To Reform the Child Protection System in Portugal—Stakeholders’ Positions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Procedures
2.2. Measures
2.3. Sample
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Level of Agreement and Positions on the Proposals to Reform the CPS
3.1.1. Promotion of Quality Family-Based Care and Promotion of Adoption
“Everything should be equal, equal in all dimensions”.(Family 1, male)
“In the past, these young people had a vulnerable life, and now have a fragile social network”.(Practitioner 4, female)
“What I think… nobody should be unprotected, should they? The system must ensure protection. They are still very immature...”.(Academic 1, female)
“They should be similar! Those families [special guardians] must be prepared and qualified for their role too”.(Practitioner 3, female)
“Any measure applied to a child should have the same benefits. No matter what kind of measure...”.(Family 2, female)
“Free acceptance from the special guardian, as well as informed consent to accept support”.(Academic 2, female)
“Not to constrain a family... Supporting them is important, but also enabling them to develop a family environment”.(Former beneficiary 2, female)
“It makes all sense to keep family bonds, right?! Siblings have suffered the same situations and processes, and they were in alternative care for the same reasons. Well, yes, I think that siblings should be kept together, in any situation!”.(Former beneficiary 2, female)
“I know a hilarious case. A family adopted a child and was impaired by law to adopt his sister’ cause she was older than 15. So, currently there are two siblings living together in the same family, but having different family names, and having different inheritance rights… in accordance with the current law! They are divorced as siblings...”.(Family 1, male)
“There are other legal institutes [national bodies of law in addition to adoption]. If adoption in those terms was authorised, there would be a conflict between legal institutes [national bodies of law]. And that would be complex… Incapacities, traditions… there must be a reflection about everything in terms of law, shouldn’t there?”.(Academic 4, male)
3.1.2. Development of Child-Friendly Terminology
“It is a question of harmonisation, isn’t it? Focus on children as the subject of rights, with their own autonomy”.(Academic 3, female)
“Labels! For me, are just labels. However, I must say that we are living in Europe, so, Portugal should be aligned with it for comparisons in member-states”.(Family 1, male)
“We are not just a minor… we are… a [particular] child or young person. We need this [child-friendly terminology]! It is more inclusive”.(Former beneficiary 1, female)
“Calling minor to a vulnerable child undermines him/her...”.(Former beneficiary 2, female)
3.1.3. Improvement of the Administration of the CPS: Specialised Courts, Children’s Ombudsman, Coordination and Data Collection
“It makes sense to treat each and every child equally! Even if in a particular part of the country there is only a single one, it will be imperative [to establish a specialised court]”.(Former beneficiary 4, female)
“It is fundamental to provide specialisation in this field, ‘cause it is in these courts that the people who make the most relevant decisions for the life of a child are located”.(Practitioner 4, female)
“Some say that it [the children’s ombudsman] is unconstitutional because it collides with the role of the general ombudsman. For me sincerely, I think that… again the interest of children should prevail [...] the general ombudsman is completely unaware of the child’s needs”.(Academic 1, female)
“[...] or it [the children’s ombudsman] could be a specialised department of the general ombudsman’s institution, that is the one mandated to receive complaints about rights that were violated. I mean, regarding the small size of the country, perhaps it won’t make sense to create an entire organisation. It happens the same in the scope of the courts… The Family Court and other courts are within the main court institution”.(Family 1, male)
“Someone who stands for them [children], that is close to them.—He belongs to me; I may talk with him [the children’s ombudsman]. He came to my school today and gave me his phone number. Someone who represents children and gives them voice! Yes, it makes sense to me”.(Practitioner 1, female)
“Adding one more [entity]…, it will not solve the problem in the short term… It will complicate it even more…”.(Family 2, female)
“In my opinion, it makes sense! ‘This disorganization’ is… Sadly, leads to a child suffering twice, when he/she was abused by his/her family, and then by the system, because he/she is required to go through so many services… Today he/she is with the social worker at the Social Security, tomorrow he/she is at a court… The easier, the better. Entities must have complete information about a child and know each other’s roles and to be coordinated”.(Former beneficiary 1, female)
“We are talking about a structure similar to a ministry of childhood or a ministry of childhood and youth, no matter its name. What matters is its aims and to conduct a search about methodologies implemented in other latitudes”.(Practitioner 2, male)
“It is horrible! You need to be a qualified detective to find [where the] information [is]”.(Academic 2, female)
“Cross-sectional information to compare it… To identify children who were supported by the Child Protection System and later became involved in the justice system, in the juvenile or even in the criminal. And as well as reporting those former beneficiaries who became homeless”.(Academic 1, female)
“The question is… how will they present the data collected? Will they work to make it more appealing rather than real?”.(Family 4, female)
4. Discussion
- (a)
- To reform and strengthen the Portuguese CPS. The reform should be evidence-based, namely on the proposals discussed in the present study. These include strengthening special guardianship and adoption; as well as developing an international child-friendly terminology in legislation and courts; and establishing specialised courts throughout the country, a children’s ombudsman, effective coordination and a bulletin about the CPS. Decision-making on the reform should involve the CPS stakeholders, namely the beneficiaries and the former beneficiaries (Smales et al. 2020).
- (b)
- To guarantee that all children and young people are afforded the same rights within the system framework.
- (c)
- To raise awareness and provide training for CPS practitioners, with a particular focus on those working within the judicial system.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Proposals to Reform the CPS |
Family-based care and adoption |
Terminology |
Administration of the CPS |
Sample Characteristics | Online Survey Sample N = 292 | Focus Group Sample N = 18 |
Age (years); mean (SD; range) | 47.23 (10.95; 20–73) | 46.11 (12.53; 20–69) |
Sex | ||
Female | 246 | 14 |
Male | 46 | 4 |
Years of contact with child protection system; mean (SD; range) | 14.02 (9.23; 1–47) | 14.89 (10.03; 1–39) |
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Share and Cite
Diogo, E.; Silva, J.V.; Sacur, B.M. To Reform the Child Protection System in Portugal—Stakeholders’ Positions. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 443.
Diogo E, Silva JV, Sacur BM. To Reform the Child Protection System in Portugal—Stakeholders’ Positions. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(9):443.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDiogo, Elisete, Joana Véstia Silva, and Bárbara Mourão Sacur. 2024. "To Reform the Child Protection System in Portugal—Stakeholders’ Positions" Social Sciences 13, no. 9: 443.
APA StyleDiogo, E., Silva, J. V., & Sacur, B. M. (2024). To Reform the Child Protection System in Portugal—Stakeholders’ Positions. Social Sciences, 13(9), 443.