3.2.1. Results of HPLC Analysis of Molasses Worts After Fermentation
One of our research aims was to assess probiotic yeasts’ ability to ferment viable distillery substrates. We chose molasses wort and rye wort as examples, and distillers’ TD and ER strains were used as reference strains. In
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5, we present the HPLC results of the mash after fermentation.
The only sugars tested in molasses worts were glucose and fructose. The highest glucose concentration of 0.77 g/L was recorded for the SB-fermented samples. A comparison of the results for the amount of glucose in the wort shows statistically significant differences between the samples using SB yeast and all control strains (ER, TD strains). Also, for fructose, SB fermentation resulted in the highest concentration of this sugar, at 4.89 g/L (
Table 2). Statistical analysis of the fructose concentration shows a significant difference between the results obtained for SB and ER strains, with a disproportion of 2.42 g/L to the disadvantage of SB yeast. The poorest sugar assimilation by
S. boulardii yeast sugars should be translated into reduced ethanol production. Despite this, no statistically significant differences in ethanol content were detected in the samples. The highest ethanol concentration was recorded in the sample fermented with TD yeast (31.81 g/L). Analysis of organic acids reveals that on the wort in question, SB yeast produced the most acid: citric acid (0.33 g/L), succinic acid (0.3 g/L), and acetic acid (1.07 g/L). Statistical differences between
S. boulardii and the reference strains occurred for citric acid and succinic acid, but none were detected between strains for lactic acid content. Also, for glycerol, no statistical differences were detected between yeasts. The lowest amount of glycerol was detected for SB yeast (2.83 g/L).
Increasing the wort’s density makes highlighting potential differences in the production of individual compounds between strains possible. These discrepancies can be seen, among others, in the ethanol content, where the highest content of this compound on a molasses wort of 17.5 °Blg was measured for TD yeast—59.67 g/L (
Table 3). Statistical analysis for ethanol revealed statistically significant differences between all tested yeasts. Of these, the smallest amount of ethanol was recorded for strain SB; the difference in ethanol concentration between this strain and TD was 13.63 g/L.
Statistically significant differences can also be seen in the residual sugar content after fermentation. The highest concentrations of both glucose and fructose were measured for SB yeast. These amounted to 7.16 g/L for glucose and 22.28 g/L for fructose. The lowest amounts of both sugars were observed for TD yeast samples. The remaining glucose for this strain was 0.24 g/L, and for fructose was 1.43 g/L.
For S. boulardii-fermented samples, the highest concentrations of lactic acid (3.13 g/L) and acetic acid (2.12 g/L) were noted. The citric acid content for all samples was 0.31–0.36 g/L. Similarly, in the case of succinic acid, the concentration for SB and ER yeast samples was close to 0.31 g/L. In the case of malic acid, the highest amount was recorded for the TD-fermented sample at 1.54 g/L.
Analysis of the glycerol content of the samples tested shows statistically significant differences between the results obtained for SB yeast and the reference strains (ER, TD). The lowest amount of this compound was recorded for probiotic yeast at a concentration of 4.98 g/L, while the other two strains obtained results close to 5.7 g/L.
A comparison of the results obtained on molasses worts allowed for an assessment of the increase in ethanol production depending on the extract (
Table 2 and
Table 3). Of the yeast tested, the smallest increase in ethanol production was recorded for the SB strain at 34.99%. The increase in this crucial compound for the other two yeasts was ER 42.25% and TD 47.70%. In both worts, the highest concentration of sugars remaining after fermentation was noted for the probiotic strain. Organic acid analysis shows that SB yeast produced the highest amounts of lactic and acetic acids in both worts (10 and 17 °Blg). This strain also produced the lowest glycerol in both worts, but in the molasses wort only of 17.5 °Blg; the difference in the content of this compound between the probiotic and the reference strain was statistically significant.
The results obtained in the molasses worts show that SB yeast manifested an underproduction of ethanol compared to the control distillers’ yeasts ER and TD. The lack of fructose assimilation capacity of the SB yeast strain tested can explain these results. The results align with the literature on individual SB yeast strains’ ability to assimilate compounds [
4]. Literature data also report that
S. boulardii yeast isolated from soya paste could assimilate sucrose and even starch [
36]. The lack of fructose fermentation by the strain used in our study, combined with the literature data cited, highlights the need to carefully combine the strain with a specific medium to maximise the effects of biomass growth, or, as in our case, fermentation and ethanol formation.
Although it is difficult to find in the literature results of studies planned under conditions closely correlated to ours, we consider that the results of ethanol produced by us are comparable to those presented in the literature. In the case of the 17.5 °Blg molasses wort, the maximum ethanol concentration obtained by us was 59.67 g/L, which corresponds quite closely to the data presented by Beigbeder et al. [
28], who, in the case of beet molasses wort fermentation, using the Thermosacc strain, obtained about 55 g/L ethanol after 120 h of fermentation of a wort containing 125 g/L sugars. For a wort containing 225 g/L sugars, they obtained about 90 g/L ethanol, with further increases in the concentration of sugars of up to 325 g/L, resulting in a decrease in the amount of ethanol obtained (75 g/L). Barbosa et al. [
37] reported obtaining about 90% attenuation of sugarcane molasses wort (22 and 30% extract) using PE-2 and CAT 1 strains belonging to
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interesting results after fermentation of 25 °Brix cane molasses wort were described by Hawaz et al. [
38] for the strain
Meyerozyma caribbica. After 72 h of fermentation, they recorded 56 g/L of ethanol produced. Raharja et al. reported 6.55 to 9.56% (
v) ethanol after 54 h of fermentation of sugarcane wort for worts with initial extract contents of 20, 25, and 30% (
v), respectively [
3.2.2. Results of HPLC Analysis of Rye Mash After Fermentation
All strains utilised maltotriose from 10 °Blg rye mash to a similar extent. In the case of maltose, the highest residual amount was recorded for SB yeast (0.74 g/L), while the highest utilisation of this sugar was observed for ER yeast, with 0.26 g/L remaining. Similarly, the highest amount of residual sugar was recorded for the probiotic strain for glucose. The results for the other two yeasts were significantly lower. The opposite results were observed for xylose, where for mash fermented with S. boulardii the lowest concentration (0.31 g/L) of this sugar was assayed. Significantly higher xylose concentrations were observed for both ER and TD reference strains. The results for arabinose concentrations in mashes fermented by strains SB and ER were not statistically different but were higher than those obtained for TD yeast (0.05 g/L).
The citric acid concentration varied between 0.89 and 0.97 g/L. The control strain used resulted in statistically similar succinic acid content, close to 0.91 g/L. In comparison, the same acid in the medium fermented by probiotic yeast was only 0.74 g/L, significantly different from the other two.
The highest amount of ethanol was noted for the ER yeast, at 38.51 g/L, while for SB and TD, this value was similar and close to 37.4 g/L. Compared to the results obtained after fermentations of 10 °Blg molasses, higher ethanol concentrations were observed for all yeasts. The difference in ethanol production when comparing the 10 °Blg molasses and the 10 °Blg rye wort medium was for strain SB, with 7.45 g/L; strain ER, with 7.13 g/L; and strain TD, with 5.57 g/L (
Table 2 and
Table 4).
Maltose and maltotriose are sugars formed during the hydrolysis of starch of rye mash. The highest amount of maltotriose remaining in the 17.5 °Blg rye mash (
Table 5) was recorded after fermentation with TD yeast and was 0.85 g/L. At the same time, in the other two cases (ER and SB), this result was close to 0.75 g/L, and no statistically significant difference was observed between these two strains.
The highest amount of maltose remaining in the mash was recorded for SB yeast, at 0.58 g/L, while the lowest amount was observed for the sample using TD yeast, at 0.39 g/L. In the case of xylose in the 17.5 °Blg rye mash, as for the 10 °Blg mash from the same raw material, the lowest amount of this compound was observed after fermentation by the SB strain. The results of residual arabinose concentrations oscillated around 0.21 g/L and were not statistically different for the strains tested.
Comparing the amount of ethanol produced, it is apparent that the highest amount was produced by SB yeast (66.37 g/L). The least amount of ethanol (63.12 g/L) was produced during the fermentation of this mash by ER yeast, which at the same time showed the highest amount of glycerol produced (8.89 g/L). The difference in the ethanol produced between the 17.5 °Blg rye mash and the 17.5 °Blg molasses wort was, in favour of the rye mash, for the probiotic yeast, at 20.32 g/L, while for reference strains, it was 9.71 g/L for ER and 5.4 g/L for TD. As in the case of comparing the fermentation effects of a 10 °Blg rye mash to a 10 °Blg molasses wort, the most significant increase in ethanol production in the rye mash was observed for the SB yeast.
Similarly to the 17.5 °Blg molasses medium, SB yeast recorded the lowest glycerol content in both rye mashes: 4.92 g/L for the 10 °Blg rye mash and 8.23 g/L for the 17.5 °Blg rye mash.
3.2.3. Results of HPLC Analysis of 21.5 °Blg Rye Mash After Fermentation
After successful fermentation of the 17.5 °Blg rye mash, we decided to ferment in a denser mash (21.5 °Blg). The main objective was to prepare larger mash volumes so that we could successfully obtain sufficient distillates for organoleptic evaluation, but at the same time, we also subjected these mash samples to chromatographic analysis to scientifically complement the results from the 10 °Blg and 17.5 °Blg wort series. We also hoped that at this concentration we might be able to observe the adverse effects of increased osmotic pressure on the strains tested, because it should be noted that usually the starting density of grain worts in Polish distilleries does not exceed 18 °Blg, mainly due to the extended time needed for complete fermentation (as usually the density of worts is set so that complete fermentation occurs within 72 h).
SB yeast recorded the highest ethanol content after 21.5 °Blg rye mash fermentation (89.4 g/L), but very close concentrations (below the statistical difference) were also noted for reference strains. When analysing the sugars remaining in the medium after fermentation, no statistically significant differences were observed for all the compounds tested.
No statistically significant differences were observed for glycerol either. The highest concentration was observed for the ER yeast, at 11.73 g/L, while the lowest amount was recorded for the SB strain, with a difference of 1.79 g/L. These results align with those previously discussed for rye media (
Table 4 and
Table 5). The lower glycerol concentration in the SB strain samples may also be related to this yeast’s ability to assimilate glycerol [
4]. This ability may also answer the question of why, despite similar amounts of sugars at the end of fermentation in the 17.5 °Blg and 21.5° Blg rye mashes, the SB yeast was characterised by a higher ethanol content than the ER and TD strains (
Table 5 and
Table 6).
In the case of rye mash, all assayed compounds assimilated by the two control strains were probably also assimilated by the SB yeast. This may also be supported by the results of the ethanol content, which were similar for all strains tested.
The combination of rye flour medium and yeast strains we used made it very difficult to find directly correlating results in the literature; however, we found several entries describing the ethanol formation efficiency of rye mash by Ethanol Red yeast. In our experiments, the maximum ethanol concentration after fermentation of the 21 °Blg mash was 98.4 g/L, which corresponds to the results presented by Pielech-Przybylska et al. [
40], who, for a rye mash of 28.5% (
v), after 72 h fermentation by the Ethanol Red strain recorded a final ethanol concentration range of 9.18 to 11.71% (
v). Balcerek et al. [
32], for a mash of a mixture of rye and rye grain malt containing 164.4–182.5 g extract in 1 L, after 72 h fermentation by the Ethanol Red strain determined up to 69.4 g/L ethanol. Similar results after taking into account the theoretical fermentation yield of starch to ethanol were reported by Strąk et al., who, for a rye mash with an initial extract content in the range of 21–25%, observed an ethanol yield of up to 37.4 L from 100 kg of rye with 68.5% starch [
3.2.4. Results of GC Analysis of Molasses Worts and Rye Mashes After Fermentation
Table 7 and
Table 8 present selected results of GC analysis of fermented molasses worts and rye mash, crucial for evaluating the distillery potency of
S. boulardii yeast. A full set of analysis results is included in the
Supplementary Materials.
The results of the two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that both extract content and yeast breed had a significant effect on the concentration of volatile compounds in the attenuated molasses wort, with a relationship for the second independent variable tested, i.e., extract content, for only 6 of the 31 compounds determined. In addition, the interaction between the studied variables proved significant for most of the determined compounds. The results of variance analysis gave rise to Tukey’s multiple comparisons test to show which groups differed significantly from each other. The results of the quantitative analysis of volatile compounds and the results of the statistical analysis are presented in
Table 7. Over half of the identified compounds were esters, mainly ethyl esters of acetic acid and higher fatty acids. Quantitatively, on the other hand, the highest concentrations were higher alcohols, whose total concentration exceeded that of esters by up to 10 times and ranged from 145.8 mg/L (SB yeast, 10% (
w) extract) to 405.6 mg/L (TD yeast, 10% (
w) extract).
A higher extract content of 17% (w/w) led to higher concentrations of volatile compounds, compared to a lower extract content of 10% (w/w), but this relationship only applied to selected compounds and depended on the yeast strain used for fermentation. When analysing the total ester content, which ranged from 14.7 to 48.7 mg/L, the effect of the higher extract on the increase in ester concentration was evident for SB and TD yeast and concerned the ethyl esters of formic, acetic, butyric, isobutyric, and valeric acids. In contrast, an inverse relationship could be observed for the other esters, where higher concentrations of 3-methylbutyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl acetate, and ethyl octanoate were recorded in the lower-extract molasses wort fermented by SB yeast.
Also, the quantitative profile of volatile compounds in worts fermented by ER yeast showed variation according to extract content, with smaller differences than for SB and TD yeasts. Of the 30 compounds determined in these samples, only 8 compounds were different, namely, 3-methylbutanal, propyl acetate, 1,1-diethoxyethane, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, 2-ethylhexanol, phenylacetaldehyde, and ethyl nonanoate. No statistically significant differences were found for the remaining compounds.
Of the higher alcohols determined, amyl alcohols, i.e., 3-methyl-1-butanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol, had the highest proportion (60.70–72.10%), while 2-methyl-1-propanol and 2-phenylethanol accounted for 19.20–24.67% and 7.35–14.82%, respectively. TD yeast showed a high aptitude for synthesising higher alcohols. Irrespective of the extract content, the highest concentrations of isobutyl, isoamyl, and amyl alcohols were determined in worts fermented by this yeast strain compared to worts fermented by the other two yeast strains. 1-Hexanol was determined only in wort samples fermented by TD yeast.
Concentrations of carbonyl compounds ranged from 5.56 to 25.14 mg/L, and analogous to the higher alcohols, worts fermented by TD yeast had the highest contents, including isobutyric aldehyde, 1,1-diethoxyethane, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and phenylacetaldehyde.
Analysing the effect of extract content on the concentration of higher alcohols and carbonyl compounds, it can be concluded that only in the case of acetal diethyl acetaldehyde did this parameter have a similar effect during the fermentation of molasses worts by all yeast strains tested. Indeed, acetal concentration was higher in worts with an initial extract of 17% (w/w). Regarding the other compounds, only in the case of some yeast strains did their concentrations differ depending on the extract content. This was the case with SB yeast, as the concentrations of compounds such as 2-methyl-1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-phenylethanol, isobutyric aldehyde, and diacetyl were lower in worts with an initial extract content of 10% (w/w) compared to their concentrations in worts with a higher extract of 17% (w/w).
As the extract increased, the concentration of substrates used in yeast metabolic processes during ethanol fermentation, including sugars and amino acids, increased. This may have resulted in increased production of volatile compounds, but this is an individual yeast strain characteristic. The response to a higher extract is a higher ethanol concentration, and this may translate into an increase in ethyl esters, which was confirmed in worts fermented by SB and TD yeasts. Lu Y. et al. [
42], investigating the effect of sugar concentration on the composition of mango wine, showed that fermentation of a substrate with a higher sugar content increased the concentration of isoamyl acetate, reasoning that this may have been influenced by the higher concentration of isoamyl alcohol. In our study, no such relationship was found for both isoamyl acetate and 2-methylbutyl acetate and 2-phenylethyl acetate since in worts (17%
w) with higher concentrations of higher alcohols—the precursors of these esters—their concentrations were lower compared to the composition of worts with a lower extraction (10%
In contrast to the results from the fermentation of molasses worts, the analysis of variance of the results obtained after fermentation of rye mash (
Table 8) showed a significant effect of the extract on the concentration of higher alcohols, including those most critical in terms of quantity, i.e., isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol. Indeed, higher concentrations of the above alcohols were determined in the higher-extract mash for all three tested yeast strains. Rye grains are rich in amino acids—precursors for the synthesis of higher alcohols in the pathway proposed by Ehrlich [
43] in which the deamination of amino acids and decarboxylation of the resulting α-keto acids produce the corresponding aldehydes, which in turn are reduced to the appropriate alcohols. Compared to molasses worts, the proportion of amyl alcohols in the total sum of higher alcohols was lower, ranging from 45.40 to 52.24% and decreasing in favour of 2-phenylethanol, whose proportion was higher, ranging from 33.29 to 44.27%. A consequence of the higher concentrations of the above-mentioned higher alcohols in the mash with a higher initial extract of 17% (
w) was also the higher concentrations of the acetate esters of these alcohols, i.e., 3-methylbutyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, and 2-phenylethyl acetate, as well as the propionic acid ester of isoamyl alcohol, compared to the mash with a lower initial extract of 10% (
w). Fermentation of the more extractable rye mash also yielded higher ethanol concentrations, resulting in a significant effect of the extract on the increase in the major ethyl esters, i.e., ethyl acetate and ethyl formate, as well as the minor esters, i.e., ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isovalerate, ethyl valerate, and ethyl hexanoate. The statistical analysis also demonstrated the yeast strain’s effect on certain esters’ concentrations. The mash fermented by SB yeast had higher concentrations of most of the esters determined. This group of compounds is one of the most important in shaping the aroma of alcoholic beverages, and even small changes in their concentration can affect the aroma of the finished product [
44]. In addition, higher concentrations of diacetyl were determined in mash fermented by SB yeast compared to TD and ER yeasts. Diacetyl is formed by valine synthesis and highly depends on yeast strain and fermentation conditions. Its concentration significantly affects the aroma of alcoholic beverages due to its pronounced buttery notes [
45]. In contrast, 1,1-diethoxyethane was present in the highest concentration in mash fermented by ER yeast.