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New Method to Detect and Characterize Active Be Star Candidates in Open Clusters

Centro Interdisciplinario de Telecomunicaciones, Electrónica, Computación y Ciencia Aplicada (CITECCA), Sede Andina, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Anasagasti 1463, San Carlos de Bariloche R8400AHN, Río Negro, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Godoy Cruz 2290, Buenos Aires 1461, Argentina
Physics and Astronomy Department, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 3K7, Canada
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tartu, Observatooriumi 1, 61602 Tõravere, Estonia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Galaxies 2023, 11(1), 37;
Submission received: 23 January 2023 / Revised: 13 February 2023 / Accepted: 16 February 2023 / Published: 19 February 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Theory and Observation of Active B-type Stars)


With the aim of better understanding the physical conditions under which Be stars form and evolve, it is imperative to further investigate whether poorly studied young open clusters host Be stars. In this work, we explain how data from Gaia DR2 and DR3 can be combined to recover and characterize active Be stars in open clusters. We test our methodology in four open clusters broadly studied in the literature, known for hosting numerous Be stars. In addition, we show that the disk formation and dissipation approach that is typically used to model long term Be star variability, can explain the observed trends for Be stars in a ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 plot. We propose that extending this methodology to other open clusters, and, in particular, those that are poorly studied, will help to increase the number of Be candidates. Eventually, Be stars may eclipse binary systems in open clusters.

1. Introduction

Be stars are rapidly rotating main sequence B-type stars that have exhibited hydrogen emission lines at least once, a signature of the presence of a circumstellar envelope, usually described in the viscous decretion disk framework [1]. Even though Be stars constitute about 30% of early B-type stars, or even more in some young open clusters [2,3,4], the mechanisms involved in the development of the disk are still under study, and neither the origin of the rapid rotation of these stars, nor how close to critical they rotate, is well understood [1]. In the single star scenario, stellar evolution allows stars with a sufficiently large initial angular momentum content to evolve towards the critical limit [5,6,7]. Episodes of mass transfer in binary systems [8,9] could also lead to the formation of a rapidly rotating star that could potentially become a Be star.
Following the single rotating star scenario, it is expected that clusters with log(age[Myr]) around 7.1 to 7.4 are likely host a number of Be stars, and, indeed, this is observed (e.g., [10]). In this framework, these authors proposed that the Be phenomenon is an evolutionary effect, appearing at the end of the main-sequence lifetime of a rapidly rotating B star.
Yet, why do some clusters of this age range host a very large fraction of Be stars while others have only a handful of them? Is this just an effect of small number statistics or are there real differences in the clusters where these stars form and evolve?
With the aim of better understanding the physical conditions under which Be stars form and evolve, it is imperative to further investigate whether poorly studied young open clusters host Be stars. This is not an easy task, because characterizing Be stars relies on obtaining spectroscopic data of individual stars, which is usually expensive in terms of telescope time. The results from spectroscopic surveys, such as the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) [11] or the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) [12], have successfully increased the number of Be stars (e.g., Chojnowski et al. [13], Lin et al. [14], Vioque et al. [15], Wang et al. [16]). However, due to the transient nature of these objects, developing new methods of detecting Be candidates is called for. In particular, a new method, utilizing photometric archival data from Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) [17] and Data Release 3 (DR3) [18], seems very promising, and devising such a method was the aim of the present article.
In Section 2, we explain how data from Gaia DR2 and DR3 can be combined to recover and characterize active Be stars in four broadly studied open clusters, two of which constitute the Double Cluster NGC869/NGC884. Then, in Section 3 we present a toy model of disc formation and dissipation around a B type star which can help explain the observations. Finally, we present our results and conclusions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Gaia DR2 and DR3 Photometry

One of the main goals of the Gaia mission is to deliver multi-band photometry from the spectral energy distribution of stars in order to derive stellar fundamental parameters and identify peculiar objects [19]. Up to now, Gaia has provided three data releases (DRs). In particular, Gaia’s second data release (DR2) was published during April 2018, and Gaia Data Release 3 was split into the early release, called Gaia Early Data Release 3 (Gaia EDR3) and the full Gaia Data Release 3 (Gaia DR3),which was finally released in June 2022. While DR2 spanned 22 months of data, (E)DR3 data spanned 34 months, including those of DR2.
At each Gaia release, a fundamental step in data processing, referred to as photometric external calibration, was performed. As a consequence, each release has its own definition of the set of passbands G, G B P and G R P . Basically, each of these three passbands changes between different releases. For this reason, a direct comparison of individual stars from different releases is usually discouraged [20]. Instead, for a comparison between releases it is recommended to use carefully selected datasets. For further details on Gaia photometry the reader is referred to Riello et al. [20], as well as the Gaia documentation pages.
In the present article, we proposed comparing Gaia DR2 and DR3 photometry for four well studied open clusters hosting numerous Be stars: the double cluster NGC869/NGC884, NGC663 and NGC7419.

2.2. Taking Advantage of the Variable Nature of Be Stars

First of all, it is important to recall that Be stars usually undergo photometric and spectroscopic variability on different timescales [1]. The characteristics of their mid- and long-term photometric variability, typically lasting from months to years, can be mostly explained in the Viscous Decretion Disk (VDD) framework [21] in terms of disk formation or dissipation processes, or due to disk perturbations (e.g., Rivinius et al. [1], Labadie-Bartz et al. [22], and references therein).
For the clusters under study, we claimed that stars which had not exhibited variability during the Gaia mission, small amplitude variable stars and, even, unresolved binaries, would not only have smaller error bars in Gaia photometric data than active Be stars, but would also define a narrow sequence in the ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . We refer to stars in this tight sequence as stable stars. Due to the typical amplitude of their long-term variability, of the order of one magnitude [23], active Be stars that exhibited variability during the Gaia mission would depart from this sequence. In this case, we describe stars with a significant disk variability within the epoch of each release as ’active’. Stars with a stable disk, or even those having variability much smaller than the duration of the mission, would also remain close to the narrow band of stable stars. In the next subsection we detail our findings for each cluster.
If the Gaia filters were identical between releases, the narrow band of stable stars would cluster around zero. As described above, this is not the case, as filters were redefined at each release [17,18]. In this work, we center our analysis on the Gaia G filter variability between DR2 and DR3, as in both releases the errors in the G band were significantly smaller than those of the other two bands, G B and G R [20].

2.3. Open Cluster Data

As mentioned previously, we focused on four galactic open clusters gathered in three different samples, with ages between 14 and 40 Myr, notorious for their large number of Be stars, which have been broadly studied in the literature: the double cluster NGC869/NGC884 [24,25,26], NGC663 [3,27,28] and NGC7419 [2]. As these are rich in Be stars, it was expected that a fraction of them would either be forming or dissipating a disk in the epoch of observation.
For each cluster, we considered as cluster members those stars having membership probabilities larger than 0.5, according to [29]. All the data analyzed in this work are provided in the Appendix A.

3. Results

3.1. NGC869/NGC884

The pair consisting of NGC869 and NGC884, centered at right ascension, RA, and declination, dec, 34.741°, +57.134° and 35.584°, +57.149°, respectively, is a physically bound system. The distance to NGC869 is 2246 pc, its age is 12.9 Myr and its mean absorption in the V band is 1.749, while for NGC 884 the distance is 2150 pc, with an age of 15.4 Myr and a mean extinction in the V band of 1.709, according to [30], and, in agreement with [29,31,32], within the errors.
For this double cluster, we selected objects with G D R 3 < 14.5 because all their known B stars are more than one magnitude brighter than this value. To start with, we investigated errors in the G band for these bright cluster members. In Figure 1a we plotted the errors in G D R 3 ( errG D R 3 ) versus G D R 3 . Small violet symbols indicate cluster members, and red squares indicate known Be stars from the literature [25,33]. Cyan symbols indicate stars classified as eclipsing binaries (EBs) in SIMBAD, and green triangles are non-Be pulsating variable stars in NGC 884 by [34]. Blue pentagons belong to the RS Canum Venaticorum class, a type of active eclipsing binary star, according to [35].
The values of errG D R 3 centered around a median value of 0.00277 for most stars in the range of G plotted. Performing a detailed analysis of these photometric errors would be a complex task [20] and was beyond the scope of the present article. However, and very interestingly, all stars with G D R 3 < 12.5 with errG D R 3 > 0.0029 are known Be stars. Values of G D R 3 > 12.5 delimited the transition from late B to early A stars at around G = 14 mag, and, also, intriguingly, two of the stars with the largest departure from the median value were stars classified as rotational variables by [35], and one of them had shown pulsations [34].
In Figure 1b we plotted ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . Again, and not surprisingly, we can clearly see that the seven Be stars with the largest errG D R 3 also departed from the violet trend, which indicated that these objects were changing significantly between the two different releases. In addition, we can see that while two of the Be stars faded (above the violet trend), another five Be stars brightened (below the violet trend). In Section 4, we interpret the behavior of these objects in the context of a disk formation/dissipation scheme, as seen from different inclination angles.
An inspection of Figure 1b led us to propose that six stars departed from the violet trend that gathered most stars, or stable stars. These are indicated with open black circles and were considered to be Be candidates. Interestingly, one of them was an EB. Together with the 16 known Be stars and other interesting variable stars, we listed the Be candidates, as shown in Table A1.

3.2. NGC663

The open cluster NGC663 is located at RA of 26.586° and dec of +61.212°, at a distance of 2950 pc, having an age of 30 Myr and an average extinction in the V band of 2.18 [32].
Similar to the double cluster, we considered objects with G D R 3 < 14.5 , which easily included B-type stars.
The color coding in Figure 2 is identical to Figure 1: violet symbols indicate cluster members in the quoted range, while red squares are known Be stars. Figure 2a shows that stars with errG D R 3 > 0.0029 and G D R 3 < 13.5 were all known Be stars. There were two stars beyond this limit, with errG D R 3 > 0.0029 , that were not known Be stars. Figure 2b shows that most of the Be stars were at, or above, the violet trend of stable stars. Only three Be stars were below. An eye inspection of Figure 2 led us to propose 5 Be candidates, which are indicated as open circles, in addition to the 30 known Be stars. We list them in Table A2.

3.3. NGC7419

The cluster NGC 7419 is located at RA 343.579°, dec +60.814°, and, according to the literature, at a distance between 3105 pc [30] and 3236 pc [36]. Different values for its age are found in the literature, between 5 Myr [30] and 30 Myr [31]. The number of red supergiant and Be stars observed in this cluster may favor an intermediate age of 14 Myr [37]. The average extinction in the V band of this cluster is large, with a value of 4.291 [30].
NGC 7419 is more distant than the other three clusters mentioned above, and suffers frpm a heavy intra-cluster reddening, as can be deduced from its broad Color-Magnitude Diagram [2]. Objects close to a magnitude of G = 17 have been classified as Be stars by these authors, so this is why we included all objects brighter than G E D R 3 = 18 in this analysis.
Figure 3a shows that all but one star with G D R 3 < 15 and errG D R 3 > 0.003 were known Be stars. As in the previous cases, Be stars were characterized by their large errors when compared to the non-Be cluster stars (stable stars). In Figure 3b, the values of G D R 3 - G D R 2 had a significantly larger dispersion than those in Figure 1b and Figure 2b. This is why we color-coded according to the ( B G - R G ) color of each star. Red open squares indicate Be stars and the empty red square corresponds to a Be star for which no B G or R G was available. Black open circles in Figure 3b enclose stars that significantly departed from the main stable star distribution. The dispersion was much larger in this highly reddened cluster, so we arbitrarily considered stars with G D R 3 - G D R 2 > 0.015 or G D R 3 - G D R 2 < 0.034 as candidates. Using this criteria, we obtained 19 new Be candidates, two of which were actually EBs, in addition to the 37 known Be stars that were cluster members with probability higher than 0.5, according to [29]. We list the Be candidates and EBs in Table A3.

3.4. A Model for Be Disk Formation and Dissipation

It was beyond the scope of the present article to model each Be star developing, or not developing, variability between the DR2 and DR3 releases, in detail. However, we could gain insight as to whether a typical model for disk formation and dissipation could explain the observed trends for Be stars in the ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus GDR3 plot.
With this aim, we used the SINGLEBE code [38,39] in order to compute the dynamical 1D surface density of an isothermal viscous decretion disk. SINGLEBE is a hydrodynamic code, which solves the time-dependent fluid equations [40] in the thin disk approximation. The vertical hydrostatic equilibrium solution, with a power-law scale height H = H 0 ( r / R ) 1.5 , and H 0 being the scale height at the base of the disk, r being the distance from the central star and R the stellar radius, was used to convert the output of SINGLEBE to a volume density. Then, this density structure was used by the 3D non-LTE Monte Carlo radiative transfer code HDUST [41,42], which calculated the synthetic observables from the star plus disk system, including the spectral energy distribution, SED.
In the models presented here, we considered only two different stellar models, corresponding to B2 and B7 stars. Their stellar parameters were identical to those presented by Ghoreyshi et al. [43] and the stars were considered to rotate at 75% of their critical speeds. We assumed that the disks were built up for 50 years with a steady mass injection rate of 7.7 × 10 9 M⊙/year and 1.14 × 10 10 M⊙/year for the B2 and B7 stellar model, respectively, which were typical mass loss rates for these spectral types [43]. After build-up, the disks were allowed to dissipate for 50 years.
For the B2 star, a base surface density of 0.8 g cm−2 (volume density, ρ 0 = 2.13 × 10 11 g cm−3) was adopted. Similarly, for the B7 star a disk base surface density of 0.1 g cm−2 (volume density, ρ 0 = 4.4 × 10 12 g cm−3) was used. We considered the inclination angles of 0° (pole-on), 30°, 70° and 90° (equator-on), as seen by an observer.
Along the synthetic build-up/dissipation sequence, for each SED, we computed Gaia magnitudes G, G B and G R using the passbands and zero point magnitudes available in the Gaia DR21 and DR32 web pages, which enabled us to make lightcurves. Of course, this type of synthetic lightcurve represents average long term variability of Be stars, and does not capture other short term variability often observed in Be stars.
We note that, for most stars, Gaia DR3 provides time-averaged magnitudes in the different bands, and only for some stars is a time-series also available [20].
It was the goal of this article to interpret these average values delivered by Gaia DR2 and DR3. To do so, at each time of the build-up/dissipation sequence, we computed the simple average values of the G, G B and G R within the previous 22 months for DR2 and 34 months for DR3, and assumed that, prior to the disk development, there was no disk at all.
Then, at each time of the build-up/dissipation sequence, we computed the difference between the average G magnitude DR3 ( G D R 3 ) and the average G magnitude DR2 ( G D R 2 ), twelve months before. This was to account for the fact that DR3 included 12 more months of data than DR2 data.
We denoted ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) 0 as the value of ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) for the diskless star. In Figure 4a we plotted the predicted ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ), normalized relative to ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) 0 , versus G D R 3 for the B2 stellar model with different colors indicating different inclination angles. The dotted part of the curve corresponds to buildup, while the continuous line indicates the dissipation phase. Full circles mark the start of the cycle. Coloured squares show the average value within a full disk formation–dissipation cycle (100 years in the case presented here), but a similar result would be obtained for a shorter cycle, when formation and dissipation have the same length. This suggested that stars that undergo full cycles within the Gaia releases might tend to cluster above the zero level.
Figure 4b is the same Figure 4a for the B7 model. While the global behavior was similar for both stellar models, a larger departure from the zero level was obtained for the earlier spectral type.
We can see that for small inclination angles the values of ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 )-( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) 0 were positive during the disc build-up phase and negative during dissipation, while for large inclinations the opposite was observed. Moreover, the predicted differences in brightness were in good agreement with what was observed for early and late Be stars, as seen in the previous subsections.
Interestingly, if the dissipation phases were longer than the formation phases, as suggested in the literature [44,45], then observation of stars during their disk dissipation stage would be more likely. Furthermore, observation of active Be stars with a small inclination angle, with positive values of G D R 3 - G D R 2 , and those with large inclination angles with negative values, relative to the stable stars would be more likely.
We investigated this point for the Double Cluster NGC869/NGC884, for which we had extensive data for cluster B-type stars. Figure 5 is similar to Figure 1b, but normalized to the stable star sequence, through a linear piecewise fit. This way, we could directly compare the data with the models of Figure 4. The color coding indicates the projected rotational velocity (in km s−1) for the stars with available data. In Table A1 we indicate the reference for each velocity measurement.
We can see that the stars with a positive difference in G magnitude between the two releases had small projected rotational velocities, while among the five stars with negative differences, three had values larger than 300 km s−1 and only one had a projected rotational velocity smaller than 200 km s−1.

4. Discussion

We showed that the error in the Gaia G band and G D R 3 - G D R 2 were both excellent quantities to detect active Be stars in open clusters. Additionally, the latter quantity could be useful for insight into the inclination angle of the star as well. This could be particularly useful for stars for which no Gaia spectroscopic data, nor lightcurve, is yet available.
Increasing the number of Be candidates in poorly studied open clusters certainly helps in better understanding the environments where these stars form and evolve, so this paper opens a new opportunity in the Be star research community.
Among the few objects without a Be classification, that departed from the tight stellar sequence in the G D R 3 - G D R 2 versus G D R 3 diagram, we found one RS Canum Venaticorum star in the Double Cluster and two Eclipsing Binary stars in NGC 7419. These types of binaries with short period variability, could exhibit large differences within different releases, which could certainly influence the average magnitude of the object if a different proportion of light minima were caught between DR2 and DR3.
Among the new Be candidates, we could potentially have a few eclipsing binaries, which are themselves interesting objects to study in clusters (e.g., [46] and references therein). The study of these objects allows us to accurately measure stellar parameters of the binary stars, having the same age and chemical composition, and, together with the cluster isochrone studies, put solid constraints on stellar evolution models.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.G.; Formal analysis, A.G. and M.R.G.; Investigation, A.G., M.R.G., C.E.J. and T.E.; Methodology, A.G., M.R.G. and C.E.J.; Project administration, A.G.; Resources, A.G.; Writing—original draft, A.G., M.R.G., C.E.J. and T.E. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


A.G. acknowledges the research project from Universidad Nacional de Río Negro PI-UNRN2020 40-B-890. M.R.G. acknowledges the grant awarded by the Western University Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (WPFP). C.E.J. wishes to acknowledge support through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. T.E. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research through the Estonian Research Council institutional research funding IUT40-1, from the European Union European Regional Development Fund project KOMEET 2014-2020.4.01.16-0029 and from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges RISE grant “Physics of Extreme Massive Stars”, agreement no 823734. The authors thank the APC Discount Voucher from Western University b7f7871016d98506.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

This work made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (accessed on 15 February 2023), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium, DPAC, (accessed on 15 February 2023). Funding for the DPAC was provided by national institutions; in particular, the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. This research made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France.


The authors thank the reviewers of this manuscript for their constructive feedback.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1. NGC869/NGC884

We present Table A1 that contains relevant data for the Double Cluster. The first columns indicate position (RA and Dec), then Gaia DR2 brightness in G, GB and GR passbands, Gaia DR3 brightness in G, its error, GB and GR passbands. The column “Group” indicates different types of interesting objects: 1 corresponds to known Be stars either from SIMBAD or [47], 2 Eclipsing binaries from SIMBAD, 3  β Ceph starsfrom SIMBAD, 4 Pulsational variable according to [34], 5 Candidate Be stars according to the present work and 6 RS Canum Venaticorum stars according to [35]. The asterisk in the last column indicates the two-peak separation of an intense near IR hydrogen line from APOGEE [48], for a Be star without V sin(i) available in the literature.
Table A1. Relevant data for variable stars of the Double Cluster. See text for a description.
Table A1. Relevant data for variable stars of the Double Cluster. See text for a description.
RADEC G D R 2 GB R D 2 GR D R 2 G D R 3 errG D R 3 GB D R 3 GR D R 3 GroupV sin(i)Ref.
35.853857.317610.517110.94999.919710.47230.005410.89479.85821187 [33]
35.435357.181211.497711.729611.110511.49670.002811.720911.10721–4229 [33]
35.456957.026613.019413.209412.656713.00160.003313.205112.66506–467 [24]
35.357257.072713.446413.691213.025813.43460.002813.683413.02054170 [24]
35.461857.264313.5838 13.58850.0029 5
EBs are identified with the symbol * next to the RA value.

Appendix A.2. NGC663

Be candidates of NGC663 proposed in this article as described in Section 3.2. All the data for the star cluster members [29] are available online in Gaia DR2 and DR3.
Table A2. Be candidates of NGC663. See text for a description.
Table A2. Be candidates of NGC663. See text for a description.
RADEC G D R 2 GB R D 2 GR D R 2 G D R 3 errG D R 3 GB D R 3 GR D R 3

Appendix A.3. NGC7419

17 Be candidates of NGC7419 proposed in this article as described in Section 3.3, and 2 EBs. All the data for the star cluster members [29] are available online in Gaia DR2 and DR3.
Table A3. Be candidates of NGC7419. See text for a description.
Table A3. Be candidates of NGC7419. See text for a description.
RADEC G D R 2 GB R D 2 GR D R 2 G D R 3 errG D R 3 GB D R 3 GR D R 3
343.575460.806516.3449 16.34600.003017.393815.1945
343.5891 *60.831615.477416.691514.323615.44160.004516.678614.3248
343.680260.839817.0955 17.11110.003019.313915.7285
343.7752 *60.768014.830515.847213.799214.83270.006115.842313.8122
343.816160.834517.8965 17.91140.003120.066616.5431
EBs are identified with the symbol * next to the RA value.


1 (accessed on 15 February 2023).


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Figure 1. Data for NGC869/NGC884. (a) Error in the G D R 3 band versus G D R 3 magnitude. (b) ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . Violet small symbols indicate cluster members, and red squares indicate known Be stars, cyan symbols indicate stars classified as eclipsing binaries, green triangles are pulsating variable stars. Blue penthagons belong to the RS Canum Venaticorum class. The open black circles enclose objects that depart significantly from the tight relation for stable stars.
Figure 1. Data for NGC869/NGC884. (a) Error in the G D R 3 band versus G D R 3 magnitude. (b) ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . Violet small symbols indicate cluster members, and red squares indicate known Be stars, cyan symbols indicate stars classified as eclipsing binaries, green triangles are pulsating variable stars. Blue penthagons belong to the RS Canum Venaticorum class. The open black circles enclose objects that depart significantly from the tight relation for stable stars.
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Figure 2. Data for the cluster NGC 663. (a) Error in the G D R 3 band versus G D R 3 magnitude. (b) ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . Violet small symbols indicate cluster members and red squares indicate known Be stars. The open black circles enclose objects that depart significantly from the tight relation for stable stars.
Figure 2. Data for the cluster NGC 663. (a) Error in the G D R 3 band versus G D R 3 magnitude. (b) ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ) versus G D R 3 . Violet small symbols indicate cluster members and red squares indicate known Be stars. The open black circles enclose objects that depart significantly from the tight relation for stable stars.
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Figure 3. (a) The same as Figure 1a for the cluster NGC 7419. (b) The same plot as Figure 1b, but the color coding corresponds to the color ( B G   G G ). The blue symbols indicate EBs.
Figure 3. (a) The same as Figure 1a for the cluster NGC 7419. (b) The same plot as Figure 1b, but the color coding corresponds to the color ( B G   G G ). The blue symbols indicate EBs.
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Figure 4. (a) Modeled ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ), normalized relative to the value at time zero, with subindex 0, versus G D R 3 for the B2 model. Different colors indicate different inclination angles. The dotted part of the curve corresponds to build-up and the continuous line to dissipation. The black line indicates the zero level (no variability). The full circles indicate the beginning of the cycle. The squares indicate the average value within a complete cycle and the gray line joins these squares. (b) Same as (a) for the B7 model.
Figure 4. (a) Modeled ( G D R 3 - G D R 2 ), normalized relative to the value at time zero, with subindex 0, versus G D R 3 for the B2 model. Different colors indicate different inclination angles. The dotted part of the curve corresponds to build-up and the continuous line to dissipation. The black line indicates the zero level (no variability). The full circles indicate the beginning of the cycle. The squares indicate the average value within a complete cycle and the gray line joins these squares. (b) Same as (a) for the B7 model.
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Figure 5. Similar to Figure 1b, but normalized to the stable star sequence, color coded according their projected rotational velocity (in units of km s−1).
Figure 5. Similar to Figure 1b, but normalized to the stable star sequence, color coded according their projected rotational velocity (in units of km s−1).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Granada, A.; Ghoreyshi, M.R.; Jones, C.E.; Eenmäe, T. New Method to Detect and Characterize Active Be Star Candidates in Open Clusters. Galaxies 2023, 11, 37.

AMA Style

Granada A, Ghoreyshi MR, Jones CE, Eenmäe T. New Method to Detect and Characterize Active Be Star Candidates in Open Clusters. Galaxies. 2023; 11(1):37.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Granada, Anahí, Maziar R. Ghoreyshi, Carol E. Jones, and Tõnis Eenmäe. 2023. "New Method to Detect and Characterize Active Be Star Candidates in Open Clusters" Galaxies 11, no. 1: 37.

APA Style

Granada, A., Ghoreyshi, M. R., Jones, C. E., & Eenmäe, T. (2023). New Method to Detect and Characterize Active Be Star Candidates in Open Clusters. Galaxies, 11(1), 37.

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