Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Terms and Definitions
2.2. Related Work
3. Method
3.1. Model of the Design Process for MC
3.2. Knowledge Representation of the Design Process for MC
3.3. Annotation Scheme and Process
- Case 1:
- Case 2:
3.4. Wrapper for Automated Instantiation
3.5. Ontology Alignment
4. Application
4.1. Use Case
4.2. MC Process Model
4.3. Annotations and Instantiation
4.4. Knowledge Representation
5. Discussion
6. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
SeEDMC | Semantic integration for Engineering Design in Mass Customization |
MC | Mass Customization |
DA | Design Automation |
KBE | Knowledge-based Engineering |
KB | Knowledge Base |
Appendix A. Solution Principles for Individual Bike Crank
Appendix A.1. Anthropometric
- import sys
- import numpy as np
- class FitCrankLength(SolutionPrinciple):
- def __init__(self, Femur, Fibula, Foot, SeatTubeAngle, MinKneeAngle, MinFootAngle):
- # Inputs
- self.SeED_Femur = Femur # Distance Hip -> Knee in mm
- self.SeED_Fibula = Fibula # Distance Knee -> Ankle in mm
- self.SeED_Foot = Foot # Distance Ankle -> Toe in mm
- self.SeED_SeatTubeAngle = SeatTubeAngle # Seat tube Angle in Degrees
- self.SeED_MinKneeAngle = MinKneeAngle # Minimal Knee Angle in Degrees
- self.SeED_MinFootAngle = MinFootAngle # Minimal Foot Angle in Degrees}
- self.Input = locals()
- # Outputs
- self.SeED_CrankLength = 175.00 # Individual Crank Length in mm
- self.Output = locals() - self.Input
- pass
- def calculate(self):
- help_1 = self.SeED_Fibula**2 + self.SeED_Fibula**2 - (2*self.SeED_Fibula*SeED_Fibula*np.cos(self.SeED_MinFootAngle))
- help_2 = 180 - self.SeED_MinKneeAngle - np.arcsin((self.SeED_Foot*sin(self.SeED_MinFootAngle))/help_1)
- self.SeED_CrankLength = np.sin(help_2) * self.SeED_Femur - ((help_1 + np.cos(help_2) * self.SeED_Femur) / np.tan(self.SeED_SeatTubeAngle))
- return
- def getParameter():
- print(FitCrankLength.__dict__.keys())
- if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1]=="getParameter":
- FitCrankLength.getParameter()
Appendix A.2. Lightweight
- import sys
- import pickle
- import numpy as np
- class AdaptSlotParameters(SolutionPrinciple):
- def __init__(self, IdealMass, MaxStress):
- # Inputs
- self.SeED_IdealMass = IdealMass # Ideal Mass of the Crank in kg
- self.SeED_MaxStress = MaxStress # Max. Stress According to asigned Material in N/mm**2
- self.Input = locals()
- # Outputs
- self.SeED_CrankDepth = 20.00 # Individual Crank Depth in mm
- self.SeED_SlotLength = 100.00 # Individual Slot Length in mm
- self.SeED_SlotDepth = 15.00 # Individual Slot Depth in mm
- self.SeED_SlotRadius = 7.00 # Individual Slot Radius in mm
- self.Output = locals() - self.Input
- pass
- def calculate(self):
- X = np.atleast_2d([self.SeED_IdealMass, self.SeED_MaxStress]).T
- model = pickle.load(open(r"FEM_DIN_EN_ISO_4210-8.pkl", ’rb’))
- self.SeED_CrankDepth, self.SeED_SlotLength, self.SeED_SlotDepth, self.SeED_SlotRadius = model.predict(X)[0]
- return
- def getParameter():
- print(AdaptSlotParameters.__dict__.keys())
- if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1]=="getParameter":
- AdaptSlotParameters.getParameter()
Appendix A.3. SeED for the Extrude Feature
- Function featureExtrude(bodyID As Integer, extrude As Features.Feature) As Integer
- id = javaVerbindung.getMaxID("FEATURE", "FEATUREID") + 1
- name = extrude.JournalIdentifier ’GetFeatureName
- Dim start As Double = extrude.GetExpressions(0).Value
- Dim ende As Double = 0
- If extrude.GetExpressions.Length > 1 Then
- ende = extrude.GetExpressions(1).Value
- End If
- reftype = ""
- refid = 0
- If extrude.GetParents(0).GetType.ToString.Equals("NXOpen.Features.SketchFeature") Then
- refid = featureSkizze(extrude.GetParents(0))
- reftype = "SKETCH"
- ElseIf extrude.GetParents(0).GetType.ToString.Equals("NXOpen.Features.Extrude") Then
- For Each d As DBFeature In dbFeatureList
- If d.getName.Equals(extrude.GetParents(0).JournalIdentifier()) Then
- refid = d.getID
- End If
- Next d
- reftype = "FEATURE"
- Else
- Guide.InfoWriteLine(extrude.GetParents(0).GetType.ToString)
- refid = 0
- End If
- dbFeatureList.Add(New DBFeature(id, name))
- sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO Feature (FEATUREID, bodyID, type, name, REFERENCE1, REFERENCE1TYPE, PARAMETER1, PARAMETER2) VALUES (" & id & "," & bodyID & ", ’EXTRUDE’,’" & name & "’," & refid & ",’" & reftype & "’," & start.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) & "," & ende.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) & ") ; "
- javaVerbindung.executeQuery(sqlQuery)
- ’%%%%%%%%%%%%%% S Q L %%%%%%%%%%%%%%’
- annotationList.Add(New AnnotationListItem(extrude.GetUserAttributes, id, "FEATURE", extrude))
- Return id
- End Function
Appendix B. Transformation Rules for the Individual Bike Crank
- {"Collections":[{"sheetName":"Expressions","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @B*\nTypes: TerminalState\nAnnotations: rdfs:comment @H*","active":true},{"sheetName":"Expressions","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nAnnotations: rdfs:label @D*\nTypes: DesignParameter\nFacts: hasValue @F*(xsd:float), hasUnit @G*(xsd:string), isDesignParameterOf @B*","active":true},{"sheetName":"DesignProcess","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nTypes: @C*\nAnnotations: rdfs:label @D*\nFacts: hasBody @F*, hasBody @G*, hasTarget @B*","active":true},{"sheetName":"Features","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nTypes: ObjectiveState\nAnnotations: rdfs:label \"CustomCrank_10\"","active":true},{"sheetName":"Requirements","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nAnnotations: rdfs:label @D*\nTypes: @C*\nFacts: hasValue @F*(xsd:float), hasUnit @G*(xsd:string), isRequirementOf @B*","active":true},{"sheetName":"DesignRationales","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nTypes: @C*\nAnnotations: rdfs:label @D*\nFacts: hasRequirement @F*","active":true},{"sheetName":"DesignTask","startColumn":"A","endColumn":"A","startRow":"2","endRow":"+","comment":"","rule":"Individual: @A*\nAnnotations: rdfs:label @D*\nTypes: @C*\nFacts: hasBody @F*","active":true}]}
Appendix C. Excerpt of Relevant Structural and Semantic Data from the Use Case
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | Value | Unit |
A-R1 | 10 | Requirement | Femur | 410 | mm |
A-R2 | 10 | Requirement | Fibula | 435 | mm |
A-R3 | 10 | Requirement | Foot | 211 | mm |
A-R4 | 10 | Requirement | min. Knee Angle | 105 | ° |
A-R5 | 10 | Requirement | min. Foot Angle | 110 | ° |
A-R6 | 10 | Requirement | idl. Mass | 0.180 | kg |
A-R7 | 10 | Requirement | max. Stress | 210 | N/mm−2 |
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | Value |
A-T1 | 10 | Transition | Transition 1 | A-DP-1 |
A-T2 | 10 | Transition | Transition 2 | A-DT-1 |
A-T3 | 10 | Transition | Transition 3 | A-DT-2 |
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | In | Out |
A-DP-1 | 10 | Design Process | Design Process 1 | A-ADR-1 | A-DR-2 |
A-DP-1 | 10 | Design Process | Design Process 1 | A-ADR-1 | A-DR-3 |
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | in | Out | File |
A-DT-1 | 10 | Design Task | Design Taks 1 | A-ADR-4 | [CrankLength] | |
A-DT-2 | 10 | Design Task | Design Taks 2 | A-ADR-5 | [CrankWidth, | Adapt |
SlotLength, | Slot | |||||
SlotWidth, | Parameters | |||||
SlotRadius] | .py |
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | Value |
A-DR-1 | 10 | Design Rationale | Design Process 1 Input 1 | [A-R1, …, A-R7] |
A-DR-2 | 10 | Design Rationale | Design Process 1 Output 1 | [A-R1, …, A-R5] |
A-DR-3 | 10 | Design Rationale | Design Process 1 Output 2 | [A-R6, A-R7] |
A-DR-4 | 10 | Design Rationale | Design Task 1 Input 1 | [A-R1, …, A-R5] |
A-DR-5 | 10 | Design Rationale | Design Task 2 Input 1 | [A-R6, A-R7] |
ID | r-ID | x-pos. | y-pos. | z-pos. | type | length | sketch | Annotation |
10 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 21.0 | 10-1 | [UserAttributes **] |
ID | r-ID | Category | Name | Value | Unit | Comment |
CrankLength | Sketch 10-1 | Expression | SeED_ CrankLength | 172.2 | mm | SeED_CrankLength@ DesignTask1(OutputRationale1( DesignProcess1(Requirements))) |
CrankWidth | Sketch 10-1 | Expression | SeED_ CrankWidth | 21 | mm | SeED_CrankDepth@ DesignTask2(OutputRationale2( DesignProcess1(Requirements))) |
SlotDepth | Sketch 20-1 | Expression | SeED_ SlotDepth | 16 | mm | SeED_SlotDepth@ DesignTask2(OutputRationale2( DesignProcess1(Requirements))) |
SlotLength | Sketch 20-1 | Expression | SeED_ SlotLength | 120 | mm | SeED_SlotLength@ DesignTask2(OutputRationale2( DesignProcess1(Requirements))) |
SlotRadius | Sketch 20-1 | Expression | SeED_ SlotRadius | 8 | mm | SeED_SlotRadius@ DesignTask2(OutputRationale2( DesignProcess1(Requirements))) |
p0 | Extrusion 10 | Expression | CrankLength | 172.2 | mm | |
p1 | Extrusion 10 | Expression | SeED_ CrankWidth | 21 | mm | |
p2 | Extrusion 10 | Expression | p1 | 21 | mm | |
p3 | Extrusion 10 | Expression | 0 | 0 | mm | |
p4 | Extrusion 10 | Expression | CrankWidth | 21 | mm | |
p53 | Hole-1 | Expression | 12 | 12 | mm | |
p111 | Hole-2 | Expression | 12 | 12 | mm | |
p121 | Extrusion 20 | Expression | SlotLength | 120 | mm | |
p122 | Extrusion 20 | Expression | (CrankLength- SlotLength)/2 | 26.1 | mm | |
p123 | Extrusion 20 | Expression | 2*SlotRadius | 16 | mm | |
p124 | Extrusion 20 | Expression | 2*SlotRadius | 16 | mm | |
p125 | Extrusion 20 | Expression | 0 | 0 | mm |
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SeEDMC’s Concepts for States | Axioms |
State | has Design Parameters. |
Beginning State | is a State. |
Objective State | is a State. |
Initial State | is a State; disjoint Objective State. |
Terminal State | is a State; disjoint Beginning State. |
Design Parameter | has Value; has Unit. |
SeEDMC’s Concepts for Transitions | Axioms |
Transition | has Beginning State; |
has Objective State; | |
has Input Rationale; | |
has Output Rationale. | |
Design Rationale | has Requirements. |
Input Rationale | is a Design Rationale. |
Output Rationale | is a Design Rationale. |
Requirement | has Value; |
has Unit. | |
Design Process | is a Transition; |
has Output Rationale. | |
Design Task | is a Transition; |
has Output Rationale; | |
has a Solution Principle; | |
Solution Principle | has Type; |
has Design Rationale; | |
has Design Parameters; | |
has a source file. |
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Share and Cite
Dworschak, F.; Kügler, P.; Schleich, B.; Wartzack, S. Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9825.
Dworschak F, Kügler P, Schleich B, Wartzack S. Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(21):9825.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDworschak, Fabian, Patricia Kügler, Benjamin Schleich, and Sandro Wartzack. 2021. "Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization" Applied Sciences 11, no. 21: 9825.
APA StyleDworschak, F., Kügler, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization. Applied Sciences, 11(21), 9825.