Crafting a Foucauldian Archaeology Method: A Critical Analysis of Occupational Therapy Curriculum-as-Discourse, South Africa
:1. Introduction
What I am trying to do is grasp the implicit systems which determine our most familiar behavior without our knowing it. I am trying to find their origin, to show their formation, the constraint they impose upon us; I am therefore trying to place myself at a distance from them and to show how one could escape.(Foucault in Simon 1971, p. 201)
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Formation of the Ideal Occupational Therapist: White Exceptionalism
[Name of Historically Political Conservative University], 1976 offers a four-year degree in B Occupational Therapy. Facilities are offered for white students. The annual intake of students…is 20 and the medium of study is Afrikaans.
The selection criteria [for occupational therapy students] were based on academic achievement [in school] and the students were selected by a panel of male medical academia… [These selected students] were very good people, moral and tough…they cried if they failed but picked themselves up and went on.
3.2. Formation of Legitimate Speakers about the Profession: White Male National, and International, Regulatory Bodies
The first qualified occupational therapists came to South Africa from Britain in 1942. They recognized the value of activities currently in use but brought knowledge and discipline to refine their application so that the patients received the treatment specifically designed for their particular needs.
The [content and form] of the curriculum was very much determined by whether occupational therapy [i.e., the programme] was ‘registrable’ at the Medical and Dental Council. This council consisted of medical practitioners, specialists, dentists and psychiatrists who were males and who were white at that time.
3.3. Formation of Modes of Argumentation and Reasoning about the Knowledge that Is Applied: Know-How Practical Knowledge
3.4. Formation of Underlying Theoretical Themes, and Perspectives about the Future: Need for Recognition Withing a Biomedical Paradigm
We should be confident and proud of what we have to offer… Occupational therapy is an exciting career, an essential service, and a career of the future… OTs in South Africa seem to have accepted a humbly subordinate position in the medical field... Our skills and knowledge have improved but our attitude seems to have remained the same. We accept inferior working conditions and low salaries. We struggle to treat 500 patients on a budget for 50, and our feeble protests subside quickly; we cope somehow… We have much to be proud of, to talk about. to write and to share… Let us look toward the future with enthusiasm and courage and do the thing in style.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Bearing in mind that many mistranslations of Foucault’s work from French to English exist (O’Farrell 2005), the main author also read widely on contestations of his work, e.g., Sawyer’s (2002) argument about the commonly decontextualized interpretation of the concept ‘discourse’ in a much broader sense as what Foucault meant when taking into account the surrounding text in the paragraph, as well as later references about this term in “Archeaology of Knowledge” (Foucault [1969] 2011; van der Merwe 2019). |
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van der Merwe, T.R.; Ramugondo, E.L.; Keet, A. Crafting a Foucauldian Archaeology Method: A Critical Analysis of Occupational Therapy Curriculum-as-Discourse, South Africa. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 393.
van der Merwe TR, Ramugondo EL, Keet A. Crafting a Foucauldian Archaeology Method: A Critical Analysis of Occupational Therapy Curriculum-as-Discourse, South Africa. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(7):393.
Chicago/Turabian Stylevan der Merwe, Tania Rauch, Elelwani L. Ramugondo, and André Keet. 2023. "Crafting a Foucauldian Archaeology Method: A Critical Analysis of Occupational Therapy Curriculum-as-Discourse, South Africa" Social Sciences 12, no. 7: 393.
APA Stylevan der Merwe, T. R., Ramugondo, E. L., & Keet, A. (2023). Crafting a Foucauldian Archaeology Method: A Critical Analysis of Occupational Therapy Curriculum-as-Discourse, South Africa. Social Sciences, 12(7), 393.