Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid
:1. Introduction
1.1. Preface
1.2. Ten Schemes of Description of Dark Fluid Coupling to Electromagnetic Field
- (1)
- Minimal coupling of photons to the axionic Dark Matter.
- (2)
- Non-stationary optical activity induced by the axionic Dark Matter.
- (3)
- Gradient-type interactions with the axionic Dark Matter.
- (4)
- Dynamo-optical interactions associated with the axionic Dark Matter.
- (5)
- Striction-type coupling via a scalar Dark Energy.
- (6)
- Piezo-type coupling via a scalar Dark Energy.
- (7)
- Pyro-type coupling via a scalar Dark Energy.
- (8)
- Dynamo-optical interactions associated with Dark Energy.
- (9)
- Non-minimal coupling of photons to the Dark Fluid.
- (10)
- Electromagnetic interactions induced by the Dark Fluid in a plasma with cooperative field.
2. General Formalism
2.1. The Action Functional and Decomposition of the Total Lagrangian
2.2. Master Equations for the Electromagnetic Field
2.3. Velocity Four-Vector and Decompositions of the Maxwell and Excitation Tensors
2.3.1. Eigen Four-Vector of the DE Stress-Energy Tensor
2.3.2. Eigen Four-Vector of the DF Stress-Energy Tensor
2.3.3. Unit Dynamic Vector Field
2.4. Irreducible Representations of Basic Quantities in Terms of Velocity Four-Vector
2.4.1. Irreducible Representation of the Tensor
2.4.2. Irreducible Representation of the Maxwell Tensor and its Dual
2.4.3. Irreducible Representation of the Induction Tensor
2.4.4. Irreducible Representation of the Tensor of Spontaneous Polarization-Magnetization
2.4.5. Irreducible Representation of the Linear Response Tensor
2.4.6. Reduction of Electrodynamic Equations
2.5. Gravity Field Equations
2.5.1. The Structure of Master Equations for the Gravity Field
2.5.2. Stress-Energy Tensor of the Dark Matter
2.6. Master Equation for the Axion Field
3. Model 1. Minimal Coupling of Photons to the Axionic Dark Matter
3.1. Basic Quantities and Equations
3.2. Relic Cosmological Axions, Cold Dark Matter and Terrestrial Magnetic and Electric Fields
3.2.1. Axion Magnetostatics
3.2.2. Axionically Induced Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Oscillations
- (1)
- Relic axions produce oscillations of a new type in the resonator “Earth-Ionosphere”. We indicated them as Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Oscillations, since they possess the following specific feature: the axionically coupled electric and magnetic fields are parallel to one another. When the axions are absent and q = 0, there exist only transversal electromagnetic oscillations, usual for the Faraday–Maxwell version of electrodynamics. Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Oscillations can be considered as a dynamic analog of a static axionically induced effect predicted by Wilczek in [72] (axions produce radial electric field in the vicinity of a monopole with radial magnetic field).
- (2)
- New “hybrid” frequencies of oscillations appear in the global resonator “Earth-Ionosphere” due to the axionic Dark Matter influence.
- (3)
- Estimations of the effect for and , give the value for the effective frequency of Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Oscillations in the Earth Magnetosphere.
3.3. Electromagnetic Response on the Action of Gravitational pp-Waves in an Axionic Environment
4. Model 2. Non-Stationary Optical Activity Induced by the Axionic Dark Matter
4.1. Extension of the Axion Electrodynamics: Inertia Effects and Field Theory
4.1.1. Susceptibility of Spatially Isotropic Moving Medium
4.1.2. Axionically Induced Spontaneous Magnetization of the Inertia-Type
4.1.3. Axionically Induced Optical Activity of the Inertia-Type
4.2. An Illustration
5. Model 3. Gradient-Type Interactions with the Axionic Dark Matter
5.1. Extended Axion Electrodynamics: Taking into Account Terms Quadratic in the Gradient Four-Vector
5.2. First Illustration: A Spatially Homogeneous Anisotropic Cosmological Model
- (i)
- When and , there is no anomaly in the electric field, and the quantity is always positive.
- (ii)
- When , and , there is no anomaly in the electric field, but the quantity can take infinite value at some moment , for which . For infinite refraction index, the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves and the group velocity take zero values, thus, the electromagnetic energy-information transfer stops. During the interval of cosmological time, for which the square of refraction index is negative. Such a situation is indicated in [93] as unlighted epoch in the Universe history, since electromagnetic waves can not propagate in the Universe, when n is pure imaginary quantity. Also, one can say, that it can be called a Dark Epoch of the first kind provided by the coupling of photons to the Dark Matter.
- (iii)
- When and , a dynamic anomaly in the electric field can appear, if the time moment exists, for which . The quantity can change the sign at providing the existence of a Dark Epoch of the second kind. On the boundary of this Epoch = 0, = ∞, and the group velocity , i.e., the electromagnetic energy transfer stops.
- (iv)
- When , , and , again a dynamic anomaly in the electric field can appear, and the quantity can be negative, when
- (v)
- When , , and a dynamic anomaly in the electric field can appear, and the quantity also can be negative. On the boundary of the corresponding Dark Epoch = 0, = ∞, = 0.
- (vi)
- When , but , one obtains that , however, and . There are no Dark Epochs, nevertheless, the anomaly in the electric field can exist, if is negative and for some interval of the cosmological time.
5.3. Second Illustration: Static Model with Spherical Symmetry
6. Model 4. Dynamo-Optical Interactions Associated with the Axionic Dark Matter
6.1. Axionic Extension of the Theory of Dynamo-Optically Active Electrodynamic Systems: The Lagrangian
6.2. Susceptibility of the Axionically Active Dynamo-Optical Medium
6.3. An Illustration
7. Model 5: Striction-Type Coupling Via a Scalar Dark Energy
7.1. A Prologue
7.2. Electro-Striction and Magneto-Striction Induced by a Dark Energy
7.2.1. Extension of the Susceptibility Tensor
7.2.2. Extension of the Gravity Field Equations
7.3. Application to a Spatially Isotropic Homogeneous Dark Energy
7.3.1. Reduction of the Susceptibility Tensor
7.3.2. Reduction of the Striction Source in the Gravity Field Equations
7.3.3. An Illustration: Dark Epochs in the Universe History Caused by Striction-Type coupling
8. Model 6: Piezo-Type Coupling Via a Scalar Dark Energy
9. Model 7: Pyro-Type Coupling Via a Scalar Dark Energy
10. Model 8: Dynamo-Optical Interactions Associated with Dark Energy
10.1. Irreducible Representation of Basic Quantities
10.2. An Illustration: Dynamo-Optical Interactions with Dark Energy Provoked by Gravitational pp-Waves
10.2.1. Exact Solutions for the Transversal Electric and Magnetic Fields
10.2.2. Explicit Example of Anomaly
11. Model 9: Non-Minimal Coupling of Photons to the Dark Fluid
11.1. Mathematical Aspects of the Model
11.1.1. The Lagrangian
11.1.2. Contributions into the Master Equations of Electromagnetic Field
11.1.3. Contributions into the Master Equation for the Pseudoscalar Field
11.1.4. Non-Minimal Extension of the Gravity Field Equations
11.2. Three Illustrations of the Non-Minimal Model
11.2.1. Cosmological Dark Epochs Produced by Interacting DM and DE
11.2.2. Example of Regular Static Solution with Spherical Symmetry
11.2.3. Example of Regular Solution with pp-Wave Symmetry
12. Model 10: Electromagnetic Interactions Induced by the Dark Fluid in a Plasma with Cooperative Field
12.1. Axionic Extension of the Einstein-Maxwell-Vlasov Model
12.1.1. The Extended Kinetic Equation
12.1.2. Extended Non-Minimal Equations of Axion Electrodynamics
12.1.3. Extended Equation for the Pseudoscalar Field
12.1.4. Extended Gravity Field Equations and Reconstruction of the Effective Force Using the Compatibility Conditions
12.2. First Application: Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in an Axionically Active Ultrarelativistic Plasma Non-Minimally Coupled to Gravity in a de Sitter Background
12.2.1. Dispersion Relations
12.2.2. Non-Minimal Coupling of Transversal Plasma Waves to a Stationary Axionic Dark Matter
12.2.3. Non-Minimal Coupling of Transversal Plasma Waves to a Non-stationary Axionic Dark Matter
12.3. Second Application: Cosmological Electric Field Induced by Axionic Dark Matter in a Bianchi-I Model with Magnetic Field
13. Conclusions
- The axionic Dark Matter, the first (pseudoscalar) constituent of the Dark Fluid, provides the global physical system to become the chiral one. One can distinguish three symptoms of chirality provided by the Dark Fluid.
- (i)
- The first symptom of chirality is the effect of optical activity of the axionically active vacuum, plasma, dielectric media. This effect reveals itself in a polarization rotation of running and standing electromagnetic waves.
- (ii)
- The second symptom of chirality is the generation of specific Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Clusters. The term “Longitudinal” means that due to the coupling to the axionic Dark Matter, the magnetic field generates an electric field parallel to the initial magnetic field. This effect is typical for the axion electrodynamics, but does not appear in the standard Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics. The Longitudinal Magneto-Electric Clusters are shown to appear in models for anisotropic cosmology, in static models with spherical symmetry, in models with pp-wave symmetry. Such axionically produced Longitudinal Clusters can appear (e.g., in the Earth Ionosphere) as specific oscillations, in which time-depending magnetic and electric fields are collinear.
- (iii)
- The third symptom of chirality is connected with a specific contribution into the dynamo-optical phenomena, activated by the axionic Dark Matter. Such effects can appear, when the Dark Fluid moves non-uniformly, and the pseudoscalar (axion) field is non-stationary or inhomogeneous.
- The second typical consequence of photon coupling to the Dark Fluid is the generation of anomalous response of electrodynamic systems, in appropriate physical conditions. We have shown that the interaction of axionic Dark Matter with initially constant magnetic field in the field of gravitational waves, produces anomalously amplified electric field. Anomalies can appear in anisotropic expanding Universe with magnetic field, as well as, a static anomaly can be formed in the vicinity of axionic monopoles and stars.
- In the cosmological context, the interaction of photons with Dark Fluid can organize specific Dark Epochs in the Universe history, during which the effective refraction index of the cosmic medium becomes an imaginary quantity. This means that electromagnetic waves can not propagate during such Dark Epochs, and the corresponding electromagnetic energy-information transfer is stopped. We have shown that the formation of Dark Epochs can be caused by both constituents of the Dark Fluid: by the axionic Dark Matter (e.g., in the model of gradient-type extension of axion electrodynamics), and by the non-stationary Dark Energy (e.g., in the model of striction-type activity, and in the model of Archimedean-type coupling to the Dark Matter).
Conflicts of Interest
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Balakin, A.B. Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid. Symmetry 2016, 8, 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym8070056
Balakin AB. Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid. Symmetry. 2016; 8(7):56. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym8070056
Chicago/Turabian StyleBalakin, Alexander B. 2016. "Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid" Symmetry 8, no. 7: 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym8070056
APA StyleBalakin, A. B. (2016). Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid. Symmetry, 8(7), 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym8070056