3.1. Hydrogeochemical Characteristics
The groundwater samples from the study area exhibit alkaline (pH ≥ 7.45; from 7.45 to 9.64) and oxidizing (Eh ≥ 231 mV; from 231 mV to 371 mV) geochemical conditions [
30]. The EC values range from 316 μS/cm to 3943 μS/cm, while DO values vary from 3.62 mg/L to 13.49 mg/L [
30], suggesting the influence of diverse hydrogeochemical processes on groundwater quality. Previous studies have identified factors/processes such as seawater intrusion [
30] and initial stages of denitrification [
30] as potential contributors to these variations. More information about the descriptive statistics of the above-mentioned dataset is presented in the study by Papazotos et al. [
30]. The Schinos area consistently showed the lowest pH values, while the highest were observed in the springs of the Gerania Mts. The groundwater was predominantly classified as Mg-HCO
3 water type, which indicates rainwater–ultramafic rock/soil interaction, as confirmed by the Piper plot presented in our previous work [
30]. In the Loutraki area and Gerania Mts., Mg
2+ concentrations among major cations exceeded those of Ca
2+ or alkali (Na
+ + K
+), whereas Schinos displayed both high Mg
2+ and alkali levels. Regarding major anions, HCO
3− predominated in the region, followed by Cl
−, with the samples of the Schinos area showing elevated Cl
− concentrations. The main hydrochemical types were Mg-HCO
3, Mg-Cl, and Na-Cl, with samples of the Schinos area suggesting possible seawater intrusion due to increased Na
+ and Cl
−; these results are in agreement with previous studies in the same area (e.g., [
33]). Bivariate diagrams were employed to further explore these hydrogeochemical relationships (
Figure 3). The strong linear correlations observed between Na
+ vs. Cl
−, as well as Ca
2+ vs. SO
42−, indicate a shared origin for these ions, evidenced by their alignment along the theoretical 1:1 line associated with halite and gypsum dissolution (
Figure 3a,b). The samples from the Schinos area exhibited notably higher groundwater concentrations of dissolved ions. This alignment strongly suggests that seawater intrusion plays a major role as a driving geochemical process in the study area. Additionally, the majority of the samples exhibited a minor deviation, plotting above the 1:1 line in the Ca + Mg vs. Na plot (
Figure 3c). This pattern underscores the importance of reverse cation exchange as a significant geochemical process, marked by a decrease in Na
+ and an increase in other major cations, particularly Ca
2+ and Mg
2+ [
93]. In
Figure 3d, a slight decrease in the Na
− ratio is observed as EC increases, further supporting the presence of a seawater intrusion regime in the Schinos area, where EC values reached up to 3943 μS/cm [
30]. The presence of Mg
2+ in groundwater is primarily associated with the abundance of Mg-bearing silicate minerals found in ultramafic rocks in the study area [
31], such as those in the olivine (e.g., forsterite [Mg
4]), and pyroxene (e.g., enstatite [Mg
6]) groups, as well as secondary minerals such as the serpentine group [Mg
4] and talc [Mg
2]. Additionally, significant contributions of Mg
2+ result from the dissolution Mg-rich carbonates, including magnesite [MgCO
3], hydromagnesite [Mg
2O)], huntite [Mg
4], and pyroaurite [Mg
2O] [
94], a process that may explain the observed predominance of HCO
3− + SO
42− over Ca
2+ + Mg
2+ (
Figure 3e). This process can be represented by the following dissolution reactions for magnesite (Equation (30)) and forsterite (Equation (31)), which also apply to other relevant mineral phases:
However, the higher concentrations of Mg
2+ compared to HCO
3− (
Figure 3f), particularly evident in the Schinos area, suggest an additional source of Mg
2+ in the groundwater, likely due to seawater intrusion and reverse ion exchange processes.
The Ficklin diagram (
Figure 4) demonstrates that although concentrations of PTEs tend to increase with decreasing pH, the overall levels of PTEs in the groundwater remain relatively low based on the diagram’s classification [
95]. Typically, most PTEs in groundwater exist as cations, and their mobilization requires acidic conditions. As a result, the alkaline conditions prevalent throughout the region generally inhibit their mobility. However, elevated groundwater concentrations of specific PTEs, such as Cr, Cr(VI), and As, were detected, particularly in the Schinos area [
30]. These PTEs form oxyanions, which have a different geochemical mobility compared to cations, allowing them to remain mobile even under alkaline pH conditions.
It is important to note that the Schinos area dominates a seawater intrusion regime, leading to the salinization of groundwater. This phenomenon is evidenced by elevated groundwater concentrations of Cl
− and Na
+, which are typically abundant in seawater [
30]. In contrast, the Gerania Mts. and the Loutraki area are dominated by ultramafic rocks composed of Mg-rich minerals, resulting in high groundwater concentrations of Mg
2+, while Ca
2+ concentrations remain notably low in the same regions.
The absence of significant anthropogenic activities in the study area is confirmed by the low NO
3−groundwater concentrations. However, in the Schinos area, concentrations exceeding 50 mg/L are observed, surpassing the guideline values set by the WHO [
76] and Greek legislation (FEK B 3525/25.05.2023). This increase is likely attributable to relatively limited anthropogenic influences on the environment (e.g., small-scale farming, irrigation, low-impact tourism), with fertilizers and septic tanks identified as potential sources of contamination [
Notably, groundwater in the Schinos area exhibits significantly higher concentrations of Cr and Cr(VI), along with notable levels of As. Previous studies link elevated Cr and Cr(VI) levels to synergistic anthropogenic effects, such as fertilizer use and septic tanks, particularly in Cr-rich environments influenced by ultramafic rocks and soils [
89]. In contrast, the occurrence and mobilization of As in groundwater is associated with the prevailing seawater intrusion regime and specific geochemical processes that are related to N-cycling. The combination of seawater intrusion and denitrification processes creates favorable conditions for the mobilization and release of As into the groundwater [
3.3. Coupling Geo-Environmental Indices for Assess the Hydrogeochemical Properties of an Area
The geo-environmental indices examined, though relatively easy to apply, are somewhat limited in scope, as they primarily focus on the concentrations of selected elements, neglecting other PTEs crucial to the health of living organisms and ecosystems. Correlation and multivariate statistical analyses, including FA and R-mode HCA, revealed notable patterns between various geo-environmental indices.
Figure 6 presents the Spearman correlation coefficients for 25 calculated parameters based on 68 groundwater samples in the study area. The strongest statistically significant correlations are highlighted using a color-coded scale: positive correlations are depicted in shades ranging from orange to red, while negative correlations are represented by light to dark blue (see
Figure 6). Correlations selected for further analysis are those with
p-values below 0.01 or 0.05.
It is common for many geo-environmental indices, particularly those related to water quality for drinking purposes, to exhibit very strong, statistically significant correlations such as PIG and WQI (r = 0.977). However, it is especially challenging to explore the statistical patterns among indices associated with different suitability uses or ionic ratios. This evaluation can be effectively carried out using multivariate statistical tools such as FA via the method of PCA and R-mode HCA.
All 25 variables (NPI, RI, PIG, WQI, WPI, SAR, KR, %Na, PS, MAR, RSC, SSP, TH, PI, IWQI, TDS, C
d, HPI, HEI, Ca/Mg, Ca/SO
4, Ca/Na, Cl/NO
3, Cl/HCO
3, and Si/NO
3) were used to calculate multivariate statistics for the 68 groundwater samples. Geo-environmental indices, calculated using formulas that incorporate determined chemical element data, are inherently dependent variables; however, the literature often treats them as independent variables (e.g., [
123]). This direction does not constrain our research, as such data are well suited for multivariate statistical analyses [
85]. Furthermore, the objective of this study is to explore the interrelationships among geo-environmental indices and uncover underlying patterns by grouping these indices to reveal hidden connections. This approach facilitates the identification of key chemical parameters and processes associated with each factor or cluster, enhancing their applicability in environmental science and groundwater pollution studies.
Regarding FA, the scree plot method (Cattell, 1966), depicted in
Figure 7, highlights that five components have eigenvalues exceeding 1, meeting Kaiser’s criterion [
86] for classification as principal components, while the remaining factors are excluded.
The five factors explained 91.162% of the total data variance. The KMO value is equal to 0.673, indicating statistically significant results. Additionally, Bartlett’s test of sphericity yielded a
p-value < 0.05, confirming the validity and suitability of the data for FA. These two criteria, KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, are widely used in geochemical studies (e.g., [
89]) and are necessary to verify the quality of the multivariate statistical analysis.
Table 7 presents the outcomes of the FA, conducted using the PCA method, for the 68 groundwater samples from the Loutraki–Schinos–Gerania Mts. region. The parameter loadings are color-coded: strong loadings are shown in red, moderate loadings in light orange, and weak loadings in light blue. The results of the FA are presented in
Table 7 and can be summarized as follows:
The first factor (FA1) accounts for 50.629% of the total variance. It features strong positive loadings for variables TH (0.97), PIG (0.94), TDS (0.90), WQI (0.87), WPI (0.86), and PS (0.84). Additionally, it includes a strong negative loading for RSC (−0.92); moderate positive loadings for RI (0.71), Cl/HCO3 (0.71), and SAR (0.52); a moderate negative loading for IWQI (−0.68); and weak positive loadings for KR (0.36), SSP (0.41), %Na (0.41), Cd (0.31), HEI (0.31), Cl/NO3 (0.46), and NPI (0.37).
The second factor (FA2) explains 17.251% of the total variance. It shows strong positive loadings for PI (0.95), KR (0.91), SSP (0.89), %Na (0.89), and SAR (0.83). Moderate positive loadings are observed for PS (0.50), RI (0.61), and Cl/HCO3 (0.61), while weak positive loadings appear for TDS (0.36), WQI (0.37), and WPI (0.36). There is also a weak negative loading for IWQI (−0.39).
The third factor (FA3) accounts for 9.708% of the total variance, with strong positive loadings for HPI (0.94), Cd (0.87), and HEI (0.87); a weak positive loading for Ca/Mg (0.39); and a weak negative loading for MAR (−0.39).
The fourth factor (FA4) explains 7.781% of the total variance. It includes strong positive loadings for Ca/Na (0.87), Ca/SO4 (0.80), and Ca/Mg (0.79); a strong negative loading for MAR (−0.80); and weak positive loadings for NPI (0.34) and Si/NO3 (0.38).
The fifth factor (FA5) accounts for 5.793% of the total variance and features a strong negative loading for Cl/NO3 (−0.79), a moderate positive loading for NPI (0.74), and a moderate negative loading for Si/NO3 (−0.69).
These five factors collectively explain the majority of the variance in the data, highlighting the most influential variables.
On the other hand, the R-mode HCA employed Ward’s method (1963) as the linkage rule, using squared Euclidean distances to measure similarity between variables, a method that is extensively utilized in other geochemical studies (e.g., [
125]). The dendrogram in
Figure 8 illustrates the results of the R-mode HCA, depicting 68 groundwater samples collected from the Loutraki–Schinos–Gerania Mts. region. Variables with a linkage distance equal to eight (marked by the red dashed line in
Figure 8) and equal to five (indicated by the yellow dashed line in
Figure 8) were clustered together, forming distinct groups characterized by similar patterns. As shown in the dendrogram (
Figure 8), the variables were partitioned into six clusters at lower linkage distances and three clusters at greater linkage distances. The relationship between the two approaches is that the additional clusters formed by the yellow dashed line represent proximity between specific variables. These variables are grouped together at a higher linkage distance, as indicated by the red dashed line. The three clusters created from a linkage distance equal to eight are as follows:
Cluster C1: Cd, HEI, HPI, NPI, and Ca/Mg.
Cluster C2: %Na, SSP, SAR, KR, PI, RI, Cl/HCO3, PS, WQI, WPI, TDS, PIG, and TH.
Cluster C3: RSC, IWQI, MAR, Ca/SO4, Ca/Na, Cl/NO3, and Si/NO3
The six clusters created from a linkage distance equal to five are as follows:
Cluster C1: Cd, HEI, HPI, NPI, and Ca/Mg.
Cluster C2A: %Na, SSP, SAR, KR, and PI.
Cluster C2B: RI, Cl/HCO3, PS, WQI, WPI, TDS, PIG, and TH.
Cluster C3A: RSC, IWQI, and MAR.
Cluster C3B: Ca/SO4 and Ca/Na.
Cluster C3C: Cl/NO3 and Si/NO3.
Considering the results of correlation and multivariate statistical analyses, distinct patterns emerge among the geo-environmental indices. FA1 reflects indices that are strongly influenced by elevated concentrations of dissolved major ions, such as TH, PIG, TDS, WQI, WPI, RI, and Cl/HCO
3. In particular, the strong negative loadings of RSC and IWQI in this factor indicate the influence of alkalinity on other ions in the aqueous solution. Notably, ions like HCO
3− and Cl
−, which occur in higher concentrations, play a key role in defining the geo-environmental indices associated with this factor. Processes that increase dissolved salts in groundwater, such as seawater intrusion, exert a significant influence on these geo-environmental indices. This is further confirmed by the Spearman’s correlation coefficients and the R-mode HCA (cluster C2B), which highlight the close relationships among these indices. Additionally, Na-related indices are included in this category due to the strong positive correlation observed between Cl
− and Na
+ in most hydrogeochemical studies (e.g., [
89]). FA2 identifies a group of Na-related indices, such as PI, SAR, %Na, KR, and SSP, with their proximity further supported by cluster C2A of the HCA. FA3 points to indices related to the presence of PTEs in groundwater, such as C
d, HEI, and HPI; these indices are grouped within C1 of the HCA. FA4 highlights a group of Ca-related indices, such as Ca/Na, Ca/SO
4, Ca/Mg, and MAR. The negative loading of MAR is linked to the inverse relationship of Ca, where high Ca levels correspond with low MAR values. It is important to note that some of the indices mentioned above belong to different HCA clusters, reflecting different interpretations for each group. For instance, the Ca/Mg ionic ratio is part of C1, indicating its relationship with PTE loadings in groundwater or anthropogenic influences, due to the presence of PTE-related indices and NPI. In contrast, MAR, Ca/SO
4, and Ca/Na are grouped in C3, indicating that this cluster is associated with increased dissolved salts in groundwater. Lastly, FA5 highlights indices such as NPI, Si/NO
3, and Cl/NO
3, which reveal anthropogenic influences in the area. These indices also provide insights into other hydrogeochemical processes, including geogenic contributions, seawater intrusion, and the specific sources of N in the environment.
The results of the geo-environmental indices and their statistical analysis indicate that many indices exhibit significant similarities, making it unnecessary to calculate all of them. Specifically, the identified strong, statistically significant correlations suggest that successful groundwater suitability assessments and hydrogeochemical evaluations can be achieved without relying on an extensive number of geo-environmental indices. However, the selection of appropriate geo-environmental indices remains challenging, as it depends on various factors, including geology, land use, anthropogenic activities, proximity to the sea, etc. Therefore, we strongly recommend prioritizing the efficient utilization of selected indices and adopting a more robust methodological framework, both of which are crucial in the scientific disciplines of hydrogeochemistry and groundwater management. Focusing on key geo-environmental indices based on critical parameters/elements (e.g., Ca, Na, PTE, etc.) and the specific requirements of each study (e.g., water use, land use) is preferable. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that different indices used to assess water suitability for a specific use may occasionally produce contradictory results, potentially leading to incorrect conclusions. According to
Table 4,
Table 5 and
Table 6, certain indices yield conflicting results regarding the suitability of groundwater samples. While some indices classify all samples as suitable, others consider them entirely unsuitable or unsafe. For instance, the MAR and SAR indices, both used to evaluate irrigation suitability, produce opposing conclusions: the MAR index indicates that all groundwater samples in the Schinos area are unsuitable for irrigation, whereas the SAR index classifies them as suitable. Similar inconsistencies are also observed with other indices. This discrepancy underscores the need for a thorough hydrogeochemical assessment to ensure accurate and holistic interpretation of the data. In the case of the present study area, the presence of ultramafic rocks significantly influences the MAR index values due to the increased Mg
2+ groundwater concentrations.
Another limitation is that some geo-environmental indices have values influenced by the relative weight of their parameters (e.g., PIG, WQI) or rely on ideal and/or guideline values (e.g., HPI, NPI, PIG, WQI, etc.), a consideration that impacts the final result of the index and is directly associated with the researcher’s experience/knowledge and choices. It is likely that different researchers calculating the same index may obtain varying values due to differences in methodology or parameter weighting, which, in some extreme cases, could lead to different interpretations. Therefore, the most crucial principle in such studies is that the geo-environmental indices should not be prioritized over elemental concentrations. Thus, they serve as tools to highlight water suitability or to compare its quality against certain standards. Additionally, some indices are based on identical or nearly identical calculation methods, making their inclusion redundant and unnecessary for further consideration. Some geo-environmental indices show similar results with only minor variations (e.g., %Na-SSP, WQI-PIG, RI-Cl/HCO
3, MAR-Ca/Mg, etc.). This observation is further reinforced by the individual index results and the statistical analysis, which reveals correlation values close to 1, similar factor loadings in the FA, and low linkage distances in the HCA (
Figure 6,
Figure 7 and
Figure 8,
Table 7). Generally, the application of multivariate statistical methods highlights significant similarities among geo-environmental indices, raising concerns about the necessity of calculating all of them individually and underscoring the importance of focusing on the most meaningful indices to enhance analytical efficiency and provide more targeted, insightful results. It is important to note that a water sample may show excellent quality in terms of major element chemistry, yet still contain elevated levels of PTEs. In such cases, the water might be classified as good or excellent and deemed suitable for drinking and irrigation based solely on its major element concentrations. However, an analysis focusing on PTE-related indices could categorize the same water as poor quality. This highlights the importance of conducting a combined analysis using multiple indices, as recommended by this study, to achieve a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of water quality and its suitability for various uses. For instance, coupling two geo-environmental indices with different objectives can yield critical insights into chemometric analysis and water use, ultimately enhancing groundwater management. This clustering effect stems from the significant influence certain elements exert on the final index values. While each index is typically assessed separately, combining indices from different categories allows for a more robust evaluation of groundwater quality. For example,
Figure 9 illustrates a bivariate plot of the WQI, which assesses water suitability for drinking, alongside the HPI, which evaluates water quality based on the occurrence of PTEs. This integrated approach creates six distinct sub-fields, enabling the classification of samples based on their ability to meet both criteria for good water quality. By merging these indices, the assessment of groundwater quality is significantly enhanced, offering a more comprehensive understanding compared to the use of individual indices alone. For example, the coupling of WQI and HPI revealed that 64.7% of the samples fall into the excellent and suitable category, 11.8% into the good and suitable category, 1.47% into the poor and suitable category, 2.94% into the excellent and unsuitable category, 16.2% into the good and unsuitable category, and 2.94% into the poor and unsuitable category. All samples from the Loutraki area and the Gerania Mts. are classified as having excellent water quality based on WQI, with only one sample from the Loutraki area deemed unsuitable according to HPI. In contrast, the majority of samples from the Schinos area exhibit lower water quality when evaluated using both WQI and HPI results (
Figure 9).
The combined analysis of ionic ratios is a valuable tool for understanding the occurrence, mobility, and transport of PTEs in the environment. In this investigation, the methodology of Papazotos et al. [
21], used to distinguish the sources of PTEs, was followed, an approach that was first applied to various PTEs in the Psachna Basin, Euboea, Greece.
Figure 10 and
Figure 11 display several ionic ratio diagrams that illustrate the dominant hydrochemical processes in the study area.
Figure 10a presents the Cl/HCO
3–Cl and Cl/HCO
3 ratio diagrams for the Loutraki–Schinos–Gerania Mts. region. The majority of the groundwater samples from the study area are plotted in the ‘carbonate dissolution’ field, indicating that groundwater recharge is the dominant hydrogeological process. However, some samples exhibit a molar ratio greater than 0.5 (and in several cases, >1), reflecting the influence of seawater intrusion in certain parts of the study area.
Figure 10b presents the Si/NO
3–Si and Si/NO
3 ratio diagrams for the Loutraki–Schinos–Gerania Mts. region. Most groundwater samples fall within the ‘silicate dissolution’ field, while some from the Schinos area are plotted in the ‘nitrate pollution’ field. Samples outside these two ranges may be influenced by other factors, such as carbonate mineral dissolution, as indicated in
Figure 10a. It is important to emphasize that, in any case, the coexistence of geogenic and anthropogenic activities (such as agricultural practices, sewage discharges, etc.) cannot be ruled out. However, this should be further investigated by analyzing the complete dataset and other qualitative criteria. The concentration of chemical elements is a crucial indicator in environmental geochemical research and should be carefully considered. Neglecting these concentrations can lead to misleading results, as focusing solely on molar ratios may not provide the desired information. For instance, areas unaffected by human activities typically exhibit NO
3− concentrations below 10 mg/L [
50]. Therefore, NO
3− concentrations below 0.16 mmol/L should not be attributed to anthropogenic influences, regardless of the Si/NO
3 molar ratio. Conversely, a high or very high Si/NO
3 molar ratio accompanied by low Si concentrations should not be attributed to the dissolution of silicate minerals but rather to other natural factors, such as the dissolution of carbonates, or the influence of seawater or rainwater.
Finally, combining the information presented, the coupling of the two molar ratios (Cl/HCO
3 and Si/NO
3) can provide valuable insights into the groundwater geochemistry of a complex aquifer system. This approach accounts for processes such as seawater intrusion, agricultural activities, and water–rock/soil interactions, including the involvement of both carbonate and silicate mineral phases (
Figure 11). As shown in
Figure 11, the samples from the springs of the Gerania Mt. area are characterized by relatively stable Cl/HCO
3 ionic ratios and varying Si/NO
3 ionic ratios. However, the co-evaluation with the diagrams that contain ionic ratios and elemental concentrations (
Figure 10) indicates the dominance of geogenic factors in groundwater quality. The same pattern is observed in the samples from the Loutraki area, without the same variability. In contrast, the samples from the Schinos area exhibit an upward and leftward trend, likely due to seawater intrusion and human activities, which contribute to the degradation of the aquifer table.
The high salinity caused by seawater intrusion into the groundwater is linked to the elevated As concentrations observed in the study area, as concentrations tend to increase in the central and upper parts of the plot of
Figure 12a. Multivariate statistical analyses (e.g., FA, HCA) and correlation coefficients from our previous study [
30] have revealed a statistical association between As and major/trace elements commonly found in seawater, such as Cl
−, Br, and Li. In contrast, Cr exhibits a different pattern, with low to high concentrations trending from the center to the left of the diagram (
Figure 12b). The category with the highest Cr concentrations (>Q3) is dominated by low Si/NO
3 ratios, suggesting that agricultural activities are the primary source of Cr. Multivariate statistical analyses (e.g., FA, HCA), correlation coefficients, and spatial distribution maps from other studies [
128] further support the role of fertilization in Cr mobilization in the environment. Thus, coupling ionic ratios can reveal valuable insights into PTE geochemistry, and environmental geoscientists are increasingly recommending the use of these tools in their research.
This study suggests the development of a novel more comprehensive geo-environmental index to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of environmental research. Such an index would integrate both quantitative data, such as concentrations of chemical elements, and qualitative factors, including land use, geology, hydrogeology, and key physicochemical parameters (e.g., pH, Eh, and DO). Future research is encouraged to integrate both qualitative and quantitative groundwater data within this geo-environmental framework, leveraging ML and deep learning (DL) techniques to develop the new index for optimal water quality assessment and management. Furthermore, it is important to note that the new geo-environmental index should replace the outdated and misrepresentation term ‘heavy metals’ ([
131] with the modern term ‘potentially toxic elements’ [
129]; the established widely used geo-environmental indices require modernization such as HEI and HPI.
This study does not merely offer another groundwater suitability and quality assessment for a study area. It stands apart from other published works by, for the first time, providing a comprehensive exploration of the critical role of geo-environmental indices. The paper offers a detailed evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of these methodologies and presents specific recommendations for their optimal application, highlighting the novel contributions of this research. Assessing geo-environmental indices and optimizing their application in environmental science can enhance sustainable groundwater management practices and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG-6), particularly in mitigating groundwater pollution. By systematically evaluating geo-environmental indices, pollution sources can be identified, and targeted strategies can be developed to improve water quality, ensuring safe water resources for current and future generations.