An Internal Folded Hardware-Efficient Architecture for Lifting-Based Multi-Level 2-D 9/7 DWT
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
I recommend you improve the style of your paper, you must improve the language used in this paper. You must compare your results with more recent resultsAuthor Response
Point 1: I recommend you improve the style of your paper, you must improve the language used in this paper. You must compare your results with more recent results. 

Response 1: Thank you for your comments. In accordance with your concern, we have added the recent results in table II, and modified the language used in this paper.
Reviewer 2 Report
Introduction can be improved with relevent references. Conclusions can be improved and expanded.
Author Response
Point 1: Introduction can be improved with relevent references. Conclusions can be improved and expanded.
Response 1: Thank you for your comments, your suggestion is very valuable. We have added new references in the introduction and modified the conclusions of the new manuscript.
Reviewer 3 Report
The paper is written in a very clear way. Only one observation: a picture in the abstract should evidence in a more strong way the topic of the paper.
Author Response
Point 1: The paper is written in a very clear way. Only one observation: a picture in the abstract should evidence in a more strong way the topic of the paper. 

Response 1: Thank you very much for the positive feedback on this manuscript, your suggestion is very valuable. To get closer to the topic, we have added more introduction in the abstract.
Reviewer 4 Report
In this paper, the authors investigate an hardware-efficient architecture 2 for lifting-based multi-level. The study introduces a novel internal folded hardware-efficient architecture for multi-level 2-D 10 9/7 DWT. Additionally, the mismatch between clock and data in the unfolded structure is studied and discussed.
Despite the innovativity of the paper, there are some weak points. The English must be improved. Secondly and more important, the bibliography does not fulfill the modern trends in efficient architecture for multi-level. Thus, I suggest adding the references below at least.
1) Knowledge Strata: Reactive Planning With a Multi-Level Architecture, Defense Technical Information Center, 1990
2) A Block based Area-Delay Efficient Architecture for Multi-Level Lifting 2-D DWT, Springer Nature, 37(10), 4482--4503, 2018.
3) Harmonic Sierpinski Gasket and Applications, Entropy, 20(9), 714, 2018.
4) TD-UAPO diffracted field evaluation for penetrable wedges with acute apex angle, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 32(7), 1271, 2015.
Author Response
Point 1: In this paper, the authors investigate an hardware-efficient architecture 2 for lifting-based multi-level. The study introduces a novel internal folded hardware-efficient architecture for multi-level 2-D 10 9/7 DWT. Additionally, the mismatch between clock and data in the unfolded structure is studied and discussed.
Despite the innovativity of the paper, there are some weak points. The English must be improved. Secondly and more important, the bibliography does not fulfill the modern trends in efficient architecture for multi-level. Thus, I suggest adding the references below at least.
1) Knowledge Strata: Reactive Planning With a Multi-Level Architecture, Defense Technical Information Center, 1990.
2) A Block based Area-Delay Efficient Architecture for Multi-Level Lifting 2-D DWT, Springer Nature, 37(10), 4482--4503, 2018.
3) Harmonic Sierpinski Gasket and Applications, Entropy, 20(9), 714, 2018.
4) TD-UAPO diffracted field evaluation for penetrable wedges with acute apex angle, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 32(7), 1271, 2015. 

Response 1: Thank you for your comments, your suggestion is very valuable. We have modified the language used in this paper, and by reading the recommended references, we found that they were very helpful to our paper, so we decided to add them all to the paper. We have added the first reference in 3.1, added the second one in the introduction and table II; added the third one in 3.2; added the fourth one in 3.3.
Round 2
Reviewer 4 Report
The requested revision has been applied.