Human Activity Signatures Captured under Different Directions Using SISO and MIMO Radar Systems
:1. Introduction
1.1. General Background
1.2. Related Work
1.3. Contributions
- A basic multi-perspective MIMO radar system is presented which can be easily scaled to a higher number of transmitter and receiver antennas for better performance.
- We analyze the TV radial velocity distribution and TV mean radial velocity for the proposed distributed antenna configuration.
- For the MIMO radar configuration, we investigate the impact of a human falling incident and a walking activity on the measured radial velocity distribution and measured mean radial velocity.
- We analyze the impact of two different activities performed in three different directions on the measured channel characteristics for a SISO and a MIMO radar system. We corroborate the limitations of the SISO radar system by analyzing the real radar data.
- We demonstrate the robustness of the proposed MIMO radar system against different directions of the actual human walking and falling activity. We show that the proposed solution is able to detect the human gross motor activity in the horizontal xy-plane.
- We analyze the performance of a radar-based passive step counter by integrating it with a SISO radar system. It is shown that the radar-based passive step counter, when used with a SISO radar system, may miss some human walking steps or detect false steps depending on the walking direction.
- It is shown that by deploying the radar-based passive step counter with the proposed MIMO radar framework, the step counter would accurately detect the number of steps for all considered human walking directions.
- Finally, we quantify, compare, and numerically assess the performance of the SISO and MIMO radar systems by using the dynamic time warping (DTW) [44] distance metric.
1.4. Paper Organization
2. Radar Signal Preprocessing
3. Human Activity Signatures Measured by Using a SISO FMCW Radar System
3.1. Measurement Setup
3.2. Scenarios of Human Activities
3.3. Results for the Monostatic SISO Configuration
3.4. Implications on the Performance of an RF-Based Step Counter
4. Human Activity Signatures by Using a Distributed MIMO FMCW Radar System
4.1. Measurement Setup
4.2. Scenarios of Human Activities
4.3. Results for the Proposed MIMO Configuration
4.4. Implications on the Performance of an RF-Based Step Counter
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Description | Symbols | Values |
RF cable lengths | m | |
Carrier frequency | GHz | |
Radar’s bandwidth | 250 MHz | |
Sweep time | 500 | |
Pulse repetition freq. | 2 kHz |
Description | Symbols | Values |
RF cable lengths | m | |
Carrier frequency | GHz | |
Radar’s bandwidth | 250 MHz | |
Sweep time | 500 | |
Pulse repetition freq. | 1 kHz |
Scenario | Dist. of | Dist. of | Dist. of | Dist. of |
# | SISO Radar | MIMO Radar | ||
1 | ||||
2 | 73.8 | |||
3 |
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Waqar, S.; Muaaz, M.; Pätzold, M. Human Activity Signatures Captured under Different Directions Using SISO and MIMO Radar Systems. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 1825.
Waqar S, Muaaz M, Pätzold M. Human Activity Signatures Captured under Different Directions Using SISO and MIMO Radar Systems. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(4):1825.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWaqar, Sahil, Muhammad Muaaz, and Matthias Pätzold. 2022. "Human Activity Signatures Captured under Different Directions Using SISO and MIMO Radar Systems" Applied Sciences 12, no. 4: 1825.
APA StyleWaqar, S., Muaaz, M., & Pätzold, M. (2022). Human Activity Signatures Captured under Different Directions Using SISO and MIMO Radar Systems. Applied Sciences, 12(4), 1825.