Fractional-Order PII1/2DD1/2 Control: Theoretical Aspects and Application to a Mechatronic Axis
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
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- the integro-differential operator and its discrete-time approximation are recalled in Section 2;
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- the formulation of the PII1/2DD1/2 control scheme is outlined and its transfer function is compared to the ones of PID and PIλDμ in Section 3;
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- the frequency domain response of the three controllers is discussed in Section 4;
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- Section 5 debates the stability properties of closed-loop systems with IO plant and PII1/2DD1/2 control;
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- for the same case study, the performances of the controllers are then compared considering a real implementation with finite sampling time and finite memory length of the digital filters; this analysis is carried out both by discrete-time simulation and by experimental tests (Section 8);
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- Section 9 and Section 10 outline conclusions, related work, and future developments.
2. The Integro-Differential Operator
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- similarly to IO derivatives and integrals, if an FO derivative/integral of order α is applied twice to a function of time, the resulting function is the derivative of order 2α; for example, the derivative of order 1/2 of the derivative of order 1/2 is the first-order derivative, and the integral of order 1/2 of the integral of order 1/2 is the first-order integral;
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- for sinusoidal functions, similarly to IO derivatives/integrals, FO derivatives/integrals of order α produce a phase shift of απ/2: for example, the first-order derivative causes a positive phase shift of π/2, while the derivative of order 1/2 causes a positive phase shift of π/4; the first-order integral causes a negative phase shift of π/2, while the integral of order 1/2 causes a negative phase shift of π/4.
3. The PII1/2DD1/2 Control Scheme
4. Frequency Domain Response of PID, PIλDμ and PII1/2DD1/2 Controllers
4.1. Factorization of Commensurate-Order Fractional-Order System
4.2. PID Frequency Response
4.3. PIλDμ Frequency Response
4.4. PII1/2DD1/2 Frequency Response
5. Stability of Closed-Loop Systems with Integer-Order Plant and PII1/2DD1/2 Control
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- the region with corresponds to stable under-damped behaviour;
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- the pair of lines with correspond to stable over-damped behaviour;
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- the region with corresponds to stable hyper-damped behaviour;
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- the negative real axis () corresponds to stable ultra-damped behaviour.
6. Bode Plot Based Tuning of PII1/2DD1/2 Control
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- symmetry of the magnitude plot with respect to ωmin;
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- the coincidence of the initial and final asymptotes, with slopes of −20 dB/dec and +20 dB/dec;
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- the amplitude of the central zone with null slope.
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- the same integral gain of the PID controller,
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- the following relations between the corner frequencies:
- (1)
- tune the PID gains starting from the given plant to obtain a closed-loop behaviour with adequate bandwidth and phase margin;
- (2)
- obtain the two PID corner frequencies ωc1 and ωc2 by equation (23);
- (3)
- select ρ, with 1 < ρ < ρmax = (ωc2/ωc1)1/2, and obtain the four PII1/2DD1/2 corner frequencies by equation (24);
- (4)
- set the PII1/2DD1/2 integral gain Ki to the same value of the PID integral gain tuned at step 1)
- (5)
- obtain the remaining gains Kp, Khi, Kd, Khd by Equations (17)–(20);
- (6)
- if (tuning criterium = CH) tuning is complete, else multiply all the five PII1/2DD1/2 gains (Kp, Ki, Khi, Kd, Khd) by the ratio minPID/minPIIDD to obtain the gains with tuning CL.
7. Case Study: Position Control of a Rotor by PII1/2DD1/2 Control
7.1. Comparison of PID and PII1/2DD1/2 Control in Frequency Domain and Time Domain
7.2. Influence of the Ratio ρ on the PII1/2DD1/2 Controller Frequency Response
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- the influence on the frequency response of ρ for 1 < ρ < 10 is moderate; therefore, in the example of Section 7.1, a value in the middle of this range was selected;
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- the PII1/2DD1/2H with ρ = 1 does not correspond to the PID, even if its corner frequencies are paired two by two and correspond to the ones of the PID (ω’c1 = ω’c2 = ωc1; ω’c3 = ω’c4 = ωc2), and consequently the asymptotic bode plots are the same (the −10 dB/dec and +10 dB/dec sections have null length).
8. Case Study: Position Control of a Rotor by PII1/2DD1/2 Control in Discrete Time
8.1. Digital Implementation of the PII1/2DD1/2 Position Control
8.2. Comparison of PID and PII1/2DD1/2 Controls in Discrete-Time Simulation
8.3. Comparison of PID and PII1/2DD1/2 Controls by Experimental Tests
8.4. Discussion of the Results
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- The DTS and ET experimental results are in good agreement; therefore, DTS can be considered a valuable tool for the tuning of mechatronic systems with FO controllers.
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- Both the PII1/2DD1/2 controllers decrease the tracking error remarkably (Table 2, ET, maximum tracking error: −71% for PII1/2DD1/2H and −34%for PII1/2DD1/2L with respect to PID; mean tracking error: −77% for PII1/2DD1/2H and −49% for PII1/2DD1/2L with respect to PID), even if the increase in maximum torque and control effort is limited (ET, maximum torque: +5% for PII1/2DD1/2H and +10% for PII1/2DD1/2L with respect to PID; control effort: +4% for PII1/2DD1/2H and +14% for PII1/2DD1/2L).
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- The error reduction is higher with the tuning CH, which is not surprising, since the gains are higher, but surprisingly the maximum torque and control effort are lower with the tuning CH. As a matter of fact, observing the torque time histories (Figure 10 and Figure 13) it is possible to note that, with the addition of the half-order terms, the torque is delivered with lower delay even with the discrete-time calculation, consequently reducing the tracking error. This positive effect of the half-order terms is higher with the PII1/2DD1/2H tuning: observing the detail zooms of Figure 13c, it is possible to notice that the torque peaks are more anticipated with the PII1/2DD1/2H tuning with respect to the PII1/2DD1/2L tuning.
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- This confirms the better control readiness of the PII1/2DD1/2 controller, already shown by the continuous-time simulations of Section 7.
9. Conclusions
10. Related Work and Future Developments
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kp (Nm/rad) | Ki (Nm/rad·s) | Khi (Nm/rad·s1/2) | Kd (Nms/rad) | Khd (Nms1/2/rad) | |
Tuning CH | 3.3 × 10−1 | 5.0 × 10−3 | 9.3 × 10−2 | 3.5 × 10−2 | 2.5 × 10−1 |
Tuning CL | 1.5 × 10−1 | 2.3 × 10−3 | 4.2 × 10−2 | 1.6 × 10−2 | 1.1 × 10−1 |
eθ,max (rad) | eθ,mean (rad) | Mmax (Nm) | Ec (N2m2s) | ||
PID | DTS | 1.903 | 0.532 | 0.693 | 0.1400 |
ET | 1.661 | 0.445 | 0.617 | 0.1040 | |
PII1/2DD1/2H | DTS | 0.556 | 0.126 | 0.759 | 0.1437 |
−70.78% | −76.32% | +9.52% | +2.61% | ||
ET | 0.478 | 0.101 | 0.649 | 0.1086 | |
−71.22% | −77.30% | +5.19% | +4.39% | ||
PII1/2DD1/2L | DTS | 1.266 | 0.284 | 0.753 | 0.1545 |
−33.47% | −46.62% | +8.66% | +10.30% | ||
ET | 1.102 | 0.225 | 0.681 | 0.1181 | |
−33.65% | −49.44% | +10.37% | +13.55% |
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Bruzzone, L.; Baggetta, M.; Fanghella, P. Fractional-Order PII1/2DD1/2 Control: Theoretical Aspects and Application to a Mechatronic Axis. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 3631.
Bruzzone L, Baggetta M, Fanghella P. Fractional-Order PII1/2DD1/2 Control: Theoretical Aspects and Application to a Mechatronic Axis. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(8):3631.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBruzzone, Luca, Mario Baggetta, and Pietro Fanghella. 2021. "Fractional-Order PII1/2DD1/2 Control: Theoretical Aspects and Application to a Mechatronic Axis" Applied Sciences 11, no. 8: 3631.
APA StyleBruzzone, L., Baggetta, M., & Fanghella, P. (2021). Fractional-Order PII1/2DD1/2 Control: Theoretical Aspects and Application to a Mechatronic Axis. Applied Sciences, 11(8), 3631.