Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection and Analysis
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- GusanosdeLuz http://www.gusanosdeluz.com/ ([email protected] (GDL))
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- Grup Cucadellum https://cucadellum.cat/ Institució Catalana d’Historia Natural ([email protected]) (GC)
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- Observatoire des Vers Luisants et des lucioles http://www.asterella.eu/ (OVL)
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- Biodiversidad Virtual www.biodiversidadvirtual.org/
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- iNaturalist www.inaturalist.org/
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- EcoRegistros www.ecoregistros.org
2.2. Field and Photographic Identification Characteristics of Photinus signaticollis
- Morphologically, the adults have a body plan like most Photinus species (especially nocturnal and flashing species [2,13] (see Figure 1 within), with lateral pinkish markings (curved thickened lines to oval spots) around the dark brown, almost square, central spot on the pronotum. The pinkish markings are laterally flanked by dark areas, with a similar color to the dark median spot (absent in other nocturnal Photinus species, where, usually, pale colors laterally flank the pinkish areas on the pronotum); most commonly, the pink markings show as lateral pink lines, slightly curved towards the center of the pronotum, with a faint thickening in the center on the hollow side of the pink line facing outwards.
- Greyish-brown color of elytra with clear pale margins and often a more or less apparent (sometimes absent) pale vitta (shoulder stripe) reaching from the shoulder to (almost) the pale margin at the tip of the elytrum. Shoulder vittae are uncommon in other Photinus spp. and are more typically found in Photuris spp.
- Elytra shape often taper (broadest at shoulders) and are sometimes parallel; elytra are not always touching in the middle, often slightly opening towards the apex.
2.3. Spanish Collection and Deposit of Specimens
2.4. Aedeagus Preparation
2.5. Original Description of P. signaticollis by Blanchard
3. Results
3.1. Initial Spanish Observations
3.2. Expansion Rate
3.3. French Observations
3.4. Extremadura Observations
3.5. La Rioja Information
3.6. Synonymisation of Photinus Immigrans and Photinus signaticollis (Blanchard, 1846)
3.7. Land Use Coverage
3.8. Observation Phenology
3.9. Identification Help
4. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
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Koken, M.; Guzmán-Álvarez, J.R.; Gil-Tapetado, D.; Romo Bedate, M.A.; Laurent, G.; Rubio, L.E.; Rovira Comas, S.; Wolffler, N.; Verfaillie, F.; De Cock, R. Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees. Insects 2022, 13, 148. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13020148
Koken M, Guzmán-Álvarez JR, Gil-Tapetado D, Romo Bedate MA, Laurent G, Rubio LE, Rovira Comas S, Wolffler N, Verfaillie F, De Cock R. Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees. Insects. 2022; 13(2):148. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13020148
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoken, Marcel, José Ramón Guzmán-Álvarez, Diego Gil-Tapetado, Miguel Angel Romo Bedate, Geneviève Laurent, Lucas Ezequiel Rubio, Segimon Rovira Comas, Nicole Wolffler, Fabien Verfaillie, and Raphaël De Cock. 2022. "Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees" Insects 13, no. 2: 148. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13020148
APA StyleKoken, M., Guzmán-Álvarez, J. R., Gil-Tapetado, D., Romo Bedate, M. A., Laurent, G., Rubio, L. E., Rovira Comas, S., Wolffler, N., Verfaillie, F., & De Cock, R. (2022). Quick Spreading of Populations of an Exotic Firefly throughout Spain and Their Recent Arrival in the French Pyrenees. Insects, 13(2), 148. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13020148