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Axioms, Volume 4, Issue 2 (June 2015) – 5 articles , Pages 120-212

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283 KiB  
On T-Characterized Subgroups of Compact Abelian Groups
by Saak Gabriyelyan
Axioms 2015, 4(2), 194-212; - 19 Jun 2015
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 4831
A sequence \(\{ u_n \}_{n\in \omega}\) in abstract additively-written Abelian group \(G\) is called a \(T\)-sequence if there is a Hausdorff group topology on \(G\) relative to which \(\lim_n u_n =0\). We say that a subgroup \(H\) of an infinite compact Abelian group [...] Read more.
A sequence \(\{ u_n \}_{n\in \omega}\) in abstract additively-written Abelian group \(G\) is called a \(T\)-sequence if there is a Hausdorff group topology on \(G\) relative to which \(\lim_n u_n =0\). We say that a subgroup \(H\) of an infinite compact Abelian group \(X\) is \(T\)-characterized if there is a \(T\)-sequence \(\mathbf{u} =\{ u_n \}\) in the dual group of \(X\), such that \(H=\{ x\in X: \; (u_n, x)\to 1 \}\). We show that a closed subgroup \(H\) of \(X\) is \(T\)-characterized if and only if \(H\) is a \(G_\delta\)-subgroup of \(X\) and the annihilator of \(H\) admits a Hausdorff minimally almost periodic group topology. All closed subgroups of an infinite compact Abelian group \(X\) are \(T\)-characterized if and only if \(X\) is metrizable and connected. We prove that every compact Abelian group \(X\) of infinite exponent has a \(T\)-characterized subgroup, which is not an \(F_{\sigma}\)-subgroup of \(X\), that gives a negative answer to Problem 3.3 in Dikranjan and Gabriyelyan (Topol. Appl. 2013, 160, 2427–2442). Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Topological Groups: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)
241 KiB  
Generalized Yang–Baxter Operators for Dieudonné Modules
by Rui Miguel Saramago
Axioms 2015, 4(2), 177-193; - 8 May 2015
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4069
An enrichment of a category of Dieudonné modules is made by considering Yang–Baxter conditions, and these are used to obtain ring and coring operations on the corresponding Hopf algebras. Some examples of these induced structures are discussed, including those relating to the Morava [...] Read more.
An enrichment of a category of Dieudonné modules is made by considering Yang–Baxter conditions, and these are used to obtain ring and coring operations on the corresponding Hopf algebras. Some examples of these induced structures are discussed, including those relating to the Morava K-theory of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations 2014)
29525 KiB  
Diffeomorphism Spline
by Wei Zeng, Muhammad Razib and Abdur Bin Shahid
Axioms 2015, 4(2), 156-176; - 10 Apr 2015
Viewed by 9454
Conventional splines offer powerful means for modeling surfaces and volumes in three-dimensional Euclidean space. A one-dimensional quaternion spline has been applied for animation purpose, where the splines are defined to model a one-dimensional submanifold in the three-dimensional Lie group. Given two surfaces, all [...] Read more.
Conventional splines offer powerful means for modeling surfaces and volumes in three-dimensional Euclidean space. A one-dimensional quaternion spline has been applied for animation purpose, where the splines are defined to model a one-dimensional submanifold in the three-dimensional Lie group. Given two surfaces, all of the diffeomorphisms between them form an infinite dimensional manifold, the so-called diffeomorphism space. In this work, we propose a novel scheme to model finite dimensional submanifolds in the diffeomorphism space by generalizing conventional splines. According to quasiconformal geometry theorem, each diffeomorphism determines a Beltrami differential on the source surface. Inversely, the diffeomorphism is determined by its Beltrami differential with normalization conditions. Therefore, the diffeomorphism space has one-to-one correspondence to the space of a special differential form. The convex combination of Beltrami differentials is still a Beltrami differential. Therefore, the conventional spline scheme can be generalized to the Beltrami differential space and, consequently, to the diffeomorphism space. Our experiments demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of diffeomorphism splines. The diffeomorphism spline has many potential applications, such as surface registration, tracking and animation. Full article
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Convergence Aspects for Generalizations of q-Hypergeometric Functions
by Thomas Ernst
Axioms 2015, 4(2), 134-155; - 8 Apr 2015
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4096
In an earlier paper, we found transformation and summation formulas for 43 q-hypergeometric functions of 2n variables. The aim of the present article is to find convergence regions and a few conjectures of convergence regions for these functions based on a vector [...] Read more.
In an earlier paper, we found transformation and summation formulas for 43 q-hypergeometric functions of 2n variables. The aim of the present article is to find convergence regions and a few conjectures of convergence regions for these functions based on a vector version of the Nova q-addition. These convergence regions are given in a purely formal way, extending the results of Karlsson (1976). The Γq-function and the q-binomial coefficients, which are used in the proofs, are adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, limits and special cases for the new functions, e.g., q-Lauricella functions and q-Horn functions, are pointed out. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations 2014)
228 KiB  
Computational Solutions of Distributed Order Reaction-Diffusion Systems Associated with Riemann-Liouville Derivatives
by Ram K. Saxena, Arak M. Mathai and Hans J. Haubold
Axioms 2015, 4(2), 120-133; - 2 Apr 2015
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4341
This article is in continuation of the authors research attempts to derive computational solutions of an unified reaction-diffusion equation of distributed order associated with Caputo derivatives as the time-derivative and Riesz-Feller derivative as space derivative. This article presents computational solutions of distributed order [...] Read more.
This article is in continuation of the authors research attempts to derive computational solutions of an unified reaction-diffusion equation of distributed order associated with Caputo derivatives as the time-derivative and Riesz-Feller derivative as space derivative. This article presents computational solutions of distributed order fractional reaction-diffusion equations associated with Riemann-Liouville derivatives of fractional orders as the time-derivatives and Riesz-Feller fractional derivatives as the space derivatives. The method followed in deriving the solution is that of joint Laplace and Fourier transforms. The solution is derived in a closed and computational form in terms of the familiar Mittag-Leffler function. It provides an elegant extension of results available in the literature. The results obtained are presented in the form of two theorems. Some results associated specifically with fractional Riesz derivatives are also derived as special cases of the most general result. It will be seen that in case of distributed order fractional reaction-diffusion, the solution comes in a compact and closed form in terms of a generalization of the Kampé de Fériet hypergeometric series in two variables. The convergence of the double series occurring in the solution is also given. Full article
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