AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking
:1. Introduction
- RQ1: How does the usage of AI tools impact critical thinking skills?
- RQ2: What is the mediating role of cognitive offloading in the relationship between AI tool usage and critical thinking?
2. Literature Review
2.1. Theoretical Foundations of Critical Thinking and Cognitive Offloading
2.2. AI Tools and Cognitive Processes
2.3. Impact of AI on Critical Thinking
2.4. Cognitive Offloading in the Context of AI
2.5. Educational Implications and Interventions
2.6. Methodological Approaches in Assessing Cognitive and Critical Thinking Skills
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Research Design
3.2. Participants
3.3. Quantitative Data/Survey Instrument
- Demographic Information: Age, gender, education level, and occupation.
- AI Tool Usage: Frequency and reliance on AI tools for information retrieval and decision-making.
- Cognitive Offloading: Use of digital devices for memory and problem-solving tasks.
- Critical Thinking: Self-reported and assessed critical thinking skills.
3.4. Qualitative Data/Interviews
3.5. Data Analysis
3.5.1. Quantitative Analysis/Descriptive Statistics
3.5.2. Qualitative Analysis/Thematic Analysis
- Familiarisation with the Data: All qualitative responses were transcribed verbatim, read repeatedly, and initial notes were made to identify patterns and recurring themes.
- Generating Initial Codes: Key features of the data were systematically coded using Excel, resulting in a comprehensive list of codes.
- Searching for Themes: Related codes were grouped into potential themes that reflected overarching patterns in the data, such as ’AI Dependence’, ’Cognitive Engagement’, and ’Ethical Concerns’.
- Reviewing Themes: Themes were refined and validated against the data set to ensure relevance and consistency, with overlaps and redundancies eliminated.
- Defining and Naming Themes: Themes were clearly defined to ensure distinctiveness and aligned with the study’s objectives.
- Producing the Report: Final themes were illustrated using representative participant quotes and linked to the research questions to provide a comprehensive narrative.
- Triangulation: The use of both quantitative and qualitative data allowed for cross-verification of findings, enhancing the study’s credibility [39].
- Pilot Testing: The survey instrument was piloted with a small sample (50 participants) to refine questions and ensure clarity.
- Member Checking: Participants were given the opportunity to review and comment on their interview transcripts, ensuring accuracy in representation.
3.6. Ethics Considerations
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
4.2. ANOVA
4.3. Correlation Analysis
- AI Tool Use and Critical Thinking: There is a strong negative correlation, indicating that increased use of AI tools is associated with lower critical thinking skills.
- AI Tool Use and Cognitive Offloading: A strong positive correlation suggests that higher AI usage leads to greater cognitive offloading.
- Cognitive Offloading and Critical Thinking: Similarly, there is a strong negative correlation, showing that as cognitive offloading increases, critical thinking decreases.
4.4. Multiple Regression
4.5. Random Forest Regression
- AI Tool Use: Captures the frequency and reliance on AI tools in participants’ daily activities.
- Education Level: Indicates the highest level of education attained by participants, ranging from high school to doctoral levels.
- Deep Thinking Activities: Reflects participants’ engagement in cognitively demanding activities, such as problem-solving and reflective thinking, rated on a scale from ‘Never’ to ‘Always’.
- AI Decision Reliance: Measures the extent to which participants depend on AI tools for decision-making processes.
- AI Saves Time: Assesses participants’ perceptions of the time-saving benefits provided by AI tools.
- AI Tool Use * Education Interaction: Represents the interaction effect between AI tool use and education level, highlighting how education moderates the impact of AI usage on critical thinking.
4.6. Permutation Test
4.7. Results from the Interviews
- AI DependenceParticipants frequently reported a high reliance on AI tools for routine and cognitive tasks. For instance, one participant noted, “I use AI for everything, from scheduling to finding information. It’s become a part of how I think.” This theme aligns with the quantitative findings on cognitive offloading, highlighting how AI tools serve as cognitive substitutes rather than supplements.
- Cognitive EngagementSeveral participants expressed concerns about diminished opportunities for engaging in independent cognitive tasks. One participant remarked, “The more I use AI, the less I feel the need to problem-solve on my own. It’s like I’m losing my ability to think critically.” This theme reinforces the quantitative observation of reduced critical thinking skills associated with increased AI tool usage.
- Ethical ConcernsParticipants raised concerns about the transparency and bias of AI recommendations. For example, one participant stated, “I sometimes wonder if AI is subtly nudging me toward decisions I wouldn’t normally make.” These concerns underline the potential ethical implications of AI reliance, complementing the quantitative results indicating reduced cognitive engagement.
4.7.1. AI Tools Usage and Cognitive Offloading
A middle-aged participant noted, “I find myself using AI tools for almost everything—whether it’s finding a restaurant or making a quick decision at work. It saves time, but I do wonder if I’m losing my ability to think things through as thoroughly as I used to”(P398)
Older participants (46 and above) reported lower reliance on AI tools, consistent with the quantitative findings. They described a preference for traditional methods of problem-solving and information-gathering, which they felt kept their cognitive skills sharper. One older participant remarked, “I still prefer to read through multiple sources and think critically about the information I gather. I’m cautious about relying too much on AI because I don’t want to lose my ability to analyse and make decisions independently” (P517). For instance, one participant remarked, “AI tools help me get things done quickly, but I feel like I rely on them too much to think deeply” (P3). Another participant expressed, “I rarely reflect on the biases behind the AI recommendations; I tend to trust them outright”(P7).
4.7.2. Critical Thinking and Educational Background
A participant with a doctoral degree shared, “While I use AI tools regularly, I always make sure to critically evaluate the information I receive. My education has taught me the importance of not accepting things at face value, especially when it comes to AI, which can sometimes offer biased or incomplete information”(P601).
4.7.3. Perceived Impact on Cognitive Skills
One younger participant remarked, “It’s great to have all this information at my fingertips, but I sometimes worry that I’m not really learning or retaining anything. I rely so much on AI that I don’t think I’d know how to solve certain problems without it”(P411).
4.8. Overall Support for Quantitative Findings
5. Discussion
5.1. Role of Cognitive Offloading
5.2. Educational Implications
5.3. Hypothesis Evaluation
5.4. Implications for Practice and Policy
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Questionnaire | ||
Demographic and Control Variables: | 1 | Age: (1 = 17–25, 2 = 26–35, 3 = 36–45, 4 = 46–55, 5 = 56 and older) |
2 | Gender: (1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Non-binary, 4 = Prefer not to say) | |
3 | Education Level: (1 = High school, 2 = Some college, 3 = Bachelor’s degree, 4 = Master’s degree, 5 = Doctorate, 6 = others) | |
4 | Occupation: (1 = student, 2 = worker, 3 = specialist, 4 = middle management, 5 = top management, 6 = entrepreneur) | |
5 | How often do you engage in activities that require deep concentration and critical thinking outside of AI tools? (e.g., reading books, solving puzzles, engaging in debates)? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) | |
AI Tool Usage: | 6 | How often do you use AI tools (e.g., virtual assistants, recommendation algorithms) to find information or solve problems? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) |
7 | To what extent do you rely on AI tools for decision-making? (1 = Not at all, 6 = Completely) | |
8 | I find AI tools help me save time when searching for information. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
9 | I trust the recommendations provided by AI tools. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
10 | I often cross-check information provided by AI tools with other sources. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
Cognitive Offloading: | 11 | How often do you use search engines like Google to find information quickly? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) |
12 | Compared to the past, do you feel that finding information has become faster and more convenient with technology? (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
13 | How often do you use your smartphone or other digital devices to remember tasks or information? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) | |
14 | When faced with a problem or question, how likely are you to search for the answer online rather than trying to figure it out yourself? (1 = Very Unlikely, 6 = Very Likely) | |
15 | On a scale of 1 to 6, how dependent are you on digital devices for day-to-day tasks and information retrieval? (1 = Not dependent at all, 6 = Completely dependent) | |
Critical Thinking (Based on Terenzini et al. [30] and HCTA): | 16 | How often do you critically evaluate the sources of information you encounter? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) |
17 | How confident are you in your ability to discern fake news from legitimate news? (1 = Not confident at all, 6 = Very confident) | |
18 | When researching a topic, how often do you compare information from multiple sources? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) | |
19 | How frequently do you reflect on the biases in your own thinking when making decisions? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) | |
20 | How often do you question the motives behind the information shared by AI tools? (1 = Never, 6 = Always) | |
21 | I analyse the credibility of the author when reading news or information provided by AI tools. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
22 | I compare multiple sources of information before forming an opinion based on AI recommendations. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) | |
23 | I question the assumptions underlying the information provided by AI tools. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 6 = Strongly Agree) |
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Data Validation Summary | |||||
Age | Gender | Education Level | Occupation | Deep Thinking Activities | |
Valid | 666 | 666 | 666 | 666 | 666 |
Missing | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Minimum | 1.000 | 1.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 | 2.000 |
Maximum | 5.000 | 2.000 | 5.000 | 4.000 | 6.000 |
Frequencies for Age | ||
Age | Frequency | Percentage |
1 (17–25) | 110 | 16.517 |
2 (26–35) | 291 | 43.694 |
3 (36–45) | 30 | 4.505 |
4 (46–55) | 149 | 22.372 |
5 (older 55) | 86 | 12.913 |
Missing | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 666 | 100.000 |
Frequencies for Gender | ||
Gender | Frequency | Percentage |
1 (male) | 345 | 51.802 |
2 (female) | 321 | 48.198 |
Missing | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 666 | 100.000 |
Frequencies for Education Level | ||
Education Level | Frequency | Percentage |
2 (Some college) | 46 | 6.907 |
3 (Bachelor’s) | 115 | 17.267 |
4 (Master’s) | 182 | 27.327 |
5 (Doctorate) | 323 | 48.498 |
Missing | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 666 | 100.000 |
Frequencies for Occupation | ||
Occupation | Frequency | Percentage |
1 (student) | 185 | 27.778 |
2 (specialist) | 148 | 22.222 |
3 (mid-management) | 185 | 27.778 |
4 (top management) | 148 | 22.222 |
Missing | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 666 | 100.000 |
Frequencies for Deep Thinking Activities | ||
Deep Thinking Activities | Frequency | Percentage |
2 | 76 | 11.411 |
3 | 128 | 19.219 |
4 | 123 | 18.468 |
5 | 142 | 21.321 |
6 | 197 | 29.580 |
Missing | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 666 | 100.000 |
Source | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | p-Value |
Education Level | 1053.71 | 3 | 351.24 | 1401.81 | <0.001 |
Gender | 0.04 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.14 | 0.71 |
Occupation | 38.73 | 3 | 12.91 | 6.98 | <0.001 |
Age | 91.65 | 4 | 22.91 | 12.92 | <0.001 |
Residual | 164.87 | 658 | 0.25 |
Source | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | p-Value |
Education Level | 1053.71 | 3 | 351.24 | 1401.81 | <0.001 |
Gender | 0.04 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.14 | 0.71 |
Occupation | 38.73 | 3 | 12.91 | 6.98 | <0.001 |
Age | 91.65 | 4 | 22.91 | 12.92 | <0.001 |
Residual | 164.87 | 658 | 0.25 |
Variable | AI Tool Use | Cognitive Offloading | Critical Thinking |
AI Tool Use | 1.00 | 0.89 | −0.49 |
Cognitive Offloading | 0.89 | 1.00 | −0.48 |
Critical Thinking | −0.49 | −0.48 | 1.00 |
Education Level | −0.34 | −0.32 | 0.34 |
Deep Thinking Activities | −0.30 | −0.28 | 0.35 |
Variable Pair | Correlation (r) | Interpretation |
AI Tool Use ↔ Cognitive Offloading | +0.72 | Strong positive correlation |
AI Tool Use ↔ Critical Thinking | −0.68 | Strong negative correlation |
Cognitive Offloading ↔ Critical Thinking | −0.75 | Strong negative correlation |
Predictor | Coefficient | Standard Error | t-Value | p-Value |
AI Tool Use | −1.76 | 0.21 | −8.38 | <0.001 |
AI Decision Reliance | 1.05 | 0.18 | 5.83 | <0.001 |
AI Saves Time | 0.18 | 0.13 | 1.38 | 0.168 |
Trust AI | 0.10 | 0.09 | 1.11 | 0.267 |
Education Level | 0.33 | 0.05 | 6.60 | <0.001 |
Deep Thinking Activities | −0.36 | 0.08 | −4.50 | <0.001 |
AI Tool Use * Education Interaction | 0.02 | 0.01 | 2.00 | 0.046 |
AI Tool Use Squared | −0.15 | 0.06 | −2.50 | 0.013 |
Metric | Value |
Mean Squared Error (MSE) | 0.547 |
R squared (R2) | 0.370 |
Cross-Validation Mean Score | 0.118 |
Metric | Value |
Permutation Test Score (R2) | 0.118 |
p-value | 0.0099 |
Theme | Description | Representative Quote |
AI Dependence | Reliance on AI tools for routine tasks | “I can’t imagine functioning without my digital assistant.” |
Cognitive Engagement | Reduced opportunities for critical thinking | “I feel like I’m losing my ability to think critically.” |
Ethical Concerns | Bias and ethical issues in AI tools | “AI tools might be steering me towards biased decisions.” |
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Gerlich, M. AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking. Societies 2025, 15, 6.
Gerlich M. AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking. Societies. 2025; 15(1):6.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGerlich, Michael. 2025. "AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking" Societies 15, no. 1: 6.
APA StyleGerlich, M. (2025). AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking. Societies, 15(1), 6.