The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Family Experiences: A Qualitative Exploration of Sibling Resilience
:1. Introduction
- RQ 1: What are the experiences of families with intergenerational trauma in relation to ACEs and AFEs?
- RQ 2: What influences the similarities and differences in sibling resilience across case studies?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ethics and Risks
2.2. Design and Materials
2.3. Recruitment and Participants
2.4. Procedure
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Theme 1. Fear
“I suffered the loss of a further two sons who were both murdered and although I carried on living, I wasn’t really alive… I feared for my other children.”—Parent 1, Case Study 1, Female, 76
“They wanted to make sure he knew his place and that he wasn’t going to do anything unless they agreed to it… My brother was stabbed in the stomach, and he was slashed from his ear right inside his mouth with a razor blade… That caused a lot of nightmares, I was frightened to go to sleep.”—Sibling 1, Case Study 1, Female, 53
“She (mother) would take the dog’s lead to me; she became aggressive after that (brother’s murder)… I don’t think any child should be petrified of their parents, but I was absolutely terrified. I would have done anything to keep the peace.”—Sibling 2, Case Study 1, Female, 58
3.2. Theme 2. Relationships
“Not only was I suffering from abandonment, but it started a life-long hatred and mistrust in me of women… I felt much closer to my sons, but I had bonding issues with my daughters. I always felt really disappointed when I was having a daughter.”—Parent 1, Case Study 1, Female, 75
“I remember thinking, if this is another wee boy, I’m not keeping it. I couldn’t cope with boys; I couldn’t love them; I couldn’t bond with them. I believe that’s down to the sexual abuse I experienced from my dad and brother.”—Sibling 2, Case study 1, Female, 58
“I didn’t deserve anything, so I settled for anything that came along. I didn’t feel worthy of a proper life. If it weren’t for my childhood and repeated abandonment, I wouldn’t have settled for the man I married… I felt it was quite normal to be beat. Although I was frightened… I felt it was a normal way of life.”—Parent 1, Case study 1, Female, 75
“I think the trauma you suffer as a child molds the person you become, and it causes you, perhaps, to choose relationships that are not quite good for you… exactly the same as what your mother and father had, therefore experiencing exactly what your mother did.”—Sibling 1, Case study 1, Female 53
3.3. Theme 3. Challenging Trauma
“I found myself dissociating to the sexual abuse. When my husband was violent, I would dissociate and feel a numbness. That helped me keep going.”—Parent 1, Case study 1, Female, 75
“I always managed to detach myself when traumatic things were happening, it was as if I was watching it happen as to experiencing it… The voice said to me to pretend to be a wee child. Which was ironic, because that’s exactly what I was. I was an infant. I was a baby.”—Sibling 1, Case study 1, Female, 53
“My partner was a drug dealer, and he was violent. One day he asked if I wanted a joint and I thought fuck it… He then asked if I wanted speed… He said I needed it to take care of my kids. I eventually turned to heroin not long after and my children were placed into care.”—Parent 2, Case study 2, Female, 56
“He (case worker) would watch you and touch you as you showered. I couldn’t handle the shame and embarrassment… I became aggressive and addicted to coke. I turned out just like my mum.”—Sibling 2, Case study, Male, 38
“I used to get him up, change him, feed him and I missed a lot of school because of that. But I was too scared to leave him with her (mother). I knew only I could protect him… It gave me a purpose again.”—Sibling 1, Case study 2, Female, 36
“When my mother’s depression got really bad, she couldn’t look after me and my younger brother, let alone my nephew. I took over being mummy in the house. I fed him, I changed him, I wheeled him in the pram, and I cuddled him… As a child I resented it, but it made me strong and resilient. It made me a good mother.”—Sibling 1, Case study 1, Female, 53
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Participant ID | Age | Gender | Number of ACEs | Number of AFEs |
Parent 1, Case study 1 | 75 | Female | 4 | 2 |
Sibling 1, Case study 1 | 53 | Female | 10 | 4 |
Sibling 2, Case study 1 | 58 | Female | 10 | 3 |
Parent 1, Case study 2 | 56 | Female | 6 | 2 |
Sibling 1, Case study 2 | 36 | Female | 8 | 1 |
Sibling 2, Case study 2 | 38 | Male | 8 | 1 |
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Nichol, M.R.; Curley, L.J.; Sime, P.J. The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Family Experiences: A Qualitative Exploration of Sibling Resilience. Behav. Sci. 2025, 15, 161.
Nichol MR, Curley LJ, Sime PJ. The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Family Experiences: A Qualitative Exploration of Sibling Resilience. Behavioral Sciences. 2025; 15(2):161.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNichol, Miriam Riaz, Lee John Curley, and Pamela Jane Sime. 2025. "The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Family Experiences: A Qualitative Exploration of Sibling Resilience" Behavioral Sciences 15, no. 2: 161.
APA StyleNichol, M. R., Curley, L. J., & Sime, P. J. (2025). The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Family Experiences: A Qualitative Exploration of Sibling Resilience. Behavioral Sciences, 15(2), 161.