13. Identification protocol is a special HVZK if there exists an efficient probabilistic algorithm called a simulator Sim such that for all possible witness-statement pairs or private and public key pairs (PrK, PuK) the following two conditions hold: 1) the output distribution of Sim on input (PuK, H) is identical to the distribution of transcript of a conversation (C, H, R) between Prover on input (PrK, PuK) and Verifier on input Puk, and 2) for all inputs PuK and H, algorithm Sim always outputs a pair (C, R) such that (C, H, R) is an accepting conversation for PuK.
Following the methodology presented in [
19], the following theorem can be formulated.
Theorem 5. MPF SIP protocol is a special HVZK.
Proof. On Sim input R’, H’ and PuK, the valid commitment C′ = (C0′, C1′, C2′) and corresponding transcript of a conversation (C′, H′, R′) must be generated with identical distribution as (C, H, R) between the Prover and the Verifier. □
Lemma 2. Let W be a public parameter and two pairs of matrices X,Y ← rand(MΓ), X′,Y′ ← rand(MΓ) are generated uniformly at random, then the entries of matrices A = XWY and A′ = X′WY′ computed according to (32) are uniformly distributed.
Proof of Lemma. Define two subsemigroups in S, namely Sa = {a, a2, a3, a4}, Sb = {b, b2, b3, b4} and a set of exponents of generators in S denoted earlier by N4+ = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Then exponent function of generator a in Sa provides the following 1-to-1 mapping expa: N4+ → Sa. Since expa is 1-to-1, then for any I ← rand(N4+) the value expa (i) = ai will have a uniform random distribution. The same is valid for the function expb: N4+ → Sb. Let expa,a: N4+ × N4+ → Sa is a function defining multiplication of generator ai by generator aj, where i, j ← rand(N4+), i.e., expa,a (i, j) = aiaj = ai+j. According to R1 in (11), function expa,a (i, j) provides a 4-to-1 mapping and hence the value ae obtained after the reduction of exponent ai+j using R1 will have a uniform random distribution.
Let us consider the double exponent function expexpa: N4+ × Γ → Sa, where expexpa(i, k) = (ai)k with I ∈ N4+, k ∈ Γ. This function provides a 2-to-1 mapping. Let i, k values are random and uniformly distributed, then the value (ai)k is also random and uniformly distributed. The same is valid for the generator b and for complex exponents ι·i and ι·k. In the latter case complex unit ι simply changes a to b and vice versa.
As a consequence, the mentioned above exponents of generators a, b are random and uniformly distributed.
If we have any word w ∈ S and exponentiate it by i, then after the reduction of exponents corresponding to the generators a and b the uniform distribution of resulting exponents will be obtained. After that the generators are grouped according to the normal form defined in (15) and this grouping simply corresponds to computing expressions of the type aiaj = ai+j. Hence the grouping procedure will not change the uniform distribution. As a result, we obtain uniformly distributed normal form wη in (14).
These results are applied subsequently to the left MPF and right MPF (according to Definitions 1 and 2) to prove the uniform distribution of entries of matrices A and A’ being a value of two sided MPF in Definition 3. The proof is performed by induction with respect to the order m of MPF matrices. The first step of induction for m = 1 is proved above.
The Lemma is proved. □
Lemma 3. Suppose the following pairs of matrices X, Y ← rand(MΓ), U, V ← rand(MΓ), X′, Y′ ← rand(MΓ), U′, V′ ← rand(MΓ) and H^′, H^″ ← rand(MsNSR) are generated uniformly at random. Then the distribution of entries of matrices S, T in (34) and of matrices S′, T′ computed by the relations.have the same uniform random distribution. Proof of Lemma. Firstly, we prove that the product of matrices H′X, YH″ has the same uniform random distribution as the product of matrices H^′X′, Y′H^″. Let us consider a scalar case with
yh″ and
, y′
h^″ instead, where
, h^
″ ∈
N4+ and
, y′ ∈
Γ. Then the multiplication function is defined by the mapping mul
N4+ ×
Γ →
N4+ which according to
Table 2 is 2-to-1. Since multipliers are chosen uniformly at random, then the value mul
h, x(
x) =
hx in
N4+ is distributed uniformly at random. The same is valid for other terms.
Now consider the addition function add
Γ ×
N4+ →
N4+ which according to
Table 1 is 2-to-1. Then, since the value
z =
hx is distributed uniformly at random the value add
u, z(
z) =
s is also distributed uniformly at random.
The random and uniform distribution of entries of matrices H′X, YH″ and H^′X′, Y′H^″ can be proved by induction using the uniform and random distribution of values of functions mulh, x and addu, z. Then, the entries of matrices S, T and S′, T′ are distributed uniformly at random as well.
The Lemma is proved. □
Proof. Proceeding with the proof of the theorem, the response
R′ = (
T′) must be computed referencing to (34). Then, the following random matrices in
MNSR are generated independently:
V′ ← rand(
Y′ ← rand(
MΓ). As an additional input the simulator takes two challenge matrices
H^″ ← rand(
MsNSR). Then, according to (34):
Referencing to Lemmas 2 and 3,
R′ = (
T′) and
R = (
T) have the same uniform distribution and hence the distribution of
S′WT′ is the same as the distribution of
SWT in (35). According to the Theorem 3
S′WT′ has the following expression
B =
For given matrices
Y′ and (
H^″) generated uniformly at random and independently, Sim must compute a challenge
C′ = (
C2′) satisfying the following equation:
Referencing to identity (37), Sim computes
According to Theorem 5, the entries of matrices
C1′, have the same uniform distribution as of matrices
C1. Since (1) the distribution of
S′WT′ is the same distribution as of
SWT, (2)
X′WV′ is uniformly distributed and (3) the computation of matrix
C2′ in (39) is based on Hadamar multiplication rule [
16] (i.e., elementwise), then the distribution of
C2′ is the same as the distribution of
C2. Then the commitment
C′ = (
C2′) has the same distribution as
C = (
C2). It remains to prove that (
, H′
, R′) is an accepting conversation using the following identities.
The theorem is proved. □
Since special HVZK implies HVZK, then according to the Assumption 1 and Theorems 4 and 5, proposed MPF SIP is secure against the direct attack and is HVZK. The Theorem 19.3 in [
19] states that if an identification protocol is secure against direct attacks, and is HVZK, then it is secure against eavesdropping attacks. Referencing to this result we have proven the following theorem.
Theorem 6. MPF SIP is secure against the eavesdropping attack.
Unfortunately, we are not able to prove the security of MPF SIP against an active attack since we have not proved the soundness of MPF SIP. Our construction is based on far more complicated algebraic structures than many traditional identification protocols including Schnorr protocol.
6. Selection of the Security Parameters and Efficiency Analysis
Since relations
R2 are fixed, the security parameter is the order
m of matrices defining MPF. Then, according to (32) PrK and PuK matrix relation in the Definition 8 consists of
m2 exponent equations of the type (4). According to the Assumption 1 and the belief that the solution of randomly generated MQ system is hopeless when system consists of
n ≥ 80 equations with
v ≥ 80 variables [
9], it is sensible to choose the number of exponent equations of the type (4) corresponding to the matrix equation (32) to be no less than 80. Then,
m can be chosen to be equal to 10, 11, 12. In this case the number of exponent equations is equal to 100, 121, 144 correspondingly. To represent
NSR elements of the types
t + ι∙
u +
v and
t∙ι +
u +
v∙ι, where
v ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} 9 bits are required. Thus, memory requirement for PrK = (
Y) is 2 × 9
m2 bits. To represent the word
w in
S in normal form (15) 6 bits are required. So, PuK =
A representation requires 6
m2 bits.
Effectivity of SIP is related to the left and right MPF value computations in (2) and (3) and can be performed using exponentiation tables of the size 4x4 in our case. Transformation of matrix entries to the normal form requires asymptotically O (
m2) operations. The computational resources for the one-sided MPF value computation are equivalent to the matrix multiplication and are asymptotically at most O (
m3). SIP realization for Prover requires 6 one-sided MPF values computation, 2 multiplication of matrices in
NSR requiring O (
m3) operations and two additions of matrices in
NSR requiring O (
m2) operations. Both matrix multiplication and addition can be performed using the table of operations of the size 4 × 4 as shown in
Table 1 and
Table 2.
For the Verifier’s side one must compute MPF values presented in (35). It takes two one-sided MPF computations for the left side of (35) and six one-sided MPF computations. Hence asymptotically it takes O (m3) operations.
7. Discussion and Conclusions
It was an intriguing idea for the authors to create and analyze Sigma identification protocol (SIP) based on the matrix power function (MPF) defined over the specially selected algebraic structures, namely modified platform medial semigroup S and power near-semiring (NSR). The initial medial semigroup is infinite, cancellative, multiplicative and non-commuting and is chosen to have two generators a and b. The modification of this medial semigroup is performed by introducing two extra relations R1 and R2 for the generators. It induces certain homomorphism yielding finite semigroup and preserving other properties of medial semigroup. In order to construct MPF, the certain power NSR is constructed. The properties of NSR are induced by the generic relation RM of medial semigroup which makes addition operation non-commuting. Therefore, the notion of NSR is applied. The reason is that constructed NSR is simply not a semiring.
These algebraic structures are far more complicated than the structures used currently in well-known identification and sigma identification protocols, e.g., Schnorr or Okamoto protocols. They are based on relatively simple algebraic structures, namely cyclic groups Zp* or Gq. MPF SIP construction based on more complicated algebraic structures was successful since a very important property of MPF presented in Proposition 2 was satisfied. In this connection we are expecting that proposed MPF SIP should provide greater security than existing Sigma protocols based on numerical cyclic groups. The investigation of the resistance against quantum cryptanalysis attack is very attractive and could be dedicated for the future research.
MPF, presented here, has some similarity to the certain MPF problem which was proven to be NP-complete in our previous publications [
13]. It is believed so far that NP-complete problems cannot be effectively solved by quantum computers. The security of MPF SIP presented here relies on the assumption that this MPF problem is a candidate for one-way function (OWF).
Following the methodology, notions and security analysis of Sigma protocols presented in D. Boneh, and V. Shoup tutorial we proved that the proposed SIP is secure against the eavesdropping attack. Unfortunately, the proof that this protocol is secure against active attack was not presented since we have not proved the soundness of this protocol yet. The soundness of identification protocols is easily proven for simple algebraic structures, namely Zp* or Gq. In our case, however, the algebraic structures are far more complicated and existing proof methodology used in cyclic groups cannot be applied.