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Global Sn Isotope Compositions of Cassiterite Identify the Magmatic–Hydrothermal Evolution of Tin Ore Systems

Geology Department, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 16652, USA
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Guangzhou 510640, China
Center for Development of Nuclear Technology, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, MG, Brazil
Geoscience Australia, Canberra 2609, Australia
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
Instituto de Geociencias, Consejo Superior de Investigciones Cientificas, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Archaeometry Laboratory, Research Reactor Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Ministry of Natural Resources Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China
Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China
Mineral Resources, Technical University of Clausthal, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Geosciences 2025, 15(1), 28;
Submission received: 12 November 2024 / Revised: 21 December 2024 / Accepted: 24 December 2024 / Published: 15 January 2025


Published Sn isotope data along with 150 new analyses of cassiterite and four granite analyses constrain two major tin isotope fractionation steps associated with (1) separation of tin from the magma/orthomagmatic transitional environment and (2) hydrothermal activity. A distinct Sn isotope difference across deposit type, geological host rocks, and time of ore deposit formation demonstrates that the difference in the mean δ124Sn value represents the operation of a unified process. The lower Sn isotope values present in both residual igneous rocks and pegmatite suggest that heavier Sn isotopes were extracted from the system during orthomagmatic fluid separation, likely by F ligands with Sn. Rayleigh distillation models this first F ligand-induced fractionation. The subsequent development of the hydrothermal system is characterized by heavier Sn isotope composition proximal to the intrusion, which persists in spite of Sn isotope fractionating towards isotopically lighter Sn during hydrothermal evolution.

1. Introduction

Although a relatively new isotopic technique, to date, approximately 50 papers present Sn isotope data that address fundamental questions in planetary geology, igneous petrology, mineralogy, and archeology. Furthermore, they reveal significant Sn isotopic fractionation that operates at temperatures above approximately 200 °C, and which is beginning to allow for the interpretation of these patterns in rocks, ores, and artifacts.
Presentation of tin isotope data vary because there are 10 isotopes, which can be paired in many ways. For the sake of simplicity, the data are presented here as ‰ per amu and relative to the NIST 3136A standard in the traditional δ120Sn and δ124Sn values. In this way, the isotopic shifts observed can be seen at the amu level and mass dependence of the samples is verified. Further discussion of data presentation and how the values are calculated is in Wu et al. 2023.
Empirical observation, laboratory experimentation, and thermodynamic bonding arguments have begun to constrain mechanisms by which Sn isotopes fractionate. Many of the papers have focused on constraining planetary geology processes where meteorites yield relatively lower Sn isotope values up to −0.33‰/amu (all values are reported relative to the NIST 3136 tin standard) [1,2,3,4,5]. In this case, high-temperature evaporation has been identified as the cause of fractionation. For terrestrial rocks and ore minerals, it has been demonstrated that the main causes for tin fractionation include melt extraction, redox reactions, evaporation/fluid boiling, and magmatic equilibrium processes [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13].
Pioneering papers have shown that the widest range of tin isotope fractionation exists in the mineral cassiterite (SnO2) [6,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] with ranges of −0.31‰/amu to +0.32‰/amu, whereas most terrestrial rocks exhibit a more limited range between −0.08‰/amu and +0.08‰/amu. None of the papers link mineralization with source rocks, nor do they explore processes that relate hydrothermal systems and source rocks. For instance, Yao et al. [13] show that the oxidation that promotes cassiterite precipitation from a hydrothermal solution causes significant enrichment of the heavier tin isotopes earlier in the petrogenesis of the deposit, such that paragenetically late stannite is composed of the lighter tin isotopes. Correlative evidence through studies of several Chinese tin deposits [11,18,21] showed that the earlier-formed cassiterite has overall higher Sn isotope values than subsequent generations precipitated upon further cooling.
Here, we propose that Sn isotopes constrain the relationship between source rocks and ore mineralization, based on a global comparison of tin isotope compositions of cassiterite from tin granites/porphyries, pegmatites, greisens, veins, and skarns. The approach provides insight into the similarities and differences of physiochemical reactions occurring during the magmatic–hydrothermal transition. Tin granites are mostly, but not exclusively, peraluminous S-type magmas typically generated in the mid- to lower-crust of back-arc regions through the partial melting of dominantly metasedimentary source rocks [22] that differentiate and crystallize over a range of depths within the upper continental crust. Several classification schemes have shown the differences in the character of mineralization and silicate mineral alteration assemblage that are related to the tectonic environment and emplacement depth of the felsic source rocks. Most tin mineralization is of hydrothermal nature and occurs disseminated or fracture-controlled in greisen zones and in stockworks/veins within the causative granite or its country rocks, or as skarns within reactive Ca-rich host rocks. Cassiterite in pegmatites may crystallize from the melt or precipitate in the transitional magmatic–hydrothermal stage of the fluid-saturated melt system.
For the sake of simplicity, tin mineralization can be divided into two realms: (1) an orthomagmatic realm, which involves magmatic to magmatic–hydrothermal transitional systems like pegmatites that form in deeper environments, and (2) hydrothermal-dominated greisens, vein/stockwork systems, and skarns, i.e., shallower environments (Figure 1). The designation of tin deposit types in this scheme highlights an important similarity. In both instances, a cooling granitoid exsolves an aqueous fluid phase induced by pressure release (“first boiling”) or isobaric crystallization of anhydrous minerals (“second boiling”), which results in high-temperature hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. However, given that fluid saturation is pressure-dependent, the production of a magmatic–hydrothermal fluid occurs at higher temperature and at an earlier stage of crystallization in shallower deposits [22]. Thus, tin remains within the silicious magmatic phase of pegmatites or deep granitoids longer, allowing for magmatic cassiterite formation, while cassiterite growth in shallower systems is predominantly hydrothermal in nature. Therefore, from a mass balance standpoint, comparing the tin isotope compositions in each of the tin reservoirs will illuminate potential processes associated with tin mineralization.
Tin ore deposits are much more restricted in distribution compared to metals like copper, although both form magmatic–hydrothermal systems. The need for highly evolved, fractionated, reduced, felsic magmatism for tin mineralization is distinctly different than the conditions needed to form magmatic–hydrothermal copper deposits that are typically associated with widespread arc or post-collisional oxic magmatism and associated high-temperature hydrothermal processes. Thus, comparing the ore metal isotope compositions of Cu and Sn provides a further opportunity to identify unique processes associated with mineralization of Sn.

2. Sampling, Tin Deposits, and Methods

Cassiterite samples were selected from the two general deposit types described above and are organized as such in Table 1 and Table 2. The majority of samples were obtained from the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The use of museum specimens allowed for acquisition of materials from areas where mining activity removed all mineralization and provides reliable location information for each sample. A smaller subset of cassiterite samples originated from field collecting within different deposits by the authors of this paper. This approach ensures robust sample location and deposit association for all materials.
Two hundred and seventy-two cassiterite results are presented in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3, which includes one hundred and fifty-nine unpublished results. All major known tin deposits/districts on Earth are represented in the sixty deposits of the dataset. The dataset includes cassiterite from every continent except Antarctica, and from deposits spanning diverse mineralization styles of tin (e.g., greisens, veins, stockworks, disseminations), as well as spanning the Archean through the Cenozoic.
The data distribution for the two general types of tin deposits (deep versus intermediate to shallower mineralization) are pegmatites (deep) with 80 cassiterite samples from 10 deposits, veins (intermediate) with 131 cassiterite samples from 31 deposits, and porphyry/skarns (intermediate) with 76 cassiterite samples from 11 deposits. The intermediate–shallow deposits are lumped together as a means for comparison; for instance, skarns can form at various depths and are simply treated as the hydrothermal part of the binary classification presented here [22,23,24].
To explore the details of tin fractionation within one system, a subset of 14 cassiterites and 3 rock samples are examined from Geiju, a highly studied tin mineralization system that has been mined since the Bronze Age in China (Table 3). The cassiterite samples span the ore district and were chosen at different distances (both vertical and horizontal, in the order of Km) from the source intrusion and two different mineralization styles, both skarn and veined types of cassiterite. Studies of the textures and ore genesis are found in [25,26,27]. The rock samples were chosen from the host intrusion and lacked disseminated cassiterite. Comparison of the ores and rocks samples provided a broader glimpse into the mineralization process and how tin isotopes vary over one large system.
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), the main ore mineral of copper that forms in high-temperature mineralization systems is used here for comparison with the Sn system. Igneous chalcopyrite from magmatic systems originated from layered mafic intrusions, disseminated in igneous rocks and komatiites [28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38]. Chalcopyrite from hydrothermal systems originated from porphyry copper deposits, epithermal deposits, and volcanogenic massive sulfides [39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53]. All Cu isotopic data presented here are taken from the literature and are presented relative to the NIST 976 isotope standard.
Sample preparation and measurement of the tin isotopes for cassiterite followed the method and protocols established in [20]. For the two rock samples, separation protocols using AG and Eichrom Tru Spec resins [2,5,20] were used. The data were collected over a twelve-year period on four ICP-MS multicollectors: the Isoprobe at the University of Arizona and the Neptune plus at Rutgers UniversityWashington State University, and the Pennsylvania State University. All samples were measured at low resolution, had on-peak blank subtraction, and had a mass bias corrected value with exponential law through the NIST Sb standard 3102, which were subsequently corrected with standard–sample–standard using NIST Sn standard 3161a. The instruments measured in both wet (at the University of Arizona, Rutgers University, and Pennsylvania State University) and dry plasma (at Rutgers University and Washington State University) modes as summarized in Table 4.
The data in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 provide the traditional per mil values for δ124Sn and δ120Sn relative to the NIST 3161a tin standard, and all data taken from the literature are compared to this standard. In this manner, mass dependence of the data becomes evident. However, throughout this paper and in the data table, the data are presented as ‰ per amu (for instance, the traditional presentation of δ124Sn = x‰, which is normalized here to δSn = x‰/8 amu; notation further described in [11]). This normalization of the data allows for comparison of the tin isotope data with the copper isotope data.
As a means to establish QA/QC assurances of the data, several in-house standards were measured in different matrices found in Table 4. The cassiterite, metal, and bronze samples represent materials that have had full procedural repeats performed on different instruments throughout the past 6 years. The cassiterite and metal produce a 2σ = 0.11 (which is a slightly smaller error than reported in 20) in comparison with the 2σ = 0.21 for the bronze materials. The larger variations seen in the bronzes reflect sample heterogeneity.

3. Results

To relate the global trends seen in the tin isotopes, mean tin isotope values are compared across general ore genesis and deposit types. Data are presented as violin plots to display ranges and the overlapping nature of the data. The global dataset shows that cassiterite from magmatic/orthomagmatic origin has lower tin isotope values than in hydrothermal systems (Figure 2A). When subdivided into individual deposit types, cassiterite from pegmatite has lower mean values in comparison to mean values from porphyry systems, skarn, and veined systems (Figure 2B). Portraying the data in these two different filters shows that regardless of how the data are organized, the hydrothermal ores (porphyry, skarn, and vein systems) are higher than bulk silicate earth and magmatic ores (pegmatites) are lower.
For Geiju, the cassiterites have higher tin isotope values than the tin isotope values of the source rocks (Figure 3). When compared to published data [54,55,56,57] for tin isotope values in rocks, the three samples from Geiju are significantly lower. Tin isotope values for cassiterite appear to have a spatial pattern, where cassiterites closest to the source intrusion have higher tin isotope values.

4. Discussion

4.1. Across Deposit Type Global Comparisons

The formation of tin deposits requires that the magma experiences extended fractionation during cooling and crystallization to produce highly evolved late-stage granites. Crustal contamination and fractional crystallization can lead to the exsolution of a high-temperature fluid enriched in incompatible elements that possesses high concentrations of tin and other rare elements. Here, the tin isotope composition of the cassiterite records physiochemical reactions in both the magma and the hydrothermal systems associated with mineralization. As seen in Figure 2 and Figure 3, there are distinct differences in the tin isotope composition of igneous cassiterite hosted in granitic rocks versus cassiterite in the hydrothermal system. Importantly, this difference occurs in cassiterite across large spans of time, geography, geological host rock, and associated wall-rock alteration. In other words, neither geological timeframe nor geological host environment relates to the recorded difference. Therefore, the tin isotopic differences illustrated here reflect a global process that acted across all types of tin mineralization.
In a general sense, a two-stage process occurs during the formation of these deposits. The exsolution of the hydrothermal fluid from the magma occurs first, referred to as orthomagmatic, followed by a hydrothermal system that cools post-exsolution. From the perspective of tin, the metal concentration of the magma decreases as tin enriches in the hydrothermal solution that is exsolved. During this process, tin travels in the exsolved fluid as a ligand bound to chlorine and/or fluorine. Many thermodynamic and mineralogical works have debated how tin is complexed and what leads to its ultimate precipitation of cassiterite [58,59,60,61,62,63,64]. The majority of these studies suggest that tin was in a reduced form both during melt evolution and in the hydrothermal system [65,66].
Recently, Sun et al. [9] demonstrated that the Sn-F and Sn-Cl complexes favor the higher mass tin isotope due to bonding considerations. The F ligands lead to a significantly larger degree of tin isotope fractionation for reduced tin in comparison to Cl (ΔSnF-residue = +0.14‰/amu at 400 °C for F in comparison to ΔSnCl-residue = +0.014‰/amu at 400 °C for Cl). Given the large isotopic differences among the orthomagmatic and hydrothermal cassiterite in Figure 3A, Cl ligands alone cannot account for the Sn isotope variations at high temperature; Sn-F ligands must have incorporated heavy tin during the fluid exsolution step from the magma leaving the residual rocks/pegmatites with a lighter tin isotope reservoir. Importantly, the ore deposits analyzed in this contribution have been studied in great detail to have different mixtures of the F and Cl ligands involved during mineralization and here we do not intend to solely point to one ligand, rather that they operate in a similar manner with regard to Sn isotope fractionation.
To model this behavior, we use Rayleigh distillation with fractionation factors (αSnF-magma = 1.001, applied to a starting magma with bulk silicate earth value of 0.02‰) to match the mean Sn isotope value of pegmatite cassiterite. We use the d124Sn so that a larger range of isotope values is seen in the model presented and it provides easier graphical representation of the data. As there are more steps that could fractionate tin in the hydrothermal system, we focus on modelling the Sn isotope mean value of the pegmatite to demonstrate the first step needed to yield lower pegmatite tin isotope values. Figure 4 illustrates the tin isotopic evolution of a magma that releases Sn-F into the fluid phase. Depending on the amount of Sn remaining in the magma (f value in the distillation model), the Sn isotope values span the range of all cassiterite samples measured. However, the formation of cassiterite is associated with a fractionation factor that favors the heavier tin isotopes. Therefore, in order to generate a mean value of −0.22‰, approximately 90% of the total tin would have to be partitioned into the liquid from the magmatic fluid and the remaining melt would have an Sn isotope value of −2.2‰. Assuming that the majority of the tin resides in the cassiterite precipitated in the magma, the Rayleigh distillation model predicts 90% or more tin will precipitate to form cassiterite at −0.22‰, the mean tin isotope value of pegmatites. The exercise demonstrates that reasonable amounts of tin can partition into the different reservoirs and generate Sn isotope values measured in cassiterite from pegmatites. Equally interesting, lower cassiterite values predicted with the model indicate that less total tin needs to be extracted from the source intrusion. Therefore, the mean values recorded in pegmatite cassiterite in one system may indicate total tin associated with pegmatite mineralization and be used to assess the potential for tin in associated hydrothermal systems.
The heavier tin isotopes in the hydrothermal fluid, with tin still in the reduced form, generate a ‘higher’ starting tin isotope composition of the hydrothermal system. The nearly identical mean values for the shallow and deeply formed cassiterite demonstrate the uniformity of this fractionation step in deep and shallow tin mineralization systems. Figure 2B teases out the differences among the vein, skarn, and porphyry hydrothermal cassiterite variants and shows the same mean values for each. An oxidation step to form cassiterite will occur in both the residue and product (hydrothermal) systems; thus, pointing to this mechanism as the sole cause for the higher values in the hydrothermal system is non-ideal. This is because the fractionation factor for the oxidation step is twice that of the Sn-F complexes; however, the total mass of tin precipitated during mineralization will control the Sn isotope value of the cassiterite. Assuming Rayleigh distillation operates with tin oxidation fractionation factors at 1.003 [9,67], similarities of the orthomagmatic and hydrothermal cassiterite ranges displays that mechanisms in the second step of Sn isotope fractionation operate in a similar fashion.
The mean tin isotope composition in both reservoirs will be controlled by the amount of tin residing in each reservoir, assuming constant fractionation factors operate within a Rayleigh distillation model. Distillation models predict that specific amounts of tin partition into each reservoir, which constrains the tin isotope compositions of the cassiterite that is formed (x-axis of Figure 4, the variable is commonly designated as f). In the extreme case, where all of the tin is extracted into the hydrothermal fluid, the source rock and the mineralization value would be identical. The fact the means in these two reservoirs are different when comparing the entire cassiterite dataset demonstrates that different proportions of tin reside in the magmatic and hydrothermal products. Modelling the amount of tin within the crystallized source granite and tin in the hydrothermal system for each of these systems is beyond the scope of presentation. However, the tin isotopic differences between magmatic and hydrothermal systems point to the fact that not all Sn is extracted during fluid exsolution. Of further interest is the fact that the mean values of the vein-hosted and porphyry tin deposits are nearly identical, which could indicate similar proportional tin distribution among the residue and products.
Webster et al. [68] documented that F, along with Cl, and Sn may be degassed from tin granite liquids. Thus, the larger isotopic range that is present in the shallower cassiterite could reflect evaporation-induced tin isotope fractionation. The experimental studies of [69] show that evaporation-induced fractionation happens across a diverse set of natural geologic environments. The vapor phase fractionation factor is on the same order, to slightly larger than that resulting from SnF ligand formation. Therefore, the largest range of tin isotope values would result with the evaporation mechanism included.

4.2. Intra-Deposit Comparison of the Ore and Source Rock

Sn isotopic characteristics of the Geiju ore deposits (Tangziao, Gaosong, and Laochang) and their source granite is provided below to further demonstrate the two-step fractionation of Sn in ore systems. The Geiju ore field occurs in southern China with mineralization associated with S-type granites of Late Cretaceous age [70,71,72,73,74]. Multiple deposits of tin are mined at different distances from the magmatic source, as seen in Figure 5, exhibiting three styles of tin mineralization (skarn, veins, and stratabound cassiterite). Here, we focus on the ores that occurred close to the granite–skarn contact, and the granite source rocks.
Mirroring the relationship between the orthomagmatic and hydrothermal cassiterite deposition, the skarn cassiterite samples have higher values than the source rocks from which they were derived at Geiju. The relationship strengthens the hypothesis of the first step of fractionation via F-ligand-bound Sn. If tin fractionation only occurred in the hydrothermal system during precipitation of cassiterite, the tin isotope composition of the residual granite should be similar to other igneous rocks as seen in Figure 3B. That is, the mean values of the cassiterite and granite should be nearly identical in terms of tin isotope composition. Given the large variation between cassiterite and source granite, and the fact that this granite has a lighter Sn isotope composition than all other measured igneous rocks identifies that a fractionating step must have occurred in the orthomagmatic environment.
Modeling the data with Rayleigh distillation using a SnF ligand α value for the fractionating step with the rocks and ores is slightly more complicated. This complexity is seen in the difference between the mean values of the Geiju granite and cassiterite (δSn = 0.1 per mil/amu) as significantly larger than worldwide pegmatite and hydrothermal cassiterite (δSn = 0.06 per mil/amu). The most obvious observation that could explain this difference is a sampling bias when comparing a significantly smaller dataset from Geiju. Equally noteworthy is the fact that all of the cassiterite sampled from Geiju is associated with Sn-bearing garnet assemblages, and none of the pure sulfide-associated cassiterite were sampled. This is important due to the fact that late-stage sulfide-rich fluids precipitate stannite, which is known to have lower Sn isotope values than cassiterite [13,75]. Therefore, the lack of data from the late-stage cassiterite may have skewed the mean difference to larger values because this lower-Sn isotope value reservoir is not considered. These challenges, combined with the potential fractionating factors associated with multiple potential tin-bearing mineral phases in the igneous rocks, make modeling the igneous rock Sn isotope composition non-robust given our current understanding of Sn isotope fractionation and the available data.
Even with the potential sampling bias, a general spatial pattern (Figure 5B) emerges where the highest values are found closest to the granite contact with the limestone and lower values are found at higher elevations. In fact, the lower values found on the granite contact correlate with the edge of the mineralized systems. The Sn isotope values indicate the hydrothermal system where the lower to higher values change vector to the center of the ore deposit. The modest sampling size aside, the data demonstrate the vector preserved in the Sn isotope compositions of cassiterite that was imprinted during hydrothermal activity.

4.3. Comparison with Cu Isotope Compositions of Ores

The formation of tin deposits requires a rather limited range of geological environments. In contrast, copper deposits can form in a variety of tectonic environments, associated igneous lithologies, and range of temperatures. A comparison of the metal isotope composition of the main Cu minerals demonstrates that the higher-temperature processes require multiple fractionation steps of tin in comparison to copper deposits, which do not require multiple magmatic steps to form.
Figure 6 shows the copper isotope difference of magmatic copper versus hydrothermal copper deposits. Note that the degree of isotopic fractionation for copper is significantly larger than tin, as is expected given that copper is a lighter element, and so would have predictably more isotopic separation, even at high temperatures. In addition, note that the copper isotope composition of both hydrothermal and magmatic copper overlap broadly, that the mean values are statistically indistinguishable, and that they correspond to bulk silicate Earth values. Thus, regardless of the mineralizing environment, the vast majority of copper transfers from the source silicate magma to the ore fluid, be it hydrothermal or immiscible sulfide melt [76].
In contrast, the mean tin isotope values for cassiterite in both the source rocks and the products of mineralization are different from the bulk silicate Earth values. Furthermore, the orthomagmatic and hydrothermal ores bracket the bulk silicate Earth value, hydrothermal cassiterite above and orthomagmatic cassiterite below. The same relationship is true of the specific case of Geiju with the hydrothermal ores compared to their tin granitic source rocks. This indicates that a ubiquitous fractionation step occurs within the magma or in the magma–hydrothermal separation stage.

5. Conclusions

The tin isotope composition in ores presented here demonstrate that a two-stage fractionation of tin isotopes occurs during the metallogenesis of these deposits. A comparison of tin to copper isotopes in metal deposits further amplifies this two-stage process in tin metallogenesis. This comparative approach of different tin deposits coupled with comparison to copper isotope results allows for a general physical process associated with tin metal deposits to be identified. It provides a tin isotopic framework to test as the ore metal and associated rock dataset expands.

Author Contributions

R.M. led the scientific team and was part of idea generation, drafting paper, preparing and measuring samples. W.P. was part of idea generation, drafting paper, preparing and measuring samples. J.Y., Y.C., J.M. and M.S. were part of drafting paper, figure generation, sample acquisition, and field assistance. F.G. was part of drafting paper and providing samples. L.G. aided in measuring and technique development with instrumentation, data interpretation and drafting the paper. F.T. was part of drafting the paper, idea generation, and providing simples. D.K. and J.S. provided samples, help in drafting paper, and idea generation. B.L. provided samples, help in drafting paper and idea generation. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors appreciate the support of the work from NSF EAR grants 2233425 and 1924177. Yanbo Cheng publishes with permission of the Chief Executive Officer of Geoscience Australia.

Data Availability Statement

The data provided are in the tables presented in the document.


We appreciate the comments from six different reviewers for this document.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. General cartoon model of tin mineralization style with depth which portrays the two-step fractionation of tin during deposit formation with F ligand induced fractionation at depth and redox controls on fractionation in shallow regions.
Figure 1. General cartoon model of tin mineralization style with depth which portrays the two-step fractionation of tin during deposit formation with F ligand induced fractionation at depth and redox controls on fractionation in shallow regions.
Geosciences 15 00028 g001
Figure 2. Tin isotope compositions of the products and residues of tin mineralization. Grey bar indicates bulk silicate earth values from the literature. (A) Compares the different types of cassiterite from orthomagmatic versus hydrothermal cassiterite. The mean values and total number of cassiterite samples are labeled beneath the violins. (B) Violin plot that shows the hydrothermal deposit type veins, porphyries, and skarns in comparison to pegmatites.
Figure 2. Tin isotope compositions of the products and residues of tin mineralization. Grey bar indicates bulk silicate earth values from the literature. (A) Compares the different types of cassiterite from orthomagmatic versus hydrothermal cassiterite. The mean values and total number of cassiterite samples are labeled beneath the violins. (B) Violin plot that shows the hydrothermal deposit type veins, porphyries, and skarns in comparison to pegmatites.
Geosciences 15 00028 g002aGeosciences 15 00028 g002b
Figure 3. (A) Violin plot of skarn mineralization cassiterite and the source rocks from Geiju showing lower Sn isotope values in residual rocks. (B) Box and whisker plot that compares the tin isotope composition of known terrestrial igneous rocks (mostly USGS rock standards) and the ‘residual’ or source rocks from Geiju are significantly lower.
Figure 3. (A) Violin plot of skarn mineralization cassiterite and the source rocks from Geiju showing lower Sn isotope values in residual rocks. (B) Box and whisker plot that compares the tin isotope composition of known terrestrial igneous rocks (mostly USGS rock standards) and the ‘residual’ or source rocks from Geiju are significantly lower.
Geosciences 15 00028 g003aGeosciences 15 00028 g003b
Figure 4. Rayleigh distillation model for mean pegmatite compositions. Peg. Cass = pegmatite cassiterite and the melt (grey circles) is the residual melt pre-pegmatite formation. Large grey rectangle indicates mean Sn isotope composition of pegmatite cassiterite. The model demonstrates that to generate cassiterite, values derived from a fluid during SnF ligand transport separated about 90% of the tin budget is required. The model also suggests that tin isotope values less than −0.22 require less total tin extraction from the magma.
Figure 4. Rayleigh distillation model for mean pegmatite compositions. Peg. Cass = pegmatite cassiterite and the melt (grey circles) is the residual melt pre-pegmatite formation. Large grey rectangle indicates mean Sn isotope composition of pegmatite cassiterite. The model demonstrates that to generate cassiterite, values derived from a fluid during SnF ligand transport separated about 90% of the tin budget is required. The model also suggests that tin isotope values less than −0.22 require less total tin extraction from the magma.
Geosciences 15 00028 g004
Figure 5. (A) Location map of Geiju. (B) E-W cross section of the three different deposit types sampled with red values from Tangziao, blue values from Gaosong, and orange value from Laochang. Note the general pattern of higher values proximal to the intrusion which demonstrates the potential to use tin isotopes in cassiterite as a vector tool for hydrothermal activity.
Figure 5. (A) Location map of Geiju. (B) E-W cross section of the three different deposit types sampled with red values from Tangziao, blue values from Gaosong, and orange value from Laochang. Note the general pattern of higher values proximal to the intrusion which demonstrates the potential to use tin isotopes in cassiterite as a vector tool for hydrothermal activity.
Geosciences 15 00028 g005aGeosciences 15 00028 g005b
Figure 6. Copper isotope composition of chalcopyrite from magmatic and hydrothermal systems that show no difference in mean values, which is different from what is seen with tin isotope values in ore-grade cassiterite. Gray bar indicates bulk silicate earth value from [77,78,79,80,81].
Figure 6. Copper isotope composition of chalcopyrite from magmatic and hydrothermal systems that show no difference in mean values, which is different from what is seen with tin isotope values in ore-grade cassiterite. Gray bar indicates bulk silicate earth value from [77,78,79,80,81].
Geosciences 15 00028 g006
Table 1. Cassiterite samples from pegmatites across the world with Sn isotope values.
Table 1. Cassiterite samples from pegmatites across the world with Sn isotope values.
Study #CountryProvinceLocalityPer mil/amuδ120Snδ124SnOre Age (MA)Ore TypeCitation
AFG 01AfghanistanLaghman Province −0.0130.00−0.1130PegmatiteThis contribution
AFG 02Afghanistan Badakhshan0.0720.320.5830PegmatiteThis contribution
AFG 03Afghanistan Badakhshan0.0360.180.2930PegmatiteThis contribution
AUS 02AustraliaNew South WalesElsmore−0.011−0.04−0.09253Pegmatite[10]
AUS 04AustraliaNew South WalesElsmore0.0140.090.116253Pegmatite[10]
AUS 14AustraliaWestern AustraliaWodgina0.0750.320.602850PegmatiteThis contribution
AUS 15AustraliaQueenslandStanthorpe−0.101−0.49−0.81240PegmatiteThis contribution
AUS 16AustraliaTasmania −0.091−0.40−0.73 PegmatiteThis contribution
AUS 06AustraliaNew South WalesEuriowie−0.056−0.18−0.441580PegmatiteThis contribution
BRA 01BrazilMinas GeraisTelirio pegmatite, Linopolis−0.118−0.49−0.942120PegmatiteThis contribution
BRA 02BrazilMinas GeraisSao Joao del Rei−0.049−0.22−0.392120PegmatiteThis contribution
BRA 03BrazilParaibaPedras Pretas−0.051−0.21−0.412120PegmatiteThis contribution
BRA 04BrazilMinas GeraisLinopolis0.0310.110.252120PegmatiteThis contribution
CON 01CongoManono −0.028−0.12−0.22940PegmatiteThis contribution
NAM 01NamibiaOtjimbojo 0.0700.270.56550PegmatiteThis contribution
NAM 02NamibiaUis 0.0120.050.10500PegmatiteThis contribution
PAK 03Pakistan −0.006−0.03−0.0530PegmatiteThis contribution
PAK 04PakistanSkardu −0.049−0.10−0.3930PegmatiteThis contribution
RWA 01RwandaGatumba 0.0270.110.211000PegmatiteThis contribution
SPA 04SpainGaliciaCorunna−0.047−0.20−0.38 PegmatiteThis contribution
SWE 01SwedenSkellefteVarutrask−0.036−0.19−0.291782PegmatiteThis contribution
UGA 01UgandaAnkoleMwirassondo−0.065−0.36−0.521000PegmatiteThis contribution
UGA 02UgandaAnkoleMwirassondo0.0210.040.171000PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 01U.S.A.South DakotaEtta−0.147−0.60−1.181715Pegmatite[13]
USA 02U.S.A.South DakotaIngersoll0.0150.040.121715Pegmatite[13]
USA 03U.S.A.South DakotaEtta−0.142−0.61−1.141715Pegmatite[13]
USA 04U.S.A.South DakotaEtta−0.040−0.19−0.321715Pegmatite[13]
USA 05U.S.A.South DakotaBlack Hills−0.003−0.02−0.021715Pegmatite[13]
USA 06U.S.A.South DakotaBlack Hills−0.011−0.04−0.091715Pegmatite[13]
USA 07U.S.A.South DakotaEtta−0.137−0.57−1.101715Pegmatite[13]
USA 08U.S.A.South DakotaEtta−0.072−0.32−0.571715Pegmatite[13]
USA 23U.S.A.MainePoland (Havey Peg)−0.0060.00−0.05260PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 24U.S.A.MainePoland (Havey Peg)−0.006−0.05−0.05260PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 25U.S.A.MaineGreenwood−0.036−0.13−0.29260PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 26U.S.A.MaineMt Mica−0.081−0.39−0.65260PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 28U.S.A.MaineWinslow0.0190.090.15260PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 29U.S.A.WashingtonSilver Hill Mine0.0300.170.2449PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 30U.S.A.WashingtonSilver Hill Mine0.0120.080.0949PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 31U.S.A.North CarolinaCharlotte−0.048−0.21−0.38375PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 32U.S.A.North Carolina −0.072−0.22−0.57375PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 33U.S.A.South CarolinaGaffney0.0610.300.49375PegmatiteThis contribution
USA 34U.S.A.North Carolina −0.071−0.16−0.56 PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 01ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.043−0.17−0.341030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 02ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.053−0.20−0.421030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 04ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.122−0.55−0.981030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 05ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.054−0.20−0.431030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 07ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi0.0100.010.081030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 09ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.054−0.18−0.431030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 10ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.124−0.44−0.991030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 11ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.079−0.36−0.631030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 12ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi0.011−0.010.091030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 13ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.068−0.18−0.551030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 14ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.047−0.24−0.381030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 15ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.016−0.06−0.131030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 16ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.096−0.41−0.771030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 18ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.115−0.49−0.921030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 19ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.045−0.18−0.361030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 20ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.007−0.03−0.061030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 21ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi0.0210.010.171030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 23ZimbabweMatabeleland NorthKamativi−0.134−0.61−1.071030PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 25ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.140−0.64−1.122600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 26ZimbabweMasvingoBikita0.0130.200.112600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 27ZimbabweMasvingoBikita0.0520.270.422600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 28ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.120−0.49−0.962600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 29ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.147−0.59−1.172600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 30ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.156−0.67−1.252600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 31ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.132−0.52−1.052600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 32ZimbabweMasvingoBikita−0.301−1.21−2.402600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 33ZimbabweMashonaland EastMutoko−0.090−0.36−0.722600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 34ZimbabweMashonaland EastMutoko−0.070−0.30−0.562600PegmatiteThis contribution
ZIM 35ZimbabweMashonaland EastMutoko−0.063−0.24−0.512600PegmatiteThis contribution
PAK 01PakistanGilgitBaltistan0.0330.120.2630PegmatiteThis contribution
PAK 02PakistanGilgitBaltistan0.0350.110.2830PegmatiteThis contribution
SOM 01Somalia −0.144−0.70−1.15530PegmatiteThis contribution
NAM 03Namibia Kransberg−0.008−0.08−0.06 PegmatiteThis contribution
NAM 04NamibiaArandis 0.0530.210.42 PegmatiteThis contribution
NAM 05NamibiaBrandberg West 0.1120.510.89 PegmatiteThis contribution
NIG 01NigeriaJos Plateau 0.011−0.060.09200PegmatiteThis contribution
AUS 06AustraliaNew South WalesEuriowie−0.056−0.18−0.441580PegmatiteThis contribution
Table 2. Cassiterite samples from shallower vein dominate systems across the world with Sn isotope values.
Table 2. Cassiterite samples from shallower vein dominate systems across the world with Sn isotope values.
Study #CountryProvinceLocalityPer mil/amuδ120Snδ124SnOre Age (MA)Ore TypeCitation
ARG 01ArgentinaVil Achay −0.017−0.06−0.14335GreisenThis contribution
AUS 11AustraliaNew South WalesButchart0.0090.020.07250GreisenThis contribution
AUS 01AustraliaNew South WalesElsmore−0.010−0.01−0.08253GreisenThis contribution
AUS 03AustraliaNew South WalesElsmore−0.0010.01−0.01253GreisenThis contribution
AUS 13AustraliaNew South WalesElsmore0.0140.070.11253GreisenThis contribution
AUS 07AustraliaNew South WalesTingha−0.110−0.53−0.88250VeinThis contribution
AUS 12AustraliaNew South WalesTingha0.0090.060.07250VeinThis contribution
AUS 10AustraliaNew South WalesVegetable creek0.0650.280.52250GreisenThis contribution
AUS 05AustraliaTasmania 0.0430.280.34250GreisenThis contribution
AUS 08AustraliaNew South Wales −0.008−0.02−0.06250GreisenThis contribution
AUS 09AustraliaNew South Wales 0.0090.060.07250GreisenThis contribution
BOL 13BoliviaLa PazChojlla0.0180.080.14220VeinThis contribution
BRA 05BrazilIgarape Preto 0.0560.190.451590GreisenThis contribution
CZR 01Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.1010.430.81320Greisen[13]
CZR 02Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.0600.260.48320Greisen[13]
CZR 03Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.0140.020.11320Greisen[13]
CZR 05Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.0250.070.20320Greisen[13]
CZR 06Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov0.0450.240.36320Greisen[13]
CZR 07Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov−0.014−0.10−0.11320Greisen[13]
CZR 08Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov0.0160.070.13320Greisen[13]
CZR 09Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1220.510.97320Greisen[13]
CZR 10Czech RepublicBohemiaKrasno0.0260.110.21320Greisen[13]
CZR 11Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1400.601.12320Greisen[13]
CZR 12Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1360.561.09320Greisen[13]
CZR 13Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1390.571.11320Greisen[13]
CZR 14Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1330.581.07320Greisen[13]
CZR 15Czech RepublicBohemiaKrasno0.0430.170.34320Greisen[13]
CZR 16Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.0020.030.01320Greisen[13]
CZR 17Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.1130.480.90320Greisen[13]
CZR 18Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1350.581.08320Greisen[13]
CZR 19Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1280.561.02320Greisen[13]
CZR 20Czech RepublicBohemiaKrasno−0.013−0.05−0.10320Greisen[13]
CZR 21Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov0.1240.530.99320Greisen[13]
CZR 22Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov0.0460.220.37320Greisen[13]
CZR 23Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec−0.015−0.02−0.12320Greisen [19]
CZR 24Czech RepublicBohemiaKrasno−0.009−0.08−0.07320Greisen[19]
CZR 25Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1530.691.23320Greisen[19]
CZR 26Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.0630.280.50320Greisen[19]
CZR 27Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov−0.007−0.04−0.05320Greisen[19]
CZR 28Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov0.0290.130.23320Greisen[19]
CZR 29Czech RepublicBohemiaKrasno−0.022−0.02−0.18320Greisen[19]
CZR 30Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1130.390.90320Greisen[19]
CZR 31Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.0940.390.75320Greisen[19]
CZR 32Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.0960.460.77320Greisen[19]
CZR 33Czech RepublicBohemiaCinovec0.1140.510.91320Greisen[19]
CZR 34Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov−0.0020.01−0.02320Greisen[19]
CZR 36Czech RepublicBohemiaHorni Slavkov−0.0030.00−0.03320Greisen[19]
CZR 37Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka−0.046−0.17−0.37320Greisen[19]
CZR 38Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.1590.701.27320Greisen[19]
CZR 39Czech RepublicBohemiaKrupka0.0550.260.44320Greisen[19]
CZR 40Czech RepublicBohemiaHrenecna−0.088−0.47−0.70320Greisen[19]
CZR 41Czech RepublicBohemiaHrenecna0.0330.090.27320Greisen[19]
EGY 01EgyptAbu Dabbab 0.0630.260.50640GreisenThis contribution
ENG 01EnglandCornwall 0.1370.521.09280Greisen[13]
ENG 02EnglandCornwall 0.1500.671.20280Greisen[13]
ENG 03EnglandCornwall 0.0940.390.75280Greisen[13]
ENG 04EnglandCornwall 0.0850.280.68280Greisen[13]
ENG 06EnglandCornwall −0.104−0.31−0.83280Greisen[13]
ENG 08EnglandCornwall 0.1420.571.13280Greisen[13]
ENG 09EnglandCornwall 0.1020.420.82280Greisen[13]
ENG 10EnglandCornwall 0.0670.250.54280Greisen[13]
ENG 11EnglandCornwall 0.0700.300.56280Greisen[13]
ENG 12EnglandCornwall −0.063−0.24−0.50280Greisen[13]
ENG 13EnglandCornwallSt Agnes0.1000.430.80280Greisen[13]
ENG 14EnglandCornwallSt Just0.1010.440.81280Greisen[13]
ENG 15EnglandCornwallSt Agnes0.1090.470.87280Greisen[13]
ENG 17EnglandCornwall 0.1510.701.20280Greisen[19]
ENG 18EnglandCornwallHemerdon Bal, Plympton0.1080.410.87280Greisen[19]
FRA 01FranceBrittany −0.042−0.18−0.33303GreisenThis contribution
FRA 02FranceLoire −0.001−0.02−0.01303GreisenThis contribution
FRA 03FranceLimousinMontebras0.0900.380.72310GreisenThis contribution
FRA 04FranceRhone−alpes −0.022−0.04−0.18310GreisenThis contribution
FRA 05FranceBrittanyLa Villeder0.008−0.030.06303GreisenThis contribution
GER 01GermanyGermany 0.0500.210.40320GreisenThis contribution
GER 02GermanyAltenbergAltenberg0.0580.250.46320Greisen[19]
GER 03GermanyEhrenfriedersdorf 0.1080.440.87320Greisen[19]
GER 04GermanyEhrenfriedersdorf 0.0430.210.34320Greisen[19]
GER 05GermanySauberg 0.0100.010.08320Greisen[19]
GER 06GermanyAltenbergAltenberg0.0320.110.25320Greisen[19]
GER 07GermanySadisdorf 0.0580.260.46320GreisenThis contribution
JAP 01JapanHonshuTakayama0.0310.130.25 VeinThis contribution
JAP 02JapanHonshuTakayama0.0710.190.57 VeinThis contribution
JAP 03JapanHonshuTakayama0.0570.220.46 VeinThis contribution
MAL 01MalaysiaPanang 0.0990.410.79240GreisenThis contribution
MAL 02MalaysiaPenangChenderjang0.0600.230.48240GreisenThis contribution
MAL 04MalaysiaJohorPelepah Kanan0.0500.180.40240GreisenThis contribution
POR 01PortugalPanasquiera −0.080−0.31−0.64295GreisenThis contribution
POR 02PortugalPanasquiera 0.0300.100.24295GreisenThis contribution
POR 03PortugalPanasquiera 0.0720.280.58295GreisenThis contribution
POR 04PortugalPanasquiera 0.0620.210.50295GreisenThis contribution
POR 05PortugalPanasquiera 0.0900.350.72295GreisenThis contribution
POR 06PortugalPanasquiera 0.0560.230.45295GreisenThis contribution
POR 07PortugalPanasquiera 0.0320.110.26295GreisenThis contribution
POR 08PortugalOportoValongo−0.012−0.06−0.10 VeinThis contribution
RUS 01RussiaMerekski 0.1150.470.9286GreisenThis contribution
RUS 02RussiaMerekski 0.1030.440.8286GreisenThis contribution
RUS 03RussiaSiberiaOnon0.0810.310.65 GreisenThis contribution
RWA 02RwandaRutongo 0.0240.140.191000VeinThis contribution
SAF 01South AfricaNorth TransvaalNorth Transvaal0.003−0.030.022050GreisenThis contribution
SAF 02South AfricaLimpopoLeeuwpoort0.1360.551.092050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 03South AfricaLimpopoZaaiplaats0.1110.510.892050GreisenThis contribution
SAF 04South AfricaLimpopoZaaiplaats0.1420.561.132050GreisenThis contribution
SAF 05South AfricaLimpopoZaaiplaats0.1660.721.332050GreisenThis contribution
SAF 06South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.1350.541.082050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 07South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.0570.300.462050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 08South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.0850.300.682050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 09South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.0590.150.472050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 10South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.1090.380.882050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 11South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.1420.621.142050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 12South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.0060.070.052050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 13South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg−0.0060.01−0.052050ExograniticThis contribution
SAF 14South AfricaLimpopoRooiberg0.0740.300.602050ExograniticThis contribution
SER 01SerbiaBukuljaBukulja−0.008−0.04−0.0720GreisenThis contribution
SER 02SerbiaBukuljaBukulja0.0280.110.2220Greisen[19]
SER 03SerbiaBukuljaBukulja0.0130.070.1020Greisen[19]
SER 04SerbiaBukuljaBukulja0.0310.130.2520Greisen[19]
SER 05SerbiaCerCernica0.0590.240.4716Greisen[19]
SER 06SerbiaCerCernica0.0520.200.4216Greisen[19]
SER 07SerbiaCerMilinska0.0680.190.5516Greisen[19]
SER 08SerbiaCerMilinska0.0600.150.4816Greisen[19]
SER 09SerbiaCerMilinska0.0630.180.5016Greisen[19]
SER 10SerbiaCerMilinska0.0790.340.6316Greisen[19]
SER 11SerbiaCerMilinska0.1000.410.8016Greisen[19]
SER 12SerbiaCerMilinska0.0790.290.6316Greisen[19]
SER 13SerbiaCerMilinska0.0340.140.2716Greisen[19]
SER 14SerbiaCerMilinska0.0630.250.5116Greisen[19]
SER 15SerbiaCerMilinska0.0320.150.2616Greisen[19]
SER 16SerbiaCerMilinska0.0580.240.4616Greisen[19]
SER 17SerbiaCerMilinska0.0720.320.5816Greisen[19]
SPA 01SpainGaliciaPenouta Mine−0.025−0.07−0.20295Greisen[19]
SPA 02SpainGaliciaPenouta Mine−0.046−0.17−0.37295GreisenThis contribution
SPA 03SpainGaliciaPenouta Mine−0.045−0.14−0.36295GreisenThis contribution
SPA 05SpainSalamancaGolpejas0.0390.150.31 GraniteThis contribution
SPA 07SpainGaliciaSan Finx0.0350.120.28 VeinThis contribution
SPA 08SpainCaceresLa Parilla0.0110.050.09 VeinThis contribution
SPA 09SpainSalamancaGolpejas0.0660.290.53 GraniteThis contribution
SPA 11SpainGaliciaPenouta Mine−0.048−0.14−0.38295GraniteThis contribution
SPA 14SpainOurensePenouta Mine−0.025−0.12−0.20295GreisenThis contribution
SPA 15SpainOurensePenouta Mine−0.039−0.14−0.31295GreisenThis contribution
SPA 16SpainOurensePenouta Mine−0.034−0.11−0.27295GreisenThis contribution
USA 35U.S.A.VirginiaIrish Creek0.0860.410.69637GreisenThis contribution
USA 27U.S.A.MaineNorway0.0720.300.58260GreisenThis contribution
BOL 14BoliviaLa PazChojlla0.0210.100.17220PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 15BoliviaLa PazViloco−0.090−0.35−0.7224PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 01BoliviaLa PazViloco Mine−0.082−0.36−0.6624PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 02BoliviaLa PazViloco Mine−0.046−0.19−0.3724PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 03BoliviaLa PazViloco Mine0.0870.380.7024PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 04BoliviaLa PazViloco Mine0.1620.681.3024PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 05BoliviaLa PazViloco Mine0.0840.360.6724PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 11BoliviaOroruHuanuni0.1100.420.8824PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 12BoliviaOroruPoopo0.1110.490.8924PorphyryThis contribution
BOL 06BoliviaOruroAvicaya0.0110.060.0824Porphyry[13]
BOL 09BoliviaPotosiHuayoco0.0310.140.2524VolcanicThis contribution
BOL 08BoliviaPotosiLavisa−ocuri0.1130.470.9024VolcanicThis contribution
BOL 16BoliviaPotosiLlallagua0.0880.390.7024Porphyry[13]
BOL 17BoliviaPotosiLlallagua0.0890.380.7124Porphyry[13]
BOL 07BoliviaPotosi −0.074−0.32−0.6024Porphyry[13]
BOL 18BoliviaPotosi 0.0410.200.3324Porphyry[13]
BOL 19BoliviaPotosi 0.1000.400.8024Porphyry[13]
BOL 20BoliviaPotosi 0.1110.480.8924Porphyry[13]
BOL 21BoliviaPotosi 0.0720.310.5824Porphyry[13]
BOL 22BoliviaPotosi 0.0500.210.4024Porphyry[13]
MEX 01MexicoDurango −0.039−0.16−0.3130Volcanic[10]
MEX 02MexicoDurango 0.0800.360.6430Volcanic[10]
MEX 03MexicoDurango −0.125−0.54−1.0030Volcanic[10]
MEX 04MexicoDurango 0.0010.010.0130Volcanic[10]
MEX 05MexicoDurango −0.046−0.16−0.3730Volcanic[10]
MEX 06MexicoDurango 0.0280.050.2230Volcanic[10]
MEX 07MexicoDurango −0.108−0.48−0.8630Volcanic[10]
MEX 08MexicoDurango 0.001−0.060.0130Volcanic[10]
MEX 09MexicoGuanajuatoSantin Mine0.1480.571.1830VolcanicThis contribution
MEX 10MexicoGuanajuatoSantin Mine0.1730.711.3830VolcanicThis contribution
MEX 11MexicoGuanajuato 0.2040.881.6330VolcanicThis contribution
MEX 12MexicoGuanajuato 0.0270.140.2230VolcanicThis contribution
MEX 13MexicoGuanajuato 0.0490.270.3930VolcanicThis contribution
POR 09PortugalNeves Corvo 0.0970.330.77360VMSThis contribution
SPA 06PortugalPyrite BeltNeves Corvo−0.139−0.58−1.11360VMSThis contribution
USA 16U.S.A.AlaskaBuck Creek0.0810.300.6580SkarnThis contribution
USA 17U.S.A.AlaskaBuck Creek0.0610.270.4980SkarnThis contribution
USA 19U.S.A.AlaskaBuck Creek0.1150.470.9280SkarnThis contribution
USA 09U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.106−0.46−0.8528Volcanic[10]
USA 10U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek0.1020.400.8128Volcanic[10]
USA 12U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.147−0.59−1.1828Volcanic[10]
USA 13U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.099−0.40−0.7928Volcanic[10]
USA 14U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.050−0.17−0.4028Volcanic[10]
USA 20U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.154−0.57−1.2328VolcanicThis contribution
USA 21U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek−0.0010.01−0.0128VolcanicThis contribution
USA 22U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek0.0120.080.1028VolcanicThis contribution
USA 36U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek0.0420.250.3428Volcanic[10]
USA 37U.S.A.New MexicoTaylor Creek0.0080.090.0628Volcanic[10]
USA 15U.S.A.Alaska −0.069−0.29−0.55 Skarn
Table 3. Cassiterite and granite Sn isotope values from the Geiju District presented in this work.
Table 3. Cassiterite and granite Sn isotope values from the Geiju District presented in this work.
Study #Collection #CountryProvinceLocalityPer mil/amuδ120Snδ124SnOre Age (MA)Ore Type
G1P18-12ChinaGejui-TangziaoCass-Sulf Zone in Granite0.1430.631.1577Skarn
G2P18-12ChinaGejui-TangziaoCass-Sulf Zone in Granite0.1170.490.9477Skarn
G3P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone0.2391.111.9177Skarn
G4P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone0.1870.791.5077Skarn
G7P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone0.0960.410.7777Skarn
G8P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone−0.092−0.40−0.7477Skarn
G9P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone0.1050.470.8477Skarn
G10P18-12ChinaGejui-LaochangCass-Sulf Zone0.1460.561.1777Skarn
G11P18-12ChinaGejui-GaosongCass-Sulf Zone−0.104−0.47−0.8377Skarn
G12P18-12ChinaGejui-GaosongCass-Sulf Zone0.0320.110.2577Skarn
G13P18-12ChinaGejui-GaosongCass-Sulf Zone0.0620.210.5077Skarn
G14P18-12ChinaGejui-GaosongCass-Sulf Zone0.0840.330.6777Skarn
G15P18-12ChinaGejui-GaosongStratabound Cass-Sulf0.1020.450.8277Vein
GJ 161P18-06ChinaGejui-GaosongTangziao−0.054−0.43−0.6377Rock
Table 4. Sn isotope values of in-house standards measured on an Isoprobe at the University of Arizona and a Neptune Plus at Rutgers University and Washington State University. The instrument inlet systems were different where both dry and wet plasma modes were tested. Instruments were in low resolution mode in all locations.
Table 4. Sn isotope values of in-house standards measured on an Isoprobe at the University of Arizona and a Neptune Plus at Rutgers University and Washington State University. The instrument inlet systems were different where both dry and wet plasma modes were tested. Instruments were in low resolution mode in all locations.
MatrixPer mil/amuδ120Snδ124SnDateLocationInstrumentPlasma
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.013−0.02−0.10June 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.014−0.01−0.11June 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.014−0.10−0.11June 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.001−0.05−0.01July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.016−0.09−0.13July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.0180.00−0.14July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.016−0.01−0.13July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.0030.00−0.02July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.012−0.04−0.09August 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite0.0060.040.05August 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.013−0.11−0.10August 2016ArizonaIsoprobeWet
CZ 07Cassiterite−0.0080.02−0.06April 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
metalMetal0.0710.280.57Jan 2018ArizonaIsoprobeWet
metalMetal0.0710.320.57April 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
metalMetal0.0740.340.59Nov 2019RutgersNeptune PlusWet
metalMetal0.0660.290.53Nov 2019RutgersNeptune PlusWet
metalMetal0.0760.320.61Aug 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
metalMetal0.0770.290.61Jan 2020RutgersNeptune PlusWet
metalMetal0.0790.390.63July 2018PSUNeptune PlusWet
metalMetal0.0680.290.54Dec 2021WSUNeptune PlusDry
metalMetal0.0700.290.56Aug 2021WSUNeptune PlusDry
metal Metal0.0650.260.52April 2022RutgersNeptune PlusDry
metal Metal0.0490.200.39Oct 2022RutgersNeptune PlusDry
LO2Bronze0.1430.531.14Nov 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
LO2Bronze0.1200.500.96Jan 2020RutgersNeptune PlusDry
LO2Bronze0.1490.631.19Nov 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
LO2Bronze0.1230.540.98April 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
LO2Bronze0.1100.440.88Dec 2021WSUNeptune PlusDry
Zr 01Bronze−0.239−1.01−1.91January 2017ArizonaIsoprobeWet
Zr 01Bronze−0.208−0.87−1.67Aug 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
Zr 01Bronze−0.207−0.86−1.66Aug 2019RutgersNeptune PlusDry
Zr 1Bronze−0.208−0.88−1.66Jan 2020RutgersNeptune PlusWet
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mathur, R.; Powell, W.; Yao, J.; Guimaraes, F.; Cheng, Y.; Godfrey, L.; Tornos, F.; Killick, D.; Stephens, J.; Mao, J.; et al. Global Sn Isotope Compositions of Cassiterite Identify the Magmatic–Hydrothermal Evolution of Tin Ore Systems. Geosciences 2025, 15, 28.

AMA Style

Mathur R, Powell W, Yao J, Guimaraes F, Cheng Y, Godfrey L, Tornos F, Killick D, Stephens J, Mao J, et al. Global Sn Isotope Compositions of Cassiterite Identify the Magmatic–Hydrothermal Evolution of Tin Ore Systems. Geosciences. 2025; 15(1):28.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mathur, Ryan, Wayne Powell, Junming Yao, Frederico Guimaraes, Yanbo Cheng, Linda Godfrey, Fernando Tornos, David Killick, Jay Stephens, Jingwen Mao, and et al. 2025. "Global Sn Isotope Compositions of Cassiterite Identify the Magmatic–Hydrothermal Evolution of Tin Ore Systems" Geosciences 15, no. 1: 28.

APA Style

Mathur, R., Powell, W., Yao, J., Guimaraes, F., Cheng, Y., Godfrey, L., Tornos, F., Killick, D., Stephens, J., Mao, J., Sun, M., & Lehmann, B. (2025). Global Sn Isotope Compositions of Cassiterite Identify the Magmatic–Hydrothermal Evolution of Tin Ore Systems. Geosciences, 15(1), 28.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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