A Transmuted Modified Power-Generated Family of Distributions with Practice on Submodels in Insurance and Reliability
:1. Introduction
1.1. Context
1.2. Idea
- This is a new and simple family that combines the functionalities of two well-recognized families.
- By setting a baseline, we are able to make the shape of the corresponding probability density function (pdf) and hazard rate function (hrf) more flexible.
- In light of the above, statistical advances are possible: in comparison to the existing models, we can achieve better and more precise fits.
1.3. Structure of the Article
2. Presentation and Properties of the TMPo-G Family
2.1. Presentation
2.2. Asymptotics
2.3. Quantile Function
2.4. Series Representations
2.5. Moments
2.6. Estimation
3. The TMPoE Distribution
3.1. Presentation
3.2. Expansion of the TMPoE Distribution
3.3. Quantile Function
3.4. Moment Measures
3.5. Estimation
4. Some Actuarial Measures
4.1. Value at Risk
4.2. Expected Shortfall
4.3. Numerical Illustration of VaR and ES under the TMPoE Distribution
5. Simulation Analysis
6. Practice for the TMPoE Model
7. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
List of Abbreviations | |
Probability density function | |
cdf | Cumulative distribution function |
hrf | Hazard rate function |
MPo-G | Modified power-generated |
QT-G | Quadratic transmuted-generated |
T-G | Transmuted-generated |
TMPo-G | Transmuted modified power-generated |
TMPoE | Transmuted modified power exponential |
VaR | Value at risk |
ES | Expected shortfall |
MLE | Maximum likelihood estimate |
SE | Standard error |
MSE | Mean square error |
CP | Coverage probabilities |
AW | Average width |
TGE | Transmuted generalized exponential |
GEE | Gamma exponentiated exponential |
E | Exponential |
EE | Exponentiated exponential |
EW | Exponentiated Weibull |
OWE | Odd Weibull exponential |
KwE | Kumaraswamy exponential |
BE | Beta exponential |
AIC | Akaike information criterion |
CAIC | Consistent Akaike information criterion |
BIC | Bayesian information criterion |
HQIC | Hannan–Quinn information criterion |
K-S | Kolmogorov–Smirnov |
P-P | Probability–probability |
Q-Q | Quantile–quantile |
TTT | Total time on test |
List of Symbols | |
Baseline vector of parameters | |
, , | Main parameters used |
Baseline cumulative distribution function | |
Baseline probability density function | |
Probability density function | |
Survival function | |
Hazard rate function | |
Hazard rate function | |
M | Median |
X | Random variable |
rth moment | |
rth incomplete moment at t | |
Coefficient of moment skewness | |
Coefficient of moment kurtosis | |
Gamma function | |
Lower incomplete gamma function | |
Log-likelihood function | |
Value at risk | |
Expected shortfall | |
Anderson–Darling | |
Cramér–von Mises |
Appendix A
- pdf_PPL <- function(par,x){
- c=par[1]
- alpha=par[2]
- delta=par[3]
- G=1-exp(-c*x)
- g=c*exp(-c*x)
- F=1-(1-delta*(G*alpha^(G-1)))*(1-G*alpha^(G-1))
- f=g*alpha^(G-1)*(1+log(alpha)*G)*(1+delta-2*delta*G*alpha^(G-1))
- return(f)
- }
- ll.PPL <- function(par){
- -sum(log(pdf_PPL(par,x)))
- }
- quantile <- function(c,alpha,delta,u){
- t=lambertW0((1/2)*(alpha*log(alpha)+((alpha*log(alpha))/delta)
- -alpha*log(alpha)*sqrt(1+2*delta-4*u*delta+delta^2)))/log(alpha)
- q1=-1/c*log(1-t)
- return(q1)
- }
- library(numDeriv)
- c=0.5;alpha=0.3;delta=1
- n1=c(25,50,100,500)
- for (j in 1:length(n1)){
- n=n1[j]
- N=500
- mle_c<- c(rep(0,N))
- mle_alpha<-c(rep(0,N))
- mle_delta<-c(rep(0,N))
- LC_c<-c(rep(0,N))
- UC_c<-c(rep(0,N))
- LC_alpha<-c(rep(0,N))
- UC_alpha<-c(rep(0,N))
- LC_delta<-c(rep(0,N))
- UC_delta<-c(rep(0,N))
- temp=1
- count_c=0;count_alpha=0;count_delta=0
- HH1<-matrix(c(rep(2,9)),nrow=3,ncol=3)
- HH2<-matrix(c(rep(2,9)),nrow=3,ncol=3)
- for (i in 1:N)
- {
- #print(i)
- #flush.console()
- repeat{
- x<-c(rep(0,n))
- #Generate a random variable from uniform distribution
- u<-0
- u<-runif(n,min=0,max=1)
- for (k in 1:n){
- x[k]<-quantile(c=c,alpha=alpha,delta=delta,u[k])
- }
- #Maximum likelihood estimation
- mle.result<-nlminb(c(c=c,alpha=alpha,delta=delta),
- ll.PPL,lower=c(0,0,0),upper=c(Inf,Inf,Inf))
- temp=mle.result$convergence
- if(temp==0){
- temp_c<-mle.result$par[1]
- temp_alpha<-mle.result$par[2]
- temp_delta<-mle.result$par[3]
- HH1<-hessian(ll.PPL,
- c(temp_c,temp_alpha,temp_delta))
- if( sum(is.nan(HH1))==0 & (diag(HH1)[1]>0) &
- (diag(HH1)[2]>0) & (diag(HH1)[3]>0) ){
- HH2<-solve(HH1)
- #print(det(HH1))
- }
- else{
- temp=1}
- }
- if ((temp==0) & (diag(HH2)[1]>0) & (diag(HH2)[2]>0)
- & (diag(HH2)[3]>0) & (sum(is.nan(HH2))==0)){
- break
- }
- else{
- temp=1}
- }
- mle_c[i]<-mle.result$par[1]
- mle_alpha[i]<-mle.result$par[2]
- mle_delta[i]<-mle.result$par[3]
- HH<-hessian(ll.PPL,c(mle_c[i],mle_alpha[i],
- mle_delta[i]))
- H<-solve(HH)
- LC_c[i]<-mle_c[i]-qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[1])
- UC_c[i]<-mle_c[i]+qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[1])
- if( (LC_c[i]<=c) & (c<=UC_c[i])){
- count_c=count_c+1
- }
- LC_alpha[i]<-mle_alpha[i]-qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[2])
- UC_alpha[i]<-mle_alpha[i]+qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[2])
- if( (LC_alpha[i]<=alpha) & (alpha<=UC_alpha[i])){
- count_alpha=count_alpha+1
- }
- LC_delta[i]<-mle_delta[i]-qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[3])
- UC_delta[i]<-mle_delta[i]+qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(diag(H)[3])
- if( (LC_delta[i]<=delta) & (delta<=UC_delta[i])){
- count_delta=count_delta+1
- }
- }
- #Calculate Average Bias
- ABias_c<-sum(mle_c-c)/N
- ABias_alpha<-sum(mle_alpha-alpha)/N
- ABias_delta<-sum(mle_delta-delta)/N
- #print(cbind(ABias_c,ABias_alpha,ABias_delta))
- #Calculate MSE
- MSE_c<-sum((c-mle_c)^2)/N
- MSE_alpha<-sum((alpha-mle_alpha)^2)/N
- MSE_delta<-sum((delta-mle_delta)^2)/N
- #print(cbind(RMSE_c,RMSE_alpha,RMSE_delta))
- #Converge Probability
- CP_c<-count_c/N
- CP_alpha<-count_alpha/N
- CP_delta<-count_delta/N
- #print(cbind(CP_c,CP_alpha,CP_delta))
- ## ACI
- ALC_c <- sum(abs(LC_c))/N
- AUC_c <- sum(abs(UC_c))/N
- ALC_alpha <- sum(abs(LC_alpha))/N
- AUC_alpha <- sum(abs(UC_alpha))/N
- ALC_delta <- sum(abs(LC_delta))/N
- AUC_delta <- sum(abs(UC_delta))/N
- #Average Width
- AW_c<-sum(abs(UC_c-LC_c))/N
- AW_alpha<-sum(abs(UC_alpha-LC_alpha))/N
- AW_delta<-sum(abs(UC_delta-LC_delta))/N
- #print(cbind(AW_c,AW_alpha,AW_delta))
- out.ML = rbind(
- cbind(round(ABias_c,3), round(MSE_c,3),round(CP_c,3),round(ALC_c,3),
- round(AUC_c,3),round(AW_c,3)),
- cbind(round(ABias_alpha,3),round(MSE_alpha,3),round(CP_alpha,3),
- round(ALC_alpha,3),round(AUC_alpha,3),round(AW_alpha,3)),
- cbind(round(ABias_delta,3),round(MSE_delta,3),round(CP_delta,3),
- round(ALC_delta,3),round(AUC_delta,3),round(AW_delta,3))
- )
- colnames(out.ML)= c("Bais", "MSE", "CP", "L.Bound", "U.Bound","AW")
- cat("\n\n MLE for c=",c, "and alpha=",alpha, "fix n=",n1[j]," delta=",
- delta,"\n")
- print(out.ML)
- }
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Measures | S-1 | S-2 | S-3 | S-4 |
0.2254 | 0.3017 | 0.4108 | 0.7313 | |
0.3088 | 0.1553 | 0.3841 | 0.9611 | |
1.2482 | 0.1281 | 0.5793 | 1.8525 | |
6.3303 | 0.1581 | 1.2085 | 4.7827 | |
0.2579 | 0.0642 | 0.2153 | 0.4263 | |
1.0370 | 0.0424 | 0.2445 | 0.5261 | |
5.2913 | 0.0634 | 0.5600 | 1.5897 | |
4.0211 | 2.9154 | 2.4556 | 1.8907 | |
76.5684 | 12.3822 | 9.0809 | 5.7475 |
q | TMPoE | EEP | EE |
ES | |||
0.50 | 14.1472 | 3.9010 | 4.3658 |
0.60 | 14.7885 | 4.3764 | 4.9788 |
0.65 | 15.4987 | 4.8922 | 5.6449 |
0.70 | 16.2968 | 5.4580 | 6.3736 |
0.75 | 17.2117 | 6.0877 | 7.1787 |
0.80 | 18.2917 | 6.8024 | 8.0803 |
0.85 | 19.6288 | 7.6371 | 9.1102 |
0.90 | 21.4495 | 8.6587 | 10.3254 |
VaR | |||
0.50 | 20.8744 | 8.9362 | 10.8462 |
0.60 | 22.8665 | 10.3070 | 12.6367 |
0.65 | 25.2533 | 11.8979 | 14.6862 |
0.70 | 28.2040 | 13.7881 | 17.0727 |
0.75 | 32.0171 | 16.1057 | 19.9178 |
0.80 | 37.2870 | 19.0764 | 23.4249 |
0.85 | 45.4590 | 23.1516 | 27.9765 |
0.90 | 61.7136 | 29.4353 | 34.4308 |
Scenario-I | |||||||
Bias | MSE | CP | L.Bound | U.Bound | AW | ||
25 | 0.136 | 0.038 | 0.992 | 0.174 | 1.012 | 1.154 | |
0.029 | 0.430 | 0.978 | 0.550 | 2.1687 | 2.679 | ||
−0.496 | 0.280 | 1.000 | 0.815 | 1.800 | 2.593 | ||
50 | 0.136 | 0.036 | 0.980 | 0.138 | 0.921 | 0.970 | |
0.087 | 0.288 | 0.986 | 0.284 | 2.018 | 2.262 | ||
−0.431 | 0.230 | 0.990 | 0.603 | 1.647 | 2.157 | ||
100 | 0.142 | 0.032 | 0.970 | 0.137 | 0.835 | 0.786 | |
0.167 | 0.207 | 0.962 | 0.215 | 1.907 | 1.879 | ||
−0.370 | 0.187 | 0.978 | 0.482 | 1.487 | 1.715 | ||
150 | 0.140 | 0.030 | 0.966 | 0.148 | 0.809 | 0.737 | |
0.188 | 0.171 | 0.966 | 0.289 | 1.834 | 1.692 | ||
−0.318 | 0.145 | 0.976 | 0.447 | 1.467 | 1.568 | ||
200 | |||||||
500 | |||||||
Scenario-II | |||||||
Bias | MSE | CP | L.Bound | U.Bound | AW | ||
25 | 0.089 | 0.015 | 0.984 | 0.071 | 0.570 | 0.561 | |
0.724 | 8.497 | 0.918 | 2.103 | 7.150 | 9.253 | ||
−0.486 | 0.277 | 1.000 | 0.967 | 1.981 | 2.933 | ||
50 | 0.082 | 0.010 | 0.978 | 0.085 | 0.499 | 0.435 | |
0.612 | 3.873 | 0.960 | 0.540 | 5.361 | 5.898 | ||
−0.393 | 0.200 | 0.994 | 0.610 | 1.711 | 2.209 | ||
100 | 0.083 | 0.009 | 0.966 | 0.117 | 0.459 | 0.351 | |
0.612 | 1.192 | 0.992 | 0.486 | 4.467 | 4.112 | ||
−0.360 | 0.174 | 0.996 | 0.513 | 1.544 | 1.807 | ||
150 | 0.076 | 0.008 | 0.940 | 0.131 | 0.429 | 0.306 | |
0.516 | 0.758 | 0.994 | 0.740 | 3.955 | 3.279 | ||
−0.322 | 0.145 | 0.996 | 0.435 | 1.432 | 1.507 | ||
200 | |||||||
500 | |||||||
Scenario-III | |||||||
Bias | MSE | CP | L.Bound | U.Bound | AW | ||
25 | 0.568 | 0.568 | 0.986 | 0.606 | 3.736 | 3.337 | |
2.630 | 103.598 | 0.920 | 7.822 | 19.683 | 27.505 | ||
−0.545 | 0.3547 | 1.000 | 1.199 | 2.099 | 3.290 | ||
50 | 0.530 | 0.409 | 0.972 | 0.788 | 3.310 | 2.560 | |
1.331 | 21.844 | 0.962 | 1.925 | 11.188 | 13.113 | ||
−0.465 | 0.282 | 0.996 | 0.756 | 1.718 | 2.367 | ||
100 | 0.515 | 0.371 | 0.950 | 0.997 | 3.083 | 2.136 | |
1.054 | 4.940 | 0.988 | 0.602 | 8.560 | 8.411 | ||
−0.397 | 0.219 | 1.000 | 0.584 | 1.537 | 1.869 | ||
150 | 0.514 | 0.358 | 0.908 | 1.117 | 2.913 | 1.797 | |
1.021 | 3.498 | 0.988 | 1.082 | 7.847 | 7.051 | ||
−0.393 | 0.224 | 0.996 | 0.541 | 1.413 | 1.613 | ||
200 | |||||||
500 | |||||||
Scenario-IV | |||||||
Bias | MSE | CP | L.Bound | U.Bound | AW | ||
25 | |||||||
50 | |||||||
100 | |||||||
150 | |||||||
200 | |||||||
500 | |||||||
Dist. | Parameter | Data 1 | Data 2 | ||
Estimate | SE | Estimate | SE | ||
TMPoE | 0.027 | 0.007 | 0.714 | 0.143 | |
0.452 | 0.095 | 0.586 | 0.331 | ||
0.667 | 0.263 | 7.570 | 4.211 | ||
TGE | 0.0441 | 0.009 | 0.458 | 0.146 | |
0.772 | 0.169 | 0.842 | 0.341 | ||
0.938 | 0.117 | 1.701 | 0.309 | ||
GEE | 0.055 | 0.009 | 0.603 | 0.086 | |
1.501 | 0.736 | 4.507 | 4.697 | ||
0.557 | 0.276 | 0.362 | 0.395 | ||
EE | 0.062 | 0.009 | 0.702 | 0.092 | |
0.837 | 0.117 | 1.709 | 0.282 | ||
OWE | 0.003 | 0.0007 | 0.024 | 0.022 | |
12.232 | 3.349 | 41.056 | 24.289 | ||
0.778 | 0.056 | 1.274 | 0.111 | ||
KwE | 0.008 | 0.005 | 0.314 | 0.588 | |
0.818 | 0.074 | 1.549 | 0.358 | ||
6.1325 | 3.408 | 2.575 | 5.671 | ||
BE | 0.015 | 0.016 | 0.484 | 0.328 | |
0.818 | 0.106 | 1.679 | 0.317 | ||
3.870 | 4.197 | 1.511 | 4.551 | ||
TLE | 0.031 | 0.004 | 0.351 | 0.046 | |
0.837 | 0.117 | 1.709 | 0.282 | ||
E | 0.071 | 0.007 | 0.510 | 0.058 |
Dist. | AIC | CAIC | BIC | HQIC | K-S | p-Value | |||
Data 1 | |||||||||
TMPoE | 315.586 | 637.172 | 637.455 | 644.638 | 640.182 | 1.451 | 0.209 | 0.100 | 0.313 |
TGE | 318.906 | 643.812 | 644.094 | 651.278 | 646.821 | 1.801 | 0.262 | 0.117 | 0.155 |
GEE | 322.692 | 651.385 | 651.667 | 658.850 | 654.394 | 2.190 | 0.322 | 0.121 | 0.134 |
EE | 323.550 | 651.101 | 651.241 | 656.079 | 653.108 | 2.270 | 0.335 | 0.124 | 0.1139 |
OWE | 322.400 | 650.801 | 651.083 | 658.266 | 653.810 | 2.011 | 0.291 | 0.134 | 0.072 |
KwE | 321.659 | 649.319 | 649.601 | 656.785 | 652.328 | 2.030 | 0.295 | 0.118 | 0.151 |
BE | 323.121 | 652.243 | 652.526 | 659.709 | 655.253 | 2.226 | 0.328 | 0.113 | 0.448 |
TLE | 323.550 | 651.101 | 651.241 | 656.079 | 653.108 | 2.270 | 0.335 | 0.125 | 0.113 |
E | 324.379 | 650.758 | 650.804 | 653.246 | 651.761 | 2.232 | 0.329 | 0.161 | 0.016 |
Data 2 | |||||||||
TMPoE | 120.666 | 247.336 | 247.666 | 254.325 | 250.127 | 0.453 | 0.076 | 0.086 | 0.588 |
TGE | 121.933 | 249.866 | 250.199 | 256.858 | 252.661 | 0.617 | 0.103 | 0.086 | 0.519 |
GEE | 121.993 | 249.987 | 250.320 | 256.979 | 252.781 | 0.652 | 0.109 | 0.093 | 0.496 |
EE | 122.243 | 248.487 | 248.651 | 253.148 | 250.350 | 0.693 | 0.116 | 0.094 | 0.479 |
OWE | 122.841 | 251.682 | 252.016 | 258.675 | 254.477 | 0.817 | 0.139 | 0.114 | 0.253 |
KwE | 122.094 | 250.189 | 250.522 | 257.181 | 252.983 | 0.681 | 0.115 | 0.099 | 0.418 |
BE | 122.227 | 250.455 | 250.788 | 257.447 | 253.249 | 0.693 | 0.116 | 0.095 | 0.461 |
TLE | 122.243 | 248.487 | 248.651 | 253.148 | 250.350 | 0.693 | 0.116 | 0.094 | 0.480 |
E | 127.114 | 256.228 | 256.282 | 258.559 | 257.160 | 0.707 | 0.119 | 0.166 | 0.026 |
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Naz, S.; Al-Essa, L.A.; Bakouch, H.S.; Chesneau, C. A Transmuted Modified Power-Generated Family of Distributions with Practice on Submodels in Insurance and Reliability. Symmetry 2023, 15, 1458. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15071458
Naz S, Al-Essa LA, Bakouch HS, Chesneau C. A Transmuted Modified Power-Generated Family of Distributions with Practice on Submodels in Insurance and Reliability. Symmetry. 2023; 15(7):1458. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15071458
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaz, Sidra, Laila A. Al-Essa, Hassan S. Bakouch, and Christophe Chesneau. 2023. "A Transmuted Modified Power-Generated Family of Distributions with Practice on Submodels in Insurance and Reliability" Symmetry 15, no. 7: 1458. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15071458
APA StyleNaz, S., Al-Essa, L. A., Bakouch, H. S., & Chesneau, C. (2023). A Transmuted Modified Power-Generated Family of Distributions with Practice on Submodels in Insurance and Reliability. Symmetry, 15(7), 1458. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15071458