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Vehicle Mass Estimation via Practical Supervisory Artificial Neural Networks Using Perturbed Engine Torque and Acceleration Inputs

KATIC, Kunsan National University Advanced Technology Institute for Converemce, Gunsan-si 54001, Republic of Korea
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kunsan National University, Gunsan-si 54150, Republic of Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(23), 11463;
Submission received: 8 November 2024 / Revised: 1 December 2024 / Accepted: 6 December 2024 / Published: 9 December 2024


Various model-based mass estimation approaches have been discussed for a long time. However, estimation performance often deteriorates in some driving situations and, in particular, slow convergence and excessive overshoot of estimates are a major issue for model-based approaches. Meanwhile, mass estimation approaches using ANN models have recently emerged to propose better solutions, but their usefulness has not been fully investigated. Therefore, this paper presents a vehicle mass estimation strategy using practical supervisory artificial neural networks to achieve more accurate results with better convergence. Here, the perturbed engine torque and vehicle longitudinal acceleration are selected as the inputs of the ANN (instead of the original engine torque and vehicle acceleration), which allows for the faster convergence of estimates with high accuracy; these inputs are existing sensor values already available in the vehicle system. The effectiveness of the proposed ANN approach was verified using simulation and software-in-the-loop simulation (SILS) with field test data, and it was found that the convergence speed of the proposed ANN is almost twice as fast as that of the model-based approach, the accuracy is much better, and the estimation quality is constantly stable without any excessive transient responses. This study will provide further insights into mass estimation using the ANN approach.

1. Introduction

In modern society, information on vehicle weight plays a crucial role in various fields, such as traffic management, road/vehicle safety, and logistics. The weight of a vehicle influences its acceleration, braking, and handling performance. Lighter vehicles accelerate faster, have shorter stopping distances, and are much easier to handle, while heavier vehicles are harder to control and manage. Accurately estimating the vehicle’s mass in real time is very advantageous for understanding the vehicle’s dynamic characteristics and response, improving dynamic performance, and providing drivers with a safer and more efficient driving environment using an active safety system often requiring the accurate mass of the vehicle. However, due to the nonlinearity of the system and complicated driving patterns, it is difficult to precisely estimate mass using existing sensor values every time. Consequently, numerous studies on vehicle mass estimation have been conducted to date.
Firstly, many studies have proposed mass estimation strategies using model-based approaches [1,2,3,4,5]. These methods focus on constructing a dynamic model of the vehicle and then estimating its mass based on the proposed model. Also, Ref. [6] used sensors mounted on the suspension and vertical accelerometers to estimate mass, but the sensor cost was impractically high. Refs. [7,8] developed algorithms to estimate mass using GNSS sensors and IMU sensor data, while Ref. [9] proposed a method to estimate mass based on initial values obtained from rear suspension displacement sensors and subsequent longitudinal and lateral movements. Ref. [10] estimated the mass using the reconfigured longitudinal vehicle model and a recursive least square algorithm and introduced a bias reduction strategy to guarantee high accuracy even at low sampling speeds. Ref. [11] proposed an event-based approach to integrate sensor data during events and estimate mass in real time. However, this method requires additional sensors, which increases costs.
Refs. [1,2,12,13] employed Kalman filters for noise elimination and real-time estimation. Ref. [1] used the Strong Tracking Extended Kalman Filter (ST-EKF) to estimate mass based on the vehicle’s longitudinal speed and yaw rate. Ref. [2] constructed a longitudinal dynamic model and used a steady-state Kalman filter (KF) using a theoretical model. Ref. [12] used an adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) to simultaneously estimate vehicle mass and road gradient using suspension system data, while Ref. [13] employed the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) to estimate the vehicle’s pitch angle and, subsequently, the road gradient, and then used the dynamic model to estimate mass.
To improve accuracy and convergence, RLS-based methods have also been used, notably by Refs. [5,14,15,16,17]. Ref. [14] used the RLS method with a forgetting factor to simultaneously estimate vehicle mass and time-varying road gradients. Similarly, Ref. [5] proposed an RLS method to estimate mass by dividing acceleration data into specific intervals and estimating mass within each interval. Refs. [5,16,17] developed longitudinal dynamics and optimized the RLS method using fuzzy controllers to control the forgetting factor. Additionally, dual filter methods were proposed in [6,11,18,19]. Ref. [6] proposed a sensor fusion method using dual Kalman filters and RLS to estimate road irregularities and vehicle mass under both static and dynamic conditions, enhancing accuracy by updating model parameters with RLS through state estimation by Kalman filters. Ref. [11] considered the effects of braking and turning, using EKF to estimate road gradient and RLS to estimate vehicle mass based on the estimated gradient. Ref. [18] used EKF and RLS to estimate both vehicle mass and road gradient during actual driving, considering braking and turning directions, while [19] applied linear KF and RLS to estimate road gradient and mass. However, these methods, Refs. [1,2,5,6,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] heavily relied on dynamic system models and inaccuracies in complex or incomplete models, leading to estimation errors and unstable and slow convergence outcomes.
Recently, to address the limitations of dynamic system-based methods, machine learning-based approaches for vehicle mass estimation have been proposed. Ref. [20] proposed a new method combining learning-based models and model-based methods to estimate HDV mass. Ref. [21] proposed a hybrid approach using transfer neural networks to provide preliminary mass estimates, which were refined by an adaptive extended Kalman filter. Ref. [22] proposed a trained feedforward neural network (FFNN), training the network with signals typically available in HDVs to estimate mass. Ref. [23] proposed an integrated estimation strategy using data-driven techniques and an artificial neural network (ANN) classifier to estimate road friction coefficient and vehicle mass.
Most previous studies required additional sensors to estimate vehicle mass or involved constructing dynamic models followed by filtering and learning. Dynamic models include various physical parameters and nonlinear elements, making them complex and demanding higher computational power for real-time operation, which makes it challenging to apply the proposed methods to ECUs. Unlike [20,21,22], this study focuses on designing a more practical supervisory ANN model-based approach to estimate vehicle mass by using only minimum inertial information from existing sensors. This study uses a pure ANN model to estimate the vehicle mass without any other means, such as a hybrid model or the assistance of model-based approaches.
In addition, compared to other ANN-based methods [20,21,22], the perturbed engine torque and vehicle longitudinal acceleration (instead of original engine torque and vehicle acceleration) are selected as the input of the ANN model to guarantee more accurate and faster estimation performance, which is intuitive selection tracking the complicate pattern change in the ratio between acceleration and traction force (or engine torque). Finally, the proposed estimation method shows a faster estimation response with less transient responses (overshoot) and more accurate results compared to previous model-based approaches (RLS, KF). The effectiveness of the ANN classifier has been validated using both TruckSim and actual test data.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the ANN-based classifier and explains modifications for better results. Section 3 presents the validation of the proposed work with real test data. Finally, conclusions are drawn.

2. ANN-Based Vehicle Mass Classifier Using Perturbed Input

This section describes the ANN classifier using perturbed input data of the vehicle and the training process. The proposed ANN consists of an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an output layer, with each hidden layer learning complex data patterns and extracting features. While other study methods [20,21,22] generally utilized the speed, acceleration, engine torque, gear ratio, and gear efficiency as the input of ANN model (with slight pre-processing but without any significant manipulation), this work relies on perturbed input data (i.e., perturbed velocity, perturbed acceleration, and perturbed engine torque), where this selection enables us to track the complicate pattern change in the ratio between acceleration and traction force (roughly becomes the vehicle mass).
Figure 1 depicts the proposed ANN structure for vehicle mass estimation, consisting of an input layer, three hidden layers, and an output layer together with pre-processing and averaging processes. Here, V ~ x , E t ~ x , and a ~ x indicate a longitudinal velocity, an engine torque, and a longitudinal acceleration.
The “pre-process” achieves the perturbed inputs (i.e., d V ~ x = ( V ~ x , t V ~ x , t 1 ) / t , d E t ~ x = ( E t ~ x , t E t ~ x , t 1 ) / t , and d a ~ x = ( a ~ x , t a ~ x , t 1 ) / t , where t is a sampling time) based on raw inputs V ~ x , E t ~ x , and a ~ x , while the “averaging process” generates the averaged inputs for the input of the ANN classifier, averaged perturbed velocity ( d V ~ x . N ), averaged perturbed engine torque ( d E t ~ x . N ), and averaged perturbed acceleration ( d a ~ x . N ), as computed in Equations (4)–(6).
Each hidden layer contains 25 neurons, chosen to capture complex nonlinear relationships between the input data and an output. The weight matrices ( W 1 R n × 4 , W 2 R n × n , W 3 R m × n , W 4 R 1 × m , where n = 25, m = 5) represent the connections between the respective layers, while the vectors ( b 1 R n × 1 , b 2 R n × 1 , b 3 R m × 1 , b 4 R ) correspond to the bias of each neuron in layers.
The average value of the perturbed data ( d V ~ x . N , d E t ~ x . N , d a ~ x . N ) was selected as input to the ANN classifier. Using the perturbed and averaged data, two major benefits can be found:
(i) The perturbed data represent the difference between the current and previous data over the sampling time. Existing methods often rely on current data, making it difficult to track data changes or patterns. By utilizing the variables between the previous time t − 1 and the current time t, this approach benefits from remembering previous states, allowing for better tracking of data changes and patterns. This concept is mathematically supported by Equation (3), which is derived from Equations (1) and (2) based on the longitudinal vehicle dynamics.
γ E t ~ x , t r e f f F a e r o . x . t = m a ~ x , t
γ E t ~ x , t 1 r e f f F a e r o . x . t 1 = m a ~ x , t 1
Here, E t ~ x , t represents the engine torque at the current time step, and F a e r o . x . t denotes the longitudinal aerodynamic force at the current time step; m is the vehicle mass, and a ~ x , t represents the longitudinal acceleration. Additionally, γ and r e f f represent a gear ratio and an effective radius, respectively.
Subtracting (1) from (2) and ignoring the aerodynamic effects between two successive states in the mass estimation process by assuming that F a e r o . x . t F a e r o . x . t 1 ε yields
γ [ E t ~ x , t E t ~ x , t 1 ] r e f f [ a ~ x , t a ~ x , t 1 ] m
According to (3), the mass can be obtained by using the ratio of the perturbed engine torque and the perturbed acceleration, so the perturbed input data are a very informative and wise choice for this study.
(ii) Averaging consecutive input data reduces noise effects, leading to better training and classification results. It is important to carefully determine the length of the averaging process to ensure the preservation of essential data patterns. For this study, an average of four consecutive data points was used.
Specifically, those averaged inputs of the classifier are calculated as follows:
d V ~ x . N = a [ 1 N i = 1 N ( V ~ x , t ( i 1 ) V ~ x , t i ) t ]
d E t ~ x . N = b [ 1 N i = 1 N ( E t ~ x , t ( i 1 ) E t ~ x , t i ) t ]
d a ~ x . N = c [ 1 N i = 1 N ( a ~ x , t ( i 1 ) a ~ x , t i ) t ]
where the sub-notation N denotes the number of consecutive data used for the averaging process (here, N = 4). Also, a , b , and c are the constant scaling factors used to fit the data to the range of −1 to 1.
Furthermore, the mathematical expression of the 4-layer ANN classifier in Figure 1 is briefly given by
m ^ = f 4 ( W 4 h 3 + b 4 ) R
Reversely, the sequential input for each layer can be
h 3 = f 3 W 2 h 2 + b 3 R 5 × 1
h 2 = f 2 W 2 h 1 + b 2 R 25 × 1
h 1 = f 1 W 1 x + b 1 R 25 × 1
Here, m ^ represents the mass estimated by the ANN. Additionally, h 1 ,   h 2 ,   a n d   h 3 denote the outputs of the hidden layers, and f 1 ,   f 2 ,   f 3 ,   a n d   f 4 are the activation functions applied to each neuron in the layers of the ANN. For detailed information on the functions and settings of this classifier, refer to Ref. [24]
Figure 2 depicts the training process of the ANN classifier. During the training process, the averaged perturbed data are fed into the ANN classifier (with the tuning algorithm), and then the weights and bias of the ANN classifier are updated by the tuning algorithm and the loss function based on the difference between a given true mass value and an estimated one.
Therefore, these weights and biases are optimized during the training process to minimize the error between the estimated vehicle mass ( m ^ ) and the true value. The output layer consists of a single neuron that outputs the estimated vehicle mass, which closely mimics the true mass value.
Specifically, each weight and bias shown in (7) through (10) is updated in each iteration (specified as iteration step k) based on the following rules:
W i | k + 1 = W i | k η W J W i | k for i   =   1 , 2 , 3 , 4
b i | k + 1 = b i | k η b J b i | k for i   =   1 , 2 , 3 , 4
where η W R , η b R are the learning rates of weights and biases.
The loss function in (11) and (12) is selected by
J = s = 1 M [ e s ln e s 1 e s ln ( 1 e s ) ]
And M is the total number of training data and the error, e s = m ^ m , between the outputs of ANN and true references.
The proposed ANN classifier also interrupts the estimation process if the gradient of estimates is sufficiently small, such as d m ^ = m ^ t + 1 m ^ t < ϵ .

3. TruckSim/Simulink Validation

This section validates the estimation performance of the proposed ANN classifier on TruckSim/Simulink co-simulations performed under various weight conditions and several vehicle speed scenarios. The specific configuration of the vehicle is presented in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the vehicle responses generated by several conditions of engine throttle (0.2 and 0.3) and weights (5760, 7260, and 8760 kg). Specifically, Figure 3a through Figure 3c indicate the vehicle speed, the longitudinal acceleration, and the engine torque. It can be seen that the heavier the vehicle, the slower the speed response. Using the pre-processing in Equation (4) through Equation (6), those original inputs in Figure 3 are transformed to the input of ANN classifier, x = [ d V x . N , d E t ~ x . N , d a ~ x . N ] T .
To train the ANN, three cases—0.3/5760 kg, 0.2/7260 kg, and 0.3/8760 kg—are selected. Figure 4 shows the normalized training values (5760 kg: 0.576, 7260 kg: 0.726, and 8760 kg: 0.876) and the training error based on the epoch, and it is found that the training error converges below 0.01. Figure 5 shows the estimation results of three weights under engine throttle condition 0.3. Specifically, the estimated values were 5790 kg (99.48% accuracy) for actual weights of 5760 kg, 7290 kg (99.59% accuracy) for 7260 kg, and 8720 kg (99.54% accuracy) for 8760 kg. The estimates of the proposed ANN classifier converged quickly and smoothly within 1~2 s without any excessive overshoot, and the accuracy of the estimates was determined as unbeatable, which is almost close to 100% of actual values. The estimation process was interrupted within 10~20 sec, satisfying the idea that the gradient of the estimates is small (i.e., m t + 1 m t < ϵ ).
For comparison, we also presented the estimates via the RLS filter, showing relatively slower convergence and less accuracy. It is clear that the ANN classifier is much faster than the RLS filter in terms of convergence. Moreover, the final estimates of ANN are more accurate than those of RLS filters for some cases.
Figure 6 shows the mass estimation for weights of 5760 kg, 7260 kg, and 8760 kg under engine throttle condition 0.2. Specifically, the estimated values were 5710 kg (99.13%) for the actual weights of 5760 kg (in Figure 6a), 7430 kg (97.71%) for 7260 kg (in Figure 6b) and 8520 kg (97.26%) for 8760 kg (in Figure 6c). All estimates in Figure 6 converged within 1~2 s with precise accuracy, similar to the estimation results shown in Figure 5.
Detailed estimation results for Figure 5 and Figure 6 are presented in Table 2.

4. Experimental Validation

This section validates the effectiveness of the proposed ANN classifier using the field test data. The field test was conducted a total of nine times, and the following data were obtained: three sets of data for 5785 kg (denoted as Data 1), three sets of data for 6785 kg (denoted as Data 2), and three sets of data for 8785 kg (denoted as Data 3). We used the first data set of each case for the training (i.e., the first cases of Data 1, Data 2, and Data 3), and Figure 7 shows the vehicle responses of the first case for each data set. Specifically, Figure 7a–c show the vehicle speed, engine torque, and estimated longitudinal acceleration via vehicle speed for each case, respectively.
Figure 8 shows the training results and errors of the ANN classifier. The ANN classifier’s estimation results quickly and stably converge to the true (labeled) values.
Figure 9a–c show the estimation results of the proposed ANN classifier for the first case of Data 1/2/3, along with the estimation results of the RLS approach for comparison. In each case, the results are well synchronized with the true values within the 7% error margin, and the transients of the estimates are very short with less overshoot. According to Figure 9, the convergence rate of the estimation via ANN is shown to be 1.5~2 times faster than that of the RLS filter. Specifically, while the RLS takes about 40~60 s to converge within the 7% error margin, the ANN-based estimation typically reaches this margin within 10–35 s. The estimates of RLS hold an excessive transient response with significant overshoot. Additionally, the final steady-state values of the estimates were found to be more accurate and robust than those of the RLS approach, where we can find the variation in estimates under the steady-state conditions (i.e., less robust).
Figure 10 shows the estimation results for the second case of Data 1/2/3, while Figure 11 presents the estimation results for the third case of Data 1/2/3. According to the results in Figure 10 and Figure 11, it is clear that the accuracy and convergence rate of the estimates are outstanding and unmatched.
Table 3 summarizes the estimation accuracy across all cases. Based on the estimation results for real test data shown in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11, the proposed ANN approach with perturbed inputs can be considered one of the remarkable solutions for fast and accurate mass estimation.

5. Conclusions

This paper proposes a practical supervisory artificial neural network (ANN)-based approach for estimating vehicle mass under several driving scenarios and validates its effectiveness using TruckSim and a software-in-the-loop-simulation (SILS) environment with field test data.
The proposed ANN wisely utilizes the averaged perturbed input data instead of the original data to ensure better estimation results. Compared to model-based methods, it is found that the proposed ANN classifier significantly improves the estimates in terms of convergence speed and accuracy. Specifically, the convergence rate of the ANN classifier was almost twice as fast as that of the model-based (RLS) method, and its accuracy was also superior and dominant after the transient condition. According to the results, it is apparent that the quality of estimates is robust and constant. However, these ANN classifiers require additional effort and a time-consuming training process compared to model-based approaches, which can be a drawback of the ANN model. Nevertheless, the proposed ANN is worthy of being implemented due to the fact that the output of the ANN is much more accurate with better quality once the training is properly completed.
Future research will focus on further enhancing the performance of the ANN classifier by collecting data under various driving conditions to refine the algorithm. In addition, based on the current ANN approach, we will develop a semi-supervisory ANN-based mass estimation approach, including reward and online weight/bias update (shown in Figure 12), to deal with any unexpected driving condition that results from the estimation performance being degraded. Also, it is necessary to explore the integration of the ANN classifier with vehicle control systems (ABS, AEB, and ESC) that require vehicle mass information for their own sake. Furthermore, research will be conducted to reduce computational load while maintaining high accuracy by optimizing the ANN structure and parameters.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.J.; methodology, D.J. and M.K.; software, M.K.; validation, M.K. and D.J.; formal analysis, M.K. and D.J.; investigation, M.K.; resources, M.K.; data curation, M.K.; writing—original draft preparation, M.K. and D.J.; writing—review and editing, D.J. and M.K.; visualization, M.K.; supervision, D.J.; funding acquisition, D.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported in part by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT), funded by the Korean Government (MOTIE) through the Development of an Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Safety Control System Based on Forward Collision Prediction for Midsize and Small Commercial Vehicles Responding Safety Regulations under Grant P0018565. Also, this research was supported by Korea Basic Science Institute (National research Facilities and Equipment Center) grant funded by the Ministry of Education (2023R1A6C101B042).

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Proposed ANN structure with multiple hidden layers.
Figure 1. Proposed ANN structure with multiple hidden layers.
Applsci 14 11463 g001
Figure 2. Block diagram of the training process for the ANN classifier.
Figure 2. Block diagram of the training process for the ANN classifier.
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Figure 3. Vehicle responses according to the condition of the engine throttle. (a) Vehicle Longitudinal Speed V x . (b) Longitudinal Acceleration a x . (c) Engine torque E t .
Figure 3. Vehicle responses according to the condition of the engine throttle. (a) Vehicle Longitudinal Speed V x . (b) Longitudinal Acceleration a x . (c) Engine torque E t .
Applsci 14 11463 g003aApplsci 14 11463 g003b
Figure 4. Training results and errors of the ANN Classifier: (a) training results according to three mass conditions and (b) error and epoch.
Figure 4. Training results and errors of the ANN Classifier: (a) training results according to three mass conditions and (b) error and epoch.
Applsci 14 11463 g004
Figure 5. Estimation results of TruckSim for Engine throttle 0.3. (a) Estimation of results mass (5760 kg). (b) Estimation of results mass (7260 kg). (c) Estimation of results mass (8760 kg).
Figure 5. Estimation results of TruckSim for Engine throttle 0.3. (a) Estimation of results mass (5760 kg). (b) Estimation of results mass (7260 kg). (c) Estimation of results mass (8760 kg).
Applsci 14 11463 g005aApplsci 14 11463 g005b
Figure 6. Estimation results of TruckSim for Engine throttle condition (0.2) (a) Estimation result of mass (5760 kg) (b) Estimation result of mass (7260 kg) (c) Estimation result of mass (8760 kg).
Figure 6. Estimation results of TruckSim for Engine throttle condition (0.2) (a) Estimation result of mass (5760 kg) (b) Estimation result of mass (7260 kg) (c) Estimation result of mass (8760 kg).
Applsci 14 11463 g006aApplsci 14 11463 g006b
Figure 7. Vehicle responses of the first case for each data set. (a) Vehicle Longitudinal Speed V x . (b) Engine torque E t . (c) Longitudinal Acceleration a x .
Figure 7. Vehicle responses of the first case for each data set. (a) Vehicle Longitudinal Speed V x . (b) Engine torque E t . (c) Longitudinal Acceleration a x .
Applsci 14 11463 g007aApplsci 14 11463 g007b
Figure 8. Training results and errors of the ANN classifier based on field test data. (a) Training results and (b) error and epoch.
Figure 8. Training results and errors of the ANN classifier based on field test data. (a) Training results and (b) error and epoch.
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Figure 9. Estimation results for the first case of Data 1, 2, 3, (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
Figure 9. Estimation results for the first case of Data 1, 2, 3, (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
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Figure 10. Estimation results for the second case of Data 1, 2, 3. (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
Figure 10. Estimation results for the second case of Data 1, 2, 3. (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
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Figure 11. Estimation results for the third case of Data 1, 2, 3. (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
Figure 11. Estimation results for the third case of Data 1, 2, 3. (a) Estimation of results for Data 1 (5785 kg). (b) Estimation of results for Data 2 (6785 kg). (c) Estimation of results for Data 3 (8785 kg).
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Figure 12. Semi-supervisory ANN based scheme for our future study.
Figure 12. Semi-supervisory ANN based scheme for our future study.
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Table 1. TruckSim and actual test vehicle configuration.
Table 1. TruckSim and actual test vehicle configuration.
TruckSimModelSpecificationActual VehicleModelSpecification
Applsci 14 11463 i001TypeLCF-TruckApplsci 14 11463 i002TypeMega-Truck
Powertrain175 kw, 7SpeedPowertrain275 kw, 6Speed
Total mass5760 kgTotal mass5785 kg
Table 2. Accuracy for the ANN result of Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Table 2. Accuracy for the ANN result of Figure 5 and Figure 6.
(Real Mass)
5760 kg7260 kg8760 kg
Estimation throttle 0.25710 kg (99.13%)7430 kg (97.71%)8520 kg (97.26%)
Estimation throttle 0.35790 kg (99.48%)7290 kg (99.59)8720 kg (99.54%)
Table 3. Accuracy for the ANN results of Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11.
Table 3. Accuracy for the ANN results of Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11.
Real Mass (kg)Data Set 1Data Set 2Data Set 3
5785 kg6020 kg (96.10%)5980 kg (96.74%)5970 kg (96.90%)
6785 kg6900 kg (98.33%)6550 kg (96.54%)6995 kg (97.00%)
8785 kg8700 kg (99.03%)9150 kg (96.01%)8610 kg (98.00%)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kim, M.; Jung, D. Vehicle Mass Estimation via Practical Supervisory Artificial Neural Networks Using Perturbed Engine Torque and Acceleration Inputs. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11463.

AMA Style

Kim M, Jung D. Vehicle Mass Estimation via Practical Supervisory Artificial Neural Networks Using Perturbed Engine Torque and Acceleration Inputs. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(23):11463.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kim, Minsu, and Daeyi Jung. 2024. "Vehicle Mass Estimation via Practical Supervisory Artificial Neural Networks Using Perturbed Engine Torque and Acceleration Inputs" Applied Sciences 14, no. 23: 11463.

APA Style

Kim, M., & Jung, D. (2024). Vehicle Mass Estimation via Practical Supervisory Artificial Neural Networks Using Perturbed Engine Torque and Acceleration Inputs. Applied Sciences, 14(23), 11463.

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