A Multianalytical Approach to Identifying the White Marbles Used in Roman Imperial Sculptures from Tarraco (Hispania)
:1. Introduction
2. Archaeological Pieces
2.1. Trajan (Sample 1) (Figure 1a)
2.2. Hadrian (Sample 2) (Figure 1b)
2.3. Hadrian? Bust (Sample 3) (Figure 1c)
2.4. Marcus Aurelius (Sample 4) (Figure 2a)
2.5. Lucius Verus (Sample 5) (Figure 2b)
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Trajan (Sample 1)
4.2. Hadrian (Sample 2)
4.3. Hadrian? Thoracata (Sample 3)
4.4. Marcus Aurelius (Sample 4)
4.5. Lucius Verus (Sample 5)
5. Archaeological Considerations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample | MNAT | LEMLA | ICAC | Personage | Relevant References Pages (pp.); Number (num.); Plate (pl.); Idem (Id) | Chronology |
1 | 388 | 1139 | TAR-1254 | Trajan divus | [10], pp. 92–93, num. 124, pl. 53,3–6; [14], p. 268, num. 7, p. 271, figures 5a,b. | Hadrian age (c. 130–140 AD) |
2 | 389 | 1138 | TAR-1255 | Hadrian “Tarragona type” | [10], pp. 94–95, num. 126, pl. 55,1–4; [1], p. 58; [6], p. 186, num. 137. [17], p. 179, pl. XVII, 1–2; [29], p. 88; [19], pp. 583–584; [24], Herrmann 2023, p. 99. | Hadrian age (c. 130–140 AD) |
3 | 12261 | 1148 | TAR-1256 | Hadrian? Thoracata | [10], pp. 52–53, num. 76, pl. 25,1–2; [11], pp. 14–16, num. 2, pl. 5; [30], p. 52, num. 12. | Hadrian age (c. 117–135 AD) |
4 | 386 | 1137 | TAR-1257 | Marcus Aurelius | [10], pp. 33–34, num. 46, lam. 13; [30], p. 163, num. 116; [9], pp. 329–330, pl. 109; [5], p. 32, lam. 15, note 5; [2], p. 26, num. B 35, lam. 50; [17], pp. 173–174, pl. XIII, 1–2; [31], pp. 142–143, figure 12. | c. 152–160 AD |
5 | 387 | 1136 | TAR-1258 | Lucius Verus | [10], pp. 34–35, num. 47, pl. 14; [30], p. 120; Rodà 1990, p. 301; [12], p. 53; [17], pp. 173–174, 181–182, pl. XIX, 1–2; [31], p. 142–145, figure 13. | c. 161–169 AD |
Sample Personage | MGS | MFS | GBS | Texture Fabric | Qualitative CL-Optical | Mineralogy | δ13C ‰ | δ18O ‰ | Sr ppm | Mn ppm | Marble Origin |
1. Trajan divus | 0.4 mm | Extremely fine (0.2 mm) | Curved to straight | Homeoblastic mosaic slightly strained | Low CL | Calcite | +2.8 | −2.6 | 379 | 4.7 | Göktepe wG1 type |
2. Hadrian “Tarragona type” | 0.7 mm | Very fine (0.4 mm) | Straight to curved | Homeoblastic polygonal mosaic | Low—Medium CL | Calcite Microdolomite | +2.1 | −1.0 | 136 | 36.8 | Carrara |
3. Hadrian? Thoracata | 2 mm | Fine–medium (0.7–1.8 mm) | Curved | Heteroblastic mosaic | Low—bluish CL | Calcite | +4.8 | −3.2 | Paros-1 Lychnites | ||
4. Marcus Aurelius | 0.7 mm | Very fine (0.4 mm) | Curved to straight | Homeoblastic polygonal mosaic | Very Low CL | Calcite | +2.6 | −3.0 | 713 | 6.3 | Göktepe wG2 type |
5. Lucius Verus | 1.2 mm | Very fine–fine (0.4–0.9 mm) | Curved to straight | Heteroblastic mosaic | Low—bluish CL | Calcite | +4.9 | −3.1 | Paros-1 Lychnites |
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Lapuente Mercadal, M.P.; Clavería, M.; Rodà, I. A Multianalytical Approach to Identifying the White Marbles Used in Roman Imperial Sculptures from Tarraco (Hispania). Minerals 2024, 14, 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/min14010019
Lapuente Mercadal MP, Clavería M, Rodà I. A Multianalytical Approach to Identifying the White Marbles Used in Roman Imperial Sculptures from Tarraco (Hispania). Minerals. 2024; 14(1):19. https://doi.org/10.3390/min14010019
Chicago/Turabian StyleLapuente Mercadal, M. Pilar, Montserrat Clavería, and Isabel Rodà. 2024. "A Multianalytical Approach to Identifying the White Marbles Used in Roman Imperial Sculptures from Tarraco (Hispania)" Minerals 14, no. 1: 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/min14010019
APA StyleLapuente Mercadal, M. P., Clavería, M., & Rodà, I. (2024). A Multianalytical Approach to Identifying the White Marbles Used in Roman Imperial Sculptures from Tarraco (Hispania). Minerals, 14(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/min14010019