Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Atomic Nuclei
:1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts of Isospin Symmetry
3. Quantum Chromodynamics and Charge Symmetry Breaking
4. Classification of Charge-Dependent Nucleon–Nucleon Interaction
- Class I: isospin or charge-independent interaction commutes with the isospin operator
- Class II: the interaction in this category is charge symmetric, but breaks charge independence and can be written asIn the above equation, the charge symmetry operator, , changes sign for and again for and therefore the first term is invariant under the charge symmetry transformation. However, under an arbitrary rotation in the isospace, this term is not invariant and therefore breaks the charge independence. The second term in the above equation is isoscalar. The Coulomb interaction has the form of Equation (30).
- Class III: this class of forces breaks both charge symmetry and charge independence, but is symmetric under the exchange of particles in isospace and this is written as
- Class IV: this class of forces breaks charge symmetry and consequently the charge independence and is generally written asThe main contribution to the first term comes from photon and exchange terms, and for the second term, it is from the nucleon mass difference on and exchanges. It vanishes for neutron–neutron and proton–proton systems, but causes isospin mixing in the neutron–proton system.
5. Empirical Data on Isospin Symmetry Breaking
5.1. Mass Differences in Mirror and Analogue States
5.2. Scattering Lengths
6. Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation (IMME) and Nolen–Schiffer Anomaly
6.1. Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation
6.2. Nolen–Schiffer Anomaly
7. Nuclear Energy Density Functional Approach and Isospin Symmetry Breaking
7.1. Timeline of the DFT in Nuclear Physics
7.2. Isospin Invariant Nuclear DFT
7.3. Approximate Isospin Projection Method
7.4. Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Nuclear DFT
7.5. Results and Discussion
8. Spherical Shell Model Approach to Isospin Symmetry Breaking
- Coulomb interactions among protons;
- mass differences between proton and neutron;
- the charge-dependent nature of nuclear forces.
8.1. No-Core Shell Model Results
8.2. Shell Model Results
9. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Lowest Order Perturbation
Appendix B. Densities in Cylindrical Basis
- (a)
- We have for the derivatives of spin matrices
- (b)
- Further, the components of the operator , are given by
- (c)
- For the Laplacian, we haveTherefore
- Particle DensityThe particle-hole (ph) isoscalar and isovector non-local densities are expressed in terms of the quasiparticle wave functions and isospin Pauli matrices asUsing the cylindrical expansion of the quasiparticle wave function Equation (A25), we obtain
- Vector Spin DensityThe ph spin isoscalar and isovector densities are expressed as
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Nucleus | Mass (MeV) | Mass Difference (MeV) | |
n | , | 939.57 | |
p | 938.28 | ||
3H | , | 2808.94 | |
3He | 2808.42 | ||
5He | , | 4667.87 | |
5Li | 4667.66 | ||
7Li | , | 6533.89 | |
7Be | 6534.24 |
Nucleon Pair | Scattering Length (fm) |
−17.3 ± 0.4 | |
−18.8 ± 0.3 | |
−23.77 ± 0.09 |
A | Case | ISB = 0 | ISB = 1 | ||
48 | Without Coulomb | 9.799936 | 0 | 10.1009095 | 0 |
With Coulomb | 11.078167 | −8.064794 | 11.2299655 | −8.4255485 | |
78 | Without Coulomb | 21.512809 | 0 | 21.9512975 | 0 |
With Coulomb | 23.7547175 | −10.9167065 | 24.001203 | −11.33256 |
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Sheikh, J.A.; Rouoof, S.P.; Ali, R.N.; Rather, N.; Sarma, C.; Srivastava, P.C. Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Atomic Nuclei. Symmetry 2024, 16, 745.
Sheikh JA, Rouoof SP, Ali RN, Rather N, Sarma C, Srivastava PC. Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Atomic Nuclei. Symmetry. 2024; 16(6):745.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSheikh, Javid A., Syed P. Rouoof, Raja N. Ali, Niyaz Rather, Chandan Sarma, and Praveen C. Srivastava. 2024. "Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Atomic Nuclei" Symmetry 16, no. 6: 745.
APA StyleSheikh, J. A., Rouoof, S. P., Ali, R. N., Rather, N., Sarma, C., & Srivastava, P. C. (2024). Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Atomic Nuclei. Symmetry, 16(6), 745.