Related work covers general-purpose methods used for test suite reduction. Additionally, this section also discusses the methods used to verify blockchain smart contracts, in particular, limiting test suites. The area of software assessment is inextricably linked to requirements and both of these topics have already been regulated in ISO/IEC 25010:2023 standard [
9]. A similar view on the topic is presented by Rodríguez et al. [
10] who summarized the testing theory and defined the notion of a complete test suite regarding the requirements. A test suite can be regarded as complete when it allows to precisely determine the correctness of the implemented software following the specification. In addition, they also defined testability. According to them, testability means the size of the complete test suite. Chen and Lau [
11] used the notion of a representative set of test cases which is a subset of the original test suite. A representative test suite must meet the same testing goal as the initial test suite.
An important type of test reduction method is merging similar test cases. In that field, Alsharif et al. [
12] showed a method of discarding and merging redundant test cases while ensuring the same coverage as the original database test suite. Adaptive Random Testing is a fundamental black-box software testing technique. Huang et al. [
13] proposed a method that reduces the scope of the randomly generated test suite. At the same time, the method proposes new candidate test cases that resemble the previously executed test cases less. Generally, the random testing techniques are criticized for not using the information of the software code. Another black-box technique is the evolutionary search genetic algorithm. Pan et al. [
14] proposed the AST-based Test case Minimizer that uses only the test case source code and applies more detailed similarity to achieve superior fault detection. A test case code is transformed into abstract syntax trees and employs four similarity measures. The method aims to reach a high fault detection for Java projects. Testing of programs written in Java language has also been the subject of study by Koitz-Hristov et al. [
15]. They have proposed the Java Test Suite Reduction framework. The tool uses method, line, and checked coverage metrics to generate reduced test suites. The newest metric, checked coverage, considers only executed statements used by the test oracle to evaluate the test condition. However, line coverage used with the Harrold–Gupta–Soffa (HGS) algorithm appeared in their research as the most promising. The average reduction factor for greedy approaches ranges from 58% to 77%. An important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a test suite is code coverage. Recently, Aghamohammadi et al. [
16] proposed a statement frequency coverage criterion. They have shown that their criterion outperforms well-established statement and branch coverage criteria in evaluating test suite efficacy. Some authors combine various criteria to remove redundant test cases. For example, Xia et al. [
17] applied the K-means algorithm to cluster similar test cases and then the evolutionary algorithm to get rid of surplus test cases. They used criteria related to coverage, fault, and cost. The reduction ratio that they managed to obtain ranges from 4.10% to 10.64%. The test suite reduction process may induce a substantial computational cost and can be time-consuming. Gharachorlu and Sumner [
18] proposed a technique that speeds up test case reduction by skipping even syntactically valid test cases, which are improbable to reproduce the failure. In reducing test suites, Marchetto et al. [
19] considered three objectives in their multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. They employed source code and requirements coverage, but also execution time. Their method was applied to Java applications and the time of reduction approach ranged from 0.2 s to 14 min (2.7 s on average). The mutation-based fault localization technique has high fault localization accuracy but it involves huge computational costs. Wang et al. [
20] showed a method of test case reduction that can limit about 56–88% costs while keeping fault localization precision. Another study where an evolutionary algorithm is applied to test suite reduction was conducted by Gupta et al. [
21]. They have applied the NSGA-II algorithm to minimize test suites. They tested the approach on the Defects4j repository. Results show a test suite size reduction of 78% and a fault detection rate at the level of 95%. Lin et al. [
22] introduced the concept of test irreplaceability and applied it to traditional reduction algorithms. Their technique for greedy algorithms decreased the execution costs by 8–46%. Cost-aware techniques are closer to real-world software testing. However, the effectiveness of test reduction methods may depend on the complexity of the test suite. Lin et al. [
23] showed that the greedy algorithm using the irreplaceability metric lowers testing costs to a greater extent than a standard greedy algorithm. Another crucial quality is retaining the effectiveness of fault detection in the reduced test suite. Huang et al. [
24] applied fuzzy logic to test data. They presented a comparison of standard test reduction methods (HGS [
25], GRE [
26], Greedy algorithm [
27]) with those using fuzzy logic. They have found that the execution time remains almost the same but the fault detection capability for the fuzzy GRE algorithm is greater by 6–7% than for the standard GRE algorithm. Some approaches apply two different test case reduction methods. Gan et al. [
28] arranged into a sequence GRE and ant colony algorithms. Work is underway to formulate algorithms that can calculate the optimal reduction in the test set. In that area, Özener and Sözer [
29] newly formulated the multi-criteria test suite minimization problem using integer linear programming. Test suite reduction is applied in regression test selection. Shin et al. [
30] have compared four Java-based test selection techniques: HyRTS, STARTS, OpenClover, and Ekstazi. The average reduction in test case numbers ranges from 86% to 98%. The fault detection ability is lower for the reduced test suite by 8.75% than the original test suite. However, the original test suite had to be obtained earlier and regression tests consider only changed source code. An interesting approach was proposed by d’Aragona et al. [
31]. They introduced a Commit Adaptive Tool for Test suite Optimization (CATTO). Their framework implements test case selection for software written in Java in the form of a plug-in to IntelliJ IDEA. The tool can be executed before committing the changed code to the repository. There are also approaches that use models for test case selection. For example, Ibias et al. [
32] derive test suites from Finite State Machines. The authors provided the Biased Mutual Information measure to maximize the diversity of test cases. Their approach reaches slightly worse coverage but is 10 times faster than the Test Set Diameter measure. Recently, Finite State Machine models have also been used by Huang et al. [
33]. Their research reveals that combining model-oriented testing and property-based testing requires a remarkably lower number of test cases in comparison to property-based testing alone.
However, emerging technologies continue to pose new challenges. Smart contracts are a type of software that should remain unchanged from the moment of deployment. That is why so much attention is paid to their testing. In 2020, Sánchez-Gómez et al. [
34] conducted a review on design and testing methods for smart contracts. As far as testing is concerned, they observed a lack of methods for assessing the quality of smart contracts. Since then, several works have been published in the area of smart contract testing presenting methods and developed tools. Ji et al. [
35] applied fuzz testing completed with dynamic taint analysis and targeted their approach on hard-to-cover branches. They tested the approach on sFuzz with over three thousand Ethereum smart contracts. They obtained an increase in the fault detection rate by 7% and a decrease in execution time by 11% in comparison to fuzzing alone. Ji et al. [
36] continued to work on improving fuzz testing. They raised the efficiency of the method by combining it with directed search. The developed tool Effuzz covers 35% more branches than sFuzz. The topic of fuzz testing has been also explored by Yang et al. [
37]. The method aims at cross-contract vulnerabilities and uses inter-contract data flow information. Their approach bytecode coverage is 10% higher than xFuzz and its vulnerability detection rate is almost two times larger than ConFuzzius. Many works are devoted to the topic of generating test cases for smart contracts. In that field, Du et al. [
38] employed static analysis and dynamic search to generate test cases for smart contracts. They included the dependency among functions and state variables and used a genetic algorithm to obtain the test suite with significant branch coverage. Furthermore, Fooladgar et al. [
39] have also combined two techniques: symbolic execution and mutation testing. Their conclusion on symbolic execution employed for the generation of test cases is negative. However, they have found that the selection of test cases by mutation testing can reduce the number of test cases. Coverage is another significant metric when testing smart contracts. In recent work, Driessen et al. [
40] have considered branch coverage. They developed the Solidity Automated Test Suite GeneRation (SolAR) tool, which generates test suites employing genetic algorithms or fuzz testing. Besides, they treat operations in smart contracts from a new perspective of the pipeline. In that area, Wang et al. [
41] defined path-based test coverage criteria for smart contract testing. They have introduced notions of bounded transaction interaction and transaction basis path. Other authors incorporate various metrics into their methods. For example, Olsthoorn et al. [
42] developed the SynTest-Solidity framework for testing smart contracts. They exploit a genetic algorithm to generate test cases using function, line, and branch coverage metrics. The tool was run on twenty smart contracts, written in Solidity language, and reached 61% branch coverage in test suites for them. In their latest research, Sujeetha and Akila [
43] proposed an approach also exploiting a genetic algorithm, which automates the generation of test cases for smart contracts. The method improves coverage and reduces test suite execution time. Their method reached 98% of code coverage. Test suite generation took an average of 16 s, while test suite execution time was 25 s. Wu et al. [
44] applied taint analysis to discover the leakage of smart contract privileges. Their technique underlines the importance of white-box testing. They exploit the knowledge of used programming statements. In particular, the usage of the low-level Solidity
delegateCall function may compromise smart contract security. These types of techniques not only detect errors but also help improve the quality of the source code. In this area, the author of the article proposes a test suite reduction method for smart contracts that uses knowledge of variables and the processing mechanism. The article presents the full version of the method, which was initially published in communication as the Symmteric Test Pattern [
7]. The method is intended for testing smart contracts whose implementation was realized in accordance with a specific design pattern [
8]. On the one hand, this is a limitation because the scope of the method usage is limited to smart contracts following a specific template. On the other hand, it may be regarded as an advantage because the method is fully adapted to the employed implementation method. The test suite reduction method ensures full method, line, statement, and branch coverage of a smart contract source code. Moreover, the obtained test suite can be regarded as complete. Besides, the method assures obtaining the minimal test suite for the tested smart contract. Importantly, the performed tests showed that the execution time of the test suite for a smart contract with eight verification rules was 0.0082 ms. This proves that the method can be applied on an online basis in continuous software delivery.